I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 746 She Hasn't Failed Yet

Wei Weicheng's attitude angered Wu Chengbao.

Wu Chengbao didn't say anything on the surface, but he was already working hard to find an actor who could replace Wei Weicheng.

This time, he is willing to pay even a little more.

If in the end it is really believed that Wei Weicheng has not found a satisfactory heroine and cannot start the machine, the loss will only be greater.

Wu Chengbao first went to Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun really had no way to pick it up.He is filming a film, and this film will not be completed until the beginning of next spring.

Gu Huaichun can't play tricks.

Wu Chengbao really couldn't talk properly, so he changed people, from Xin Zhike to Zhou Jianfeng, from Zhang Mo to Chen Jing.

Now the first-line actor in the market, he talked one after another.

Many people have gone to look for it for the fourth or fifth time.

It's just that everyone's schedule really can't be moved, even if it's a waste of money.

Wu Chengbao was very depressed.

If you really can't find an actor approved by Chestnut Video in the end, what should you do with this drama?
Change to a newcomer?

If a new actor is cast, the contract signed with Lizi Video for this drama will have to be voided.

Investments may be withdrawn and purchase agreements may lapse.

When the time comes, will the show be sold?

not necessarily.

The more Wu Chengbao thought about it, the more stunned he became.

At this time, news suddenly came from Wei Weicheng that he had taken a fancy to an actress.

Wu Chengbao was overjoyed, ran back to take a look, and was stunned.

The actress that Wei Weicheng took a fancy to turned out to be He Wenyun.

"Mr. Wu, hello, we meet again." He Wenyun extended her hand generously and greeted Wu Chengbao, "Long time no see, you look thinner than when we met last time."

With a professional smile on his face, Wu Chengbao said: "Really? Maybe it's because I've been tired recently, and I've been running outside, but Miss He is more beautiful than before after seeing her for so long. Wrong."

He Wenyun laughed.

"Mr. Wu, you are joking. How can I be called red? Xiaoyun is called red."

Wu Chengbao said: "The global box office of "Mech Wars" has reached [-] million yuan. Isn't this called red? Wei Weicheng told me that you are willing to play the heroine of "Zhaoliu", and I was pleasantly surprised I never thought that you would be willing to act, I thought you would focus on shooting in Hollywood in the future."

"If I mainly shoot in Hollywood, why do I have to sign a company in China to represent my agency contract in China." He Wenyun said, "Fortunately, although Mr. Wu didn't think of asking me to act, but I My company knew that Wei Weicheng was looking for a heroine, so I tried to get in touch through my old friend."

Wei Weicheng said: "The first time I saw He Wenyun, I thought she was perfect for this role."

Wu Chengbao laughed, and said very happily: "Of course, it's suitable to put the two of you together in a play."

Wei Weicheng frowned, and said very bluntly: "President Wu, how is this possible."

"It's okay, I don't know drama, just talk about it casually, as long as you understand." Wu Chengbao also has an understanding of Wei Weicheng's style of work, and he doesn't take Wei Weicheng's attitude at all - especially now, "Zhaoliu" suddenly converges Without a starring lineup like Wei Weicheng and He Wenyun, a movie that was still on the edge of the cliff before it could be started, and now suddenly has the capital of a drama king, how could Wu Chengbao be angry.

Wu Chengbao is a businessman. He was angry at the beginning because he thought this business would be bad. Now he is happy because this business seems to have an unexpected harvest.

For "Zhaoliu", this is a very good starring lineup, and for Lizi Video, this is an S-level project that suddenly ushered in the S plate.

Wu Chengbao was the host and invited Wei Weicheng and He Wenyun to dinner.

"I also happen to have no filming at the end of the year, and there is a schedule." He Wenyun said, "When the new year starts, I will be filming "Flowering", where is Xiao Yun? Why can't she come to film this film?"

"She's going to film "The Song of Killing" soon." Wu Chengbao said, "It just happened to be on schedule, alas, the film "Recruitment" is actually a very good script, if it wasn't for He Xuran who came to the door on his own initiative He came to cooperate with us to make this movie. In fact, this movie might be given to Song Chi, because He Xuran wanted to act, and Song Chi himself had a lot of film appointments, so he withdrew from this project. Who knows He Xuran He and his agent repented temporarily, and I was so angry that I couldn't sleep for several nights."

"He Xuran..." He Wenyun smiled and raised the corners of her mouth, "I know why he has to go back on his word."

"Huh?" Wu Chengbao immediately looked up at He Wenyun.

He Wenyun said: "The director of "Mech Wars" Bryce Wesley came to ask me if I knew He Xuran. He has a movie to start next month, and a more important role is He Xuran. Xu Ran, so come and ask me about him."

"Oh, so that's the case, I said." Wu Chengbao chuckled.

"Let me tell you, he made a wrong decision." He Wenyun smiled and shook her head, "It seems that many actors in China cherish the opportunity to shoot some foreign films, as if this way, their careers can follow to a higher level. I don’t know if this is true, but I’ve been outside myself, and I know that it’s not that simple at all. In fact, there are very few opportunities and good roles in foreign countries that are reserved for Asians. Their cultural background , Their good roles would rather be played by black people than you, so if it’s just an ordinary role, it’s better to stay in China and shoot some good domestic works.”

"Then why did you go out in the first place?" Wu Chengbao asked.

He Wenyun smiled and said: "That's because I got a good opportunity, a film directed by Spielberg, for me at that time, it was probably the best opportunity I encountered in my life, I mean, Bryce Weasley is still not the same director as Spielberg, right?"

Wu Chengbao nodded and admitted: "That's right, director Spielberg is a world-class director, who can refuse to cooperate with him."

"Yeah." He Wenyun nodded, "So after filming "Mech Wars", I must come back, although many people in Hollywood told me that when these two films are released, I will definitely get a better chance , I still want to come back and sign a brokerage company, and I also filmed "Deep Sea" with Xiaoyun. These people in Hollywood are too snobbish. If you are popular in China and in Asia, OK, they will follow suit You look at me, but if you are an actor who has not achieved much in your own country, they will only look down on you more closely, and they think you are cheap."

"You should really say these things publicly to those actors who are single-minded about going out."

"That won't work. If I do this, won't I become a target of public criticism?" He Wenyun said, "Isn't it more appropriate for Zhou Yun to tell them these things?"

"Xiaoyun's luck is relatively good, and she hasn't encountered any cold reception abroad." Wu Chengbao said, "Her luck in the film industry is better than many people."

"I thought you were going to say that she is more talented than many people."

"This is also true." Wu Chengbao said, "Aren't you the same?"

He Wenyun was silent for a while.

There was a moment of silence, no one knew what she was thinking.

Wei Weicheng, who had been listening to the two of them all the time, did not speak until this time, and said: "Making a movie is a matter of luck. Those of us who can hold the initiative in our own hands now, who are not lucky? In fact, luck is not a big deal at all, Mr. Wu, I know that my previous attitude makes you very angry and annoyed, but in fact, you also know very well that if you have no better choice, you can only accommodate me because I have the capital to do so. In fact, creating a work is a very personal matter, but movies are different. It involves too much investment and involves too many creators. You If you want it to become what you imagined, you can only be a tyrant in the eyes of others."

Wu Chengbao glanced at Wei Weicheng in surprise.

He didn't expect that Wei Weicheng would suddenly take the initiative to mention the previous matter.

Of course, he did not deny that Wei Weicheng was right.

He even felt that what Wei Weicheng said was very reasonable.

However, Wu Chengbao didn't care about what he said.

Wu Chengbao is very clear about his position.

He is a businessman of a film and television company, and what he does is a business.

If he needs to have an understanding of the art of the film and television industry, it is also for the purpose of making better money.

He positioned himself here because Song Chi was in charge of art in the company.

Art is such a mysterious thing, everyone has a ruler in their hearts.

If he also does art and invests in his own understanding of art, there will inevitably be conflicts between him and Song Chi, which is inevitable.

In order to stifle such conflicts in the cradle, Wu Chengbao asked himself to focus only on the business itself, on business and the market, and on making money.

He Wenyun lit a cigarette for herself.

"Actually, Song Chi is lucky to have a partner like Mr. Wu who started the company with him."

When she said that suddenly, Wu Chengbao was stunned and at a loss.

Because Wu Chengbao didn't know why He Wenyun said such things suddenly.

He Wenyun said: "Mr. Wu, have you never thought about doing it yourself?"

There was some curiosity in her eyes.

Wu Chengbao smiled.

"There are no plans for that at the moment," he said.

"That's a pity." He Wenyun shrugged. "Many people are interested in this market. If they want to enter, they need an executor who understands this market better."

"The outsiders are outsiders after all. If they don't do well, they can pat their butts and leave, but we live here, and we have to do something for ourselves." Wu Chengbao said.

He Wenyun glanced at him in surprise, and said, "I thought Mr. Wu was serious when you said that you were a businessman."

"It's serious, but businessmen also have their own ideas, forgive me." Wu Chengbao said.


After the cast of "Recruitment" was finalized, Song Chi immediately called Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was very surprised when he heard He Wenyun's name.

"Why did she come back to filming again?"

"I don't know, but it was her agency that took the initiative to contact us, and we were also surprised." Song Chi said, "But this way, the lineup of this show is quite strong, even stronger than the previous cast. I am very satisfied with Lizi Video.”

"The name of Wei Weicheng's comeback work alone is enough." Zhou Yun is well versed in the current publicity methods, "He Wenyun's domestic foundation is not very solid, there is only one "Deep Sea". We know each other well, this time playing "Zhaoliu" with Wei Weicheng can just help her make up for this shortcoming."

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "At first we all thought that she would be a big talker when it comes to salary. Everyone knows that our show is under a lot of pressure right now, and it's normal for her to talk a little bit more, but the price she actually quoted was the opposite. Below market price."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Is her offer very low?"

"Yes." Song Chi said, "This also surprised Wu Chengbao and me. Of course, she is willing not to pay a high salary, so we are naturally very happy."

"Maybe it's because I want to establish a longer-term cooperative relationship with you." Zhou Yun thought about He Wenyun's starting point from the perspective of an actor, and gave such a guess.

Song Chi: "My company has only just started. Didn't she sign Yue Hai herself? Why does she want to establish a longer-term cooperative relationship with me?"

"There are not too many partners. She is a person with ideas. Yue Hai's dramas probably cannot meet her requirements." Zhou Yun said.

She doesn't like the dramas produced by Yue Hai, and by the same token, He Wenyun certainly doesn't like them either.

Although not all of Song Chi's companies are producing high-reputation and high-quality dramas, there are always some dramas like "Being a Mother" and "On the Balcony".

That happened to be a drama that could meet the quality required by He Wenyun.

Song Chi said, "Are you going to Australia in two days?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "Leave this Saturday, shoot in Australia for two months first, and then go to the United States."

Song Chi: "Be careful, I'll come and see you when I have time."

"If you're busy, don't come here. It's okay." Zhou Yun said, "I'll be back when I finish filming "Killing Song."

"Do you have any other shooting plans in the future?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun said: "At present, there is no, but next year, it is estimated that the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers" will be filmed."

"When is that?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun: "I don't know either. I haven't received any news yet. Apart from "Killing Song", I don't have any other dramas on the agenda."

"I received a script here, and I think it's quite suitable for you."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard that.

Song Chi said: "Didn't I promise you before to prepare a script for you and Yu Zhiyang? I finally found this script."

"Really?" Zhou Yun said in surprise.

Song Chi: "Really, and, I also like this script very much."

"Why, do you want to act too?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "I want to be the director myself."

Zhou Yun was even more shocked when he heard what Song Chi said.

"Are you a director yourself?" Zhou Yun asked, "Are you kidding me, or are you serious?"

"Seriously." Song Chi said, "I've been thinking about this for a long time, but before, I always felt that the timing was not very ripe. After this script, I had that impulse again."

"I see." Zhou Yun said, "Then come on, I will definitely act in your directorial debut."

"Yeah." Song Chi smiled.

Zhou Yun heard his laughter.

Zhou Yun didn't know what kind of script Song Chi was looking for.

However, since Song Chi intends to direct it himself, there is nothing more to say.

Even if it ends up being a bad movie, Zhou Yun will accompany him to complete this work.

What's more, Zhou Yun believed in Song Chi's movie aesthetics very much.


The day the official announcement of "Zhaoliu" Wei Weicheng exploded across the Internet.

Unsurprisingly, Wei Weicheng's comeback and comeback attracted all the attention that day.

Just as they expected at the beginning, almost everyone's attention was on Wei Weicheng.

Before he left, he was too popular, and he had a large number of works, which made people remember him.

Wei Weicheng, like Song Chi, is an actor with a lot of works, which allows them to always come back on everyone's memory no matter how long they have been away.

As a representative of the production company, Wu Chengbao held a press conference to disclose the news and accept questions from everyone on the spot.

The first question is: "How did you persuade Wei Weicheng to invite him to film?"

Wu Chengbao replied with a smile: "This was also an accident. An actor was originally scheduled to let us go, so we had to temporarily find an actor who could come to the rescue. Song Chi sent the script to Wei Weicheng. He read it." After I read the script, I decided to act.”

The second question is: "So Wei Weicheng was invited back by Song Chi?"

Wu Chengbao said: "Rather than saying that Song Chi invited him back, I would like to say that it was actually Weicheng who seemed to be coming back to film. He has not filmed for two years due to personal reasons, but he is very good at filming. An obsessed actor, I haven't had much contact with him, but the only few communication sessions have made me feel his love for acting. I am looking forward to the quality of his performance in this work, It was definitely beyond everyone’s expectations.”

The third question: "Wei Weicheng plays the male lead, who is the female lead? Is it Zhou Yun?"

Wu Chengbao said: "Please allow us to keep this secret now, but what I can tell you now is that our heroine is also an actress that is not inferior to any actress."

Wu Chengbao's pass made everyone directly believe that the heroine is Zhou Yun.

Only Wu Chengbao attended this press conference.

There was neither Song Chi nor Wei Weicheng.

But both recorded on VCRs.

Song Chi said in the VCR: "I am very happy to announce this good news to everyone. Yes, my good friend and an actor I respect very much, Wei Weicheng, he is finally back! I am also very happy that he is back. The first play after that is to cooperate with me, and I hope it will be a signal that after this work, we will have more cooperation."

Wei Weicheng said in the VCR: "Hello, long time no see. I'm back. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much. I don't know if you miss me in the same way. I haven't acted in a few years, and I always miss being on the set. Especially in the past few years, we have produced so many great actors, which often makes me feel inspired. I have to come back quickly, otherwise, I will be forgotten by everyone! I won’t say anything else , This time I acted in "Recruitment" because I received an invitation from Song Chi, and also because I like this story. This is a type of role that I have never played before, and it is also a subject that I have never been exposed to. I will take this drama with me. Come back in front of you again, please wait and see."

The hot searches on all major platforms are dominated by the five words Wei Weicheng's return.

Zhou Yun seldom saw such a destructive battle.

Of course, there is also the operation of Wu Chengbao and Wei Weicheng's brokerage company behind this.

All in all, all parties are building momentum for Wei Weicheng's return.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Zhou Yun saw someone post a circle of friends, which was posted by an editor of a film and television magazine:

I don't know if He Xuran regrets his original decision at this moment?
It is not a secret that He Xuran was cast as the starring role in "Recruitment". Although there is no official announcement, many people in the circle know it.

For such a big project, the starring lineup has attracted much attention.

Wu Chengbao and Song Chi didn't specifically hide the matter of He Xuran releasing the pigeons, so they naturally leaked the news.

Everyone is excited about Wei Weicheng's return at this time, but when this incident passes, everyone will naturally pay attention to who the actor Wu Chengbao said was the one who released the pigeons.

If Wei Weicheng hadn't come to take over the role, in fact, the matter of He Xuran letting go of the pigeons would not have been ridiculed.

Although this kind of immoral behavior needs to be criticized, this kind of thing is not uncommon, and He Xuran is not the only one who needs to be criticized.

And after he released the pigeons, Wei Weicheng suddenly took over the role, which shows that from Wei Weicheng's perspective, he thinks this play is good and worth shooting.

In the eyes of others, He Xuran may have missed a good script.

Zhou Yun didn't know what He Xuran was thinking at this moment, but he probably wasn't in a good mood after all.


After Yin Linglin saw the news, he immediately called He Xuran.

"Did you see the news?"

"Even if I didn't see the news, I was called and reminded by you people so many times."

"Did you think that Wei Weicheng would come to take over after you released their pigeons?"

"Who knows where that guy came from? It's been two years since he disappeared, so why not just keep disappearing? You have to jump out to be annoying."

"That's just to annoy you. Look at how happy everyone is for his return." Yin Linglin smiled softly, "Now everyone knows that you missed a script that Wei Weicheng liked. We can only pray that this drama will not be popular, otherwise , every time everyone counts those actors who missed the classic roles, your name will appear."

He Xuran was already upset by the news of Wei Weicheng's role in "Recruitment" at this time, and he was even more furious when he heard Yin Linglin tease him so much.

"Did you come to see my joke?"

"Half and half." Yin Linglin teased, "After all, you also know that it was your fault that you did it yourself. You took the initiative to find them to cooperate with, and now you let them go. Speaking of which, if it wasn't Because you have not formally signed the performance contract, you will be sued for liquidated damages."

He Xuran frowned.

He did not do this properly, and he knew it in his heart.

But he has no regrets.

A web drama or an international blockbuster, any fool knows which one to choose.

If Wei Weicheng had to choose between the two, he would definitely choose the latter.

He Xuran was very sure of this.

"If you're calling just to tell me this, then hang up, there's nothing to say." He Xuran said.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Yin Linglin said speechlessly, "What can you do in such a hurry? It's not for you to admit your mistakes. Why don't you just chat and care about you?"

"You keep stabbing knives in my heart." He Xuran said.

Yin Linglin: "..."

Well, she also had to admit that He Xuran was indeed right.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm here to remind you, or you can just grit your teeth, don't explain anything, don't respond to anything, and when this matter passes, everyone won't always stare at this Or, you can find a high-sounding reason and respond to this incident. If the news of releasing pigeons spreads, it will not be good for your reputation. The audience's impression is second, and the main reason is which film and television company will still Do you dare to believe the intent agreement you signed? If there is one, there are two, why not put an end to this hidden danger from now on."

He Xuran said, "What are you implying to me?"

"I didn't mean that, don't talk nonsense." Yin Linglin said, "I just remind you kindly."

"Then it's better to be kind to the end. Tell me, how can I eliminate this hidden danger?"

"Didn't Zhou Yun just be bombarded by Li Rui not long ago? He said that Zhou Yun disturbed his cooperation with Haichi Film and Television. Didn't any unpleasant things happen when you cooperated with Song Chi and the others?" Yin Linglin said, "Challenge One or two things come out, and the reasons for non-cooperation are pushed to those things, it is better than others scolding you for being a pigeon."

He Xuran fell into silence.

Yin Linglin's reminder gave him a little inspiration.

It's just that He Xuran can't make an immediate decision to do so right now.

Yin Linglin's call was obviously intended to cause trouble for Song Chi and Zhou Yun.

But He Xuran didn't understand why she did this.

If Yin Linglin wanted to create trouble for Zhou Yun, He Xuran would understand.

As for Song Chi, why?
Is there any conflict between Yin Linglin and Song Chi?

He Xuran didn't want to let himself be used as a gun by others.

He didn't trust Yin Linglin that much.

The two of them usually communicate a lot, but usually they just have conversations like today.

A tacit understanding was formed between the two of them, they exchanged information, gave help, and formed a relationship of alliance.

But forming an alliance does not mean that the other party can fully trust.

He Xuran said: "Yin Linglin, if I do this, I will offend Song Chi's company to the end."

"You've already released others' pigeons. This has already offended him to the end. Why, do you still think that you will have a way to reconcile with others in the future?"

"Why not?" He Xuran said, "If the cooperation fails this time, we will always be able to cooperate next time."

"Then you underestimate Song Chi too much." Yin Linglin said, "If you let him go and he is willing to forgive you, then others will follow suit in the future, won't they? Why do you think you have done these things? Will you be forgiven by others?"

"Do you really want to see me break up with them?"

"Of course, when you were going to act in Song Chi's company, I felt strange. Aren't you and Song Chi competitors? How dare you cooperate with him?"

"Although we are competitors, "Zhaoliu" is indeed a big IP. Whether it is popular or not, there must be many people watching it." He Xuran said, "He can't act by himself, and he needs a first-line actor to play it. I am very suitable, why can't I cooperate?"

"Aren't you afraid that he will end up making you ugly and not pleasing to the audience?"

"Are you as small as you? This is a play produced by his own company. What good does it do him if the male lead is disliked?" He Xuran scoffed at Yin Linglin's malicious speculation, "I'm jealous of Song Chi, But I know a little about his personality, if he was so narrow-minded, he would not have the reputation he has today."

"Hey, it sounds like he is your idol, if that's the case, why do you want to let him go?" Yin Linglin ran on.

He Xuran didn't answer.

He thought for a while and said, "Okay, I know what you want to say to me, so I won't tell you now. If you have nothing else to say, I'll hang up first."

"Hang up." Yin Linglin was obviously dissatisfied with He Xuran's attitude, so he hung up the phone directly.

He Xuran thought for a long time in silence, not only considering Yin Linglin's proposal, but also the consequences of doing so.

Is he going to get this far?

To get things to this step, of course, we can give a saying of "letting the pigeons go".

However, Song Chi had to be offended to death.

He Xuran was not ready for this.

He always felt like he shouldn't be doing this.

an intuition.

After a long silence, He Xuran decided to contact Song Chi.

He apologized frankly.

"Song Chi, I'm sorry, this matter is my fault, I let you pigeons go."

He Xuran sincerely apologized as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Actually, I also know that I have caused you a lot of trouble by doing this, but I have encountered a rare opportunity, which is very precious to me, so I have to make this decision, I am sorry , if possible, next time I will pay half price for your company to make a film to express my apology, okay?"

It was unexpected for Song Chi to receive this call.

He didn't expect that He Xuran would take the initiative to apologize to him.

"I can understand whether you act or not, but you can't catch us off guard," Song Chi said.

"I know, I did have a problem, it's too late for me to say anything now, but please believe me, I definitely don't mean to cause trouble for you on purpose, if it weren't for the opportunity that I couldn't refuse , I will never do this." He Xuran said, "If you have a project and you haven't found an actor yet, just get the performance contract and I promise you, I only need half of the salary, and I will act for you. It is also my sincerity to apologize to you.”

Song Chi was silent for a moment, and said, "I'll ask my partner to contact your agent later."

"Okay." He Xuran was overjoyed, "I knew that you are more generous than me."

"Xu Ran, you and I have known each other for a long time. I can forgive you once, but you can't ask me to forgive you again. If you say something first, I won't be so difficult." Song Chi said.

"I know, I made a mistake on my own, that's why I was embarrassed to call you before."


After hanging up the phone, He Xuran breathed a sigh of relief.

He immediately called his agent again and explained the matter.

"Half price?" The manager gasped.

"Half price." He Xuran said, "You listen to me on this matter, I don't want to offend Song Chi, so I can only express my apology in this way."

"But this time we lost ten to twenty million yuan." The agent felt heartbroken.

He Xuran said: "Can we take a longer view and stop staring at the little money in front of us? If Song Chi is really offended to death, everyone in the industry will know that I let them go, so who will come to me to act in the future?" ?”

"Okay, okay, then I understand, but we can't give too much of the schedule." The manager said again.

He Xuran frowned, and said: "No matter what people ask for, as long as it is not excessive, I will agree to it. Since they are all apologetic, it is better not to say so."

The agent scolded: "It's easy for you to say a word, do you know how much income you have lost us because of your promise?"

He Xuran didn't take the manager's scolding to heart.

"I've already made up my mind. When Wu Chengbao comes to you, you can just do what I want." He Xuran said.

The agent agreed cursingly.

It's just that the agent didn't expect that Wu Chengbao came to him to sign a performance contract the next day.

It was a formal performance contract, the shooting time was 120 days, and the remuneration was discounted in half according to the market price, which made him heartbroken.

In the end, Wu Chengbao said: "You have learned a lot from a pitfall, if you hadn't learned from the past, we wouldn't have set such a high liquidated damages. Why, you said you would apologize to us, but are you still planning to break the contract and not shoot after the event? ? If you are still thinking about it, what is the use of us tossing about it now, forget it, don't sign it."

Thinking of He Xuran's entrustment, the agent had no choice but to persuade him to sit down again with a stern face, agreed, and promised to submit the contract to the legal affairs immediately.

When Wu Chengbao left on the way back to the company, the corners of his mouth were about to curl up.

I didn't expect this incident to go round and round, and in the end it turned out to be a blessing in disguise and made a lot of money.

He Xuran starred in one of their drama series at half price, which is naturally a great thing for them.

With this performance contract, he can directly go to any video platform to attract an investment of [-] to [-] million yuan to start a new drama.

As for the previous contradictions.

Hehe, in the face of absolute interests, contradictions are nothing.

Business people, everything is business first.

Wu Chengbao immediately called Liu Jin.

"Don't quarrel with me anymore. Although you won't be in "Zhaoliu" this time, the heroine will still be yours in the next drama where He Xuran is the leading actor." "The actress who was eliminated by Wei Weicheng said, "Stop complaining that we treat you badly, and you are really good. Is it because we don't want you to play "Zhaoliu"? You don't know who you were eliminated by. ?”

Liu Jin snorted softly, and said, "In order to prepare for this play, they haven't started work for several months, but Wei Weicheng said he didn't want me to act, so I can't be angry?"

Wu Chengbao smiled and said: "I told you a long time ago, don't worry, you can't do this drama, and there will always be new dramas for you in the future. You are our own actor, and you can suffer a lot."

"Then Mr. Wu, don't just talk about it. When you let me make a movie with Boss Song, then I will never complain to you again." Liu Jin said with a smile, "At the beginning you put me When you signed the contract, you said that you would help me film a heroine movie every year, and this year's movie is dirty, so you can't make two movies for me next year?"

"I already gave you the heroine of the next He Xuran's new play, and you want two more? Are you so greedy?"

"With you, of course I'm just a little bit greedy."


When he learned that He Xuran had signed another show contract with Song Chi's company, Zhou Yun was dumbfounded and didn't recover for a long time.

Can you do this?

Isn't it that after such a thing happened, the two sides should never communicate with each other?

Why did you hold hands and be friends again?

Song Chi smiled and said: "He offered to act with half of the salary to compensate us, but I still can't let him out? Do you know how expensive an actor like him is now?"

Zhou Yun: "...What qualifications do you have to say such things, aren't you the highest paid male actor?"

Song Chi: "I don't dare to be, I'm not the tallest."

"Anyway, it's the top salary." Zhou Yun said, "I'm just... such an unprofessional person, I thought you wouldn't work with him again."

"An unprofessional actor, if there is no change, of course I will not cooperate with him again, but He Xuran took the initiative to call me and expressed such sincerity. For the sake of the company, I have to promise him the half of the salary. Now it is not easy to find an actor who can buy the platform. Miss this opportunity."


"Do you feel disappointed?"

"No, I just didn't expect it." Zhou Yun said, "But I understand after you explain it this way."

"The drama market is not very prosperous now, and the competition is huge, especially the impact of short videos. We have been greatly impacted by the competition for the content of long dramas. The production of actors who can really carry dramas is not high. Everyone I really care about my reputation and my feathers, but if we can’t continue to produce content that can attract viewers, the audience base for long drama content will become less and less, so now video platforms mainly focus on head content If you are not a leading actor, your intention to buy is not particularly strong. He Xuran has been an actor that the video platform likes very much in recent years, because he plays dramas and has good data, even if he does not sign with me at half price this time. Contract, if there are other cooperation opportunities in the future, if he is willing to play the leading role, I will definitely still be willing to sign with him. This market is very helpless, and the leading actor will always stand in the most active position. They, no matter how good our drama is, the platform will not buy it."

"I thought at least with your reputation in the industry, you can be freed from such constraints."

"Few people can truly surpass the laws and rules of the market, and I am no exception." Song Chi said, "Just like the current theme theme, even if it is my performance, the platform will not buy it, and will not pay a high price to buy it, because Previous facts have proved that even I can't handle dramas with the main theme."

This is a very helpless reality.

No matter how top actors are, they will be labeled and judged by the market.

If you fail twice, OK, in the eyes of the market, you are no longer suitable.

Just so cruel.

Why Zhou Yun's position is still standing, because she has never failed.
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