Chapter 750 Tracking
In the evening, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan had dinner in the restaurant of the hotel, and Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun about hiring Gerald Sanzi to investigate.

"If I don't figure out the identity and background of the attacker, I will never feel at ease in my heart."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Me too, I had a nightmare just now."

Zhou Lan said: "We have to be mentally prepared, maybe there will be more and more things like this in the future."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

As an artist, Zhou Yun has long been aware of all this, but she still needs time to adapt.

In fact, Zhou Yun felt that he was very lucky to have such a manager as Zhou Lan.

If it was another manager, he might not believe Zhou Yun's feelings.

Or, even if they also sense that something is wrong with the attacker's state, they may face it with the attitude of "one more thing is worse than one less thing".

But it just so happens that Zhou Lan, like Zhou Yun, is a person who can hold sand in his eyes but not in his heart.

Therefore, when she also discovered the abnormality, she absolutely had to figure it out.

The two reached a consensus on this matter and smiled at each other.

Zhou Lan said: "Of course, I hope that he is a pure racist and has no other purpose. This is the simplest."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Like Zhou Lan, she also hopes so.

It's just that the two of them knew it well, since they both had strange feelings, the possibility of such an idea was unlikely.

After dinner, Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun, "I have to try on clothes at [-]:[-], and there is still half an hour left. Do you want to go back to your room and take a rest, or go straight there?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "I'll go back to my room to rest. Where will I try on clothes later? Tell me the room number, and I'll go there by myself."

"I'll let Liu Yun take you there later," Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Yun got up, ready to go back to his room to rest.

"Miss Zhou." A man who looked like an Asian came over suddenly. He spoke Chinese. Zhou Yun thought he was a Chinese until he introduced himself and said, "I'm Konosuke Harada. I don't know if I can bother you." for a while?"

Zhou Yun looked at the middle-aged Japanese suspiciously, and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhou Lan also came to Zhou Yun's side.

Harada Konosuke took out two business cards and handed them to Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan took the business card, on which the identity of the person was written in English.

General Manager of Pine Branch Films.

"Hello." Zhou Lan greeted the other party after reading the business card, "What can you do with us?"

Harada Konosuke said: "I want to talk to Ms. Zhou Yun. I have a movie here and I want to invite Ms. Zhou Yun to act in it."

"So that's the case, thank you, I'm Miss Zhou Yun's agent, because she has a job to do later, the time is relatively tight, and now she needs to make preparations, so I can't continue to chat with you, if you want to talk to her For cooperation projects, you can contact me." Zhou Lan took out a business card of his own and handed it to Harada Konosuke, "I'm very sorry."

Harada Konosuke was disappointed when he heard the words.

"That's right, I'm sorry to bother you."

He nodded slightly, took Zhou Lan's business card, "Please."

He stepped aside.

Zhou Yun nodded to him, apologized, and left.

The bodyguards followed.

Zhou Lan still stayed where he was, and said to Konosuke Harada, "This time Zhou Yun came here because she was invited by the brand, and she has to try on clothes with the brand later, because she has an appointment, so there is no way to delay the time."

Harada Konosuke didn't seem to expect that Zhou Lan would explain it to him again.

"I understand, I was rude." Harada Konosuke immediately said to Zhou Lan, "Originally this time I was only here to participate in tomorrow's event, and I happened to see Ms. Zhou Yun just now, and I thought that I have a film project behind me. Directed by director Yu Zhihe, there is a character in it that is very suitable for Ms. Zhou Yun, so I want to talk to Ms. Zhou Yun about this film project in person."

When Zhou Lan heard the word Yuzhihe, his heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, she suddenly rejoiced that she had explained one more sentence to this Harada Konosuke just now.

How to describe Yu Zhihe, a Japanese director?

In this world, there are some directors who are described as world-class directors who transcend national boundaries. The films they shoot have been recognized and praised all over the world.

Yu Zhihe is such a director.

It can be said that he is the top director in Japan today, and he doesn't even need to add the word "one".

Zhou Lan can imagine that if Zhou Yun knew that director Yu Zhihe had a film project to cooperate with her, Zhou Yun would definitely agree.

Now Zhou Yun is taking the international route, and cooperating with international directors is her best choice.

Zhou Lan didn't expect that he almost missed this opportunity.

Of course, she still kept a calm look on her face, not letting herself look too excited.

"Is it director Yu Zhihe's film project?" Zhou Lan showed a proper surprise and said, "Wow, it turns out that director Yu Zhihe is preparing to shoot a new movie."

"Our film project has been in preparation for many years. The script has been revised before, but it has not been finalized. Director Yu Zhihe has also prepared many projects. This time, director Yu Zhihe happened to have time." Harada Konosuke said, " Because one of the main roles in the movie is an actress from China, we have been looking for a suitable Chinese actress to play this role. I have watched "Days" before, and I especially want to invite Miss Zhou Yun and Yu Zhihe Meet the director."

Zhou Lan listened, nodded, and said, "Then let's make an appointment later. When do you think it's more suitable, but Xiaoyun will be filming "Killing Song" soon, in December."

"Then let's try to let the two meet before December." Harada Konosuke said.

"Okay." Zhou Lan nodded.


"Luke Selazy?"

Gerald Sanchee took a look at the man approaching him.

His complexion is pale and skinny. Anyone who sees him at first sight may suspect that this person has health problems.

The place where they met was under a remote street lamp.

Luke Selazzi took a look at Gerald Sanchee and asked, "You're the one looking for me?"

"Yes." Gerald Sanchee nodded.

"You said you have a deal to discuss with me, what kind of deal?" Luke Selazzi asked straight to the point.

Gerald Sanch smiled slightly and said, "Tell me who ordered you to attack Zhou Yun at the airport, and I'll give you ten thousand dollars."

Luke Selazy's complexion suddenly changed.

"What are you talking about? Who ordered me to attack Zhou Yun?" He changed his face when he heard that, turned around and left.

"Hey! Why are you in such a hurry to leave!" Gerald Sanch stepped forward and grabbed Luke Serazi's arm, "Isn't it impolite for you to leave in a hurry before you finish your sentence? "

The moment Luke Selazy was grabbed by the arm, he suddenly broke free and ran forward as if he was going berserk.

Gerald Sanch sighed helplessly as if he had expected it long ago.

In the next second, two people rushed out from the front, one on the left and one on the right, and grabbed Luke Selazzi.

Gerald Sanche walked slowly with his hands in his pockets.

Luke Selazy knelt on the ground in embarrassment and shouted angrily: "Who are you? Let me go!"

Gerald Sanch smiled and said, "When you talk about business, talk about it. Now can you tell me who ordered you to do this?"

Luke Selazzi poked his neck and said: "No one ordered me to do this. I see that Chinese woman is unhappy, so I don't want to make her happy. Is there a problem?"

"There is a problem, because you are lying." Gerald Sanch raised his right hand and patted Luke Selazzi's face, "Look, I already know that you are lying, why don't we just omit it?" Forget the link where you deny it and I force you to admit it, and just tell the truth, how about it?"

Gerald Sanch's expression was very calm from beginning to end, even showing a sense of elegance.

Luke Selazy was about to open his mouth.

Gerald Sanche punched Luke Selazzi in the stomach.

"Umm—cough cough—" Luke Selazy screamed, coughing violently.

Gerald Sanch: "Can the truth be told?"

Luke Selazy opened his mouth again.

Gerald Sanche punched again, harder this time.

Luke Selazzi let out a violent groan of pain.

He subconsciously wanted to curl up, but his arms were held and he couldn't bend down.

Gerald Sanch punched Luke Selazzi twice, but he didn't seem to have done anything, his expression was still indifferent, as if he was just chatting with someone about the weather today.

At this moment, Gerald Sanch's face was no different from a devil in the eyes of Luke Selazy.

Luke Selazzi was terrified.

"I said, I said."

He nodded persistently, saying "I say," lest Gerald Sanche punch him again without waiting for him to speak.

Seeing Luke Selazy like this, Gerald Sanch finally laughed and said, "Look, if you cooperate earlier, you won't have to suffer like this before?"


Zhou Yun glanced at the time, it was already seven twenty-five.

Going to try on makeup and clothes soon.

She was invited to watch the show, which was actually a promotion for the D family.

Liu Yun came to pick Zhou Yun up.

When Zhou Yun went out, there was a photographer arranged by D's family carrying a camera to shoot.

In addition to them, there are several domestic media to follow the filming.

These are all discussed with Zhou Lan and obtained Zhou Lan's permission to shoot.

Zhou Yun did not see Zhou Lan in the fitting room.

"Well, where's Miss Lan?" Zhou Yun asked Liu Yun.

Liu Yun said: "Sister Lan said she has something to do, come here later."


Joanna from D's house and several designers from the design department have arrived and are waiting for her.

Zhou Yun greeted them cordially and began to choose clothes.

"These are our designs for the new season, and they haven't been exposed yet." Joanna said, "No matter which one it is, you are the first to wear it in the world."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and opened his eyes wide, "Well, then I have to choose seriously."

After some selection and fitting, every piece of clothing will usher in a discussion.

Zhou Yun has his own judgment in his heart, but he will also listen to the opinions of the people around him, and make a decision based on comprehensive opinions.

For actresses, the fashion industry is like a second battlefield, or in other words, a second career track.

But Zhou Yun has always been very clear that fashion is not her main field, and she doesn't need to put a lot of energy in this area, she just needs to make her own judgment normally.

As long as she does a good job as an actor, all other side jobs will always follow her.

Therefore, Zhou Yun usually chooses the dress according to the classic, generous and aesthetic style that can stand the test of time.

She doesn't want to stand out and impress in this regard.

She even hopes to blur her public image at the public level.

Preferably like white water.

After ordering tomorrow's dress, Zhou Yun personally sent Joanna and the designers away.

"Thank you." Zhou Yun said.

"Staying with you, every minute and every second is very happy, and it's not hard at all." Joanna smiled at Zhou Yun, "Let's go first, and if there is a chance, we will chat together again."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

After seeing off Joanna, Zhou Yun was about to go back to the room when he saw Zhou Lan who was going back to the hotel.

Zhou Lan's expression was a little dazed, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun called her.

Zhou Lan didn't see Zhou Yun until this time.

She: "Have you decided which outfit to wear tomorrow?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan said, "I just went to see Gerald Sanchee."

When Zhou Yun heard this name, he immediately understood what Zhou Lan was doing just now.

"Did he find anything?" she asked.

"The man who attacked you is Luke Selazzi. Someone hired him to do what he did this morning." Zhou Lan said, "but Luke Selazzi doesn't know him." The person who hired him, they all traded online, and the other party used an anonymous account."

"That's true." Zhou Yun was silent for a moment after hearing Zhou Lan's words, and said, "So, is there no way to find out who that person is?"

"From the current point of view, we have no choice." Zhou Lan shook his head, "Gerald Sanch said that it is an anonymous account and it is difficult to track."


Zhou Yun said: "Since we can't find anyone now, we can only be more careful. Sister Lan, I'm a little tired. I'll go back to rest first, and you should also rest earlier."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan nodded.

Zhou Yun returned to the room under the escort of the bodyguards.

Zhou Lan stood where he was, without moving.

This was what Gerald Sanch had said when he reported the results of his investigation to her.

"Although there is no way to find out who hired Luke Selazzi to do this, but there is such a means to contact Luke Selazzi anonymously, which is not something ordinary people can do." Jello "It's not something that an ordinary person can do casually," De Sanche said.

(End of this chapter)

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