Chapter 760

Zhou Yun's lawsuit against Litai Media has not only attracted attention in the Asian entertainment circle, but also the media in Europe and America.

On the one hand, because of Zhou Yun's current international popularity, she has also entered the eyes of gossip news in various countries. On the other hand, this matter has something to do with William Stanto.

William Stanto is a well-known figure in the entertainment gossip circles in Europe and America. After all, he is a young CEO who always has a rumored girlfriend in the entertainment circle. Everyone knows it.

If you get involved with this person, your reputation will always increase.

However, Zhou Yun was the first to sue the media for having an affair with him.

This made the gossip media from all over the world follow and report the incident as if they had seen something strange.

Even Elizabeth heard about this incident and sent an email to Zhou Yun to ask what was going on.

Zhou Yun explained briefly, telling her not to worry, it was just a small problem.

She also asked Tim Lange to talk about the movie "Killing Song" today.

Tim Lange is the director of "Killing Song", but so far, they have only met in the video, and usually communicate by email.

"Killing Song" is about two months away, and Zhou Yun has already discussed this movie with Tim Lange.

Zhou Yun has already got the script, the original one, the revised one, and the revised one.

To Zhou Yun's surprise, the script of "Killing Song" is very neat, and there are more than one or two screenwriters.

For domestic movie scripts, the screenwriters are basically one or two people, and in the case of two people, it is basically a master leading an apprentice.

But when she got acquainted with others, she realized that in Hollywood, screenwriters also have different responsibilities. Some screenwriters are only responsible for writing the outline, some are responsible for writing "laughs", some are responsible for writing emotional lines, and some are responsible for When writing story lines, especially the "syllogism", the so-called burden points are very evenly distributed.

The script has completely become a technical task of multi-person cooperation.

The point is, generally speaking, such scripts are often written in four different ways, full of different people's ideas.

But "The Song of Killing" is different, it seems as if it was written by one person, and it is neat and neat.

Zhou Yun has to feel that in terms of industrialization and industrialization, there is indeed a gap between domestic films and Hollywood, and they need to catch up.

Tim Lange is a very typical Hollywood commercial film director.

He is also very famous and has made many high-grossing commercial films, especially action films.

This time, he came to direct "Killing Song", and it is said that he also took a fancy to the original novel of this movie.

When Zhou Yun was chatting with him, he said: "After I read the novel, I really wanted to make this story into a movie. I have always liked this kind of thrilling battle royale story."

Zhou Yun also bought the original novel to read, and he also liked it very much.

She's not the kind of actress who only likes to make films that explore human nature or the nature of life.

She also loves this type of film, not only loves to watch, but also often wants to act by herself.

Even if someone said that an actress like Zhou Yun would still act in a movie like "Killing Song", it would be a pity, but she would not be moved.

She wants to make the scene she wants to make, not be influenced by others.

What's more, such a movie is equally meaningful to her.

It will be her first serious English-language film, and it will be a serious big-budget film.

For a Chinese actress, this is a big step forward.

Zhou Yun has never thought that Hollywood is more worthy of her development than in China, but she also knows very clearly that if she wants to make further progress, if she wants to usher in another peak in her career, then she should To the world, to the international stage, to the front of the whole world.

"Killing Song" is such an opportunity.


On the set of the movie "Forbidden Army", after Song Chi finished filming a scene, he beckoned to Wu Chengbao who came to the set 10 minutes ago, and the two got into his trailer together.

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

Wu Chengbao said: "There is something urgent, so I came to you."

"What's the matter?" Song Chi looked at Wu Chengbao in surprise.

Usually, Song Chi basically left it to Wu Chengbao to do the company's affairs, and Wu Chengbao rarely came over to ask him for his opinion on a specific matter.

Song Chi basically only cares about the general direction.

Wu Chengbao said: "The second part of "One Mountain, Two Tigers" has been shelved."

"Huh?" Song Chi was stunned when he heard this. First, this play is Zhou Yun's play, which he is very familiar with. Second, he didn't understand why Wu Chengbao came here even if the play was shelved. Tell him about it?

Wu Chengbao knew what Song Chi was thinking when he saw Song Chi's expression.

He smiled and said, "The reason why this drama was shelved is that Liang Yuanpu is not satisfied with the script."

"Huh?" Song Chi was a little surprised when he heard it, "What do you mean?"

"In the first film, Liang Yuanpu was the male lead, and yours just played a cameo role, but when the script for the second part is written, yours' role is no different from Liang Yuanpu's, so Liang Yuanpu is not happy. .” Wu Chengbao explained.

Song Chi frowned when he heard that.

Such a thing happened?
In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

In a play, it is very common for actors to compete for the number of roles. There are those who take the lead, and naturally there are those who are compared.

Having more roles in the play naturally means that you are more important in this play.

To put it bluntly, it is still fame and fortune.

Song Chi or Zhou Yun basically didn't encounter this kind of thing, because their status in the world is already here, and it is rare for people to want to compete for a role from them without knowing the interest.

But Liang Yuanpu does have this qualification.

And this matter, Liang Yuanpu may not be directed at Zhou Yun.

It can only be said that actors in their position are not willing to carry sedan chairs for others.

Putting it in another way, if Song Chi encountered this kind of situation, he would probably not be happy that a supporting actor in the first part would suddenly share the scene with him in the second part.

This is not sharing, but the original movie where he played the leading role alone has become an equal share between two people.

Song Chi asked: "Then Xin Dun didn't do Liang Yuanpu's work?"

Wu Chengbao said: "I did it, but Liang Yuanpu didn't buy into them. After all, it is Liang Yuanpu. If he really doesn't like it, no one can do anything against him."

Liang Yuanpu's status in the Chinese film industry is too high.

At his level, he has basically become a legend.

It wasn't that he was looking for a film and television company, but that the film and television company begged him to come out to film.

As long as people who love movies, basically no one will deny him.

In fact, if it weren't for his high status, he wouldn't openly reject Xindun's script.

Song Chi is now worried that if this matter gets out, people will easily misunderstand that Liang Yuanpu resigned because Zhou Yun wanted more roles. If such rumors spread, it would be bad for Zhou Yun.

Forget about the others, Liang Yuanpu is far superior to Zhou Yun in terms of status in the eyes of the public and other things.

After all, the former has been famous for decades, which is not comparable to that of Zhou Yun who debuted for several years.

Only then did Song Chi know why Wu Chengbao rushed over to look for him.

Song Chi fell into deep thought.

Wu Chengbao would come to find Song Chi, so of course he understood what Song Chi was thinking about.

This matter is ordinary or ordinary, and it is not ordinary or ordinary, it depends on how this matter develops in the end.

He paused and reminded: "Anyway, let your family know about this as soon as possible, so don't be kept in the dark."


At the same time, Zhou Lan also got news from the person he had befriended, and when he hung up the phone, his face collapsed.

What is this called!

The script for the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" was rejected by Liang Yuanpu. Xin Dun approached Liang Yuanpu several times, but failed to convince Liang Yuanpu. This made it clear that Liang Yuanpu was not happy with the current script.

And the most important thing is that he doesn't want Zhou Yun's role to be equal to him.

Zhou Lan was very angry.

She was angry that this incident had happened for so long, and Xin Dun hadn't communicated with her.

If she hadn't made friends with Xindun and got wind of it, she wouldn't even know about it now.

Zhou Lan went to find Zhou Yun immediately.

"Yao Yuanfeng is hiding it from us, so we don't want us to know." Zhou Lan said angrily, "If you said that if this incident spreads in the circle, those who don't understand think that we want to compete with Liang Yuanpu Next, when the time comes, ten thousand mouths will not be able to speak clearly."

Zhou Yun already knew about this from Song Chi.

When she was about to tell Zhou Lan, Zhou Lan contacted her and came over.

Zhou Yun understood why Zhou Lan was so angry.

She was also angry when she received Song Chi's call, because she had never seen a shadow of the script, Xin Dun wrote the script directly, and then sent it to Liang Yuanpu.

As a result, Liang Yuanpu directly dropped the pick.

Zhou Yun didn't want to offend him because of this incident.

It sounds like a disaster.

When Mingming worked together in the first film, she and Liang Yuanpu got along pretty well.

"What should we do next?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan frowned and said, "It depends on whether you want to act in this play or if you don't want to offend Liang Yuanpu."

"Whether or not I will act in the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is the next thing to do. You know I don't have that deep affection for this movie. If it wasn't for Wen Bing, I would not have acted in the first part." Zhou Yun said "But if you say you don't want to offend Liang Yuanpu, I don't think he has such a small belly, and I don't need to bow my head for something that has nothing to do with me."

"If he has a big belly, why does he mind if you have more roles?" Zhou Lan didn't agree with what Zhou Yun said.

But Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, don't look at actors like Liang Yuanpu with ordinary eyes, think about it, will I be unhappy because other people's roles have increased?"

"Everyone is different, if only everyone were as generous as you are."

"No, Sister Lan, I have met and dealt with Liang Yuanpu, and I probably know him." Zhou Yun said, "I won't say whether he is that kind of person, but think about it differently, if my A male lead suddenly appeared in the second part of "The Female Killer", who has an equal role with me, what do you think?"

Zhou Lan stopped talking.

"This series was originally built around Liang Yuanpu. He was the absolute protagonist in the first film. He didn't have a problem with me, but he couldn't accept that his own movie was divided equally by others. Not to mention, maybe in his opinion, Such a share of the script is not the movie he wants to make." Zhou Yun said, "This movie has a good overseas box office, and it has sold millions of dollars in the United States, Britain, Japan and South Korea. At the box office, Xindun wants to use my name to continue the series of "One Mountain Two Tigers", but Liang Yuanpu may not be willing, he is the real core of this movie, you don't need to say that it is really relying on me to be able to sell abroad With so much box office, even if it’s true, he doesn’t care about the box office, even if he is not well-known abroad, it doesn’t affect his status in our domestic film industry, right?”

Zhou Lan was persuaded by Zhou Yun.

"So, Liang Yuanpu's reluctance to act in the second part, in my opinion, is giving me face. If he doesn't give me face, he just slapped the table and scolded Xin Dun." Zhou Yun put himself in touch with others, and actually understands Liang Yuanpu's feelings.

I think when the movie "One Mountain Two Tigers" was filmed, Xindun Yao Yuanfeng took a lot of effort to invite him to play the leading role for a new director, and this movie came into being.

Otherwise, with such a large production cost, a new director, even a new director who has made a box office miracle of a literary film like "Days", who would dare to invest if he is not the starring role?

The box office miracle of the literary film broke the sky by a few hundred million.

Could it be the same thing as this kind of big production?
Now that Zhou Yunhong is now, she is going to pick peaches and become the head of this series.

Zhou Yun could understand Liang Yuanpu very well.

After discussing with Zhou Lan, Zhou Lan made special arrangements.

It happened that there was a brand event to attend the day after tomorrow, so Zhou Lan arranged for a familiar reporter to ask Zhou Yun about the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers" on the spot.

"Xiaoyun, "One Mountain and Two Tigers" was so good at the box office during the Spring Festival before. I heard that the second part is about to start. Will you act in the second part?"

Zhou Yun replied according to the script written by Zhou Lan in advance: "If Mr. Liang Yuanpu still plays the leading role, I will act."

This is to give Liang Yuanpu face in front of outsiders.

Liang Yuanpu acted, she acted, and the order of priority was very clear.

When Yao Yuanfeng saw Zhou Yun's interview, he was so angry that he dropped an ashtray in his office.

Afterwards, he called the executive producer of the film in the company and scolded him severely.

This matter is done, the male and female protagonists will not act, this is a fart!
Wen Bing was also very happy, saying that since Liang Yuanpu did not agree to the script in a short period of time, the filming of this scene must not be possible. He has a script that he has always wanted to shoot, and he sent it directly to Yao Yuanfeng.

"Give me 20 days and the filming will be finished." Wen Bing said confidently.

He has been preparing this story for a long time, but because Xindun wanted him to make "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and "The Female Killer", the story in his hand has not been on the right track.

Originally, Wenbing's next time was to prepare the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers". Now that it's ready, the script must be revised until Liang Yuanpu is satisfied. It will not be possible to start work in the short term.

Yao Yuanfeng looked helplessly at the script sent by Wen Bing.

Because this is another very uncommercial story.

It's not that Yao Yuanfeng doesn't want to invest in Wen Bing for this movie, he just doesn't want Wen Bing's box office legend to fail.

For a box office miracle like "Days", the industry dare not dream of finding out the rules.

The so-called miracle is something that has no rules.

However, Yao Yuanfeng didn't want Wen Bing to be unhappy either.

Although Wen Bing signed a contract with him, the director's profession has always been more and more valuable, especially Wen Bing has succeeded in two consecutive films, with different themes and different types of success, as if he has dug What a treasure, which film company would not envy him.

A famous director is the Dinghaishenzhen of a film company.

With Wen Bing around, Xindun, a company, will stand firmer.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Wen Bing, it's not that I don't want you to shoot this, but this story is so unmarketable, there is not even a storyline, just filming a woman's life in the countryside with nothing to do, I can't even write a synopsis of the story." come out."

He thought to himself, for this thin two-page script, 20 days is certainly enough, enough to shoot it.

But, is there anyone watching the filming?

"Days" at least has a story, a story, a theme, and this script is like a running account.

If Wen Bing hadn't brought it over, Yao Yuanfeng would have just thrown the script into the trash can and cursed again: What rubbish!

Wen Bing said: "Boss Yao, I don't need you to invest much money to make this movie, about 1000 million is enough, and you won't lose money no matter what."

Yao Yuanfeng asked: "Then have you figured out who will act in this movie?"

Wen Bing took it for granted, "Of course it's Zhou Yun, I'm used to working with her."

Yao Yuanfeng originally wanted his company's actors to act in Wen Bing's new play, but after reading the script, he felt that he had given up on this plan.

From the bottom of his heart, he really didn't like this movie.

He was also puzzled, could Zhou Yun like this script?

It's really hard for Yao Yuanfeng to say about Zhou Yun's attitude, because Zhou Yun has always supported Wen Bing with all his strength.

As long as Wen Bing approached her, she never refused.

On her side, Wen Bing is more useful than his words.

Yao Yuanfeng thought of the script he had written. Although both Song Chi and Zhou Yun expressed their desire to act, he was worried that the market would not be good, so he delayed the project.

For him, nothing is as important as the market.

Movies are even more so.

No superstar can save a bad film, never in the history of film.

The art of film does not rely on any actor to be successful.

However, if Zhou Yun plays the leading role, indeed, at least the cost will be paid back.

Just because of Zhou Yun's name, many people will be willing to buy tickets. This has been tested by the market.

But in the end?

If the audience enters the movie theater and finds that the movie has nothing to say and is just a running account, won't they be angry and curse at others?

At that time, Wen Bing and Zhou Yun's word-of-mouth will plummet along with them.

Yao Yuanfeng really didn't want this to happen.

There are also two series, "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and "The Female Killer".

He didn't want anything to affect their reputation in the market.

Yao Yuanfeng's hesitation fell into Wen Bing's eyes, making Wen Bing feel cold inside.

He thought that after he filmed "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and "The Female Killer" for Xindun, if he wanted to make a movie he wanted to make, Yao Yuanfeng would support it no matter what, not to mention that this movie didn't cost much at all. money.

Wen Bing looked at Yao Yuanfeng disappointedly.

Yao Yuanfeng suddenly thought of the recent attitudes of Liang Yuanpu and Zhou Yun, and thought, no matter what, Wen Bing couldn't let Wen Bing feel resentful towards him anymore.

He also promised before that, whatever Wen Bing wanted to shoot, he would definitely support him.

Yao Yuanfeng took a deep breath and let it out.

"Okay, you can shoot if you want, but Zhou Yun is going to go abroad to shoot "Killing Song" soon, if you want to find her to shoot, she may not have the time."

"Only shoot in November, we can make it in time," Wen Bing said.

Seeing him like this, Yao Yuanfeng hesitated to speak.

He wanted to say that Zhou Yun might not agree, and even if Zhou Yun agreed, he might not be able to spare time to shoot in November.

However, he didn't say anything in the end.

Let Wen Bing run into a wall by himself.

Don't make it look like he's not looking good.

Although he really doesn't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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