Chapter 763

Walking in the countryside, Zhou Yun felt a different atmosphere in the city, comfortable and calm.

In the evening, they eat at other people's homes.

The fish is freshly caught and boiled in a large pot. The soup is milky white and fragrant.

The vegetables are freshly picked, and after frying, they are crispy in the mouth.

Zhou Yun has not been to the countryside for several years.

The countryside has changed a long time ago, it is no longer the remote and underdeveloped one in her impression.

After Zhou Yun drank two bowls of fish soup, beads of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose.

This supper was prepared by the host.

After eating, the group drove back.

The mountain road is dark at night, and the street lamps can only illuminate a small area.

In the distance, only a vague outline remains of the mountain shadow.

Occasional lights are dotted with dots.

Zhou Yun sat in the car and looked into the distance.

She stared at the black shadow in a daze.

After Wen Bing finished replying to other people's messages, he turned his head and saw Zhou Yun turning his head and looking at the silhouette outside the window.

There was no light in the car, no light.

But because he was sitting close, Wen Bing could vaguely see Zhou Yun's face clearly.

When meeting Zhou Yun for the first time, Wen Bing thought Zhou Yun's face was beautiful, but he had no sense of story.

Now he doesn't feel that way anymore.

"What are you thinking?" Wen Bing asked aloud.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses, smiled suddenly, and said, "Oh, it's nothing, I'm just thinking, I haven't felt this kind of quietness without people for a long time."

Wen Bing nodded and said, "I just came from the countryside."

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, and looked at him in surprise.

"Of course, strictly speaking, it's not the kind of countryside that many people think. In fact, it's a small town." Wen Bing said, "My family doesn't farm, but many neighbors do. My family opened a There is a small shop, there is also a vegetable soil in the backyard, and I raised a few chickens. I went to the city when I was in high school, went to high school, went to college, worked, and never went back for a long time, but I often dreamed of There, dreaming about something from my childhood."

Zhou Yun listened quietly.

She knew that this was actually one of the reasons why Wen Bing wanted to make such a movie.

Everyone has a hometown that they can't go back to.

Why did the person in the script go to the countryside to find peace of mind?
Is it because deep in Wen Bing's heart, he also thought about going to the countryside to find inner peace?
Wen Bing went on to say: "When I was a child in school, I only thought about going to a bigger world. Now that I have arrived in a bigger world, I start to miss that small town. I feel that life is like a circle, going round and round. Turn around, the place where you start is actually where your heart goes.”

Zhou Yun said: "It seems like everyone is like this."

Wen Bing asked: "What about you?"

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, then smiled calmly, and said, "I have nothing special, just a very ordinary growth experience, and I don't have a past that I particularly want to go back to."

Wen Bing thought of the news he had heard before.

He glanced at her, hesitated to speak.

The last question was still left unanswered.

Wen Bing was thinking about Zhou Yun's past.

In fact, many people in the industry are discussing that Zhou Yun's background is too vague.

Moreover, never heard her talk about her parents and family.

Wen Bing has known Zhou Yun for so long. Hearing this rumor, after thinking about it, he realized that he had never heard Zhou Yun talk about his parents.

there has never been.

Wen Bing wanted to ask Zhou Yun just now, but he gave up when the words came to his lips.

Since Zhou Yun didn't take the initiative to talk about it, there is nothing to ask.

This is not important.

Wen Bing respects what everyone is unwilling to say.


Yao Yuanfeng had dinner with He Yong.

After the two drank a few glasses of wine, the topic also opened up.

Yao Yuanfeng raised his forehead in surprise, and said: "It's a bad idea, you said, it's just such a script without a plot, just because Wen Bing went to her, she said yes and she agreed, I just wanted to ask her, why? I took the scripts that I went to look for her before, but she doesn't like one or two?"

He Yong smiled and said: "There is no other way. She has this personality since she joined the company. As long as she is not happy, no matter how much you tell her, she won't listen. I always feel that we want to use her. Yes. She is not good. When we asked her to act in "The Eighth Heartbeat", she was disgusted and disagreed. Hehe, what happened to the bad movie? Did this movie become popular in the end? If it wasn't because of this movie Now, Song Chi's "Ask the Heart" dare to find such an actress who has never acted before as the second female lead?"

"It's not easy for you to be artist managers. In the eyes of those fans, anyway, if an artist becomes popular, it's because of their hard work and talent. If there are any problems with the artist, it's because your company didn't do a good job." Yao Yuanfeng smiled. , "Now these people, as long as they start a company, they are not good people. We are all exploiters."

He Yong sighed.

"It doesn't matter what the outsiders say, they don't understand, and the people in my company are the ones that chill me the most." He Yong glanced at Yao Yuanfeng, "Mr. Yao, you must understand. To be honest, "Days" like this No one is a forerunner, if you don’t know the truth and believe in Wen Bing’s talent, who would invest in a person who has never made a movie to make such a movie? Who wouldn’t have had the hardest time at the beginning, But now everyone only knows about Wen Bing, but they don’t know how many people are underappreciated. Maxima is common, but bole is not often. Unfortunately, everyone doesn’t know how hard it is to find bole.”

The two ate, chatted, and vented some of their usual grievances.

"However, He Yong, although Zhou Yun is still attached to you thousands of times, everyone basically knows that she is not counted as your contracted actor, so you have no other ideas?" Yao Yuanfeng said, "If I said, Xu Siyao is just like this, and it won't make a big difference. Except for her, Wang Jing and Yu Chu are all from Zhou Yun's side. When the contract expires, do you think it is possible for them to continue holding hands with Zhou Yun? Is it bigger, or is it more likely to renew your contract with you? Seeing the excitement, but Xu Siyao is the only actress who has a solid relationship with you."

"I'm also worried. I want to train newcomers, but how difficult it is to train newcomers and how far they can grow are all uncertain things. It's unrealistic to poach people. With Zhou Yun and the others in the company, Basically, there is too much competition for a popular front-line player." He Yong said, "Now my focus is on Zhang Mo, Zhou Jianfeng and the others."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "If you want me to say, you should also take your film and television business into your own hands. You have the line of film and television production, so you can keep making stars."

"It's not that simple, but it's difficult, that's why I invited you out for dinner." He Yong said, "Your family has a big business, and if you give me a little rice, it will be enough to support a large pot of newcomers here."

Yao Yuanfeng smiled when he heard the words, and pointed He Yong with his finger.

"You, it turned out to be this idea." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Mr. He, I can't say that I have a big business. The key is that the dramas I open are basically big productions. You want to send newcomers over. , I have no place to arrange them."

He Yong said: "Oh, big brother, don't get me wrong, I don't want you to play an important role for them because I don't know what to do, it's just that I have a few words, I'm satisfied if you can act for us newcomers, Nothing else, going to big crews to learn more and absorbing experience is good for them as actors, don’t you think?”

Yao Yuanfeng glanced at him in surprise.

He didn't expect that He Yong was planning such an idea.

He Yong said: "The current film and television market has changed a lot. It's all about young people playing the leading roles. I have nothing else to do. I just want to make my young rookie actors better at acting so that they will be more competitive in the future. As you said, only when there are more and more good actors, those who stand at the top will not be so precious, will they?"

Yao Yuanfeng: "This matter can be discussed, but it's just a small trick, and the salary is not high. If it is done normally, it will only cost a few thousand dollars."

"It's easy to say, and I don't expect them to make me any money now. The key is to learn more and gain some experience, so that I won't be afraid to audition in the future." He Yong said, "Look at Zhang Mo, he was acting in a drama before. Yes, later on acting, no matter which crew he went to, everyone gave him thumbs up, Zhou Jianfeng was a little weaker, although he is a little more popular than Zhang Mo now, and he has more fans, but if you really want to talk about it in the industry Zhang Mo's recognition is even higher."

"That is, after all, as long as you are not as popular as Zhou Yun and Song Chi, to put it bluntly, the blessing effect on a drama is just that, isn't it very big." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Look how sophisticated the platforms are now. , if it’s not Zhou Yun and Ning Yao’s level of starring actors, then your cast must have two serious first-line actors to give you S-level treatment, otherwise don’t even think about it.”

He Yong nodded.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Well, if you ask Zhou Jianfeng to help me make a movie, that's the deal, how about it?"

He Yong smiled.

"What movie? The protagonist?"

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Can I still let Zhou Jianfeng play a supporting role without being kind? Of course it is the protagonist. A young love movie needs a young actor like Zhou Jianfeng to play it."

"Who is the heroine?" He Yong asked.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Yu Sitian, don't worry, it's not a sedan chair for a newcomer."

"That's fine, no problem." He Yong nodded, "Then please take care of the big brother, and take care of our company's actors more in the casting."

"Of course, I've drunk all the wine and still not doing anything? That won't happen." Yao Yuanfeng said.

The two raised their glasses and touched each other.

There is a smile on the face.

He Yong put down his wine glass and said with emotion: "It's really not easy to be the head of this group of young people. You have to care about the big and the young. If you want the big to take care of the young, you have to talk nicely to coax people. Why don't you think about it yourself?" What is the solution?"

Yao Yuanfeng: "It's work."

(End of this chapter)

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