Chapter 764 Preparation
Everyone said that Zhou Jianfeng was a bit lucky.

After co-starring with Zhou Yun in "Under Dress", it was an instant hit, and a small-budget youth-themed movie that he acted in before also became a big hit, earning over [-] million at the box office, attracting the attention of the industry.

Within a year, Zhou Jianfeng's popularity rose like a rocket.

A new star is rising.

In just half a year, Zhou Jianfeng's new endorsements broke single digits, and his ability to attract money made everyone jealous.

This made other brokerage companies jealous.

At that time, Zhou Yun established his own studio, and many people watched He Yong's jokes, waiting for thousands of dollars in revenue to decline.

Who knew that He Yong's luck was so good that he immediately promoted Zhou Jianfeng again.

These days, the income brought by a popular star can account for half of a company's income, which is not an exaggeration at all.

When Zhou Jianfeng came up, not to mention anything else, from film remuneration to endorsement fees, from commercial performance fees to other income, tens of millions of casually came to the account.

And now there are Xu Siyao, Yu Chu, Wang Jing, and Zhang Mo in He Yong's company who are also on the front line.

Especially Yu Chu.

This "Desperate Three Niangs" basically never took a break, filming one scene after another, filming commercials, recording programs, conducting live broadcasts, etc., in terms of workload, Zhou Yun and Wang Jing combined are more than Not on her own.

In fact, Yu Chu was also the artist who made the third most money from Chengqian Entertainment this year.

And if it wasn't because Yu Chu had a child in the middle, which delayed her most popular time, Yu Chu would probably be the most money-absorbing ability.

Why did He Yong seek cooperation from Yao Yuanfeng?

Because He Yong has a sense of crisis.

Now the company has indeed recruited a group of actors, but none of these actors can give him a sense of security.

Without him, among these actors, except for Xu Siyao, Zhou Jianfeng and Zhang Mo, they were all deeply tied to Zhou Yun.

Just like what Yao Yuanfeng said, if they were asked to choose between himself and Zhou Yun, He Yong really had no confidence that they would choose him.

Both Zhou Jianfeng and Zhang Mo have worked with Zhou Yun before, especially Zhou Jianfeng. He became popular because he filmed "Under Dress" with Zhou Yun, and he also has a close relationship.

The biggest difference between He Yong and other brokerage company bosses is that he will not blindly think that his artists will always follow him and trust him.

Everyone is in business and has interests to consider.

Now between him and Zhou Yun, it is Zhou Yun who can provide more resources they want.

Because of this, He Yong needs to continuously train new talents.

Just like if he hadn't launched Xu Siyao, Zhang Mo, and Zhou Jianfeng before, then Zhou Yun's world is basically now, and there are no other artists in Chengqian Entertainment to watch.

In addition, He Yong now has another idea.

He wants to sign a singer.

Because of the music market, singers' management contracts are generally not as important as actors.

However, He Yong still needs to open up new markets.

This is the inspiration he got from Zhou Lan's studio.

He knew that Zhou Lan had signed many business contracts with public figures, and many of them were not entertainers, but well-known figures from all walks of life.

For example, Zhou Lan signed a business contract with a writer last week.

These people can't bring too high a financial return, but if you get together, you can make a lot, and, most importantly, they are not competitors of artists. This is a completely new market.

Putting everything aside, He Yong actually appreciates Zhou Lan's approach.

Zhou Lan's studio is not strong enough to compete with those big companies, and her resources are not enough to sign more actors, so she simply explores new markets.

This is a very smart approach.

He Yong didn't plan to grab the mosquito meat from Zhou Lan, but he got inspiration and had a lot of new ideas.

As he was thinking, the secretary knocked on the door and came in.

"Zhou Jianfeng is here."

"Please come in."

Zhou Jianfeng walked in.

Only him.

When He Yong saw him, he immediately showed a warm smile, got up, walked in front of him, patted his shoulder, and said, "I've worked hard recently, are you tired of recording the show?"

Zhou Jianfeng has just finished recording a travel variety show for fifteen days.

Zhou Jianfeng was a little tanned.

He smiled distressedly and said, "Boss, I don't want to record this kind of program next time, it's too uncomfortable."

He Yong was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Jianfeng said helplessly: "Everyone has their own ideas, I don't want to get involved, and I'm always forced to stand in the end."

He Yong: "Ah? Have you encountered this kind of thing again? Is it the problem of the guests who recorded the show together?"

Zhou Jianfeng nodded and said, "This is the first time I've encountered this kind of situation. Some people started fighting directly, and I don't know if it will be broadcast in the program."

He Yong rolled his eyes and immediately made a phone call.

"Help me make an appointment with Director Wang of Hongcheng Satellite TV, see when he is free, and make an appointment for lunch." He Yong said on the phone.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and He Yong said to Zhou Jianfeng: "Jianfeng, don't worry, I will negotiate with the TV station, no matter what, there will be no negative parts of you in the program, don't worry."

Zhou Jianfeng scratched his head and sighed.

He Yong: "Don't sigh, it's okay, I'm not happy working with these people this time, you tell your agent, we will cooperate to avoid these people you don't like in the future, it's okay."

Hearing this, Zhou Jianfeng was a little surprised and uneasy, and asked, "Is this okay?"

He Yong immediately said: "What's wrong with this, you have a lot of room to choose now, some grievances can be accepted, this kind of meaningless grievances, why accept it, what problems do you have in the future, the agent can't solve them, Come and tell me directly, I have been in this industry for so many years, you are the young man I am most optimistic about, I hope to see the day when you reach the top, so, no matter what happens, let’s not be afraid, let’s get together Just get rid of it."

Zhou Jianfeng showed a grateful expression.

He Yong said: "This time you go to record the program, I will help you talk about a movie, the male lead, produced by Xindun."

Zhou Jianfeng showed a surprised expression.

"The heroine is Yu Sitian, and the production company and co-actors are very good." He Yong said, "You work hard, and I will continue to help you chat with various companies and help you get some good resources."

"Thank you boss!" Zhou Jianfeng said excitedly.

He Yong patted Zhou Jianfeng's shoulder again, and said, "Why are you so polite, I watched you grow up, and I can only hope that you will be better."

"I will work hard." Zhou Jianfeng said.


"The Left Hand?" Zhou Lan nodded and said, "I've heard of this novel, what's the matter? Are you going to shoot it?"

"Yes, I want to shoot." The person sitting opposite Zhou Lan is also a big-eyed beauty with big waves and full of mature temperament. This is Zhou Lan's good friend in Xindun, named Zeng Xiuyan.

Zeng Xiuyan said: "Our boss Yao bought the copyright of this novel at the beginning, but we haven't filmed it. If we don't start it, the copyright of this novel will expire, so we hurriedly set up a project and start it."

Zhou Lan said: "The novel was quite popular back then, why hasn't it been filmed for so long?"

"It's not because it's so difficult to adapt this novel. The scripts I wrote before couldn't pass the review." Zeng Xiuyan sighed, "This time it's a drastic change. I took a look and I guess it will be released soon. Fans of the book will scold fiercely."

Zhou Lan nodded when he heard this, and said, "The actor who played this play will probably be scolded as well."

"Who knows, but Mr. Yao still attaches great importance to this drama. After all, he spent a lot of money to buy the copyright." Zeng Xiuyan smiled and said, "We hired Zhou Jianfeng and Yu Sitian to act."

"That lineup is pretty strong." Zhou Lan said in surprise.

"It's quite powerful, at least it's a big IP." Zeng Xiuyan said.

Zhou Lan said doubtfully: "It's just, why did Zhou Jianfeng take this drama? He is in full swing now, and he is not lacking in popularity, so why bother acting? Can't his agent see that the script has been changed too far, and will he be scolded by book fans?" ?”

Zeng Xiuyan said: "I really don't know, but Zhou Jianfeng's face is really suitable for the male lead of "Left Hand"."

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "I know, you like Zhou Jianfeng's one very much."

Zeng Xiuyan nodded.

"you know me."

"He's only in his early 20s."

"It doesn't prevent me from looking at him more."

"Okay, you cow."

Zhou Lan shook his head with a smile.

Having afternoon tea with Zeng Xiuyan is part of Zhou Lan's many itineraries.

In fact, she has a lot of such itineraries, and there is nothing confirmed, but she needs to chat with the other party to maintain the relationship.

"Many people in the company are talking about the new movie that Wen Bing and your family Zhou Yun collaborated on this time." Zeng Xiuyan obviously knew why Zhou Lan came to drink afternoon tea with her. After talking about "The Left Hand", Just talking about Zhou Yun and Wen Bing's new play with Zhou Lan, "Especially those people in the script review meeting are very unfavorable about this play, saying that it will definitely hit the box office, even if there is cooperation between Zhou Yun and Wen Bing , I haven't read the script, is the script of this movie bad?"

Zhou Lan: "It's not bad, it's just that the structure of the story is different from the traditional one. There's nothing to say about this. For creators like Wen Bing and Zhou Yun, before the work comes out, no one should use their shallow eyes Looking at their creations, if they are so easy to understand, it would not be them."

Zeng Xiuyan nodded.

"you're right."

She smiled and said: "I found that you really have a lot of trust in Zhou Yun."

"Of course." Zhou Lan said, I have known her for so many years, and every choice and judgment of her has turned out to be correct in the end, many of which I thought were not good at the beginning, which shows that , My judgment on how to pick a scene is indeed inferior to hers, so there is nothing to say, I just believe her. "

Zeng Xiuyan said: "Creation is like this. The same thing can be handled by different people with different effects, but there are always people in the company who want to find out a formula that can mass-produce those movies that get high box office."

“There’s nothing wrong with them wanting to do that.”

"Yes, I just can't get used to it." Zeng Xiuyan smiled, "Actually, Mr. Yao himself often said that for those who are really engaged in creation, we can't use our way to deal with them, and we can't use our way to deal with them. Use one set to measure them, but there are always people who don’t listen to these words.”

Zhou Lan: "Because everyone wants to prove that they are better than others."

"Speaking of which, I admire Zhou Yun. Many people praised her for her good acting skills, aura, and good luck. If you want me to say, the most remarkable thing about her is her vision. Look, why she was able to perform in four years? She reached her current status within a few days, because every choice she made was right." Zeng Xiuyan said, "This is really amazing and amazing. Is there anyone like her who has never failed a movie? Even You see, even if the reputation of "Under Dress" is not very good, but this drama has set a record for the most money in TV drama advertisements in the past five years, and it is an undoubted commercial success. With such a record in hand, which company When acting, the first choice is not to think about Zhou Yun?"

Zhou Lan laughed.

"I heard that you guys want to make a second film, do you really have this plan?" Zeng Xiuyan asked.

Zhou Lan pondered for a moment, and said, "It's not the second part, it's about telling the stories of other characters in the same background."

"It means Zhou Yun doesn't act, and shoots other roles?" Zeng Xiuyan nodded, "I mean, this drama is obviously not very good for Zhou Yun's reputation, why would you play the second one? Your operation is quite good .”

Zhou Lan smiled and asked, "Why are you asking this? Are you interested?"

"Of course I'm interested. If possible, I would also like to drink a bowl of soup." Zeng Xiuyan said, "Isn't this a scene you are controlling?"

Zhou Lan said: "Let me look back. Although I participated in this drama, the main producer is still He Yong. Besides, this is also a brand implanted drama of VX."

"Yes." Zeng Xiuyan nodded, "I'm not greedy, as long as I can drink some soup along with it."

Zhou Lan smiled.

"How much are you going to vote for?"

Zeng Xiuyan said: "I have more than 500 million on hand."

"Okay, I'll look back." Zhou Lan said, "Not necessarily, if I can take out a little amount, I will give it to you first."

"Wait for your news."


It was evening again.

Zhou Yun sat on the recliner in a daze.

Wen Bing and the others are discussing in the room how to decorate the house.

The yard they fancy has been rented out by them.

After they discuss how to make this place, they will start to decorate.

She was in a daze with her eyes closed, when suddenly, she heard a delicate voice asking her: "Do you eat candy?"

Zhou Yun opened his eyes, and saw a very pretty little girl, blinking a pair of smart eyes, looking at her.

Zhou Yun knew her, she was a child from the neighbor's house, she was only eight years old this year.

Zhou Yun suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you, I don't eat candy."

The little girl is called Xiuxiu.

I don't know what Zhou Yun's surname is.

Xiuxiu nodded and said, "Then do you eat biscuits?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Okay."

Xiuxiu took out a pack of individually wrapped biscuits from her pocket, and there was only one piece in it.

"My brother brought this to me." Xiuxiu laughed, her eyes curled up like crescent moons, and said.

Zhou Yun heard the words and asked, "When will your brother come back?"

Xiuxiu said: "He is studying in the city, and he will come back after the holiday."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "What about you? Where do you study?"

"I was studying in Fenghuang County Primary School." Xiuxiu said.

This place is Fenghuang County.

Zhou Yun smiled softly.

Xiuxiu said again: "I saw you on TV yesterday."

"Really?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is it a TV series?"

Xiuxiu shook her head and said, "Advertisement."

Zhou Yun smiled brilliantly.

"It turned out to be an advertisement, then have you seen my acting?"

Xiuxiu shook her head.

"My mother only allows me to watch TV for one hour a day." Xiuxiu said, "I only like watching cartoons."

"Okay." Zhou Yun said, "It's okay, when you grow up, you can watch my sister's plays."

Xiuxiu hummed.

At this time, a woman's voice came from a distance, calling Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu heard the voice and said: "Sister Xiaoyun, my mother called me, I have to go back."

"Goodbye." Zhou Yun shook his hand.

Xiuxiu shook her hands, turned around and trotted away.

"The little girl likes you very much. She has come to see you three times."

Wen Bing came out of the house.

Zhou Yun turned around, looked at Wen Bing, smiled, and said, "It's not normal for a little girl to like me."

Wen Bing asked: "Have you made up your mind? Do you want to add a scene or two to your script?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "I haven't thought about it."

This is Wen Bing's proposal.

In the script, Zhou Yun returns to the countryside from the city and lives alone. It is normal for one or two friends to come to her.

Wen Bing's idea is that if this is the case, one or two good friends of Zhou Yun can be invited to play a series of this drama.

Zhou Yun said: "If other well-known actors are invited to play, it will dilute the idea of ​​the film itself."

"Yes." Wen Bing nodded, "Why don't we just forget about it?"

"But it's all about me, so it's really weak." Zhou Yun said, "Forget it, you can think about this problem yourself. I'm too lazy to think about it. I'll listen to you."

"Don't be lazy, this scene is filmed around you, what do you think, how do I shoot."

"No, I won't take this job."

Wen Bing smiled helplessly.

"I see that you have enjoyed yourself here these two days."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "No one bothers you, it's comfortable."

Wen Bing: "Then it seems that this movie was really shot right."

"What about Xindun, they didn't insist on sending a producer to take care of the scene, did they?" Zhou Yun asked.

Previously, Xindun was planning to send a producer to take care of the big and small things on the scene like "The Female Killer", but Wen Bing and Zhou Yun sternly rejected it.

They don't want to be frequently interfered with their shooting ideas like they were in the movie "The Female Killer".

Forget about "The Female Killer", this movie can't be controlled at all.

Just kidding, there is not even a complete plot, how can we plan clearly in advance what to shoot every day like the routine operation of Xindun.

Wen Bing said: "They didn't insist, they gave up, they were waiting to see our drama fail."

(End of this chapter)

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