I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 742 Want to be popular, afraid of losing

In the past two years, Jin Su has tried his best to toss, desperately wanting to be popular and make money.

It's just that the competition in this line is too great.

This is not at all what he can do to succeed.

Unlike others, Jin Su still has some background and connections.

As the younger brother of the supermodel Wen Xi, Wen Xi took care of him personally. Although Jin Su has not been popular in the past two years, he has not missed a film after all.

Unlike those major students who couldn't seriously find a role to play after half a year after graduating from acting school, Jin Su was very lucky to avoid the stage where he was a complete newcomer and had no entry at all.

However, on the one hand, Jin Su's appearance is not the kind of thick eyebrows or big eyes or handsome, in other words, it is not the appearance preferred by the male protagonists of those dramas nowadays.On the other hand, Jinsu's audience popularity is average. Although he has never played the leading role, he has played and aired a few famous characters. However, the audience has not always rated him very highly.

Jin Su doesn't have the talent for this kind of acting, and he hasn't received professional training, so his acting skills are really not good enough.

If you are a self-aware and humble person, at this time, you should either obediently hone your acting skills in a low-key manner, or change your career, or lower your expectations, and give yourself less quick success and unrealistic fantasies.

But Jin Su is not such a character.

He wants to be famous, he wants to be famous, and he is not the kind of person who will recognize his shortcomings—or rather, he doesn't take his shortcomings seriously.

Say he has no acting skills?So many people without acting skills have become popular, how many of the celebrities who are popular now have acting skills?
People outside the circle see that the popular star has no acting skills, it sucks.

People in the circle don't see it that way.

In Jin Su's eyes, since others with such bad acting skills can be so popular and gain so many fans, why can't he?
Backed by the big tree of Wenxi, Jinsu has indeed received a lot of resources.

However, not enough, still not enough.

Jin Su has always wanted to act in a play with Zhou Yun.

He knew that as long as he could act in a play with Zhou Yun, he would be popular.

For this reason, he had mentioned it to Wen Xi many times, both openly and privately, and wanted Wen Xi to be a matchmaker.

When preparing for "Under Dress", Jin Su also went to audition.

He thought that he had a great advantage, but he didn't even enter the game.

Now Zhou Jianfeng is already a popular niche, even if he is not particularly popular, he is still famous, unlike what he is now, who is still just an unknown person.

Therefore, when Jin Su met Zhou Yun today, his attitude was immediately hospitable.

Wen Xi turned to look at Zhou Yun when Jin Su invited them to eat with his friends.

She had to see whether Zhou Yunle was happy about it.

Zhou Yun said, "Is it convenient?"

"It's convenient, it's convenient. It's too late for them to be happy to be able to eat with you." Jin Su said happily immediately, "What a coincidence."

Jin Su is really happy.

Firstly, you can get closer to Zhou Yun, and secondly, you can make face in front of your friends.

Can Zhou Yun invite anyone casually?

Jin Su's friends are all related to the entertainment industry.

There are models and actors, but for the time being, they are all newcomers and transparent, and no one knows them.

After Zhou Yun and Wen Xi sat down, the atmosphere at the dinner table changed obviously, a little tense and reserved.

Everyone looked at each other as if no one dared to speak.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun looked at Jin Su.

Jin Su immediately said: "They are all my friends, let me introduce you."

After Zhou Yun and Wen Xi got to know each other for a while, they couldn't remember the names of several people at once.

Jin Su asked curiously: "Sister Wen, Xiaoyun, have you just participated in some event?"

Maybe many people think that female stars usually wear sparkling clothes, but Jin Su knows that if Wen Xi doesn't have a job, he seldom goes out in such eye-catching sequined skirts.

Wen Xi said: "The two of us have just participated in an event. We were going to find a place to eat and chat for a while. I didn't expect such a coincidence to run into you."

"It seems that my luck is good today." Jin Su laughed, "What do you eat?"

He handed over the menu.

Wen Xi opened the menu and placed it in front of Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, look, what do you want to eat?"

Zhou Yun glanced at the menu and said, "I'm not very hungry. I want a tuna sashimi and a glass of plum wine."

Wen Xi raised his hand to beckon the waiter.

After ordering the meal, Wen Xi's eyes fell on Jin Shou again.

She was about to speak when Jin Su asked Zhou Yun again: "Xiaoyun, did you just finish filming "The Moon in the Sea"?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It was completed last month."

"Are you very happy to play this drama with Brother Chi this time?" Jin Su asked.

Zhou Yun: "I'm very happy, it's rare to cooperate again."

"Of course I'm happy. How can she be unhappy if she can work and stay with her boyfriend at the same time?"

A slightly sinister voice came from the corner.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Jin Su's expression froze.

They all looked at the girl in surprise.

"Chen Congcong, what are you talking about?" Jin Su asked angrily.

He thought to himself, he finally had the opportunity to invite Zhou Yun to dinner, and it was an opportunity that happened only by chance, and he was trying to please her, what are you doing here?

In fact, in this circle, there are quite a few people who are jealous, envious or even disgusted with Zhou Yun.

Not everyone can look at another person's success objectively and rationally.

Of course, there are indeed very few people who directly show this attitude in front of Zhou Yun like this Chen Congcong.

Zhou Yun himself was thinking about one thing, when did she meet this girl, and when did she offend her.

Zhou Yun thought so, Jin Su said to her: "Xiaoyun, don't mind, she is in a bad mood today, and she doesn't speak well."

Chen Congcong sneered, glared at Jin Su, picked up his bag and got up.

"Yeah, I'm in a bad mood today. I'm sorry to spoil your interest. I'd better leave first, so as not to make you unhappy by staying here."

She left.

Others called her twice, and she walked away angrily as if she hadn't heard anything. She walked in a way that was inexplicable and confusing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What's wrong with her?" Immediately, their companions whispered.

Zhou Yun also felt baffled.

She really didn't know the girl.

Jin Su said with some embarrassment: "She...she may have that attitude towards you because of Li Rui."

"Li Rui?" Zhou Yun looked at Jin Su in surprise.

She hadn't expected to hear the name.

Jin Su said: "She had been secretly in love with Li Rui before."

Zhou Yun was a little at a loss.

What kind of luck is this?
Going out for a meal, it's fine to meet Jin Su by chance, but he even meets a girl who has a crush on Li Rui.

Zhou Yun feels that no matter how small the world is, it cannot be so small.

Is it not suitable to go out today?

Jin Su saw that Zhou Yun's face was a bit ugly, and explained: "Xiao Yun, I'm sorry, I apologize to you on her behalf, in fact, she is not like this usually, but she doesn't know what's going on, she just fell in love with him like she was blind. Li Rui, after Li Rui had conflicts with you, she had a prejudice against you. I also explained to her several times and told her that you would never be the kind of person Li Rui said, but she has already focused on it. I believe Li Rui, and I don't believe our words at all, if I had known that I would meet you today, I would not have called her."

Zhou Yun replied indifferently: "It's okay."

Wen Xi sighed softly in his heart.

What kind of plans Jin Su was planning, what thoughts did she have, how could she not know.

Wen Xi didn't want to bother Zhou Yun for Jin Su's affairs, but if Jin Su could use this opportunity to win Zhou Yun's favor by himself, Wen Xi would be happy to see the success.

However, Jinsu's luck was not very good.

Zhou Yun must have had a bad impression of this meal.

Zhou Yun also didn't want this to affect the atmosphere.

So, after a while, she took the initiative to speak, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"It's okay, by the way, do you often come to this store?" Zhou Yun asked a random topic.

Jin Su said: "Come here occasionally, do you come here often?"

"No, this is my first time here." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Your sister Wen brought me here."

"I only found out about this store after Sister Wen brought me here once." Jin Su said, "By the way, Sister Wen, where is Brother Yi Cheng? Isn't he also in Shanghai?"

Wen Xi said, "His plane at noon is going to London."

"Ah?" Jin Su was a little surprised when he heard that, "Then won't Brother Yi Cheng come back this weekend? I was planning to invite you all to my party, it's my birthday on Saturday."

"That's unfortunate, he won't be back until next week." Wen Xi said helplessly, "For your birthday this Saturday, are you going to have a party outside or at home?"

Jin Su said: "I'm going to make it at home."

He suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Zhou Yun.

"Xiaoyun, are you free this Saturday? Do you want to come to the party?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I have a shoot in Hainan this weekend, and I'm not there. I wish you a happy birthday in advance!"

She smiled and blessed.

Jin Su sighed in disappointment.

"Okay, then I will invite you to play with me next time I have a chance."

After dinner, Zhou Yun said goodbye to them and went back first.

I don't know Jin Su very well, and there are other people who are meeting for the first time at the table, so Zhou Yun and Wen Xi can't talk much.

Zhou Yun drove home and received a message from Wen Xi as soon as he entered the door: Are you home yet?

Zhou Yun replied: Here we are, how about you?

Wen Xi said: "There were other people there just now, so it's not convenient to talk, I'm coming to your house now, let's have a drink, how about it?"Anyway, Jiang Yicheng is not at home, and I am alone when I go home, is it convenient for you?
Zhou Yun: Song Chi is filming, it's convenient, come on, I'm looking for a movie, let's watch a movie together.

Message: Good.

Half an hour later, Wen Xi came, carrying a bag of food.

The wine was bought by Zhou Yun before.

"Red wine, champagne or whiskey?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Xi said: "Whisky, can I sleep at your place tonight?"

"Of course." Zhou Yun nodded, and she glanced at Wen Xi, who was still wearing her dress that could be seen as a murder, "Do you want to change into my clothes?"

Wen Xi nodded.

"Yes, I need it too much."

Zhou Yun went to find a set of casual clothes for Wen Xi to change into.

"After wearing high heels all day, my feet are swollen." Wen Xi sat down and rubbed his ankle, "Xiao Yun, is this the house you bought or Song Chi?"

"This is the house Song Chi bought." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Xi was a little curious and asked, "Did you buy a house yourself?"

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"I haven't bought one yet, mainly because I don't need it," Zhou Yun said.

Wen Xi: "Then it's better to buy one by yourself and keep it there. A woman still needs a house of her own."

"I don't have time to look, it's not that I don't want to buy it, because I'm not in such a hurry to buy it, so I always delay it." Zhou Yun said, "When I meet a suitable house, I definitely want to buy it."

"It seems that you and Song Chi are living happily, have you never quarreled?"

"Not really." Zhou Yun shook his head.

Wen Xi sat down on the sofa, looking at Zhou Yun with a pair of beautiful eyes, tactfully and radiantly.

"That's great, alas." Wen Xi suddenly sighed leisurely.

"Sister Wen Xi, what's the matter with you?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Jiang Yicheng and I quarreled again." Wen Xi said, "The problem that I thought could be solved was not resolved in the end."

"what happened?"

"He wants to have a baby in the past two years, but I don't really want to go to the next stage." Wen Xi said, "I'm afraid that once I get pregnant and have a baby, I will lose my place if I return to this circle. .”

"How is that possible?" Zhou Yun said, "You are sitting on the top spot of supermodel now, who can take your position away."

"In our line of business, we are really young. How many people can still be young at the age of [-] or [-]?" Wen Xi said, "However, Jiang Yicheng has always wanted to have a child. I also know that I am not I don't want a child, I just hope he can wait for me for another two years."

"Then... when are you going to ask for it?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Xi said: "I'm preparing my own personal brand. This is the time when I need to go all out. If I get pregnant at this time, then I really can't handle it."

"Yeah, that's right." Zhou Yun said, "Then you should have a good talk with Brother Jiang and try to get his understanding."

Wen Xi smiled.

"By the way, what about you, when do you and Song Chi plan to have a child?" she asked.

Zhou Yun said: "There has been no such plan for the past few years. The two of us are in your current state. In fact, it is not suitable for having a child. After giving birth, we can't leave it all to the nanny."

"Does Song Chi understand?"

"Him? He didn't tell me about these things, so he probably didn't want to put pressure on me." Zhou Yun said, "Wait for another two years, at least I'm going to shoot "Killing Song" and "One Mountain Two Tigers" soon The second part, if I'm pregnant, I won't be able to film these two films."

"Yes, it's all action scenes."


"Why don't you say those men are the ones with big bellies?" Wen Xi complained, "It's always women who are delayed in their careers."

Zhou Yun smiled lightly and remained silent.

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