Wei Weicheng's secret return to China was severely blocked, and almost no news was leaked out.

Otherwise, with his momentum two years ago, his return to China would definitely attract the attention of all the media.

Even after disappearing for two years, his fans still wait for his return every day.

In all kinds of inventories on the Internet, Wei Weicheng's name is also indispensable.

Some people even said that, given time, it may not be that Song Chi's achievement is higher, or Wei Weicheng's achievement is higher.

It stands to reason that Zhou Yun should know such a top actor.

But it is a pity that the years when Zhou Yun rose rapidly coincided with the years when Wei Weicheng disappeared.

The two never met.

However, Zhou Yun knew Wei Weicheng.

Few people do not know Wei Weicheng, at least they have heard of his name.

Although Wei Weicheng has returned to China, Zhou Yun is actually a little worried about one thing, will he be willing to accept the drama "Zhaoliu"?
Wei Weicheng hasn't filmed for two years, but it doesn't mean he's gone.

When such a top actor returns to China, at least the first or second play after returning to China is still highly anticipated.

If he releases the news of re-shooting, needless to say, many people will come to him with a lot of scripts and money.

For Wei Weicheng, there are many scripts he can choose from.

"Zhaoliu" is a big IP, but just like the big IP for Song Chi and Zhou Yun, although it is good, it is not so attractive.

They are a big IP themselves, so for actors like them, it really doesn't make much sense to play a big IP for a big IP.

They only need to consider one thing, whether the film is good or not, and whether the audience will buy it.

Zhou Yun came to Zhou Yun for a script like "Recruitment", and Zhou Yun would most likely not accept it.

Because what Zhou Yun lacks most at this stage is popularity and traffic.

And the biggest thing that "Recruitment" can bring actors is popularity and traffic.

Zhou Yun discussed this matter with Song Chi, saying, "If Wei Weicheng still doesn't accept this drama in the end, do you have alternatives?"

"I don't know yet. We are also looking for someone, but it is too difficult to find someone. We will start shooting soon. If we can't finish the filming within the contract period, it will be difficult for us to deal with Lizi Video. They are responsible for half of the work. Investment." Song Chi said, "Now the main reason is that I can't find a first-line actor who is satisfied with Lizi Video. If I really don't find a suitable person in the end, the show may be returned, or the start of the show will be delayed. It will cause us great loss."

Song Chi's company was making the early stage preparations, and they had invested a lot.

If the filming is stopped at this time, or the start-up time is delayed, the previous investment costs can only be borne by Song Chi Company.

Zhou Yun said: "Everyone I know here has asked around for you, and everyone has already made work arrangements, so there is no way to help."

"Well." Song Chi said, "It's okay, don't worry about me, I will always find a way."

It is a headache for any producer to find a suitable actor for a while.

Zhou Yun went through all the male actors she had worked with in her mind, and after confirming that everyone had been contacted and the schedule was not available, she sighed.


Song Chi contacted Wei Weicheng.

The two of them are old acquaintances and have always been in touch with each other.

It's just that after Wei Weicheng went abroad, the contact between the two of them became less.

The last time we got in touch was during Chinese New Year, and we wished each other a happy new year.

Song Chi called and asked, "How are you doing?"

Wei Weicheng said, "It's still not the same."

"I heard that you have returned to China?" Song Chi asked.

Wei Weicheng: "You are well-informed. I didn't tell anyone, but you already knew about it."

Song Chi said: "Then your whereabouts are always followed by many people. There is nothing wrong with that. When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?"

Wei Weicheng said, "I'll come back to do something, and I won't stay too long."

"Why, continue to go to the United States?"


"How are you? Has your body recovered yet?"

"Not yet, let it be like this, there is no way to cure my disease, so let's just treat it conservatively, and see if I can live a few more years." Wei Weicheng said with a smile.

There was something relaxed about his tone.

Song Chi couldn't help sighing when he heard Wei Weicheng say that.


"However, why did you call me suddenly? Did you just call me when you heard that I was back?" Wei Weicheng said, "You are not such a free person."

"I have a movie. The actor I was talking about dove on me. I heard that you are back, so I called you and wanted to ask if you want to watch it?"

When Song Chi said that, he didn't have the idea that Wei Weicheng would agree.

Wei Weicheng has been treating illnesses, he can't stay in one crew for a long time to film.

Song Chi knew it.

If Wei Weicheng's situation doesn't improve, there's no way for him to take on the show.

Especially for online dramas like "Recruitment", the shooting time is very long.

However, to Song Chi's surprise, Wei Weicheng actually said, "Okay, you can send me the script for a look."

Song Chi was very surprised.

He said, "Didn't you just say that you would go back to the United States to continue treatment?"

"I've been staying in the United States for the past two years, and I'm tired of staying there. Anyway, it's just conservative treatment. It's okay to go back a few months later." Wei Weicheng said, "I still want to act. I haven't acted for so long. It's tickling."

"Then I'll send you the script." Song Chi said.

After hanging up the phone, Song Chi was still in shock.

He was surprised by Wei Weicheng's reaction, even a little bit at a loss.

When Wu Chengbao learned from him that Wei Weicheng wanted the script, he was a little excited.

"Wei Weicheng really accepted the script?"

"It's accepted, it's just..." Song Chi couldn't say anything, he always felt that something was wrong.

Wu Chengbao didn't care what was wrong, as far as he was concerned, as long as Wei Weicheng was interested in the play, that would be fine.

If Wei Weicheng can really be invited to play the leading actor in the end, then this matter will be a blessing in disguise.


What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that he would have a chance to meet Wei Weicheng soon.

This opportunity was sent by Wenxi.

Wen Xi held a party at home and invited friends to come and play.

Zhou Yun happily went there, and met Wei Weicheng there.

Wei Weicheng was wearing only a white shirt, sitting quietly on the balcony, talking to another person.

The golden sun fell and shone on the two of them.

Outside the balcony are lush green trees.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yun felt as beautiful as witnessing a movie scene.

Wen Xi stood beside Zhou Yun and asked, "Do you know him? Wei Weicheng, he's back."

Zhou Yun liked Song Chi's looks very much.

Song Chi is that kind of handsome, sunny, with the vigor of spring and summer.

The difference between Wei Weicheng and Song Chi is that he has a quiet temperament.

This was the first time Zhou Yun saw Wei Weicheng in reality.

"He looks really good-looking." Wen Xi said, "When he was still active in China, many women pursued him."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "With his appearance, it's not unusual for many women to like him."

"Unfortunately, he has been away for a long time because of illness." Wen Xi's tone revealed a bit of regret.

Zhou Yun asked, "What disease did he suffer from?"

Wen Xi said: "I don't know what the specific disease is. Many people are curious and have inquired about it, but they haven't found any news."

"Are you familiar with him?" Zhou Yun asked.

"We've known each other for a long time, but we're not very familiar, what's wrong?"

"Song Chi wants to find him to act in a play recently, and I'm hesitating whether to talk to him about it." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Xi: "You and him are both actors, even if you don't talk about this matter, there are other things you can talk about. Let me introduce you two to each other."

"Thank you." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Wen Xi took Zhou Yun to meet Wei Weicheng.

Wei Weicheng stood up with a smile on his face.

"Hello." He took the initiative to greet Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun smiled at him.

"Hello, I have always wanted to know you, and I finally met you." Zhou Yun said, "I am Zhou Yun."

"I know, I have seen many of your plays." Wei Weicheng said, "When you were promoting "Deep Sea" in the United States, I also went to your promotional event once and met you."

Zhou Yun was very surprised when he heard this.

"I don't seem to be particularly impressed."

"I was just in the auditorium." Wei Weicheng said, "At that time, I just wanted to see whether such a beautiful actress in the movie is as beautiful as in the movie in reality."

"Hope I didn't disappoint you."

"You have never disappointed people before." Wei Weicheng said, "Actually, we should have known each other a long time ago. Song Chi and I have known each other for so long. It's a pity that I haven't been in China for the past two years, and I haven't met formally."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then when you come back this time, will you still go to America?"

"I won't go for the time being." Wei Weicheng said, "Your partner sent me a script. I'm very interested in it, and I'm going to start it soon. If I want to act, I have to stay in China for a while."

"Are you going to act?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Wei Weicheng said: "I haven't filmed for a long time. When I was in the United States, I saw that you have made so many films and played so many roles in the past few years. In fact, I have always been very moved, and I have been thinking about it. Can you come back and continue filming? Whether it’s you or Song Chi, frankly speaking, I’m very jealous in my heart, envious of your health and being able to continue filming.”

When Zhou Yun heard Wei Weicheng's words, he suddenly didn't know how to answer his words.

Wei Weicheng seems to have a directness that is not afraid of being misunderstood by others. Moreover, if you don't listen to what he says, just look at his expression, you can't tell that he is thinking about these things at all.

Not every successful person is open-minded.

It's just chicken soup for the soul.

Zhou Yun understood this truth a long time ago, but Zhou Yun was also surprised when Wei Weicheng stated his true thoughts so directly.

He really doesn't pretend at all.

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