I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 753 The first impression

Chapter 753 First Impression
"On the way here, I saw that Merlando released the other two actors of "Killing Song". Among them are Korean actress Kim Joo-rin and Japanese actress Nakajima Ho. My circle of friends has been swiped "Wen Xi said, "Did you know the news before?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, I haven't contacted Merandu and the others, but have been communicating with director Tim Lange."

Wen Xi said: "That's why they didn't tell you, but with Merando's actions, this movie is determined to go international, and it attaches great importance to the Asian market. Actresses from China, Japan and South Korea all participated in it." .”

Zhou Yun said: "There are many characters in this movie, and there are even a dozen main characters. It is normal for Merandu to invite actors from so many countries. This story is originally a big fight scene."

After hearing this, Wen Xi looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

"Wow, such a large-scale production."

Zhou Yun said: "Well, it's based on a popular novel. If it wasn't for the fact that the heroine is an Asian, I wouldn't have come to play this role."

Wen Xi: "It's a good thing that there are more and more films featuring Asian-American protagonists in Hollywood."

"It's really a good thing. It provides us actors with a lot of opportunities, and it also makes the themes of the movie more diverse." Zhou Yun said, "There is a trend in Hollywood to attract the best creators in the world. They are self-styled, but they have all kinds of innovations. They also have a lot of value output, but they start to adapt other people's culture to integrate their own values. I think they used to be a fusion of technology, but now they have become In addition to the integration of creation, although many people criticize Hollywood for its arrogance and arrogance, we have to admit that in fact, all talented people can actually find opportunities in this place.”

Wen Xi nodded.


Zhou Yun said: "When will our country's film industry really start? I've been thinking about this question. It seems that our success can only be achieved in other people's environments. If we don't rely on their systems, we will be There is no way to emerge our own world-class masters, I really hope that one day, those great creators in our country will be recognized and appreciated by the whole world even if they don’t go to Hollywood or the three major film festivals.”

"It's too difficult." Wen Xi said helplessly, "It will take many years to hope to change the pattern of this job in the world."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Wen Xi: "Actually, it is very rare for us to have actors like you and Song Chi. There is no shortage of good actors in any country, but to become an actor with international influence, it requires the right time, place and people. We haven’t had such actors for a long time, and you are still so young, you still have a lot of room for development and a long career life, your existence can help many people open the channel to the world.”

Zhou Yun: "I hope it can be so."

"It's definitely possible." Wen Xi said, "Look, everyone likes the drama "Deep Sea" very much. Because of you, after watching this drama, they also started to pay attention to Yu Chu and the others. There was another brand that they wanted to contact. Yu Chu cooperated, because he couldn't get the contact information, so he asked me."

"Really?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

"Really." Wen Xi said, "I have always felt that you have a very positive meaning to this industry. Because of your existence, everyone has discovered that even if Chinese actresses do not act in English films, they can still gain fans internationally. It may be that the situation I mentioned just now is just an example and not representative, but if there is one, there are two. As long as your influence in the world is getting bigger and bigger, you can radiate more people, and you can Bringing more people into the eyes of the world."

Zhou Yun: "You put it that way, I'm suddenly under a lot of pressure."

"There's no pressure here. You just need to concentrate on doing your job as before." Wen Xi said, "Sometimes I envy the profession of actors, unlike our profession, where we do a better job. Well, in the final analysis, you are still on the runway by yourself. I want to do something for our industry, and I can only use my name to give others a platform. Unlike you, you can actually do it Issues."

"No, your name itself is a kind of support." Zhou Yun said, "For many designers and local brands, your support is a real thing. We all know that this is no longer a wine fragrance. Don't be afraid of the era of deep alleys. We all know that we can do a lot of things as a public figure. I am so happy to be able to talk to you today. I am always afraid to talk about these things with others. People think I am too ambitious. I feel like I'm overwhelmed."

"We just want to do what we can, without worrying about what others think." Wen Xi said.

Zhou Yun nodded.

At this time, the brown-haired and blue-eyed Gillan Stewart suddenly walked towards them.

Zhou Yun and Wen Xi stopped talking immediately and looked at her.

Gillan Stewart walked up to them and looked at them both with his eyes hanging high and proudly.

Because of her height, Zhou Yun had to accept her overlooking.

However, Zhou Yun's expression was indifferent, he didn't care about the look in her eyes at all, and looked back at her calmly and indifferently.

"I heard that you have objections to me changing your seat?" Gillan Stewart looked at Zhou Yun, sneered, and said disdainfully, "Do you think you deserve to sit there?"

Zhou Yun was about to speak, but Wen Xi had already spoken: "It doesn't matter whether you are worthy or not. The D family officially invited Zhou Yun to participate, and it was also the seat arranged by the D family. If you think it is unworthy, you go and tell the D family. If you don't , I secretly changed the seat card, this is not called changing, this is called stealing."

"Did I talk to you?" Gillan Stewart rolled his eyelids, as if he didn't pay attention to Wen Xi at all, he turned his head and looked at Zhou Yun again, "Don't think that the D family values ​​you so much , if it wasn't for the Chinese market, how could they put you in their eyes, how many fans do you think you really have in the world?"

Zhou Yun looked at Gillan Stewart in confusion, and asked, “How old are you?”

"What?" Gillan Stewart was stunned by Zhou Yun's question, and he didn't recover.

Zhou Yun said: "I was angry at your behavior at first, but now I just find it ridiculous. I didn't expect you to be so childish."

Gillan Stewart stared and scolded angrily, "You say I'm naive?"

"Otherwise? Who do you think you are? How popular do you think you are? Do you think the world revolves around you?" Zhou Yun snapped back unceremoniously. Saying that others are unworthy, do you dare to say that on your social media? Do you dare to say that with the brands you work with?"

Gillan Stewart's face changed.

"I didn't trouble you, but you still dare to provoke me. Are you used to domineering in your own country, or do you think I don't have the ability to get the place back?" Gillan Stewart was so stupid It made Zhou Yun angry, "I don't know, what on earth are you thinking, and you even proudly admit that you changed seats, are you not afraid that I will make it public?"

Gillan Stewart said: "So what if you make it public? In the end, no one will prove what you said is true."

She shrugged.

Zhou Yun smiled lightly and said: "True, false, has anyone proved otherwise, but if there are two answers to a question, then everyone must choose one answer to believe, believe in you, or believe in me , I know that there are definitely people who will believe you, but there will always be people who believe me, and things will get serious, anyway, with so many people present, do you think anyone is willing to tell the truth?"

Gillan Stewart looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

She frowned, but she didn't expect Zhou Yun to be such a tough guy.

At this moment, Gillan Stewart recalled the scenes when he dealt with those Asian star artists in the past.

In Gillan Stewart's memory, Asian entertainers are easy to bully.

Those of them never dared to say anything after being bullied anyway.

For example, Wen Xi next to Zhou Yun, Gillan Stewart is also a supermodel, and she gets along with her a lot, and often meets at work. Wen Xi never dared to grab a dressing room for the same event. Whatever he said, he silently tolerated it.

Gillan Stewart didn't understand that Zhou Yun was different from the Asian entertainers she had known before.

"You don't need to scare me here, just talk about it if you have the ability." Gillan Stewart said.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about it, why do you think I didn't say anything?"

Gillan Stewar's face changed suddenly.

Zhou Yun is not afraid of people like Gillan Stewart at all. She is not in the fashion circle, and she walks upright and sits upright, so what is there to be afraid of.

At this moment, a silver-haired woman came over.

She looked to be in her fifties, and of course, she was very delicate-on this night, almost everyone who appeared on stage was very delicate, the kind of person who could tell at a glance that she had been rolling in the circle of fame and fortune all year round.

She glanced at Zhou Yun, and whispered something in Gillan Stewart's ear.

Gillan Stewart's face became even uglier.

She looked at each other questioningly and said, "What did you say? Did you make a mistake?"

The silver-haired woman looked at Zhou Yun again, as if she was concerned about her existence.

The more so, Zhou Yun left more ignorantly.

She stood where she was, with her arms folded on her chest, looking at them indifferently.

Gillan Stewart gave her an annoyed, vicious look, and followed the silver-haired woman away.

Wen Xi said in surprise: "What's wrong with them? Are they leaving now?"

"Who was that silver-haired woman just now?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Her agent, I have met several times, is a very powerful woman." Wen Xi said, "She is the one who planned Gillan Stewart's popularity."

"That's it." Zhou Yun was thoughtful.

She had an intuition that Gillan Stewart's sudden departure had something to do with her - otherwise, the silver-haired woman wouldn't have looked at her that way.

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, then said to Wen Xi, "I'm going to go first, too."

"Well, you left?" Wen Xi was a little surprised, "I just came here."

"Then I'll accompany you?" Zhou Yun said, "I can do it, the main reason is that I don't know anyone here, and I have finished greeting everyone who should say hello."

"Let me introduce you to my friends. In fact, many of them are very good. There are very few people like Gillan Stewart," Wen Xi said.

Zhou Yun nodded: "Okay."

Wen Xi has worked hard in the fashion industry for many years, is also a supermodel, and has many friends.

Zhou Yun immediately got to know a lot of famous supermodels.

Including the ones you just saw on the runway.

They all looked noble and glamorous, but when Shin met, they found that they were also some very cute girls.

In particular, what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that everyone was very enthusiastic about her.

But before the introduction of scriptures just now, everyone was quite indifferent to her—Zhou Yun thought it was because he was not very popular.

"By the way, Gillan Stewart was driven away by Joanna. Do you know why?" A black female model suddenly asked curiously.

"I don't know where she is, Joanna. It's strange, but it's nothing. Gillan Stewart was not on Joanna's side. She has a better relationship with Roland, and Roland invited her to come." , Didn’t Joanna and Roland always have conflicts? Maybe Joanna just found a fault and drove Gillan Stewart away.”

"Joanna is known for her bad temper, and I don't know how Gillan Stewart offended Joanna."


Everyone discusses with you and me.

Only then did Zhou Yun know that Gillan Stewart was driven away by Joanna.

The way Wen Xi looked at Zhou Yun also changed. She gave Zhou Yun a look and signaled her not to talk about it.

Zhou Yun nodded slightly.

People are still gossip about Gillan Stewart.

"Isn't she getting close to William Stanto recently? Are they really in love?"

"Who knows, I'm not surprised that Gillan Stewart falls in love with anyone. Anyway, she changes her boyfriend faster than she changes her clothes."

"William Stanto is just a philanderer, and he and Gillan Stewart won't be serious." Someone said suddenly.

"Who knows, anyway, even if William Stanto just plays with Gillan Stuhr, Gillan Stuhr can get a lot of benefits."

Zhou Yun couldn't help thinking, is the William Stanto they mentioned the man she saw just now?

On the contrary, the topics discussed by everyone made Zhou Yun very kind.

It turns out that no matter which circle you are in, gossip is a passport for small circles.

"Hey, Zhou Yun." Suddenly, a man's voice sounded behind her.

Zhou Yun saw that the expressions on the faces of the women gathered in a circle changed instantly, as if they were putting on their subtle or elegant clothes one after another.

Zhou Yun turned to look at the man who suddenly appeared behind her in surprise.

"May I ask who you are?" Zhou Yun recognized that the handsome man in front of him was the man who had an ambiguous expression when he was talking to Gillan Stewart just now.

"William Stanto." The man smiled charmingly, his eyes focused on Zhou Yun.

This man is very attractive.

This was Zhou Yun's first impression of him.

(End of this chapter)

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