I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 752 Grab Your Seat

Chapter 752 Grab Your Seat

Watching a show is a very important job for a celebrity artist, and that is to take photos with other people.

These group photos will be uploaded to every corner of the Internet, seen by many people, and then commented by many people.

These photos are not only a kind of publicity for the brand, but also a kind of publicity for the celebrity artist himself.

There are even some scandals of "rubbing photos" every year.

For example, a certain celebrity sat next to the editor-in-chief of such-and-such while the owner of the original seat was not there, and arranged for the staff to take pictures, creating an illusion that he was sitting next to the editor-in-chief of such-and-such, so as to create a feeling that he had a high status in the fashion circle, A highly regarded illusion.

Zhou Yun didn't go to many shows before, but every time he went to a show, he was treated with a very high standard.

Some people also took her seat to take pictures when she was not around.

In this regard, Zhou Yun has always been more tolerant.

She understands everyone's desire, and also this vanity.

But Zhou Yun didn't expect that he would run into someone changing his seat nameplate.

This happened after entering the infield. Zhou Yun found her seat according to the signboard and was about to sit down when someone came to greet her and take a photo with her.

Zhou Yun went to chat with someone.

Immediately, I met the president and design director of the D family.

Under the recommendation of Joanna, they welcomed her and took a group photo together.

When she turned her head again, another person appeared in her seat.

Zhou Yun originally thought that someone was borrowing her seat to take pictures, so she waited for a while, who knew that after waiting for a long time, that person was still sitting in her seat, communicating enthusiastically with the people next to her.

Zhou Yun was slightly taken aback.

Zhou Lan noticed her strangeness, gave her a look, and asked her what's wrong.

She didn't know where Zhou Yun's seat was, nor did she know that Zhou Yun's seat was taken.

The big show is about to start, and the presenter is already maintaining order.

Everyone started to go back to their seats.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people standing, Zhou Yun stood there in embarrassment.

She turned her head to look around, and found that her seat nameplate had been pasted to a seat in front of her at some point.

She was still in the first row, but the people around her had changed from the editor-in-chief of Italian Vogue to someone she didn't know.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, giving her little time to think.

She decided to keep her face, let things go, and go to the place where her name tag was pasted in front.

But at this moment, the woman sitting in her seat looked up at her.

Zhou Yun saw with certainty that the woman's eyes stayed on her face for a second, and then cut away, as if he was just an irrelevant person.

But that look made Zhou Yun very clear that this woman knew her.

Zhou Yun didn't know who this person was.

do not know.

She has a European and American appearance, brown hair, a pair of beautiful blue eyes, young and beautiful, and has been talking to the editor-in-chief of Italian Vogue next to her.

It's just that the editor-in-chief didn't seem to respond to her. He wore sunglasses and didn't take them off, nor did he turn his head to her side.

Zhou Yun was a little angry at this moment.

It's just that because the big show is about to start, she doesn't want to affect others because of this matter.

She rolled her eyes and walked straight towards Joanna.

Joanna had already sat down in her seat. When she saw Zhou Yun walking towards her suddenly, she stood up immediately and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yun briefly told Joanna about the issue of his seat being changed, without glancing there the whole time.

"Now that the big show is about to start, it's not easy for me to say anything to people, but I don't want people around me to mistake that person for me, so I'll trouble you to deal with it later."

Zhou Yun said.

Joanna glanced, and her eyes suddenly changed.

She glanced angrily at the woman occupying Zhou Yun's seat, and said to Zhou Yun, "I'll arrange someone to call her away immediately."

"No need." Zhou Yun took Joanna's arm and said, "Don't let everyone watch the show because of this trivial matter. Just mistook her for me, thank you."

Joanna also knew that this was not the time to arrange for someone to take that woman away.

Now that everyone has sat down and is waiting for the show to start, at this time someone has to make a big move to change seats, which will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Maybe this gossip news will completely cover up the big show itself in the end.

Joanna apologized, and then said: "I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, "Okay, thank you."

She didn't say much, and went to the replaced seat and sat down.


The big show of the D family is amazing.

Although Zhou Yun doesn't know fashion design, she knows what is good.

Good things do not need to understand its design principles, nor do you need to understand those concepts. You only need one glance, and you know that it is a good thing.

Although some unpleasant things happened, Zhou Yun liked this big show very much.

She also took a lot of photos and a lot of clothes, which she thinks she can wear on a certain occasion in the future.

After watching this big show, there is also an after-show party.

Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan and Liu Yun participated together.

The clothes on Zhou Lan and Liu Yun were borrowed from the brand.

At the after-show party, Zhou Yun met many celebrities, artists and models from all over the world.

They are some very famous names in the fashion circle.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect the most was that many people came to greet her and chat with her.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that they all said that they had watched her play, not "Days" or "Behind the Scenes", but "Deep Sea".

"I love this show so much, I've watched it twice." A female model even said so.

The broadcast effect of "Deep Sea" on streaming media made Zhou Yun unexpected.

It's been more than half a year since this show aired, yet so many people still remember it?

Before this, Zhou Yun really did not expect that this drama would make her known by so many people.

Zhou Yun met Harada Konosuke again at the party.

This time Harada Konosuke was accompanied by a female companion, a well-known Japanese actress named Migen Kiyoshi.

Zhou Yun has seen the movie she acted in.

"Ms. Zhou Yun, hello, I'm glad we met again." Harada Konosuke said immediately.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Harada, hello, we meet again, so glad to see you."

She added: "Actually, I wanted to tell you the first time I met you. Your Chinese is really good."

Konosuke Harada said: "I worked in China for many years when I was young, so I can speak Chinese pretty well."

Zhou Yun suddenly realized in surprise, "So that's how it is."

"I wonder if Miss Zhou Lan has conveyed my words to you?" Harada Konosuke asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "Sister Lan told me, thank you Mr. Harada, I really hope to cooperate with director Yu Zhihe, if we can finally reach a cooperation, that would be great."

Harada Konosuke said: "Miss Zhou, it's great that you have this idea, then I will contact director Yu Zhihe immediately and make an appointment, let's meet together."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

After they finished talking about this matter, the Japanese actress San Yuanqing spoke up and said, "Hi, Zhou Yun. Nice to meet you. I am San Yuanqing."

Yuanqing uses English, and it can be heard that her English is not very proficient, a little jerky, but she can understand it.

The actress San Yuanqing is very thin, with a temperament like a green bamboo, and her eyes are very determined, as if she is a very assertive person.

Zhou Yun and San Yuanqing had never met before, and this was the first time they met.

Zhou Yun switched English proficiently and said, "Hello, Miss Sanyuan."

"Just call me Qing." San Yuanqing said with a smile, "I wanted to meet you a long time ago, but I never had the chance. Today I finally met you."

"Me too, I've read your "Clean Dust Collecting Dew" and I like you very much." Zhou Yun said.

San Yuanqing blinked in surprise, smiled a little more on his face, and said, "Thank you, I also like many of your movies, I have watched them all."

"When will you be able to collaborate on a movie?" Konosuke Harada said, "It would be great if there is a suitable script."

San Yuanqing said: "I am also looking forward to working with Ms. Zhou."

"If there is a suitable script, let's advance it together." Zhou Yun said.

San Yuanqing nodded.

"Let's take a group photo together." Harada Konosuke suggested.


Harada Konosuke said to Zhou Lan again: "Miss Zhou Lan, come together."

"Okay." Zhou Lan nodded.

The secretary of Liu Yun and Konosuke Harada took a group photo for them.

"It's really great." Harada Konosuke said.

We exchanged mailboxes and left each other's numbers.

Harada Konosuke said: "Ms. Zhou will come to Japan in the future, and she must tell me, and I will arrange it."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Mr. Harada, you are very kind, thank you."

"It is the honor of our Songzhi Films to receive such a talented actress as Ms. Zhou Yun."

After the two sides chatted, they dispersed.

Zhou Lan whispered in Zhou Yun's ear, "Xiaoyun, do you think Harada Konosuke is too polite to you?"

"I think, but I don't know why." Zhou Yun said, "It stands to reason that he, a big boss of a film company, and an actress like San Yuanqing, really don't need to please me so politely."

"Maybe it's because all the Japanese are like this."

"Maybe it is true." Zhou Lan said, "All the Japanese I know seem to be like this."

"However, in any case, if it's director Yu Zhihe's new play, we must find a way to win it." Zhou Lan said, "This kind of master director, working with him will also be of great benefit to you. One point, you can further strengthen your position in Asian cinema."

"Uh, okay."

"It was you who said that you have to accept your vulgarity, so even though I said it a bit vulgar, you have to accept it."

"Got it, got it, I will accept it." Zhou Yun was helpless.

You can't go back on what you said.

"Hmm, isn't that person the one who snatched your seat?" Zhou Lan suddenly looked in one direction and said.

Zhou Yun heard the words and looked.

In front, the brown-haired, blue-eyed young woman was holding a wine glass, standing next to a handsome middle-aged man, playing eye-catching games with him.

Zhou Lan said directly, "It's disgusting."

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Lan, do you know who this person is?"

"Gilan Stewart, a young supermodel who has become famous in the past two years, has many fans and is also very active on social media. She is the most popular among all the supermodels." Zhou Lan said, "She is also The co-supermodel of the D family is very caring about cooperating with the D family, but she often makes some discriminatory remarks and has been boycotted by many people."

"Huh? If that's the case, why did the D family invite her to participate in the big show?"

"Because she has a lot of fans, she has tens of millions of fans on Twitter." Zhou Lan said, "The market is not good now, even the D family needs to rely on Internet celebrities like her to expand the brand's exposure."

"Who is that man?"

"Who knows who it is, it's not a good thing at first sight." Zhou Lan said angrily.

Zhou Yun couldn't judge for a while, whether Zhou Lan was acting on his own will or what.

However, at this moment, Gillan Stewart suddenly saw Zhou Yun.

She paused her eyes on Zhou Yun for a short time as if provocative, and then closed her eyes lightly.

"Why does this person look so annoying?" Zhou Lan cursed softly.

"Hi, Xiaoyun!" Suddenly, Wen Xi appeared.

"Hi, Wen Xi!" Zhou Yun looked at the sudden appearance of Wen Xi in surprise, and asked, "Where do you come from? I didn't see you participating in D's catwalk just now."

"I don't have a job with their family this year, but I know you're here, so I came to the party, how was it, how was their show today?"

"It's wonderful." Zhou Yun said sincerely, "I like it very much, those clothes are really beautiful."

"Really?" Wen Xi said, "The design evaluation of the D family has been somewhat low in the past two years, and it seems that this time it has turned around."

"Haha, is it? I don't even know." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Xi: "It's true."

She chatted with Zhou Yun for a few words, then suddenly her expression changed, she frowned and said, "I didn't expect her to come too."

"Her? Who is she?" Zhou Yun didn't know why Wen Xi had such an attitude, and asked in surprise.

Wen Xi gave Gillan Stewar a glance and said, "That person, pay attention, she discriminates against Chinese people very much, and often attacks our country on social networks, I hate her very much."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was surprised.

She said: "When watching the show just now, she even changed my position."

"What do you mean?" Wen Xi was taken aback and asked.

Zhou Yun told Wen Xi what he had just experienced.

"She still does this kind of thing? She is really thick-skinned." Wen Xi said angrily, "Why is this person so shameful!"

Zhou Yun: "Anyway, I've already told Joanna about this matter. Let's see how the D family handles this matter. If the D family doesn't plan to deal with it, then forget it. I won't participate in the D family's activities in the future."

"Don't be too impulsive," Wen Xi said.

"It's not because of emotion, it's just that if I suffer from this matter, it's fine. I told Joanna about it. If they don't respond and I don't respond, then I will belittle myself too much. It's over, it's a breath of life." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Xi looked at her in surprise.

"This is the D family."

"Never mind." Zhou Yun said, "I'm fine. After all, I'm not completely in the fashion industry. Even if I don't give it face, what can it do to me? Is it possible that it can still block me?"

"Of course it won't block you, but you also know that the D family is one of the top brands in the world after all. If you don't cooperate with them in the future, it will be a big loss for you."

"Then I'll take it easy and not be so absolute." Zhou Yun changed it as soon as he said it, "But I can't pretend that nothing happened. I don't allow myself to do this."

"Of course, of course." Zhou Lan said, "What's more, you are the best actress in China now, they can't treat you like this."

"I hope the D family can have a good deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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