I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 751 Night Chapter Paris

Chapter 751
Who is hiding in the dark and staring at her?
Who is making a cold shot again?
Zhou Yun was in a state of confusion, it was still very early, Zhou Yun couldn't fall asleep, and she couldn't concentrate on watching anything, so she could only do yoga in the room by herself, trying to achieve a state of peace of mind.

"Dong dong."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Zhou Yun walked to the door in surprise, glanced outside the cat's eye, and saw clearly that the knocker was Zhou Lan, she was relieved and opened the door.

"I know you're not asleep." Zhou Lan smiled, still holding two bottles of red wine in his hand, "Let's have a drink together."

Zhou Yun nodded.

She just needed to distract herself.

"Are you scared in your heart?" Zhou Lan asked immediately after entering the room.

"Scared." Zhou Yun nodded. "To be honest, it's more of fear. I don't know who is hiding behind me and shooting arrows at me."

Zhou Lan: "I'm the same as you. Sometimes, I'd rather face that kind of opponent who comes face to face than face this kind of enemy who doesn't know where to hide."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded and smiled slightly.

She thought of something and said, "Sister Lan, did that Gerald Sanch say something to you that disturbed you?"

Zhou Lan smiled helplessly.

"Nothing can be hidden from you." Zhou Lan said, "Gerald Sanch said that the person who has the ability to do this must not be an ordinary person."

"That's what I thought of."

"Well, many female celebrities actually encounter such things, such as illegitimate fans, suitors, morbid admirers, etc., but I didn't expect you to encounter such things."

Zhou Yun said: "Why should I be an exception?"

Zhou Lan didn't speak.

"But no matter what, I have to find this person out." Zhou Yun's eyes suddenly raised fighting spirit, "Originally, I have been unable to concentrate during this period of time, and I am always distracted by many things , but this kind of thing happened, knowing that someone wants to make me feel bad, then I must feel good, I can't let that person succeed!"

Zhou Lan was stunned.

She never thought that Zhou Yun would get bloody again, and it was because of this incident that she got bloody again.

Zhou Lan was very confused, and asked in surprise: "It's a good thing that you cheered up, but, you... well, I was shocked by you, wouldn't most people be more frightened when encountering such a thing?" , Are you panicked? How did you get inspired to fight instead? I have known you for so many years, and I am really surprised by you."

Zhou Yun: "I don't know what's wrong with me recently. I always have a feeling that I can't work hard. I don't know if it's a period of exhaustion, or... I feel that I have reached a position where I can't advance, especially when shooting. After finishing "Sinking Moon on the Sea", this feeling was very strong. In fact, when I was at the airport, I still hadn't recovered from it. I was resting in my room in the afternoon, and I also had nightmares. However, just as you told me, this There was indeed someone manipulating behind this incident, someone was hiding behind and wanted to hurt me, I suddenly woke up with a jerk, as if I had been enlightened, I had the fighting spirit again, I felt that I had lost a clear idea before goal, but I have it now."

"Your goal now is to find out that person?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun nodded, "Finding out that person is just the second thing. I just suddenly remembered why I insisted on being an actor myself."

"Huh?" Zhou Lan looked confused, she didn't understand the logical relationship between them at all.

What does this have to do with Zhou Yun insisting on being an actor?
Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, I said that I don't care about winning awards, I don't care about the salary, and I don't care about high or low status, but in fact, I know very well in my heart that I also lie Not myself, I still care about these things, I should face my own heart more directly, I just want to figure out one thing, I don’t care about fame and fortune that much, I also want to figure out one thing, when things go wrong When things turned out to be contrary to my expectations, when things didn’t develop according to my expectations, I had nothing to worry about. Before, I seemed to put myself in a very low position. But in my heart, I thought that my judgment was more correct than anyone else. What happened this time suddenly woke me up. There will be people who can't understand you, people who will deal with you, and people who think you are unworthy from the bottom of their hearts."

Zhou Yun was a little drunk.

She said, smiling sweetly.

"Sister Lan, I didn't realize until today that I am not a free and easy person at all. I am just obsessed with the feeling of being free and easy, but I am not really free and easy from the bottom of my heart." Zhou Yun said, "It really makes me I grieve and discover my own truth."

"Xiaoyun, no one is perfect, there is no need for you to judge yourself by this standard."

"I know, I know." Zhou Yun nodded, "I won't do it anymore, there is nothing standard or not, I just want to accept my not-so-good side, accept my longing for worldly desires, accept my In fact, just like everyone, there are shortcomings that cannot be changed. Most of the time, the satisfaction is just an illusion immersed in an idealistic state, and I will slowly accept all of this.”

"Many people may not think of the things you told me tonight."

Zhou Lan put his arm around Zhou Yun's shoulder.

"Xiao Yun, I know that you are usually a person who thinks a lot, and your personality will inevitably make you think a lot, but sometimes it is not a good thing to think too much, you must I know, I just hope you can think more, but don’t let your thinking restrict your real life. You are originally engaged in an industry that is very far away from ordinary people, and in your position, there are very few people I can have the same experience as you. You can only digest a lot of things by yourself. This is what worries me the most. You are still very young. Everything is fine and your career is booming. However, you are destined to face many problems. Even if you stand at the front to face the storm, and this is not something we can stand by if we want to stand by your side and face it with you." Zhou Lan said, "To be honest, I don't know if we are It is not that we will continue to cooperate, even if we have such a close relationship now, we have established a studio, and a few children are walking forward with us, but there is always a banquet in the world, and no one knows what will happen in the future. I hope you can persevere to the end in this industry. I used to be cowardly, timid, and withdrawn. Now I dare to challenge others, dare to reject some unreasonable things, and dare to give up some good opportunities. Because of everything we have gained in the past two years, I have such confidence. Therefore, you said that you must accept that you are not as idealistic as you think. I also want to say that I must also accept that I used to think I can't do it myself."

When Zhou Lan said this, he smiled.

"However, it doesn't matter, accept yourself or not, time will flow objectively, as long as we stand still, one day, we can get the peace of mind we want."

Zhou Yun let out a low wow.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I thought I was the only one who would be so entangled in these issues. It turns out that you, Sister Lan, also think about these things."

"This is no nonsense. When people grow their brains, they don't always think about things that have nothing to do with their specific life and work." Zhou Lan covered his chin with his right hand, "You are not the only one who is facing this drastic change. The same is true for the people in my life, whether it is me or Xiaoyu, because of the change in your career, it has brought about a huge change in our career. It is difficult to change at an immediate speed, and we have no one to ask for advice, just like you, we can only digest this change by ourselves, and then work hard to keep up with it, or we will be eliminated if we don’t keep up.”


"Actually, I think you are quite lucky. You can see that these few people in your team are very reliable in the end. Many stars who become popular overnight, many times the artists keep it by themselves, but the team members are suddenly caught by this kind of popularity. The fame and fortune brought by him has been confused, so that there have been a lot of big-name things. In fact, it has nothing to do with the artists. Liu Yun, the people who are closest to you, everyone can hold on to themselves and not drift." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "How wonderful, especially after we set up a studio. Qian can't interfere with our work decision-making, the degree of freedom is greater, and the initiative is also greater. I think this is our best time. You, you have been working under heavy load for the past two years. You haven’t rested, maybe you don’t feel it yourself, but your body tells you that you can’t take it anymore, you really need to rest and take a breather.”

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan: "In December, you will join the filming of "Killing Song". After the filming of this film, you will have no other work arrangements for the time being. How should you put it, you finally don’t have to spin around anymore, after the filming of "Killing Song", do you want to take a vacation for yourself, to take a vacation for complete relaxation?"

"Let's talk about it later." Zhou Yun smiled, "Who knows."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, do you still remember the Japanese who stopped you after eating?" Zhou Lan asked.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "What's wrong?"

"Do you know who is the director of the film project he came to talk to you about?" Zhou Lan asked with a bit of uncontrollable expectation in his tone.

Zhou Yun asked, "Who is it?"

Zhou Lan said, "Guess."

"Let me guess? Then I'll guess the one I want to work with the most. Could it be director Yu Zhihe?" Zhou Yun casually mentioned the name of the most popular director in Japan who is also known as the master.

She really didn't dare to think, it's really Yu Zhihe.

But Zhou Lan nodded and said, "You guessed it right, it's Yuzhihe."

Zhou Yun widened his eyes in disbelief.

"real or fake?"

"Really." Zhou Lan said, "I didn't expect it either. Fortunately, I stayed and chatted with him a few more times before I realized that the film project he was looking for you was directed by director Yu Zhihe. It has been in preparation for many years, and he has been revising the script before, and he admires you very much, so he wants to introduce you to director Yu Zhihe."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Of course there is no problem, but, is this person really going to cooperate with director Yu Zhihe in the next project? Why do I think it is so unreliable? You can encounter this kind of thing after a meal." Chance."

Zhou Lan said: "Then you also have to look at where you met. The people staying in this hotel are all invited by the D family to participate in their big show. Harada Konosuke's film company has been working closely with the D family. , that's why he received the invitation, otherwise, he is the owner of a movie company and not a star artist, how could he stay in this hotel at this time."

Zhou Yun: "Okay."

"If it's a movie directed by Yu Zhihe, then this is a very good opportunity." Zhou Lan said, "As long as the script is suitable, I think you will definitely not refuse."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "It's just that, hasn't Yuzhihe only made Japanese movies all the time? Does he have a role suitable for me in this movie project?"

"Yes, it is a Chinese woman." Zhou Lan said, "They have been looking at Chinese actresses before, but it seems that Yu Zhihe has not found one he is satisfied with, so the script has not been substantially revised. .”


"Anyway, let's meet and get to know each other first." Zhou Lan said, "Even if the cooperation fails this time, if we do, there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future."


With these world-class creators, in fact, there is never a shortage of opportunities. If one cooperation fails, there will be another one.

The key is to get to know you first, and let the director see you with his own eyes, which is never a bad thing.

An actress like Zhou Yun is not afraid of "dead in light" at all, and even a real person is more likely to make people's hearts flutter.

Zhou Lan has always been full of confidence in Zhou Yun. I believe that no matter what director sees Zhou Yun, he will want to cooperate with Zhou Yun.

What's more, now that Zhou Yun has everything, whether it is popularity or fans, what kind of director would not be willing to cooperate with Zhou Yun.

"Okay, I can't drink anymore, you still have work tomorrow." Zhou Lan pressed Zhou Yun's hand to open another bottle of wine, "Rest early and go to bed."

"I can't sleep either, I slept a lot during the day today."

"Does that mean you continue to drink?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and said, "Keep drinking."

"Aren't you afraid that your face will be swollen tomorrow, and the media will photograph you, and the whole world will laugh at your pig-headed face?"

"I'm naturally beautiful, so I'm afraid of a pig's face."

"No, no, you are boasting about your natural beauty, you must be drunk and can't drink any more."


"Pull you down! I don't know you yet. It takes a lot of effort for you to boast about yourself. You are so screwed up. You must be drunk to say such things!"

Zhou Yun: "Zhou Lan, why are you so annoying!"

"The first day you met me today? Did you know that I hate you?"

(End of this chapter)

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