I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 749 Investigation

Chapter 749 Investigation
Zhou Yun usually has to contact too many people at work.

Everyone said they liked her in front of her and were her fans.

Zhou Yun has subconsciously classified these people as a kind of Social.

Is Joanna really her fan?
Zhou Yun thought to himself, maybe it is.

However, this is just a personal preference.

The D family's attitude towards her is definitely not only determined by Joanna's attitude towards her.

Zhou Yun also doesn't want to mix these personal emotions and preferences in his work.

Just like the actress Joanna likes is definitely not just her, and the brand executives who like her are not just Joanna alone.

When it comes to follow-up cooperation, there are many interests involved in whether to cooperate or not.

Zhou Yun didn't mean that he didn't care about Joanna's admiration and liking for her. She just didn't want to cover up some decisions that were originally based on interests because of these personal things.

After Zhou Yun thought this through, he said to Zhou Lan: "Sister Lan, I have no plans to sign endorsements with the D family in the short term, so let's keep a certain distance from them. Getting too close is not a good thing."

Zhou Lan understood what Zhou Yun meant in seconds.

"I see." Zhou Lan nodded, "However, the friendly cooperative relationship can still be maintained, right?"

"Like this time, it's OK to watch their show or attend their activities, but we have signed a contract with VX after all, haven't we?" Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan nodded.

"It seems that you are planning to continue to cooperate with VX for a long time."

"They didn't do anything to apologize to me, and they have always been very kind to me, so why not continue to cooperate." Zhou Yun said, "I have followed VX to this day, and I am quite willing to continue with it. Climb up."

"I hope Zheng Xiaowen and the others are worthy of your kindness." Zhou Lan said so.

Zhou Yun knew that there was some unhappiness between Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaowen, which was caused by previous events.

She didn't explain anything either.

After entering the room, Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, let me rest for a while, let's talk later."

Zhou Lan nodded and asked, "Are you going out for a stroll later? Or what?"

"I probably won't go out today, you can ask Xiaoyun to accompany you for a stroll." Zhou Yun said, "This kind of thing happened, I want to be quiet in the room by myself."

Zhou Lan nodded.

At the other end of the corridor, there are two bodyguards arranged by D's family.

Zhou Yun was attacked when he was staying in a hotel in the United States before, and the D family was very considerate in arranging [-]-hour security.

Zhou Lan is also relieved.

"Okay, you have a good rest, call me if you have anything to do, and just look at the information on the Internet, don't reply." Zhou Lan said, "I have arranged for our studio's official Weibo An explanation has been issued."

"it is good."

After closing the door, Zhou Yun put the suitcase aside and lay down on the bed.

She closed her eyes, reviewing everything that had just happened in her mind.

Every image comes to mind, along with every emotion that has just been experienced.

it's better now.

Zhou Yun could calmly recall the look in that man's eyes.

After careful recollection, Zhou Yun was sure that he had no contact or face to face with the attacker, and there was no past connection.

That being the case, why did that person still look at her with such hatred and revengeful eyes?
Zhou Yun couldn't figure it out.

It made her restless.

In fact, Zhou Lan did not let go of this matter.

She made many phone calls on the car to the hotel, looking for someone who could help.

Finally, she found one.

This is a private detective introduced by a friend who specializes in helping people investigate things.

Zhou Lan made an appointment with this person at the hotel.

The other party was a mixed race, chocolate complexion, handsome, but with a cynical temperament.

His name is Gerald Sanchee, he should be in his early thirties, he has a pair of very bright eyes, which makes people unforgettable.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Lan." Zhou Lan shook hands with the person, "Do you speak English?"

She speaks English.

Gerald Sanchee nodded, looked at Zhou Lan, raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes did not hide his interest in her, and said, "Are you Chinese?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan nodded.

She looked at Gerald Sanchee with interest and asked, "How long have you been in this business?"

Although Gerald Sanch doesn't look like the kind of fledgling kid, he is obviously still very young, not mature and stable.

There is no doubt that experience is very important in this line of work.

Gerald Sanch said: "It doesn't matter how long you have been in this business, what matters is that I can dig deep to find the truth you want to find, didn't Louis tell you about my ability? "

Louis is the middleman between them.

Zhou Lan could hear his pride in himself.

Zhou Lan didn't dislike a person's pride.

To some extent, this also reflects a person's self-confidence.

"Louis just reminded me to be careful not to question your abilities, or you will be very angry."

Zhou Lan smiled slightly.

"Gerald, is it okay for me to call you that?" Zhou Lan asked.

Gerald Sanch nodded noncommittally.

"Louis should have already introduced you to the general situation. I hope you can help me investigate as soon as possible. Who is the man who attacked Zhou Yun at the airport and why did he attack Zhou Yun?" Zhou Lan said to Gerald Sanqi said, "I will transfer you [-] U.S. dollars first, and I hope you can give me a message as soon as possible. If you have other needs in the future, you can contact me at any time. We will only stay here for three days. I hope you can stay here for three days." Please help me figure this out. After the matter is completed, I will pay you another [-] US dollars, but you need to sign an agreement with us, including a non-disclosure agreement. Zhou Yun is an artist, and we hope that this matter can be kept completely secret .”

Gerald Sanch shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't take this matter seriously at all.

"The incident is not a problem, but the one-stop price, [-] US dollars, is not negotiable." Gerald Sanch said, "This is not an ordinary case. It involves celebrity artists, and the hush money is extra. I think it should be reasonable, right? ?”

Gerald Sanch blinked at Zhou Lan and smiled slightly.

Zhou Lan: "Protecting the privacy of customers, shouldn't this be your professional ethics?"

Gerald Sanch: "I never believed in that stuff, I only believed in real money."

"..." Zhou Lan didn't know what to say.

But what Gerald Sanch said had changed her opinion of him somewhat.

Zhou Lan has always been more willing to trust those who dare to ask for a price in advance.

"Okay, deal." Zhou Lan said, "[-] is [-], but if this matter gets out, the liquidated damages will be more than that."

"Hmm." Gerald Sanchee shrugged again.


Zhou Yun fell asleep in his room.

This sleep was very short, and he woke up suddenly after a while.

She opened her eyes wide, feeling palpitations.

Another nightmare.

In the nightmare, she was imprisoned in a dark room. She cried out for help, but there was no way to ask for help, and no one came to rescue her.

After Zhou Yun woke up, he realized that there might be something wrong with his mental state.

Once or twice, it may be an emotional problem, or it may be accidental, but recently, she has been frequently troubled by her own nightmares.

The point is that she doesn't feel it most of the time.

There was neither feeling of pressure nor powerlessness.

It's just that from time to time, as if suddenly struck by a lightning bolt in her life, something like this happens, reminding her of what she is afraid of and what she is afraid of.

Zhou Yun first said to herself, don't be nervous, don't be afraid, then, she took a deep breath, took out her phone, searched her name, and found the attack video shot by the fans at the scene.

Face your fears.

Zhou Yun said to himself in his heart.

She clicked on the video, didn't look at anyone, just stared at the assailant.

That's right, it wasn't her illusion.

This man is laughing out loud.

Even in the comment section, many passers-by said that the assailant's smile and eyes looked scary.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

OK, at least one thing has been proved now, she is not subconsciously hallucinating.

There is nothing wrong with her mental condition.

So, now we have to look at the second question.

What is the purpose of this attacker.

Now Zhou Yun doesn't believe that this person simply hates Asians, so he uses her as an Asian star to deliberately intimidate her.

She even felt that this person was just doing this under this guise.

His real purpose was to frighten her and scare her.

Who is doing this?Or does this person actually have other goals?


Zhou Yun didn't dare to tell Song Chi about this, for he was afraid that Song Chi would find out and worry about her, and even flew over directly.

Tell Zhou Lan?
Zhou Yun only hesitated for a second on this question.

I must tell Zhou Lan.

However, Zhou Yun was worried that if she seriously told Zhou Lan about her fear and anxiety in her recent state, Zhou Lan would adjust her future work plan.

Zhou Yun doesn't feel that she is going to reduce her work now. On the contrary, she needs more fulfilling work to avoid being immersed in this state.

It is best to join a group for filming.

Project yourself onto another character.

Zhou Yun is rational, she has even thought about how to resolve this terrible state.

However, Zhou Yun's extreme, even somewhat extreme, rationality is the greatest irrationality in itself.

Zhou Yun wandered slowly in the hotel room.


Gerald Sanzi contacted his friends in the police.

"Zhou Yun? Oh, that Chinese actress?"

To Gerald Sanzi's surprise, the friend took the person right without waiting for him to explain.

Gerald Sanzi asked: "Is this Chinese actress famous? You know her."

"God, she was nominated for a Golden Globe last year, didn't you know?" The police friend seemed to be a movie buff, "And, you've seen her movies."


Gerald Sanzi doesn't even remember seeing the Chinese actress in a movie.

""Behind the Scenes", don't you remember? You still called the heroine she played a lunatic."

"Oh, oh," Gerald Sanzie remembered, "well, I did see the movie, but I... uh, well, I didn't really like the movie, okay, tell you It's business, it's easy if you know her, she had an accident with us today, do you know?"

"You mean the incident at the airport? Of course we do. We all know about it. It's on the news."

Gerald Sanzi said: "What happened to the attacker?"

"Hey, brother, why are you so interested in this matter? Don't you always think less of these celebrity artists?"

"I have never looked down on them. You are talking nonsense again. What's the matter? Is it convenient to disclose the situation?"

"This man just happened to be sent to us."


"However, brother, although he is quite hateful, he did not cause actual harm. We can only educate him, and there is nothing we can do about him."

Gerald Sanzi: "It's all right, what does he do? Does he have a real job?"

"Not now. He was an editor at a publishing house before, but he was fired just last month."

"So you were stimulated and came out to take revenge on society?"

"Maybe, but the reason why he was fired is also because he expressed some racially discriminatory views on the Internet before, which was boycotted by many people, so he was fired."

"Can you send me his Twitter account?" Gerald Sanzi said. "I've got a job and I need to investigate him."

"Although he is a jerk, according to the rules, I can't give you Luke Serrada's Twitter account."

"OK, well, you're still so ruthless."

"No way, it's work."

After hanging up the phone, Gerald Sanzi immediately opened Twitter and searched for Luke Serrada's name. According to his previous experience working in a publishing house and his racially discriminatory views, he quickly found hacked Luke Serrada's account.

Coincidentally, five minutes ago, he just posted a selfie, which was a selfie of himself at the gate of the police station.

Gerald Sanzi looked through some of Luke Cerrada's old posts and found a bar he frequented.

He got in the car and drove to the bar.

In the afternoon, there were not many people in the bar, and the boss sat behind the bar and looked at his mobile phone.

Gerald Sanzi tapped on the table, "Hey!"

The boss raised his head, he was a very tall middle-aged man.

He glanced at Gerald Sanzi and asked, "What would you like to drink?"

"A glass of beer." Gerald Sanzi said, took out his mobile phone, and found the photo of Luke Serrada just now. When the boss brought the wine, he showed it to the boss, "Do you know this person?"

The boss glanced at the photo and said, "I don't know."

"Luke Serrada." Gerald Sanzi patted the table, took out his own business card and a ten-dollar bill from his wallet, "He is a frequent visitor to your house, I know you know him When I saw him, I handed it over to him, with a message, and told him that I, Gerald Sanzi, had a deal with him."

(End of this chapter)

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