I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 745 Unable to boot

"I just didn't expect that Song Chi would start his own company so soon."

Wei Weicheng said.

Zhou Yun: "He wants to take some initiative by himself."

"I know, when he was still in Zuo Jing, I told him that if he wants to be a pure actor in the future and be less bound by the company, he must get rid of Zuo Jing as soon as possible. He's just a cash cow."

Zhou Yun didn't answer.

She didn't know what to pick up.

What Wei Weicheng said made her a little at a loss.

Because, it seems that the relationship between Wei Weicheng and Song Chi seems to be a little more familiar than she thought.

After all, in this case, you wouldn't talk about it in a normal relationship, right?

However, Zhou Yun couldn't figure out whether Wei Weicheng said this because he was very familiar with Song Chi, or it was just because he was a very straightforward person as Zhou Yun thought just now.

Zhou Yun and him had just met, so he would say those words directly.

"Why didn't you film his company's film?" Wei Weicheng asked suddenly.

This question came so suddenly that Zhou Yun was stunned.

Wei Weicheng stared at her and asked, "Is it because of avoiding suspicion? Song Chi just started a company, so he should need your help very much, right?"

It's strange, this question sounds like a questioning, but Wei Weicheng doesn't give people a sense of questioning.

Seems like it's just pure curiosity.

Zhou Yun said: "Why do you all think that Song Chi needs my help? Without my help, wouldn't he still be able to run the company very well?"

"Very good?" Wei Weicheng looked surprised, "But, isn't he making some very boring plays? Is it good?"

Zhou Yun was choked up and couldn't speak.

She said earlier that Song Chi managed the company very well. She meant that Song Chi's company was running smoothly and was profitable.

But Wei Weicheng complained that the dramas produced by Song Chi Company were all boring dramas with no artistic value.

Zhou Yun really didn't know how to respond.

She said: "Originally the market is huge, and different plays have their needs."

"But he is Song Chi." Wei Weicheng said, "Shouldn't his company produce some more ambitious and high-quality plays?"

"Then why did you agree to play "Zhaoliu"?" Zhou Yun asked, "According to what you said, isn't this drama also a drama that doesn't have much artistic pursuit?"

Wei Weicheng: "Who said it? I like this story very much."

"You see, everyone has a different evaluation of a play. What you think is good may not be good for me. What you think is bad is good for me. Why do you have to use a set of standards to measure all the works? The key is that the person you like is enough to like it, isn’t that enough?”

"You are just making excuses. I like a work, and I will do my best to make it better, but has Song Chi's company done this?" Wei Weicheng said, "Except for "For "Mother" is not bad, other dramas are not all very common things, after ten years, who will remember these dramas?"

"Wei Weicheng, according to what you said, there is actually no need to shoot many dramas, because there are only a few dramas that can survive in the long river of time. What I particularly dislike is that many people always stand on a certain height. , use a very correct and very pursuing attitude to comment on the whole market. The good and the bad are mixed. We know that only under a normal market mechanism can good works be produced continuously. We all know that not every work we shoot can be successful, and not every work can become a classic. This is too terrible. It’s hard to find, but can this be a reason for us to be picky? If according to what you said, because you thought it was a big bad movie at first, so you don’t want to make it, then there is no dark horse, just let this It’s good that the market is controlled by mature directors and actors.”

Wei Weicheng said, "That's not what I meant at all."

"I know that's not what you mean, but what you said will lead to this meaning." Zhou Yun said very seriously, ""Evil in the East and Poison in the West" can only be filmed with the support of "East and West" Well, how long can a company last if it can’t make a profit? What film company can survive just by making good movies?”

Wei Weicheng was so stunned by Zhou Yun's words that he didn't recover for a long time.

"Then according to what you said, we don't need to pursue quality?"

"When did I say that we don't need to pursue quality? I'm just saying, as an actor, you can use the best compliments to praise a good film, but don't use a superior attitude to look down on a so-called Bad movies, you don’t know how many bad movies are made by everyone who tried their best and with the few resources they have. Of course, they can’t compare with those capital giants, and they can’t make gorgeous movies. scenes, even their creative abilities and methods are ordinary, or even inferior, you can criticize them for making this movie poorly, but you don’t have to look down on them directly.”

"Could it be that Song Chi's company is short of money? No funds to make some good movies?"

"How do you think "Being the Mother" was made?" Zhou Yun asked, "If Song Chi didn't make money in other plays, would he be able to make "Being the Mother" which other companies would never make? How much money do you think you can make making this film?"

Wei Weicheng had nothing to say.

Zhou Yun said so much like a machine gun, and after she finished speaking, seeing Wei Weicheng's speechless expression, he suddenly realized whether he was too excited.

But what surprised her was that even though she said so much bluntly, Wei Weicheng still didn't have any unhappy or annoyed emotions on his face.

He still opened his slightly innocent and clean eyes, like a deer in the deep forest, looking at her docilely.

"Sorry, we met for the first time today, I seem to have talked too much, I hope you don't mind."

"Fortunately, I like to chat with people like I did just now." Wei Weicheng said, "Song Chi is also like you, never polite, no wonder you two can be together."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Of course, I still don't agree with you." Wei Weicheng said seriously, "I know that everyone has their own reasons for doing things, but I never think that reasons can prevent us from making judgments."

"I understand." Zhou Yun nodded, "I know what you mean."

In fact, this is not a bad thing.

Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions.

"Are you really going to play "Zhaoliu"?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Wei Weicheng nodded.

"It's been a long time since I acted, and I don't want to be forgotten by everyone."

"How could it be?" Zhou Yun said.

Wei Weicheng smiled lightly and said, "Nothing is impossible."

Zhou Yun couldn't say anything more to comfort Wei Weicheng.

In fact, in the past two years, Zhou Yun has rarely heard Wei Weicheng mentioned in the industry.

Every time everyone lists male actors, they are Song Chi, Gu Huaichun, Chen Jing, and He Xuran.

In this business, if you leave for too long, there may always be a small group of people thinking about your return, but for most people, they will only subconsciously think that you will never come back.

However, Zhou Yun also felt that Wei Weicheng did not need such comfort.

Just like Zhou Yun also knew very well that if Wei Weicheng said that he wanted to come back to film, these companies that had forgotten about him would hand him the script as soon as possible.

It was a surprise to meet Wei Weicheng at the party organized by Wenxi.

Zhou Yun exchanged contact information with Wei Weicheng.

Besides Wei Weicheng, there are some other friends.

Wen Xi said: "I'm going to go abroad for a few months soon, and I basically don't have time to come back, so I invite everyone to come and get together before I leave."

"Fashion Week is about to start, right?" Wen Xi's friend asked, "Do you have a show this time?"

"Well, there is an opening and a closing." Wen Xi said, "Besides that, there are also some activities to watch the show."

"Will Zhou Yun go to participate?" someone asked immediately.

Zhou Yun said: "I will participate, the two brands I endorse have to go to the show."

"Oh, I really want to go too, but I'm going to be filming next week, so I don't have time." An actress said.

"That would be a pity."


Wen Xi said, "It's okay, it happens every year."

"Hey, by the way, Xiaoyun, that Li Rui who bombarded you on the Internet before, is there any other movement behind him? Why did he disappear without even an apology?" A fashion magazine editor asked curiously.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know, and I haven't paid attention to this matter."

"I heard that Haichi Film and Television reached an agreement with him to shut him down, Xiaoyun, don't you know?" Another person said, "I thought you knew about it."

"I don't know, Haichi Film and Television hasn't communicated with me." Zhou Yun shook his head. "Anyway, this incident happened inexplicably. To me, it is a disaster for no reason. No matter what, I hope it will end as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Wen Xi raised his glass, "I'm very glad that my friends came to my house today to have a drink together."

Everyone followed suit.

After lunch, everyone watched a movie together in the living room.

It is a foreign movie, telling the story of two fifteen-year-old teenagers.

"Don't you think the taller one looks a bit like Weicheng?"

"When you put it that way, it seems to be a little bit."

"It's kind of like that."

When everyone was talking, they all looked at Wei Weicheng, as if they wanted to seek the Lord's approval.

Wei Weicheng said, "It does look a bit like it."

Everyone laughed.

Zhou Yun turned his head and glanced at Wei Weicheng, feeling somewhat surprised.

Everyone here, except her, seemed to have known Wei Weicheng for a long time.

Their attitude towards Wei Weicheng is also respectful with some intimacy.

Zhou Yun didn't understand, but he had an intuition that everyone liked Wei Weicheng very much, and it was a kind of close like.

Both Song Chi and Wei Weicheng are very similar, but in this regard, Zhou Yun feels that they are not alike.

At least in Song Chi's body, Zhou Yun didn't feel the affection of the people around him.

Everyone seems to be able to integrate Wei Weicheng into their own circles.

"By the way, Weicheng, you haven't filmed for so long, when do you plan to come back to film?" Someone suddenly asked.

When Zhou Yun heard someone ask this, he immediately pricked up his ears, hoping to hear what Wei Weicheng would say.

Will he directly say on the spot that he will play "Zhaoliu" later?

Wei Weicheng said: "We are talking, but we haven't decided yet."

"Come back quickly, how many people are waiting for you to come back."

"Yeah, by the way, when will you and Xiaoyun find a suitable project to cooperate with? When our editorial department discussed privately, we said that if the two of you cooperate in a play, it must be very eye-catching."

"Of course if there is a chance." After Wei Weicheng said this, he turned his head and glanced at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun smiled.

Zhou Yun originally thought that Wei Weicheng's performance in "Zhaoliu" was a certainty.

But within two days, this incident happened again.

Wei Weicheng proposed to change the heroine, and this was one of the conditions for him to agree to act.

That is to say, if he does not agree to change the heroine, he will not act.

After Zhou Yun heard about it from Song Chi, he was a little annoyed.

"Why does he say he wants to change the heroine at this time? He doesn't mean he wants to bring his own people to act in this play, does he?"

"Probably not." Song Chi didn't seem to be surprised at all, but was a little tired, "Actually, to be honest, I'm not surprised that Wei Weicheng would say that. The main reason why we chose Liu Jin in the first place was because she was Our company's contracted actor, Wu Chengbao wants He Xuran to take her and bring her out. As long as He Xuran is paid well, he doesn't have so many demands on his opponent's actors, but Wei Weicheng is different. He has always asked for filming. Very high, the director, co-actors, screenwriters, etc. all have to meet his requirements. All in all, he is a person with a lot of shit. However, his requirements are basically based on his own high requirements for the play, so he often does not There is nothing to say, the producers will follow his ideas."

"Then if that's the case, are you planning to replace Liu Jin?"

"If Wei Weicheng insists on doing this, then Liu Jin can only be replaced, and it is indeed inappropriate for her to pair up with Wei Weicheng."

"Does Wei Weicheng have any intentional candidates? Could it be that he insists on first-line actresses?"

"That's not true. When he chooses a co-star, he never looks at the other party's fame and status. He only looks at whether the acting skills are good or not." Song Chi said, "He also asked you to act with him. To film "Killing Song", the schedule can't be moved at all."

"If Wei Weicheng is willing to act in this play, it will actually solve your urgent need."

"Well, as long as he is willing to act, the chestnut video will definitely nod." Song Chi said, "I am now communicating with him about who will play the heroine. He is too demanding and unpredictable. Time will definitely be based on his opinion."

"Then he only has opinions on the choice of the heroine?"

"There are also many suggestions for revision of the script." Song Chi said, "Now the screenwriter has been asked to revise."

"Heh, this guy is really famous."

"No way, if you want him to act, you can only agree to his request." Song Chi said, "Actually, when others invited us to act, didn't they also pay the price?"

"I've never opened my mouth so loudly," Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi smiled.

"That's because you have a strong sense of morality, but he is different. With him, the drama is bigger than the sky, and everything has to make way for the drama."

Zhou Yun hummed.

"I've dealt with him, and he's a really solid guy."


After Zhou Lan heard that the heroine of "Zhaoliu" was about to be replaced, his mind immediately became active.

"Let Xiaojing try it?" She suggested, "With Wei Weicheng, I will definitely not bury Xiaojing."

Zhou Yun said: "Wei Weicheng's requirements are very high, and Song Chi and I can't talk about it. You can let Xiaojing try it, but if Wei Weicheng is not satisfied, we can't help Xiaojing deal with him."

"I know." Zhou Lan nodded.

Originally, Zhou Lan was not too interested in the drama "Zhaoliu".

After all, it's just an ancient puppet web drama, and Wang Jing is now taking the route of forcing the style, and the traffic is second.

But now that the male lead has been changed from He Xuran to Wei Weicheng, the force of this drama has changed instantly.

Being able to partner with Wei Weicheng is also a very good help for Wang Jing's career.

In this business, the status of your partner and opponent often mirrors your own.

A young actor like Wang Jing is at a time when she can go up and down. If she can partner with Wei Weicheng at this time, this resume can basically help her stand out among similar actors.

Not to mention, if this drama becomes a big hit, Wang Jing will be promoted overnight.

However, Zhou Lan wanted to be happy, but the final result was unsatisfactory.

Wei Weicheng directly said on the spot that Wang Jing was acting too hard, which was not what he liked.

Wang Jing's face was reddened by Wei Weicheng's words, and he didn't dare to say anything.

After hearing this, Zhou Lan scolded Wei Weicheng for being inferior.

If you are not satisfied, you are not satisfied, so why criticize others? !

Because Wei Weicheng was picking a heroine, soon, the entertainment industry knew about Wei Weicheng's return.

All of a sudden, those with and without schedules came to get in touch with this drama.

Even Xu Siyao ran over to recommend himself.

"I have good acting skills. If I were to play the heroine, I would definitely be better than others." She was bold and dared to speak, and said in front of Wei Weicheng, "If you choose me, you will definitely not regret it."

Wei Weicheng recognized her and said, "I've seen your play, and it's pretty good, but you're not suitable for this script, so thank you, forget it."

Xu Siyao was completely stunned.

"Not suitable?"

"The heroine of "Zhaoliu" is a highly educated, elegant and intellectual image. You are too far behind this image, and you can't make up for it with your acting skills."

Xu Siyao was so angry that he rolled his eyes on the spot.

Zhou Lan heard Wei Weicheng's comments on Xu Siyao, and his previous anger eased a bit.

"This mouth...is as poisonous as it is cursed." Zhou Lan complained.

The launch time of "Zhaoliu" is approaching, but the heroine has not been decided for a long time, and everyone is a little impatient.

Wu Chengbao went to tell Wei Weicheng that if he really didn't find a suitable actress, he couldn't keep procrastinating.

Wei Weicheng said very calmly: "If you still can't find it in the end, then forget it."

Wu Chengbao was taken aback.

"What is it?"

Wei Weicheng said, "No filming anymore."

Wu Chengbao almost thought he heard it wrong.

He stared at Wei Weicheng in shock, and said, "You mean, if you don't find an actress that satisfies you, you won't be filming?"

"Yes." Wei Weicheng nodded, "If I don't find an actress that satisfies me, I won't be able to act."

"Wei Weicheng, do you know how much money was invested in the early stage of this movie? If you say you don't want to make it, how much do we have to lose?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know." Wei Weicheng said indifferently, "This is something you need to consider, but it's not something I want to consider."

Wu Chengbao's chest heaved with anger.

However, he really couldn't tear himself apart and tell Wei Weicheng what to say.

Wei Weicheng's attitude angered Wu Chengbao.

Wu Chengbao said angrily: "I still don't believe that I can't find anyone else who can play "Zhaoliu"!"

After Song Chi found out what happened between them, he didn't say anything, as if nothing happened.

Song Chi was not angry, nor was he speechless.

The main reason is that he himself knows very well that even if he intervenes in this matter, he cannot solve the problem.

He has known Wei Weicheng for a long time and he can't change Wei Weicheng's mind.

Either find an actor who can take over, or find an actress who satisfies Wei Weicheng.

Only these two paths can be taken, otherwise, the final outcome can only go to "unable to boot".

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