Yin Linglin was also invited to participate in this brand event in the evening.

The box office of "Four Killers" is gratifying, and Yin Linglin, as one of the heroines, is also in the limelight recently.

There are many people around her.

Some of them were Fu Shao Xiao Kai who had been pursuing her.

Yin Linglin didn't pay much attention to them all the time, it was just because they were rich and powerful behind the scenes, so it was not easy to directly offend them, so they could only deal with them hypocritically.

For a beautiful and famous first-line actress like Yin Linglin, there is never a shortage of suitors around her.

From young Xiaokai to middle-aged wealthy businessmen, there are all kinds of people.

Female stars in the mainland basically have no dream of marrying into a wealthy family.

The place is big, the market is big, the income is high, and the market system is also perfect. There is no such thing as a situation where you can only eat young people.Yin Linglin never thought about marrying into a wealthy family to ensure his happiness for the rest of his life.Especially for movie florets like Yin Linglin, who has a high status in the industry, is favored by the industry, and has a lot of room for future development.

Yin Linglin has never been single for a long time, she has always had a boyfriend.It's just that she just likes the novelty of being in love, but she has never considered getting married in the past few years.Therefore, she didn't want to get entangled with these rich and young people. Once entangled with these people, it would be difficult to get rid of them.

She had no choice but to get rid of her, but they kept pestering her very much.

Of course, most of these people are different from Wei Heyun.Wei Heyun really liked Yu Sitian at that time, and his love was deeply rooted, and he was sure that Yu Sitian had to be there, so the following story happened.In this, most people are not really Yin Linglin, but a chasing and hunting mentality.

Such a glamorous and unpretentious female star, most men will pursue her if they feel capable.Whether they can catch up is another matter.For them, the chase is a game in itself.

After Yin Linglin finally got rid of these men, he saw Zhou Yun out of the corner of his eye.

She's having a great conversation with the top brass of the brand.

Yin Linglin was very uncomfortable seeing the way the two parties talked and laughed at Yan Yan.

In the past few days, Zhou Yun has been in trouble. Yin Linglin thought that Zhou Yun would keep a low profile for a while, which happened to be the promotion period, and Yin Linglin thought he was lucky. After all, the dividends of this movie can only go to her.

Who knows, it was the event tonight that she discovered that these things that happened outside didn't seem to have any influence on Zhou Yun.She is still able to receive high-level reception from the brand side, and she is still the most valued guest by the brand side's executives.

In some normal activities, if there are no artists of the level of Ning Yao and Zhou Yun to participate, Yin Linglin is basically the one who attracts the most attention. In fact, even today, she has received a lot of attention. My expectations are still different.

Yin Linglin is a female star who is very proud of herself. Such a person will never admit defeat no matter who she meets.

No matter how high the status of Ning Yao and Zhou Yun are, in her eyes, they are only short-lived.

In the future she will always arrive at the place where they are now.

She is not soft.

Of course, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

However, with such a character, it is often difficult to accept many things in life peacefully.

For Ning Yao, Yin Linglin's resistance is not so deep yet.

Ning Yao became famous and popular earlier, and won the actress earlier, and his status in the industry has time to increase.

Zhou Yun is different.

No matter how vigorously she has been in the limelight in recent years, that is, in recent years.

Strictly speaking, Yin Linglin became famous earlier than Zhou Yun.

People's mentality is always like this. If someone else is coming from behind, then they are somewhat envious of that person, but also a little contemptuous.

In Yin Linglin's eyes, Zhou Yun was lucky.

And good luck makes people jealous.

Unlike Xu Siyao, Xu Siyao is jealous as a junior who wants to replace him.

It's not the same as Su Yan, Su Yan is the same first-line female star, a mediocre acting person is jealous of a talented person.

Before Zhou Yunhengkong was born, among the young actresses, Yu Sitian was one of the young actresses who could gain a firm foothold in the field of film, and Yin Linglin was the other.

And she is definitely better than Sitian.

If there is no Zhou Yun, Yin Linglin is almost in the top spot in the series of actresses between the ages of [-] and [-].

This is not to say that Yin Linglin is the top performer in acting, but a result of multiple factors such as awards, works, popularity, and box office.

Before Zhou Yunhengkong was born, Yin Linglin was not so eager to prove himself by winning an award.

In other words, the group of young actresses like Yin Linglin are not so urgent.

Anyway, no one in competition has taken it, and everyone is about the same.

Then, Zhou Yun won a bunch of awards, and with the momentum and speed caught off guard, he left a lot of his peers behind.

The sense of crisis among all peers soared.

When Yin Linglin thought of Zhou Yun's upcoming "Killing Song", the jealousy in his heart spread wildly as if he had been doused with a catalyst.

This is a blockbuster from a really big studio in Hollywood.

At present, domestic film companies do not have such a global distribution channel, so why do actors from all over Asia want to audition when Hollywood wants to make a film with an Asian protagonist?Some people always say that it is xenophobia, which may be true for some people, but for more people, it actually means a lot of career development.

Because it's a matter of popularity.

If it was an independent film abroad, how could these big stars act in it.

Only such top-level commercial blockbusters will allow celebrities to actively seek opportunities for cooperation.

A single movie may turn them from a local superstar to an international superstar.

Yin Linglin is jealous of Zhou Yun, because Zhou Yun's development so far, almost every step is accurate and steady, popularity, acting skills, awards, box office, everything is missing.

Many actors have been able to achieve this achievement after many years of accumulation, but Zhou Yun achieved it in just a few years.

On this basis, Zhou Yun has entered a new stage.

There was a kind of panic deep in Yin Linglin's heart.

She was terrified that once "Killing Song" became a big hit around the world, then Zhou Yun would enter the ranks of the world's top actresses.

If a person is only a little taller than you, you still want to try to surpass her, but when a person is a mountain taller than you, your thoughts will no longer be to surpass her, and you will feel deeply powerless .


"Meeting Zhou Yun is also your misfortune." He Xuran suddenly came to Yin Linglin's side and whispered in her ear, his tone full of teasing.

Yin Linglin glanced at him and sneered.

"What qualifications do you have to say such things to me, come and tell me when you surpass Song Chi."

He Xuran shrugged his shoulders and said: "I never thought of being the number one. Anyway, the market is so big, I just need to keep the current rhythm. Our male actors have much stronger professional vitality than your actresses." .”

Yin Linglin snorted coldly and said, "Don't forget that, you have to gain a firm foothold and continue to be popular, otherwise, in this industry, it doesn't matter what actor or actress you are."

He Xuran: "Okay, why are you so incapable of taking jokes? Let me tell you casually, you are just like a hedgehog."

Yin Linglin said: "Don't make such jokes with me, I can't make jokes."

"Okay, okay, I apologize to you, okay? I won't make this joke with you in the future." He Xuran said.

Yin Linglin said, "What on earth do you want to tell me?"

"I saw you staring at Zhou Yun all the time, so I remind you, don't be too obvious." He Xuran said, "Your jealousy is about to come out of your eyes."

Yin Linglin didn't answer.

Seeing this, He Xuran raised the corners of his mouth.

"Why, you really can't make it through this hurdle? You can't make it through, so what should other people do?"

Yin Linglin said: "Who can't get through? What nonsense are you talking about?"

She confirmed that He Xuran had nothing serious to tell her, rolled her eyes, and turned to leave.

"Don't go, I have something to tell you." He Xuran said.

Hearing what He Xuran said, Yin Linglin stopped, looked at He Xuran, and asked, "You better tell me something serious."

He Xuran said: "I'm telling you seriously, I heard that Zhou Yun has officially told Yao Yuanfeng that she is quitting the series of "Four Killers"."

"Really?" Yin Linglin's eyes widened when he heard the news, and he looked at He Xuran in surprise.

He Xuran nodded.

"This news came from someone inside Xindun. The "Four Killers" series was created by Hou Mengjie. If we really want to make a second part, Xindun must first ensure that Hou Mengjie will continue to direct. Zhou Yun is not the only leading role, and I also heard that Zhou Yun was not very interested in filming the sequel before, after this kind of thing happened, she may be even less interested." He Xuran analyzed, "So , I think this news can basically be kept true.”

Yin Linglin rolled his eyes and asked, "Then Zhou Yun quits, is Xin Dun planning to replace Zhou Yun's role with someone else, or just delete Zhou Yun's role?"

He Xuran: "I guess someone else will play Zhou Yun's role. How dare Xindun let someone take over the role played by Zhou Yun. It will also have a great impact on the film's reputation. I guess it is the latter Possibly, so, if that's the case, you're the only heroine in the movie."

Of course Yin Linglin understood what He Xuran was implying.

"Four Killers" has achieved such a high box office before, and the box office of the sequel will definitely not be low.

A few more sequel films like this will ensure that she will have a very bright output in the next few years for her.

Moreover, she will be the only heroine in this series, and she will not be equally divided by Zhou Yun.

Yin Linglin's mood suddenly swept away from the gloom, and he became a little excited and excited.

Just as she was thinking this, she suddenly looked at He Xuran warily.

"Why did you take the initiative to tell me this news?"

He Xuran shrugged helplessly, and said, "Why do you always like to think of others so badly? Can't I simply come to share a piece of good news with you?"

"Forget it, this is good news for me, but not necessarily for you." Yin Linglin said, "Don't you all think that the reason why this movie can achieve such a great success is mainly because of The starring role of Zhou Yun, did you get the favor of Zhou Yun?"

"I've never thought this way before. If Zhou Yun has such a great ability, why doesn't a film like "Behind the Scene" sell more than one billion at the box office?" He Xuran said, "Our profession likes to create myths. , it’s not that you don’t know, why should you care about the voices of these people, the key is to consider the actual interests, isn’t it? Regardless of whether Zhou Yunji continues to act, the box office of the second part will definitely not be bad, and it’s fine if others don’t know about it. You still don't know that the movie "Four Killers" is basically decided by Hou Mengjie, and Zhou Yun has no right to speak on the set, and he listens to Hou Mengjie. As long as he continues to be the director, this sequel will definitely not be successful. It will be bad."

"So?" Yin Linglin asked.

He Xuran smiled and said, "Don't you think this is also a win-win opportunity for us?"

His eyes fell on Yin Linglin's pupils suggestively.

Yin Linglin still looked at He Xuran suspiciously.

She didn't know what he was trying to do.


"The other two actors of your "Four Killers" are there, why don't you go and say hello to them?"

Wen Xi walked over wearing a swaying silver sequined skirt, smiling and joking at Zhou Yun.

Following Wen Xi's gaze, Zhou Yun glanced at the place where the two people were, smiled slightly, and said, "The way is different, so we don't conspire with each other."

"Then what else did you do for them when you were in Venice?" Wen Xi asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I'm just helping the movie."

"But now this movie seems to be a problem for you." Wen Xi said with a smile.

Even though he said so, Wen Xi didn't seem to feel that this matter could cause trouble to Zhou Yun at all, and his tone was very relaxed.

Wen Xi knew Zhou Yun's energy.

It is impossible for this kind of thing to affect Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Did Song Chi not come today?" Wen Xi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"He's filming, and it's the same trouble."

"Well, actually, relax your mind. It's work. Why don't you get into trouble?" Wen Xi smiled, "I saw you and Ning Yao have been whispering before. When did you two get so close?"

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head, "We just chatted casually, and we don't know each other very well, but I feel that her feelings for me are a little bit sympathetic to the feelings I have for her."

She stuck out her tongue after she finished speaking, "Am I being very cheeky when I say that?"

Wen Xi laughed brightly.

"Why are you so cute?"

Zhou Yun pursed his lips and smiled.

Wen Xi said: "However, I think it's normal for the two of you to be friends. I always think you two are a bit alike."

"Like?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

She herself felt that she was very different from Ning Yao.

Wen Xi said: "You two, one is explicit romanticism and the other is implicit romanticism."

Zhou Yun was even more surprised when he heard this.

"You mean, I'm a covert romantic?"

Wen Xi nodded.

"Don't you feel it yourself?"

"It's a little bit, but I think it's a little different from Sister Ning Yao."

Zhou Yun felt that Ning Yao was really a bit elf-like, romantic like otherworldly fireworks, and he was so agile in gossip and eating melons.

Wen Xi: "The difference must be different, but you two have a very similar free and easy, that is, you don't take things that others value and take very seriously. I really like this kind of thing in you. a little."

"is it?"

"Yeah." Wen Xi nodded.

She thought of something again and said, "By the way, did you break up with that director?"

"You mean Hou Mengjie?" Zhou Yun shook his head. "It's not really a quarrel. I didn't contact him in private. After this incident, I haven't contacted him, and he hasn't contacted me either."

"Is it so peaceful?" Wen Xi asked in surprise, "I thought your side must have questioned him long ago."

"What's there to question? I don't particularly care about what he does, and I'm not a very close person." Zhou Yun said, "Everything has already been done, and it doesn't make any sense for me to question him. , and it doesn't change anything."

"However, didn't this cause you a lot of trouble? I also saw news that a sequel to "Four Killers" would be filmed. How can you make such a mess?"

"I quit. I didn't really want to make this sequel." Zhou Yun said, "It's not a big deal."

"I don't know much about your film industry, but the box office of "Four Killers" is so good. If you don't act in a sequel, the latter series may have nothing to do with you. Don't underestimate the impact of a sequel movie on actors. As a result, if the box office of the next few sequels is very high, then Yin Linglin will pick peaches." Wen Xi said, "If you quit, she will be the only remaining heroine."

"Let's go with her."

Zhou Yun didn't take these things to heart.

Wen Xi gave her a thumbs up and said, "You are really open-minded."

"Okay, sister Wenxi, don't keep praising me." Zhou Yun said helplessly, "After work is over, do you have any other plans? If you don't have other plans, let's work together Go get something to eat?"

"Okay." Wen Xi nodded.

The brand event ends in one hour.

That's the end of Zhou Yun's work for today.

She told Liu Yun that she could go back first, and she drove Wen Xi to a Japanese grocery store by herself.

Unfortunately, the two ran into an acquaintance in a Japanese grocery store.

Gold plastic.

Wen Xi's former junior, a male model, later entered the film and television industry to film, but unfortunately, there has been no splash in the past two years.

Jin Su was eating with several other people, when Zhou Yun and Wen Xi came in together, his eyes lit up, he got up and strode over.

"Sister Wen, Xiaoyun, what a coincidence, do you come here to eat too?"

Both Zhou Yun and Wen Xi were still wearing the clothes they had attended the event just now, and they looked like they had just stepped off the red carpet, shining extraordinarily.

Wen Xi looked at Jin Su in surprise.

"Are you eating here with your friends?"

"Yes." Jin Su nodded, turned his eyes on the two of them, and asked, "Do you want to eat with us?"

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