I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 761 Director and Actor

Chapter 761 Director and Actor

The reason why Yao Yuanfeng is not optimistic about this cooperation is because he feels that Wen Bing’s script, but any rational actor will not accept it, unless the director is Chen Zian. Second, he also knows that Zhou Yun will accept it now. The drama is more cautious than in the past, plus she will soon join the filming of "Killing Song", Zhou Yun must be preparing for "Killing Song", how could she agree to Wen Bing's new film?

However, he would not say this to Wen Bing himself.

He wants Wen Bing to run into a wall by himself.

Yao Yuanfeng never wanted to see Wen Bing and Zhou Yun's relationship so strong.With the two of them tied together, he didn't have much room to operate.

Just like "The Female Killer", during the whole filming process, no matter how strong Xindun was, he couldn't overwhelm the two of them.

Yao Yuanfeng appreciated the talents of these two people, but he didn't want to see them surpass him.

It would be best for him if the two of them could part ways.

Of course, no matter what, Yao Yuanfeng would not part ways with the two of them.

Whether it is for him or for Xindun, Wen Bing and Zhou Yun are indispensable partners at this stage.


Wen Bing went to find Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Wen Bing never talked to her about the script.

"I wrote this a long time ago, but because there are too many books to shoot, I haven't had time to do this." Wen Bing said, "Now the script of the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers" needs to be changed. I have freed up my time, and I just want to use this time to take pictures of this book."

Wen Bing looked excited.

Zhou Yun took the two pages and read them from the beginning.

Seeing this, Wen Bing shut up and didn't bother again.

The script is short and can be read in 10 minutes.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and said, "Isn't this the outline?"

Wen Bing said: "It's the script, because she is living alone, so there are few dialogues."

"Okay." Zhou Yun understood Wen Bing's thoughts, "Do you want to shoot a state of living alone? Or?"

From this script alone, nothing can be seen.

Wen Bing said: "I want to present a kind... I don't know how to express it, which is the loneliness deep in people's hearts. Many people in the city say that although there are many people around them, they are still lonely. After get off work, a It is the kind of bewilderment that suddenly hits my heart after I go home and have a party with my friends.”

"But this place in your script is in the country."

"Yes." Wen Bing nodded, "I just want to see, if a person chooses to go back to the countryside and immerse himself in real life because he hates the hustle and bustle and loneliness in the city. Whether the anxiety will be alleviated, I often see some reports, saying that some people have abandoned city life, settled in the deep mountains and old forests, and enjoyed the fun of the mountains and wilds. I don’t know if they really enjoyed the fun of the mountains and the wilds, but I want to know , Whether their inner loneliness has been dispelled."

Zhou Yun said: "I understand what you mean, but if I understand correctly, you don't have an answer yourself now?"

"No." Wen Bing shook his head confidently and said, "If I had an answer, I wouldn't want to make such a movie. You know, I like to find something during the shooting process, unlike " One Mountain, Two Tigers and The Female Killer, it was set up before shooting. Of course, Xindun spent a lot of money, and it is impossible for me to mess around, but this movie, I want to do it my way again Shoot. I know you are going to shoot "Killing Song" in December, so as long as your side is OK, we can shoot in November, and it doesn't take long to shoot. It can be finished in about 20 days. It is really impossible to finish the shoot It doesn't matter, we will continue filming after you finish filming "The Song of Killing."

Zhou Yun fell into silence.

Seeing Zhou Yun's silence, Wen Bing was a little nervous.

"What's wrong?" Wen Bing asked, "Don't you want to shoot?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't want to shoot, it's just that I had a bad time a while ago, and I was wondering if it was the reason why I couldn't keep going. I was afraid that I would suddenly pick up such a movie again, and I would go on and on again. I finally found the inner truth. The calm is off balance again."

Wen Bing looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.


Zhou Yun said helplessly: "I'm not joking with you, it's true. Some time ago I was filming "Sinking Moon in the Sea", and I felt very uncomfortable."

Wen Bing said: "I..."

He didn't know what to say for a while.

He scratched his head.

Zhou Yun said: "I am willing to accompany you to make this movie, but, do you want to move back a bit, I really don't want to keep spinning."

Wen Bing frowned.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm afraid I won't have time for the next two years, and there are still several scenes waiting for me to shoot."

The two looked at each other.

But Wen Bing didn't hesitate for long, and said: "It's okay, if you don't want to shoot, then don't shoot."

Zhou Yun felt sorry.

Wen Bing said, "It's okay, I'll take another look."

When he came out from Zhou Yun, he felt a little melancholy.

After finally getting rid of Yao Yuanfeng's side, it turned out that Zhou Yun would encounter another problem here.

If Zhou Yun can't film now, next year, Wen Bing will film the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" and start the work on the second part of "The Female Killer".

These are things that cannot be postponed, and the release date has been set.

Is this movie still in production?

If you don't shoot now, you will have to wait two years if you want to shoot again.

Get someone else to shoot?
This idea came to Wen Bing's mind.

In his movies, Zhou Yun is the first choice for female characters.

His leading lady hasn't changed since he started filming.

Changing another actress to shoot, Wen Bing is not so sure.

Because this kind of story without a detailed plot requires a lot of sympathy between the director and the actors.

If you can't trust each other, it's definitely not a good shot.

Wen Bing also does not have another actress who trusts her so much.

After Zhou Yun sent Wen Bing away, he also fell into entanglement.

How could she not want to cooperate with Wen Bing.

If it wasn't for the mental state and emotional state some time ago that made her feel terrified, she would agree to anything.

In the evening, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan had dinner outside and talked about it.

When Zhou Lan heard it, his eyes lit up immediately.

"How about letting Xiao Jing act?" she asked.

Zhou Yun showed hesitation, "Is this suitable? Wen Bing came to me to act, but I refused and pushed Xiao Jing over."

"Isn't it because you can't act? If you can't act, let Xiao Jing try." Zhou Lan said, "And, with such a good opportunity, maybe Xiao Jing can nominate a few actresses to come back."

Zhou Lan's thoughts were all on these.

Zhou Yun said: "Then you can contact Wen Bing to see if Wen Bing is willing."

Zhou Lan nodded immediately and said, "Okay."


Last month, Wang Jing appeared in a play.

This drama is a web drama she filmed last year.

There was no sound, and many people even criticized Wang Jing for his poor acting.

Although no one around said anything, Wang Jing also knew that many people were actually saying that if she hadn't acted in "Behind the Scene" with Zhou Yun, she would still be an unknown person now.

In Chengqian Entertainment, there are many people who are jealous of her.

Her situation was also embarrassing.

The agency contract was signed with Chengqian Entertainment, but because Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun set up a studio, and her manager was Zhou Lan, she felt a little bit on both sides.

However, Chengqian Entertainment has far more reserves of actresses than male actors, because Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun's studio resources, Chengqian Entertainment's resources are basically not allocated to Wang Jing, and even hope that Wang Jing can Newcomers with thousands of entertainment.

This point was strongly rejected by Zhou Lan.

Just kidding, Wang Jing himself is still on the rise, and he hasn't become a celebrity yet, what kind of newcomer he brings.

All in all, Wang Jing's current development is a bit framed there.

A bit of a false name and status, at least one foot has stepped into the film circle, but it has not fully stepped in. The film projects I found cannot be compared with "Behind the Scenes". Even if it is a small-budget independent film, as long as the script is good, Zhou Lan was also willing to pick it up for her, but no one sent the script.

But if he just gave up this fame and went back to the old web drama circle to play the heroine of an ordinary drama, Zhou Lan felt that the improvement brought by "Behind the Scenes" to Wang Jing was really wasted.

Now, when Zhou Lan takes on roles for Wang Jing, he always focuses on "forced style".

She didn't tell Zhou Yun about this.

Because Zhou Lan knew that Zhou Yun would definitely not agree with her.

Zhou Yun has always said that nothing is more important than the script and the play itself.

Zhou Yun was naturally able to say this.

However, as a manager, Zhou Lan couldn't be so idealistic.

She knew that in this line of work, many people were too talented to use them.

There's only one thing she needs to do, and that's push her entertainers out and up.

Moreover, this line is so utilitarian.

Some actors, did he play well?Has he won any awards?
None, but, because he has always acted in the dramas of great directors, or in independent productions, everyone looks up to him, and the brand pays for it. In the hearts of the audience, this person's The status is also high.

Don't assume that everyone's success is real.

If Wang Jing does not take the aggressive route, but still competes for small wreaths and takes the traffic route, then the competition pressure will be much greater.

Therefore, if Wang Jing didn't get a suitable play and role, Zhou Lan would rather not let her take the play, but also maintain her current style.

If Wang Jing can act in Wen Bing's new movie, it doesn't matter even if the movie is a small production, even if the final box office is not good.

Because of Wang Jing's compulsion.

She played the heroine of Wen Bing's new film.

This alone sets her apart from other actresses.

What Zhou Lan didn't expect was that Wang Jing didn't want to act.

"This must be my chance because Sister Xiaoyun didn't act, so forget it." Wang Jing said, "A lot of people say that I am relying on Sister Xiaoyun, and I don't mind what they say. , This is indeed true, but I don't want everyone to form such an established impression, as if I can only rely on Sister Xiaoyun to receive the show."

When Zhou Lan heard what Wang Jing said, he knew what she was thinking.

She couldn't help but sigh.

"Have you figured it out? This is Wen Bing's new play." Zhou Lan said, "If you don't act, others will rush to act. If it weren't for your sister Xiaoyun who was about to film "Killing Song", this opportunity It won't come out either."

Wang Jing said seriously: "Sister Lan, I won't act, I can rely on myself."

Zhou Lan was helpless.

Wang Jing was competing with himself.

Zhou Lan originally wanted to say something, but he also knew that no matter what she said, it was actually a cliché.

Wang Jing knew what she wanted to say.

But she also understood Wang Jing's own heart.

The more this happened, the more Zhou Lan paid attention to Wang Jing's mood. She didn't want to do bad things with good intentions, and she didn't want to make Wang Jing feel depressed with an attitude that she thought was "good for you".

"Last week, "A Thousand Dollars Never Go Down" was broadcast." Wang Jing suddenly mentioned a drama without thinking.

Zhou Lan recalled it for a while before he remembered that this was a drama series produced by Song Chi's company.

The cost is not high, and the protagonists and heroines of online dramas are all newcomers.

Zhou Lan didn't pay attention to this show. If Wang Jing didn't mention it, she wouldn't even know it was aired.

"What's the matter? Is there any news about this show?"

Wang Jing said: "There are many people who like this drama, and I see that many people are recommending this drama."

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

Wang Jing said: "Sister Lan, if there is such a script, I would like to act."

It wasn't until this time that Zhou Lan realized what Wang Jing's purpose was for bringing up the play "A Thousand Gold Never Goes Down".

But the moment she understood, she also felt annoyed and embarrassed in her heart.

Zhou Lan would not let Wang Jing accept such a drama.

But Wang Jing obviously has his own idea now.

"This kind of play..."

"There's nothing wrong with this kind of play. I think what Sister Xiaoyun said is right. As long as the script is good, the characters are performed, and the audience likes it, then it's a good show." Wang Jing said, "Sister Lan, I know my current acting skills. It’s not much better, and I can’t just lie on the movie "Behind the Scenes" and sit and eat, if I still can’t get a good movie in the past few years, then I’m wasting time in vain.”

Zhou Lan: "Xiao Jing, if you play "A Thousand Dollars Never Go Down", many people will say that your resources have been downgraded, and that this is a sign of your passing, aren't you worried?"

Wang Jing: "I'm worried, but if I don't have any dramas to act in, I can only wait. I don't know when I will be able to wait for a drama like "Behind the Scenes". Sister Lan, you also know that this is something that cannot be met. .”


Wang Jing would have such an attitude, but Zhou Lan was not surprised when he thought about it afterwards.

It's really because in the past six months, Wang Jing has not received a better role, whether it is a supporting role, or a cameo. A famous actor spends most of the time waiting. It is normal for her to be anxious.

It's not that Zhou Lan didn't think of a way, it's just that in the film and television market, especially the film market, Wang Jing's role as the leading heroine is basically out of reach.

No one thinks that she can handle dramas and box office now.

Even if Zhou Lan had called everyone on the phone, the character everyone was willing to play would at most be a better supporting role.

Zhou Lan was thinking about whether his requirements were too high.

But anyway...

When Zhou Lan thought of Wang Jing's rejection of Wen Bing's new play, she felt a sense of helplessness in vain.

The team is not easy to lead.

Zhou Lan was lucky again, fortunately, he hadn't mentioned this matter to Wen Bing, otherwise, if he mentioned it to Wen Bing, Wen Bing agreed again, and Wang Jing refused at this time, it would be bad.

Zhou Lan was thinking about this while driving.

If Wang Jing doesn't act, what about Yu Chu?
Zhou Lan quickly gave up on this plan because Yu Chu was on the set.

As a desperate third mother, she took on a lot of dramas and filled up her schedule.

Yu Chu never planned to take the aggressive route for himself, and Zhou Lan never planned to do so.

Yu Chu's starting point is different from Wang Jing's. She belongs to the kind of actor with average starting point and average star luck. Her qualifications are not very high, and her looks are not particularly outstanding. Well, if it wasn't for the "Deep Sea" at the beginning of the year that made Yu Chu famous, she might still be a third-tier actress now.

This is also the reason why Yu Chu wants to be a "desperate Sanniang" now.

She can't let herself disappear from everyone's sight for too long, she wants to maintain her current popularity and exposure.

Otherwise, she will slowly pass away.

Several of her own actresses can't act, so what about the others?
Zhou Lan didn't put it aside just because his own actress couldn't act in the play.

She went through all the famous and surnamed actresses in the show business circle in her mind, calculated carefully, and then called Wen Bing and asked him to come out to meet.

Wen Bing was worrying about whether to find someone else to make this movie. When she received a call from Zhou Lan, she didn't know what she was going to ask him for, so she went away full of doubts.

"Director, it's been a while." Zhou Lan greeted Wen Bing enthusiastically, "This is a gift I bought for you when I went to France."

Zhou Lan sent over a small bag.

Wen Bing received it in surprise, and asked, "Hey, did you buy me a gift? What?"

Zhou Lan said, "Tie pin."

Wen Bing: "Good stuff, I've never bought this stuff before."

"I guess, but you will always need to attend some formal occasions in the future." Zhou Lan said, "Sit down, what do you drink?"

"American style."


Zhou Lan helped Wen Bing order, and then looked at him with a smile.

"I heard you're going to make a new movie soon?"

Wen Bing heard it, laughed, and asked, "Did Zhou Yun tell you?"

"Well." Zhou Lan said, "You also know that Zhou Yun is very concerned about your affairs. Although she doesn't act, she still cares about this matter, and is worried that if she doesn't act, it will make you feel uncomfortable, so I just specially asked you to come out and explain. I don’t know if she told you. She had a problem some time ago and she was very depressed, but there was no reason, and she couldn’t control her temper. I have been working continuously for years."

Wen Bing hummed, "I know, she told me, I understand, in fact, I also think she is too tired, she has only been acting for a few years, and her performances are almost breaking double digits."

Zhou Lan nodded: "That's right, otherwise, how could she not act in your movie?"

(End of this chapter)

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