Chapter 748 Attack
Zhou Lan has been repeatedly reminding himself of one thing, don't use your own vision and mood to equate Zhou Yun's vision and mood.

Different people, in different positions, feel naturally different.

And the person who really stands in front of everyone and is exposed to everyone is Zhou Yun.

She received applause and encouragement, and faced all attacks and viciousness.

She is an artist, and her heart is slender and sensitive than ordinary people, there is no doubt about it.

Therefore, it is not surprising that she might cry suddenly while looking at a sea.

Zhou Lan has repeatedly warned herself that the group of people she serves are not ordinary people, nor are they ordinary people. They are already in the era and working environment of opening and closing, and she must treat their every emotional change carefully.

"I'm wondering, have you encountered too many things recently, disrupting the balance in your heart?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun was silent.

"I don't know, but what made me feel out of control was indeed the recent incidents." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, it started with Li Rui's incident. I didn't expect to be attacked by him like this. During the attack, I was just angry, but when it passed, I suddenly felt a little bit sad."

Zhou Lan sighed.

"I knew it."

"I thought I wouldn't be sad."

"You used to trust him and wanted to help him, but in the end you were betrayed and hurt by him. It's very normal for a normal person to be sad. Xiaoyun, you can't think that you won't be sad. You are a person full of emotions. You are sad It’s nothing more than normal.”

"Later, the matter of He Xuran made me unable to convince myself for a while." Zhou Yun continued, "I know Song Chi and Wu Chengbao's considerations, and I know that starting a film and television company must prioritize interests. Forever interests, but it may be that I always have higher idealistic expectations for people and Song Chi. I always hope that we can defend something other than interests. In fact, I also know that I am demanding Irrational things, but even if I knew it, I couldn’t help it, and I still fell into self-defense.”

Zhou Lan sighed again.

"Xiaoyun, that's why I keep saying, I hope you don't get too involved with Song Chi's affairs, maybe ten or twenty years later, when your determination is stronger and stronger, you will be able to truly understand Don't be affected by these things, but you can't do it now." Zhou Lan said, "From a rational point of view, I don't think there is anything wrong with what Song Chi and the others are doing, but I can understand why you are bothered. , because he is your lover, you have higher requirements for him, don’t deny it, we always have higher requirements for people who are closer, so, if you want to avoid such pain, in the future, his company You can't ask Song Chi to be a perfect idealist at work. Moths to the flame are beautiful, but the ending is death. You don't like Song Chi. Is it too late for the company to go bankrupt?"

Zhou Yun was amused by Zhou Lan's machine gun-like speed of speech.

"You've said that, what else can I say."

"Apart from the matter of He Xuran, is there anything else?"


"There should be more, the fuse should not be his business." Zhou Lan said, "Did the Jin Su's matter make you doubt your own judgment?"

Zhou Lan's words hit the nail on the head.

Zhou Yun nodded in acknowledgment.

"Yes, you're right, it's because of Jin Su's incident that made me suddenly less...confident." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, I didn't like Jin Su very much at first, because he is very utilitarian, and I always I don't like this kind of person who is too purposeful, but because he is Wen Xi's junior, I always feel that Wen Xi and I are good friends, so I have to help him, but it turned out later that my The idea is too presumptuous."

"It's not that you are too self-righteous, it's that your kindness didn't meet a worthy person, but it doesn't mean that your kindness is wrong." Zhou Lan said, "Xiaoyun, you must understand these truths yourself, you must be clear Yes, you are just a lot of things piled up now, so it is difficult for you to accept at once, and you need to be empty for a while."

Zhou Yun said: "But there is no way to leave it vacant for a while. Am I going to participate in Fashion Week soon?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan laughed, "You're right, but I think it's good for you to go to the fashion week and watch the show now. Leave the domestic environment and relax."

Zhou Yun: "Fortunately, the schedule is not rushed this time, so I can be more free."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan said, "I'll go with you this time, and then we'll go shopping together after work is done."

Zhou Yun smiled and said yes.

Zhou Lan: "I know that what I said can't solve the problems you are facing now, but Xiaoyun, you have to believe me, no matter what happens, it will always pass, it may not Solve it, but it can always pass. If you meet a bad person, then you should stop dealing with this person. When you encounter something that makes you uncomfortable, solve it if you can solve it. If you can’t solve it, avoid it. it works."

"I also hope that I can choose to escape from things that I can't solve."

Zhou Lan: "Yes, I used to be a person who couldn't tolerate sand in my eyes, but now I don't have such thoughts at all."

Zhou Yun said, "Why?"

"That is, when there are too many troubles to a certain extent, you can either drive yourself to death, or just ignore them." Zhou Lan said, "This is a very important truth I have learned in the past few years."

Zhou Yun said: "You are really open-minded, I am not so open-minded yet."

"After all, how many years older than you." Zhou Lan smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun's mood improved a lot.

As Zhou Lan said, she actually understands the truth.

It's just that sometimes when the emotions get there, she needs an outlet.

She knew that her emotions had to be stabilized and she couldn't toss back and forth.

In the evening, Zhou Yun unexpectedly received a call from Wen Xi.

Wen Xi said, "Sorry, Xiao Yun, I just found out that Jin Su caused you trouble."

Zhou Yun was very surprised, and asked: "Who did you hear about it from? No, don't take it to heart, it's not a trouble."

Wen Xi's apology made Zhou Yun a little embarrassed.

Wen Xi sighed, the background sound on her side was still very noisy, as if she was in an environment with many people.

She said: "Maybe it's not troublesome for you, but I'm still sorry. I didn't expect Jin Su to be so courageous that he would lie about being close to you in front of others. Anyway, this is not appropriate. I have already I have called Jin Su, and you don’t have to help him for my sake, he really disappointed me.”

Zhou Yun did not expect Wen Xi's reaction to be so great.

She was amazed.

"Wen Xi, although Jin Su's actions made me feel a little uncomfortable, but after thinking about it carefully, it's not incomprehensible, you—"

"It's okay, you don't have to comfort me. I'm really disappointed in him. I never thought that he would think I was jealous." Wen Xi sneered and said, "You know I called him and he told me What? He thought it was because I was jealous that you took more care of him and that your relationship with him was getting closer, so I was upset and asked him to trouble him. "

Zhou Yun was shocked when he heard this.


Wen Xi: "Forget it, there's nothing to say about these, it's just a little thing between me and him, all in all, I'm very sorry to have caused you this trouble."

Suddenly someone over there called her name with a very strange pronunciation.

Zhou Yun heard Wen Xi say "I'm coming!"

"Is there something else on your side? You can do your work first." Zhou Yun said, "It's okay, Wen Xi, you don't have to take this matter to heart. Leave him alone. I'll see you in France when I go over there."

"Okay." Wen Xi replied with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun still hadn't recovered from what Wen Xi said just now.

She was thinking, what kind of behavior was it that gave Jin Su the illusion that her relationship with him could surpass Wen Xi?
Doesn't Jin Su understand that the reason why she is willing to invite him to the party is also because of Wen Xi?
Zhou Yun really didn't understand and didn't understand.

Jin Su's brain circuit confuses her.


The D family has a big show held in Paris, and Zhou Yun is invited.

The appearance fee was well paid, and they also attached great importance to Zhou Yun's attendance this time, and proposed that after Zhou Yun arrived in Paris, their family would arrange and accompany him throughout the whole process.

He made up his mind to get closer to Zhou Yun.

There is no brand that does not envy the success of VX in the Asian market.

And Zhou Yun played an unprecedented role in VX's entry into the Asian market.

If it weren't for Zhou Yun's super high exposure rate and rapid rise in status in the past two years, VX might be popular, but it wouldn't be so "advanced".

A brand that suddenly gains popularity is often suspected of being an "upstart" because of its rapid rise in fame, which is exactly what rich people don't like to see.

The more self-sufficient rich people are, the more they value the style of a brand itself.

Although everyone is saying that it doesn't matter if a confident person wears a bed sheet, there are only a few truly confident people in this world.

This time, Zhou Lan and Liu Yun accompanied Zhou Yun to this event.

As soon as Zhou Yun landed, he was surrounded by many fans.

Now, Zhou Yun really has some fans abroad.

Every time she wants to attend an event, fans will receive a message in advance to pick her up at the airport and ask for autographs and group photos at the airport.

The D family arranged for pick-up and security personnel.

After Zhou Yun signed autographs for several foreign fans, he prepared to get in the car and leave.

But at this moment, someone suddenly shouted Zhou Yun's name.

Zhou Yun looked back in surprise.

I saw a long-haired man waving a poster in his hand and shouting her name loudly.

But at the moment when she turned her head, the man suddenly raised his right hand and swung vigorously in her direction, and something was thrown out of his hand.

a shadow.

Zhou Yun's eyes widened, subconsciously dodging.

And Zhou Lan had already pulled her over immediately, blocking her with his back.

There were screams all around.

There was a "clang" sound.

is a rock.

The security personnel reacted very quickly and surrounded and blocked Zhou Yun.

Others rushed forward to arrest people.

"Get out of our country! You yellow-skinned monkey!" The man who threw the stone cursed loudly, with a ferocious smile on his face, laughing a little maniacally, "Don't let me see you again!"

He was controlled immediately.

In other words, he didn't seem to have thought of escaping from the beginning.

Zhou Yun looked at the subdued man in the crowd surrounded by layers.

He was very thin, skinny, but his eyes had a strange, slightly creepy light, like a crazy lunatic in a movie.

All around are holding mobile phones to film this scene.

a mess.

Zhou Lan and the security personnel told her to get in the car quickly.

In this chaos, Zhou Yun saw a triumphant smile in the man's eyes.

Even though he was subdued to the ground with ashes on his face and extremely embarrassed, he didn't seem to care at all, he still stared at Zhou Yun, like a hungry lion staring at a plate of delicious mutton, his eyes were salivating.

Such eyes shot directly into Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Yun felt a tingling sensation in his scalp and a very strong sense of fear at the same time.

This person... who is he?

Why does he hate her so much?
Zhou Yun was full of doubts and at a loss.

Until she was escorted into the car and left the airport, she still hadn't recovered from the lingering fear.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun."

Zhou Lan's shout brought her back from her distracted state.

Zhou Yun felt as if he had surfaced from drowning.

She looked at Zhou Lan.

"Miss Lan?"

Zhou Lan looked at her with concern, and asked, "Are you okay? I don't think your complexion is very good."

"I..." Zhou Yun hesitated to speak.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Fortunately, I was not injured. I was shocked." Zhou Lan suddenly became emotional and scolded, "That dog, I must make him look good! What age is it, and This kind of racial discrimination! How dare you attack us in broad daylight! Xiaoyun, don’t worry, I will never let that person go! This is a terrorist attack!”

Zhou Yun did not speak.

Is that person racist?
Zhou Yun has quite a lot of experience working abroad, and she has also met some foreigners who discriminate against Asians and Chinese.

However, Zhou Yun had never encountered such a situation.

When Zhou Yun thought of the way that person looked at her just now, Zhou Yun shuddered.

She wanted to tell Zhou Lan what she saw just now, but she didn't know where to start.

That's just her personal feeling, not necessarily true.

Maybe everything is just an illusion in panic.

Zhou Lan noticed that the confusion, uneasiness and restlessness still appeared on Zhou Yun's face, thinking that Zhou Yun was still immersed in the fear caused by the sudden attack just now.

She gently stroked Zhou Yun's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will always be by your side."

Zhou Yun shook Zhou Lan's hand and nodded.

Either way, at least the man was caught.

Even if that person had other goals, he couldn't achieve them.

It's just that Zhou Yun had a bad feeling when she encountered this kind of thing as soon as she landed. She thought it was a bad omen.

When this kind of thing happened at the airport, Zhou Lan didn't make any plans to stop the spread of the news.

This matter must not be hidden, especially there are so many fans of Zhou Yun at the scene.

Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone, self-media, and the Internet are developed, and any troubles will spread in the first time.

On the way to the hotel, Zhou Lan called the domestic public relations personnel, briefly told them what happened just now, and asked them to prepare a statement in advance.

After the phone call, she turned her head to talk to Zhou Yun, but saw Zhou Yun closed his eyes and leaning on the chair, not sure if he was asleep or closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Zhou Lan didn't speak anymore.

She picked up her phone again, opened Weibo, and checked the news on Weibo first.

Sure enough, although Zhou Yun hadn't been trending yet, several bloggers she followed had already received the letter, and they posted Weibo updates one after another, telling about Zhou Yun's attack at the airport just now.

Zhou Lan searched for Zhou Yun's name, and all the real-time feeds were photos of Zhou Yun being attacked at the scene.

Because someone happened to be filming Zhou Yun at the scene, a complete video was filmed and posted on Weibo.

Zhou Lan frowned subconsciously.

She took out her earphones and put them on, clicked on the video, and watched the live video.

The scene was chaotic.

This happened so unexpectedly that the whole process only took a few seconds.

Zhou Lan was actually a little surprised.

Zhou Yun is usually not such a fragile person, how could she be so disturbed when encountering this kind of attack?
It was not that Zhou Yun had never been attacked before. At that time, Zhou Yun was calmer than her. He didn't take it seriously. He was afraid in his heart, and he was able to show an indifferent look on his face.

It's not that being strong means not being afraid, but...

Zhou Lan didn't know how to describe it, she had a feeling that Zhou Yun was frightened.

But Zhou Lan felt that the scene just now would not scare Zhou Yun.

When Zhou Kan watched the video for the second time, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Zhou Yun's expression was wrong.

Zhou Yun looked at the assailant with a look of shock, astonishment, and the uneasiness he felt from her state when she was talking to her just now.

It was only after Zhou Lan read it for the third time that he noticed the expression on the assailant's face.

"Xiaoyun!" Zhou Lan exclaimed.

Zhou Yun opened his eyes.

"What's the matter, Miss Lan?"

"Do you know this attacker?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun frowned in surprise, and said, "I don't know, why do you ask?"

Zhou Lan handed the phone to Zhou Yun and said, "Look, this is a video taken by someone at the scene. Look at this attacker...he looks like he knows you completely. Don't you really know him? Don't you think Does he have a particularly creepy smile? There is a feeling that it is specially designed to scare you and make you terrified."

Zhou Yun didn't expect someone else to take the video.

This took her by surprise.

"I, I do have this feeling, especially the look in his eyes that has been staring at me since then, which makes me feel a little scared." Zhou Yun said, "I can't tell you, I'm afraid it's me illusion."

"This person is too strange. It's not as simple as simply finding a foreign female star to attack." Zhou Lan's eyes sank, "I have to investigate this matter."

"Don't go, let the police deal with it."

"Let the police deal with it, and this matter will only become a very common attack. No, I have to figure it out, otherwise I will be uneasy." Zhou Lan said, "I'll make a call first."

Zhou Lan made more than one phone call.

To be precise, before arriving at the hotel, Zhou Lan had been on the phone without stopping.

She found a lot of people, all of whom seemed to be people she knew in France and who had a relationship.

When they finally arrived at the hotel, Zhou Lan had already made no less than ten phone calls.

A thin woman with short blond hair and a very capable temperament stood at the entrance of the hotel with several people. When Zhou Yun and the others got out of the car, they greeted them and greeted them in English.

"Hey, Zhou Yun, I heard that you met gangsters at the airport, are you not injured?"

It was an inquiry of concern from the very beginning.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other, neither of them knew who this woman with short blonde hair was.

"Sorry, I was in a hurry and forgot to introduce myself to you. I'm Joanna."

When Zhou Lan heard the name, he immediately showed an expression of enlightenment, and smiled in surprise: "Joanna, it's you, we finally met!"

She turned her head to introduce to Zhou Yun, and said, "Xiaoyun, this is the global public relations director of the D family, Joanna, she is also your fan, and she has been the main executive of the D family to promote cooperation with us before."

Zhou Lan said this to Zhou Yun in Chinese.

Zhou Yun nodded, expressing his understanding.

In short, this is someone who needs to befriended and greeted well.

"Joanna, hello, Zhou Lan has mentioned it to me many times, thank you for liking me, and thank you for always introducing me to your brand." Zhou Yun said in English.

Appreciation and liking for Zhou Yun appeared in Joanna's eyes.

"I have been looking for opportunities to get to know you. I have been on business trips to China several times, and I want to meet you. Unfortunately, every time I go to China, you are either filming or abroad. Now I finally meet." Joanna said kindly Elegantly said to Zhou Yun, "I heard that you were attacked by gangsters at the airport. That person was a racist. It's too bad. Now we live in places where these unpleasant people always appear. I hope this will not affect your mood."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "At first, my mood was affected a little, but it's much better now."

"That's good." Joanna gave Zhou Yun the gift she brought, "Welcome to Paris, and I won't disturb your rest. See you tomorrow."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile and bid farewell to Joanna.

When the people left, the check-in procedure was completed.

Zhou Yun went upstairs with Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said: "The D family has shown full sincerity to you, and even arranged for Joanna to receive you in person."

"Come back and help me prepare a gift, and give it to her when I leave." Zhou Yun said, "Although it's just work, I like her very much, and she makes me feel very comfortable."

"She really likes you." Zhou Lan said, "She tweeted several scenes about your starring role, all of which were praising you."

Zhou Yun suddenly felt a little surprised.

"I thought it was just some social expression."

(End of this chapter)

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