Chapter 743

"It would be great if Zhou Yun could make a guest appearance in our play."

The producer didn't know how many times he mentioned this sentence to Song Chi.

Song Chi smiled and said, "She's been busy recently, so she doesn't have time to visit the set. How can she have time to be a guest star? It seems that I'm really not popular anymore. You don't feel at ease when I star in this drama, worrying that you won't be able to sell it. Is it at the box office?"

The producers, of course, still wouldn't say that.

"No, it's just that people all over the country want to see you and Zhou Yun in the same frame, so if Zhou Yun can make a surprise appearance, it will definitely attract everyone's surprise."

Song Chi: "It's not a New Year's movie, why do you want so many surprises?"

The producer laughed twice, knowing that Song Chi would definitely not agree, so he could do nothing.

In front of Zhou Yun, Song Chi is gentle, but outside, Song Chi's temper is not soft.

Song Chi is a man with a temper.

After chatting with the producer, he got up and went back to his trailer to rest.

Today's shooting was relatively smooth, and I didn't encounter any other problems and no troubles.

The reason why he took this movie was basically to repay favors.

He started his own company and owed a lot of favors.

He knew what that producer was thinking.

If Zhou Yunlai can make a guest appearance, this topic will definitely explode further.

But why should he agree?

Having consumed him, do you still want to consume Zhou Yun?
Song Chi's attitude towards this drama is very indifferent, he does his job well and plays this role well, and other factors are out of his consideration.

In addition, the favors are almost all paid back, and it is time to do what I really want to do.

After Song Chi got in the car, the first thing he did was to take out his mobile phone and call Wu Chengbao.

"You told me in the morning that "Zhaoliu" encountered some trouble, what trouble is it?"

Wu Chengbao said: "Didn't we decide He Xuran to be the male lead before? His agent contacted me suddenly, saying that he couldn't make up the next schedule and wanted to resign."

"Resignation? I've already signed the intentional contracts, so I'm resigning at this time?" Song Chi frowned suddenly, "Do you know the specific reason why he couldn't meet the schedule?"

Wu Chengbao: "I asked, but his agent refused to tell me. I went to many places to inquire, and it is said that he received a movie."


"Well, it's probably because "Four Killers" has a good box office. Many people handed him the book. "Recruitment" is an online drama, and it's just a drama for him to fill the schedule. If he has better It is not difficult to understand if you choose to give up "Zhaoliu"."

"But if I remember correctly, he was the one who took the initiative to contact us at the beginning of "Zhaoliu" and wanted to cooperate with us, right?"

"Yes, it was his agent who found it. It is said that his agent liked the original novel very much, so he specially found it. At that time, we thought that if He Xuran was the starring role, we would not have to worry about investment and platform to buy it, so we decided to buy it." I've decided on him." Wu Chengbao said, "I'm looking for an actor with a suitable schedule. We have already signed a contract with Lizi Video, and we will finish editing for them before April next year. Of course, I can communicate with them again at this time. But it can't be delayed for too long, we must find an actor who can come to the rescue as soon as possible."

"Any interested candidates?"

"The schedule is too tight, and we will join the group next month. It is difficult to find a suitable schedule at this time." Wu Chengbao said, "Unless we change new people, but Lizi Video will definitely not agree. He Xuran was the starring role before. Change to another For newcomers, the rating will be directly downgraded. I will contact all the first-line actors and try to find a rescue."

"Well, you should contact me first, and I will also ask here."

Song Chi hung up the phone, thought for a while, and went through all the suitable actors in his mind.

If He Xuran didn't act, Liu Jin alone would not be able to sustain the play.

After all, Liu Jin was able to play the heroine of this play because she was the contracted actress of the company and had the advantage of being close to the water.

If the actor doesn't find someone who can handle the show, Lizi Video may return the product.

Song Chi was a little annoyed.

The main reason is that in this circle, the spirit of contract is important, because once a person breaks the contract, it will trigger a series of reactions. This series of reactions is like dominoes, which will cause a wide range of bad effects. A play, a group of people, a project involving hundreds of millions.

Song Chi believed that as a first-line actor, He Xuran should abide by the spirit of the contract, because he should know how much his breaking the appointment would affect the project and the play.

Knowing that it would cause such an impact, He Xuran continued to do so because he thought that acting in that movie would bring more benefits than acting in this web drama.

He was right to think so.

But if He Xuran made this decision before accepting the play, Song Chi would never be annoyed by it.

The point is, He Xuran broke the contract.

"It's really too much for He Xuran to do this."

After Zhou Yun heard about this incident, he was dissatisfied and spoke up for Song Chi.

Zhou Lan: "Song Chi hasn't told you about this yet?"


"That's right. With your character, he knows that if he tells you about this, you will definitely help him. He is a person who never wants you to worry about his affairs."

"Sister Lan, do you know who has a schedule recently?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "Recently, all the hot actors who have been active in the front line will definitely not be able to transfer to this schedule for a while, but there is an actor who hasn't filmed in the past two years. Many people think that He retired, in fact, he was ill before and recovered, if he came to act, he should be able to solve this urgent need."

When Zhou Yun heard this, his glasses lit up.


"Wei Wei City."

As soon as Zhou Yun heard the name, he immediately found the corresponding person in his mind.There is no other reason, because this person used to be the same type of young actor in the film and television industry as Song Chi, but for some reason, this person suddenly disappeared two or three years ago.

"Is he sick?"

"Yes, this is a secret. It has not been known by the media. Before that, he has been receiving medical treatment abroad, but I heard that he returned to China last month." Zhou Lan said, "If you can move him, I will I think both the platform and the management will be satisfied with this drama.”

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

"Since he was so popular before, Song Chi should know him. I'll tell Song Chi about this and see if he can contact him."

(End of this chapter)

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