Chapter 747 Control
Success and failure are actually a metaphysics.

No one can guarantee success forever, and no one can guarantee failure all the time.

In the film and television industry, everyone more or less depends on luck.

For example, a composer contacted him to compose music for several films, and the box office was very good. Everyone would think that this person was a bit lucky and could secure the box office. Therefore, subsequent film works asked this person to compose and soundtrack.

No one knows whether a content product will be bought by the audience until the moment it is introduced to the market.

However, a film and television work has a lot of investment in the early stage.

Therefore, before a complete market order is established, everyone is more willing to believe in the works with the participation of the head, because the works with the participation of the head can make money no matter what, just earn more or less.

When everyone was rushing to tell each other about Wei Weicheng's return, news about He Xuran's release of pigeons also began to spread.

This news was not a secret in the circle, and how could his opponent sit idly by after knowing the news.

This kind of negative news that can effectively attack He Xuran, the opponents are willing to spend their own money to spread it.

The spread and dissemination of these news is naturally very unfavorable to He Xuran.

This also made He Xuran very depressed.

It was at this time that Song Chi's company announced that they will collaborate with He Xuran on a drama series, which is expected to start in the second half of next year.

This news is a timely rain for He Xuran.

Neither side has responded to earlier messages.

However, the news of this cooperation undoubtedly frustrated the outside news about the conflict between He Xuran and Song Chi's company.

The public opinion situation on the Internet and the media has also improved for He Xuran.

At the beginning, some people said that the previous news must be fake news, deliberately discrediting He Xuran.

If He Xuran really released Song Chi's company, how could there be a new cooperation project so soon?
If Song Chi was really dissatisfied with He Xuran, then it would be impossible to work together again.

When Zhou Yun saw the news on the Internet, he felt it was absurd.

The gossip at the beginning was actually the truth, and the signal that broke the rumor later was actually false information.

Zhou Yun couldn't help asking herself, when she saw these news, how many times did she stay rational and not follow others' advice?

However, even if one remains sane, even if one uses various so-called "evidences" to judge the truth of the matter, how long can one's fragile judgment last under this kind of deliberately arranged news offensive?

Zhou Yun knew that Song Chi had his reasons for doing this, and it was understandable. Zhou Yun just couldn't get past his emotions for a while.

If possible, everyone wants to be an idealist who ignores interests.

Zhou Yun wasn't herself, and she couldn't expect Song Chi to be either.

Zhou Yun got out of the car wearing sunglasses, went to a cafe on the street and ordered a cup of coffee for himself to take away.

As a result, while waiting for coffee, I happened to meet a group of high school students coming in together.

They were wearing school uniforms, and they had wanton smiles on their green faces.

Zhou Yun turned his head and took a look.

Golden, bright sunlight bloomed behind them.

She was suddenly dazed.

This group of high school students was talking and laughing, but after seeing Zhou Yun, their talking and laughing stopped immediately.

They first looked at this beautiful woman in surprise, and soon a girl recognized Zhou Yun.

"Zhou Yun?!" The girl's eyes widened in surprise.

When her companions heard the girl's exclamation, they all confirmed their judgment just now.

"Is it really Zhou Yun?"

"It looks like her. Although she is wearing sunglasses, it is exactly the same as the photo."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly when he heard their whispering discussions.

She shook her hand and said, "Hi!"

A group of high school students suddenly shouted excitedly.

Those tall boys' eyes widened, and they said "Damn" and "It's really Zhou Yun!" one after another.

Zhou Yun shook his hand with a smile and said, "Are you guys just finished school?"

"Yeah, let's... do the group work."

Group work.

The smiles on the faces of these children are so pure.

The purer it is, the more contagious it is.

Zhou Yun thought of the time when he was in school.

At this time, Zhou Yun's coffee was ready.

She took her own coffee, shook her hand to everyone, and said, "My coffee is ready, bye!"

A group of people looked at Zhou Yun's smile, only found it charming, and were a little crazy.

"Bye bye!" A group of people waved their hands at the same time, all staring at Zhou Yun blankly.

With a smile on the corner of Zhou Yun's mouth, he left the cafe in a good mood.

It wasn't until she left that a group of high school students came back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"Ah! We didn't even want to take a photo with her just now!"

"Yeah! We all forgot to take a group photo!"

"She's so beautiful, and she's so gentle! She's not as cold as the internet says!"

"Let's find her for a group photo!"

A group of high school students are at their most impulsive moment, they just do what they say.

So, a group of people scrambled to run out.

"Miss Xiaoyun!"

"Miss Xiaoyun!"

"Can you take a photo with us, please?"

Pedestrians on the road didn't notice a big star coming out of the cafe, but the voices of these high school students attracted the attention of everyone around them.

Where many eyes converged, Zhou Yun was startled by the shouts of these high school students, stopped in surprise, and looked back at them.

Zhou Yun saw excited faces with a little nervousness and anticipation.

She froze for a moment, smiled suddenly, nodded, and said, "Okay."

She walked over again and asked, "Which of your mobile phones are you using to take pictures?"

A girl immediately took out her mobile phone, "Use mine, use mine!"

Zhou Yun took the phone, turned on the selfie mode, raised his hand, and said, "Come on!"

But she can't stand everyone.

In the end, the tallest boy took the initiative and said, "Let me take the picture."

A group of high school students surrounded Zhou Yun and took this photo with a bright smile.

This selfie was so powerful that many passers-by around stopped to pay attention, and some took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

It wasn't that they recognized Zhou Yun, they simply thought that such a scene was beautiful and wanted to take a picture of it.

Under the sun, a group of brilliant teenagers, simple and unadorned, are enough to make every adult miss their youthful wantonness.

After taking the photos, Zhou Yun waved goodbye to everyone and got into the car.

A group of teenagers and girls smiling from ear to ear stood on the side of the road and shook hands with her in the car.

Zhou Yun lowered the car window and finally said: "Study hard!"

It was just a very accidental encounter.

But for these teenagers, it may be a very memorable accident in their dull and boring youth life.

And they don't know that their appearance is also a very memorable accident in Zhou Yun's seemingly bright adult life.

The youthful breath that Zhou Yun felt from them made her breathe fresh air from her troubles and difficulties.

She knows that sometimes she is actually mediocre.

But if she doesn't think about these things clearly, she will only fall into a more difficult predicament.


The photos of Zhou Yun and these high school students have attracted many people's attention on the Internet.

Nowadays, celebrities are becoming less and less "approachable". Every time they appear, there are groups of bodyguards guarding them.

Going to buy coffee by himself like Zhou Yun and taking photos with high school students has aroused the attention and discussion of many people.

What many people pay attention to is not Zhou Yun's approachability, but the "human touch" of celebrity artists.

This photo sparked a lot of discussion on the Internet about the less and less human charm of celebrity entertainers.

Everyone can't help but sigh with emotion that all the current celebrities and artists have lost the previous personality that distinguishes between love and hate.

They are packaged as commodities, or rather, protected by the team, controlling any expression of their personality in this era of dangerous speaking.

These expressions don't need to exist, their existence only creates a threat to the celebrity entertainer.

The image of a celebrity artist only needs to be positive.

This is understandable, but when everyone has the same positive energy, some people also begin to miss the era of celebrities who were not so perfect but had real personalities.

Seeing such enthusiasm, naturally many marketing accounts started to write about Zhou Yun.

In fact, in the eyes of many entertainment bloggers, Zhou Yun's image is very good.

They themselves also like Zhou Yun, because Zhou Yun is never hypocritical or pretending.

These days, how many celebrity artists will fight back and bombard others on Weibo?
Zhou Yun's Weibo is not posted frequently, but it seems that he is using it himself, rather than arranging staff to be in charge of operation.

In her Weibo, there are not many advertisements, and most of them are sharing some life status and mood.

This allows everyone to feel alive in her.

In fact, regardless of the work itself, everyone has their own preferences.

In this line of work, there are more or less factors that I am interested in this line of work.

The state of Zhou Yun has a natural attraction in itself.

For such a wave of enthusiasm, Zhou Yun's cooperative brands are naturally overjoyed.

This is the enthusiasm picked up for nothing, and brands have taken the opportunity to promote it.

Zhou Lan is happy to see Zhou Yun harvesting such enthusiasm, which is much better than being involved in the dispute with Li Rui before.

Zhou Yun in the photo is smiling brightly and full of youth.

When Su Yan saw Zhou Yun in the group photo, he could tell at a glance whether it had been posted or not, and it was obvious that this was a raw picture.

Seeing the smile on Zhou Yun's face, she felt jealous.

She was obviously involved in trouble some time ago, why is this woman still in such a good condition? !

Su Yan put down her phone angrily.

"Su Yan, what's the matter with you?" My friend Mo Lan asked.

Su Yan said: "It's nothing, I found a news about an annoying person, and I was upset after reading it."

"You are so popular now, why are you upset? Even if you are upset, shouldn't it be because others read your news?" Moran laughed, "If I am as popular as you, I don't care what other people do. Just be beautiful on your own.”

"Oh, it's not as simple as what you said. You look at me now, but you also know that now that the competition is so big, if you don't pay attention, you will pass away. Look at Liu Qingqing. After so much trouble, I haven't seen her really. Back to the previous peak, I feel sorry for her when I see her working so hard and feeling sad."

"Let's just say this, how many actresses are there who have been popular for so long like you?" Moran said, "Besides, these dramas you broadcast are very popular, and everyone likes you very much. Keep it like this, and your position will be stable."

"I hope I can lend you a good word." Su Yan sighed, "Actually, at my current age, I didn't really realize that actors still have to make movies."


"Look at me, what's the use of TV dramas being popular again? After being popular for so many years, they are still trembling and worried about being replaced. Those who act in movies are different. It doesn't matter if they don't come out for two or three years, their status is always stable. "Su Yan said, "Didn't that Yin Linglin rely on himself to act in movies, boss around, and stole several endorsements from me?"

"That's not because she acted in a movie, but because her new movie is very popular." Moran said, "After your new movie is broadcast, those brands will naturally come back to you."

"Don't talk about it, it's not that I haven't filmed a movie in the past two years, but these movies have been stuck without review and can't be fixed. I haven't broadcast a movie for almost a year." This is why Su Yan is so anxious The reason is that her current popularity and popularity have declined due to the one-year vacancy window, and the popularity of the variety shows she participated in is not as good as expected, so that many of the brands she cooperates with now do not renew their contracts and find other popular artists.

Nowadays, many brands sign contracts with short-term contracts, because the popularity of celebrity artists comes and goes quickly, and the speed of replacement is far faster than before.

Su Yan itself is the traffic route.

Once the heat subsides, the reaction fed back to her is also obvious.

Moran said: "What's the matter? Look, you haven't filmed for a year. Didn't someone make a list of actress power before? You are still in the top five."

"What's the use of that? They're all fake things. The ones with real noses are those brands. Whether you're popular or not, their reaction is the most direct." Su Yan said, "I don't even dare to join the crew now, You can only accept variety shows, once you join the crew, you can’t come out for several months, without exposure, the popularity will drop even faster.”

"Why don't you learn from Zhou Yun's operation. Isn't she on the hot search every three days?" Moran said, "Make a little gimmick. With your popularity and number of fans, everyone just seems to have nothing to operate. Your popularity has gone down, but if you really come up with some gimmick, it will definitely attract attention."

"I'm not down to this point, am I?" Su Yan held back her breath and was still unwilling to do so, "Look at that Liu Qingqing, she breaks up and gets back together, although everyone pays attention to her, but for her What a blow to her reputation and image? Does anyone still see her as an actress now? In variety shows, only some marriage and love programs invite her. In the past six months, has she added a business?"

"Liu Qingqing was on the wrong track. She insisted on tossing herself into a negative image. In this society, you are a woman and a single mother. Who wants to be separated from her boyfriend? Look." Moran said, "But look at Zhou Yun, taking a group photo with a group of high school students can also become a trending search. At first I thought it was a trending search for buying, but when I clicked in to see it, I found out that it was because of this group photo. It hit everyone's emotional point, many people think that our celebrity artists are too unreal, they are all hypocritical images, everyone wants to see something more real, why don't you work hard on this aspect?"

Su Yan fell into deep thought.

Moran's suggestion gave Su Yan a little inspiration.

Su Yan doesn't want to engage in popularity marketing like Liu Qingqing's, which kills one thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred, but of course she hopes that the more the better, the popularity like Zhou Yun's.

Su Yan hesitated.

Moran added: "Of course, there is another most convenient way, to fall in love. As long as you fall in love, it is impossible to reduce your popularity."

Su Yan shook her head.

"I don't want to do this. Maintaining the popularity is always only temporary. I just need to survive this period of time and wait until I have a show." Su Yan said, "And the most important thing for me now is to transform. If I It would be nice to get a worthy award.”

"But it's hard to win an award, isn't it? Moreover, to win an award, you basically have to shoot works with realistic themes. Shooting such works basically takes a lot of time, and the broadcast effect may not be good. It can arouse discussions every year. There are no more than two or three works on realistic themes."

"That also requires transformation." Su Yan said, "I can't be a popular actor for the rest of my life."

After hearing what Su Yan said, Moran stopped talking.

Different people face different environments.

Moran has also been an actress for some years, but she has never been popular, and has always been an ordinary actor that few people know.

She longs for red.

She is more eager to be popular than winning prizes.

Because she also knew that she basically had no hope of winning the prize.

It's not like an actor can win an award if he doesn't follow the traffic route, that's not the case at all.

Every time Moran walks into a new crew, one question pops up in her mind, will this role make her famous?
Compared to Moran, Su Yan was obviously much luckier.

Su Yan became popular early and gained a reputation that many actors would never get in their lifetime.

But the popularity was early, and Su Yan also had to face the problem of going downhill because she reached the peak too early.

Every popular actor is afraid of going downhill. After seeing the scenery of the peak, who can accept the mediocrity at the bottom of the mountain?

If Su Yan wanted to stand on the top of the mountain all the time, he had to obtain a long-term and stable position.

Either it is an innate star demeanor that fascinates all beings, or it is the status in the world established by qualifications and word of mouth.

"Tell me, Zhou Yun, why can she act so easily that people's hearts are touched?" Su Yan asked Mo Lan such a question when she was in a state of drunkenness after drinking.

Moran said: "Actors, in essence, want to impress the audience. Some actors only need to look at the camera to impress the audience. Some actors do not have such innate conditions, so they can only rely on acquired efforts."

Su Yan supported her chin and said, "Then what kind of actor am I? Is it based on innate conditions or acquired hard work?"

Moran wanted to say that you are actually on both sides, but you are not perfect on both ends, but he still said: "Of course you have both sides. If you are popular early, it means that the audience buys you. And you are so popular. It’s been a long time, producing so many blockbusters shows that you work hard, even when you become popular, you are still working hard in filming.”

Even though Su Yan was drunk, she knew that Moran was saying nice things to make her happy.

However, Su Yan was willing to listen to such words.

She was happy to hear that.


Wen Xi went abroad to participate in Fashion Week.

Gu Huaichun was filming in the crew.

Yu Chu had already returned to work, and under Zhou Lan's arrangement, he joined the team without stopping.

Yin Zhou signed to Song Chi's company, but for the time being, he didn't sign the lead role. Basically, he only signed the supporting roles. He only had about ten days of filming in the crew. This is his own request. He can go to Yu Chu's place to accompany him Accompany her and the child, or go home to accompany the parents.

Wang Jing did not win "Recruitment", and under Zhou Lan's arrangement, he served as a guest on a variety show to increase exposure.

Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting both joined the group to film.

Everyone is working hard on their work.

On the contrary, Zhou Yun, who was the busiest before, had a lot of leisure during this time.

She took her friends to see exhibitions, chat, and organize some parties every now and then, joking and having fun.

Her circle of friends is not all artists, from editors to reporters, from screenwriters to photographers, there are practitioners from all walks of life.

Zhou Yun didn't have the time to organize a gathering of this large group of people before, and now he finally has time.

Because of Wen Xi, although Wen Xi didn't come, Zhou Yun still invited Jin Su.

She knows that Jin Su needs opportunities very much now, so she doesn't mind providing Jin Su with some help within her ability.

It is also beneficial for Jin Su to know more people at this party.

But Zhou Yun didn't expect that someone would come to her and say, "Xiao Yun, is that Jin Su your friend? He's a bit strange, you might have to pay attention."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Zhou Yun felt a little nervous when he heard his friend say that.

The friend said: "I heard him keep telling others that you have a very close relationship with him and hope that others will take care of him. I want to emphasize this matter, I am worried that he will use your banner in front of others to get you into trouble."

Zhou Yun was shocked when he heard this.

It must have been a lot of euphemism for my friend to relay it like this.

Zhou Yun couldn't even imagine that Jin Su said so in front of them.

It was as if a hole had been stabbed in her heart, and the wind leaked fiercely.

Those who were invited by her today are all acquaintances who have intersected at work and are relatively close.

She knew that if Jin Su really asked them for help in her name, many of them would help.

Zhou Yun regretted so much that he shouldn't have called Jin Su over.

It's just too late to say anything now.

Zhou Yun could only think of a way to minimize the bad impact of this incident.

Zhou Yun had to hint to every friend who came to participate why Jin Su appeared here, and at the end when everyone had dinner together, he raised a glass and said: "Everyone, let me introduce to you, Jin Su is a literary Xi’s younger brother, originally Jin Su would also come, but she is participating in the fashion week abroad, so only Jin Su came on behalf of his senior sister, and he is also an actor, if you have any good opportunities, please remember him more.”

She said this to explain the origin of Jin Su clearly to everyone, so as not to let others misunderstand that he really has something to do with her.

Everyone tacitly cheers.

Jin Su didn't realize the purpose of Zhou Yun's words, and thought that Zhou Yun was introducing him to everyone, so he was a little excited.

After the party was over, Zhou Yun hesitated whether to call Wen Xi to talk about it.

After a little thought, forget it.

Zhou Yun told Wen Xi about this, and Wen Xi was not easy to do.

After all, it was not Wen Xi who asked Zhou Yun to invite Jin Su today. It was Zhou Yun who remembered Jin Su and knew that he needed such an opportunity, so he invited him.

It's enough for Zhou Yun to learn a lesson from this matter.

She silently pulled Jin Su into her blacklist.

After Zhou Lan heard about this, he laughed and said, "Sometimes you are too kind to your friends. Since Wen Xi didn't even ask you for help in this kind of thing, why do you offer to help? If Jin Sculpture is really worth cultivating, and Wen Xi would not have such an attitude. Thinking about it, Wen Xi himself might be helpless with Jin Sculpture, and alienated, it seems that the senior sister is unwilling to support the junior brother, really support, this person is not good It is worthy of support, but it can only be hung like this."

"You're right." Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan said: "However, this matter is not a big deal, you don't need to take it to heart."

"I'm just reflecting on myself." Zhou Yun smiled, "I feel like I've lost control recently."

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

Shocked, she asked, "You think you're out of control? Wait, are you kidding me, or are you serious? You tell me in such a calm tone that you feel like you're a little out of control, and I'm telling you, I'm Really intimidated."

Zhou Lan knows that actors are often psychologically fragile, especially actors in Zhou Yun's position. Their first ten years in this industry are the most prone to problems in their hearts.

[-]% devoted to it, I feel that there are many personalities in my body, and the roles played by Zhou Yun are more complex and profound than the other.

Zhou Lan has been worried about Zhou Yun's problems.

Hearing that Zhou Lan was so excited, Zhou Yun knew what she was worried about, smiled, and said, "Don't worry, it's not the mental problem you thought, it's just that I feel a little out of control of my life."

Zhou Lan frowned suspiciously.

In Zhou Lan's eyes, Zhou Yun's life was extremely simple.

She has no family, and apart from Song Chi, she has some friends in her life, which is very simple.

She doesn't have any other circles, and her social circle is even simpler.

Zhou Lan didn't understand why Zhou Yun felt out of control of life.

If Zhou Yun would lose control of her life, then what happened to them?

Zhou Lan wanted to ask many questions, but she didn't ask any.

Because she knew that it was meaningless to ask.

She could only say: "It's okay, let's take it slowly, if you feel that you can't control your life anymore, let's see what's wrong first."

(End of this chapter)

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