Chapter 762 Good Taste

Zhou Lan said: "For her, if the opportunity is good, she doesn't dare to waste her opportunity. She keeps stretching herself. Even if she is a little tired, she still wants to act in one more play. She has been in this state for the past two years, just right It was a good time for her again, and the results of every drama were good. As a result, the entire industry and fans have higher expectations for her, and the pressure is even greater. They dare not relax, and dare not be perfunctory. I can't stretch myself a little bit."

Hearing what Zhou Lan said, Wen Bing couldn't help frowning.

From Zhou Lan's description, he could also feel that Zhou Yun's problem seemed serious before.

"Is it so serious?" Wen Bing said, "When Zhou Yun told me before, she said it lightly. I thought she was just tired."

"That's not the case at all. If it's just that you're simply tired, why don't you rest for half a month?" Zhou Lan sighed, "Zhou Yun doesn't want you to worry too much, even Song Chi didn't say anything. , That's why she rejected you this time, but, Director Wen, do you have to shoot this movie in November? Can't it be moved to next year?"

Wen Bing shook his head.

"I have shooting plans for next year and the year after, and I can't spare time to shoot this, unless I move to the next year." Wen Bing sighed with a smile, "Maybe God doesn't want me to shoot, before Yao Yuan Feng has always opposed me to shoot this."

"That's needless to say, Xiaoyun can't shoot, don't there be other actresses?" Zhou Lan asked tentatively, "Don't you have any other actresses?"

Wen Bing said: "It's fine if it's another movie, this movie... I really don't have any alternatives, this is not the kind of movie that requires acting skills, whether it's actors or filming, it doesn't really need that kind of skill. If Zhou Yun can't come, I don't think other people can understand what I want."

This sentence stumped Zhou Lan.

A role is so difficult that few actors can perform it. It doesn’t matter. At least there is a standard for this role. It’s just that many people can’t meet it, but they can still find one by one.

Wen Bing's words mean that he himself has not actually thought about how to play this role, or in other words, this role does not need to be played at all in Wen Bing's opinion.

Zhou Lan knew what kind of actor Wen Bing wanted as soon as he heard it. To put it bluntly, Wen Bing wanted an actor who could follow his current thoughts in a natural state to enter a certain state.

This requires not only the actor's good acting skills, but also the actor's ability to reach a high degree of unity with Wen Bing in terms of understanding and emotional resonance.

Looking around, I don't know how to speak.

She knew what Wen Bing meant.

If it's a movie like "The Female Killer", even if Zhou Yun doesn't act, you can still find other actresses to act. There is no way to shoot.

Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Then if Xiaoyun really doesn't want to act in the end, Director Wen, you won't make this scene?"

Wen Bing sighed, shrugged, and said, "Maybe, maybe that's the only way to go."

Zhou Lan didn't speak for a long time, and finally said: "Well, I'll ask Xiaoyun again."

Wen Bing shook his head, "Don't force her."

Zhou Lan: "I think, if Xiaoyun knows that in your eyes, if she doesn't act in this scene, she won't be able to make the film, she will reconsider."

Under normal circumstances, if actor A does not act in a play, actor B will naturally replace him.

Based on Zhou Lan's understanding of Zhou Yun, she felt that Zhou Yun hadn't thought that Wen Bing's drama was all about her.

However, Zhou Lan was also struggling, did she want Zhou Yun to act in this play?

"Words of Fallen Leaves" has been unable to be released in China for a long time, and there are some reasons behind it.

In addition to this drama, Zhou Yun also has "The Female Assassin" and "Chen Yin" in stock, as well as the soon-to-be-filmed "Killing Song". In these three dramas, the characters played by Zhou Yun are all bitter and bitter. deep.

In fact, basically the characters who find Zhou Yunlai are like this.

It seems that even uncomplicated roles cannot be played by Zhou Yun.

This is also the reason why Zhou Lan is a little moved by Wen Bing's drama.

To be honest, in terms of movies, most of Zhou Yun's fans are brought by the movie "Days".

It's not bad to say that bitterness and hatred are deep, but once you act too much, it is easy to form a stereotype in the hearts of the audience.

When she goes to play chick movies again, the audience won't accept it.

Of course, Zhou Lan didn't mean to ask Zhou Yun to pick up chick movies.

It's just that the themes and types of movies are rich and colorful. Zhou Yun also really wants to act in movies like "Tokyo Family" or "One Day".

Zhou Lan hopes that Zhou Yun's acting will not be restricted by some off-court factors.

"By the way, how is the post-production of "Female Killer"?" Zhou Lan asked, "I said before that I want it to be released during the Spring Festival next year. Is it too late?"

Wen Bing shook his head: "It's too late, I've already decided to change gears. I told Yao Yuanfeng before that it must be too late, but he insists on taking a hole first."

Zhou Lan said: "I said, just after filming, the Spring Festival file will be released. The later stage of this film should not be so easy."

"Yes." Wen Bing nodded.

Zhou Lan sighed as he spoke.

"Actually, the editing of "Words of Fallen Leaves" has been completed for a long time, but it can't be released until now, and I also have a headache."

"Huh? What happened to this movie?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Lan said: "I don't know the specific reason, anyway, it has not been fixed, so I dare not release it abroad, for fear that the pirated version will affect the domestic box office."

Wen Bing asked: "Is it something that has passed the trial?"

"I don't know, and Shi Luoqi didn't say anything." Zhou Lan sighed as he spoke.



Huang Zicheng walked out confidently.

The people outside looked different.

Huang Zicheng's expression made them feel uneasy, worrying that they were hopeless.

He didn't look at other people's expressions, and left the audition place directly.

Zheng Xiaoju was waiting for him at the door.

Seeing this, Huang Zicheng quickened his pace and asked, "Have you been standing outside? Why didn't you wait for me inside?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "None of them have an agent or assistant to accompany them. It seems that we are too big if I accompany you in. It is unnecessary. How about the audition?"

"It feels pretty good." Huang Zicheng nodded with a smile, "The producer should be very interested in me and asked me a lot of questions."

Zheng Xiaoju gave him a thumbs up.

"Wait for the good news."

Huang Zicheng nodded brightly.

"By the way, Xiaoju, are you free tonight? Do you want to have hot pot with me and Lu Zhongting?"

Zheng Xiaoju immediately said: "Lu Zhongting is going to join the filming team soon, does he still eat hot pot?"

Huang Zicheng quickly said: "No, no, we eat mandarin duck pot, and he only eats clear soup."

Zheng Xiaoju: "That's okay."

Huang Zicheng: "Then let's talk about it, let's have hot pot together tonight."

"Understood." Zheng Xiaoju nodded, looking at Huang Zicheng with a sunny face, his heart was also happy.

Zheng Xiaoju was still very nervous when he was the agent for Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting at the beginning. After all, the assistant had to be alone all of a sudden from the beginning, but after getting started, Zheng Xiaoju slowly found his own sense of rhythm.

Acting as Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting's agent, Zheng Xiaoju's biggest challenge is that the partner's attitude has changed.

Everyone is still very enthusiastic about her, but this kind of favor does not make them willing to send resources directly to the door.

All of these require Zheng Xiaoju to go through each project.

What made Zheng Xiaoju happy was that both Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting respected her, and they didn't think she was unprofessional because she was just an assistant before.

Zheng Xiaoju was worried about this before.


Zhou Yun did not expect Zhou Fanhui to help Wen Bing as a lobbyist.

After Zhou Lan finished speaking, Zhou Yun fell into hesitation and contemplation.

Zhou Yun's reaction was within Zhou Lan's expectation.

"The filming of this movie, as Wen Bing said, is actually not like "The Female Killer", where another character needs to be created. From what Wen Bing said, it is more like a movie-style reality show. You don’t need to play other people, you can be in whatever state you are.” Zhou Lan said, “Only a director like Wen Bing dares to do this kind of shooting. If you don’t act, Wen Bing really I can't find another trusted actress to cooperate with him."

Zhou Yun sighed.

"Sister Lan, do you really want me to make this movie?"

"I think that making this movie will also help your own mood." Zhou Lan said, "You are too busy and tired. It just so happens that this movie is going to be shot in the countryside, and the whole story is about a girl. Living in the countryside, eating and drinking alone is just a daily routine.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Okay, let me think about it."

In fact, after she rejected Wen Bing, she kept asking herself whether this decision was correct.

She also couldn't bear to miss the opportunity to cooperate with Wen Bing.

She didn't hesitate too long, and the next morning, she called Wen Bing and took over the play.

Wen Bing was overjoyed and immediately contacted Yao Yuanfeng.

Yao Yuanfeng was stunned.

After hanging up the phone, he was stunned, thinking to himself, did Zhou Yun blindly believe in Wen Bing or what happened?

Why did you agree?
However, since this is the case, Yao Yuanfeng has nothing to say.

No matter how unwilling he was, he still gave the green light to Wen Bing's play.

Zhou Yun went to the countryside with Wen Bing.

It will take two weeks before the official launch, but before that, time is tight, and Wen Bing has to look forward to the scenes needed for filming.

In the script, Zhou Yun lives in a small farmyard most of the time.

Zhou Yun followed Wen Bing and the production team to visit several villages, and then visited more than a dozen courtyards that had been collected before. Finally, Wen Bing asked Zhou Yun which courtyard she most wanted to shoot in.

There is a big tree in Zhou Yunxinyi's yard.

It was already autumn, and the big tree was still lush with luxuriant branches and leaves.

When Zhou Yun saw it, she thought that she could set up a small table under the tree. When the sun came out, she would sit on the rocking chair and make a pot of tea or drink some plum wine on the small table. It would also be a good taste.

(End of this chapter)

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