Chapter 765 Lonely

"If you want me to say, you are too mythical about them."

In the conference room, a bearded man had a sneer on his lips, apparently not paying much attention to what everyone was discussing.

"We've been in this business for so long, and the most basic judgment is always there. With such a script, would anyone be willing to watch a movie made with such a script?" The bearded man taunted, "If All of this can be made into a movie, so don’t we just set up a camera and put it in our house to film us eating and drinking, and it’s also a movie?”

"This is not necessarily true. A script is a script, but a movie is the art of a director after all. Many movie scripts are mediocre, but under the hands of a director, masterpieces can be made. There is no doubt that Wen Bing is a good director. Yes, right? There shouldn’t be anyone questioning his ability as a director, right?” A woman with long black hair said softly but loudly, “I remember when Mr. Yao first wanted to sign Wen Bing, someone Questioned, Wen Bing is a commercial shooter, how can he be a film director? Later, Mr. Yao wanted to shoot "Days" for Wen Bing, and some people said that there is no market for this kind of literary and artistic film in our country. Later, "Days" " was successful, won a big prize, and also got a good box office. At this time, he was going to make "One Mountain and Two Tigers". Some people said that Wen Bing had no experience in making action movies at all, so let him do "One Mountain and Two Tigers". The director of "Two Tigers on the Mountain" was unreliable and inappropriate, but now everyone has seen the result."

The woman with long black hair did not express any disdain or dissatisfaction from beginning to end, nor did she intend to fight with others.

She was just talking calmly.

"From "Female Killer" to the current movie, I think we should reach a consensus for a director like Wen Bing, that is, to trust him and believe that he has such abilities, even if there is no successful film in this market. case, but if Wen Bing is interested in what he wants to do, we should support him.”

The man who satirized Wen Bing before heard this, sneered, and said, "According to your opinion, no matter what Wen Bing wants to shoot, we should support him, because he will definitely succeed. Is that what you mean?"

"Mr. Chen, are all the projects you promoted successful?" The woman looked at him indifferently and asked.

Mr. Chen frowned suddenly, glared at her angrily, and almost slapped the table.

"Hu Linlin, what do you mean?"

Hu Linlin said: "I just want to say that none of us can guarantee that we will be successful in anything, but at least Wen Bing has proved his vision and ability. , why can't we give him more support? He is not someone else's director, but the director of our New Shield, and he is the most talented director that our New Shield has unearthed over the years, but now there are so many people It is said that Director Wen Bing's new project will definitely hit the street, causing the industry to be extremely unfavorable to this project. If this kind of rumor becomes more and more serious, it will definitely affect the reputation of the outside world, and the film schedule of the theater is what everyone hopes to see ?"

"Mr. Hu is right. No matter what, we are a family. It's okay to stay at home. When you go outside, you can't tear down your family. However, Mr. Hu, you can't trust someone so blindly Ah, Wen Bing is talented, that’s right, but it’s not uncommon for a talented director to bring down a company. If we support him unconditionally just because he is Wen Bing, whatever he wants to do, it’s really a loss. Who's going to take that responsibility?" said another woman.

Hu Linlin smiled slightly.

Everyone talked about it.

Yao Yuanfeng kept listening without opening his mouth.

He coughed twice until he could no longer hear anything nutritious and valuable.

Everyone's voices gradually weakened.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "I have heard everyone's opinions, and you all know about Wen Bing. No matter what, he will definitely be the director with the most cooperation with Xindun in the future. No matter what we discuss, it is based on The premise of this cooperation can only be discussed, so, Chen Bida, put away your contemptuous attitude of not paying attention to him, otherwise, if you offend him and make him angry, I will definitely take you down , put out the fire for him."

Mr. Chen Bida, who had been talking sarcasticly before, shrugged silently.

"As for Linlin, I know you admire Wen Bing very much. Back then, "Days" was your main film, but what you said was wrong. You can't say that Wen Bing is talented. The previous films were all successful, so every time he has been filming since then Every film is sure to be successful, if that’s the case, then everyone would swarm with the money to find those who have been successful to make films, why bother to train newcomers here, keep digging newcomers?”

Hu Linlin nodded and admitted sincerely.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "As for Wen Bing's new film, since we have already decided to shoot it, we don't need to criticize it, saying that this film is not good. The problem before us now is that we should give this film How much did you invest? How much is the expected box office for this movie? Also, are overseas companies interested in this movie?"

Everyone was silent.

"I don't deny that this is an adventure, and it is very likely to lose money. It can't sell the box office, and there are no overseas companies interested in it, so it can't earn copyright fees, but so what? If it doesn't work, we will lose money. Xindun can afford it, and we don't need to bad-mouth ourselves and take away our own responsibilities." After Yao Yuanfeng said this pointingly, he gave Chen Bida another look, and then continued, "In short, , support them within the scope, this is what each of you must do, I don’t want to see someone in our company neglect Wen Bing and Zhou Yun, our cooperation with them is not just in this project In fact, as long as we can maintain a good cooperative relationship with them, it’s nothing to pay 2000 to [-] million, and they will help us make two more "Female Assassins", and we will earn back [-] million."


Neither Zhou Yun nor Wen Bing knew what was happening inside Xindun.

When there was a conflict within Xindun, the two of them were watching the scene and highlights one by one with the rest of the filming team.

Wen Bing had a big notebook in his hand, and when he saw a place, he wrote it down, saying that he would come here to take a picture.

Because they are all natural mountain scenery, not man-made, everyone has a feeling of going out for an outing.

Introduced by the villagers here, there is also a large reservoir.

A group of them shuttled for several kilometers and finally arrived at the large reservoir.

The sun just fell, and the wide reservoir was shining in the sun.

Zhou Yun looked at the water surface in surprise.

Wen Bing asked: "Can you swim?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "Yes."

"Then shoot a swimming scene?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun: "Okay."

Wen Bing didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly laughed.

Zhou Yun asked: "What's wrong?"

Wen Bing: "I just suddenly remembered when I was a child. At that time, if a girl went swimming in the reservoir, there would definitely be a few boys running to peek."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Wen Bing recalled.

Zhou Yun: "You also went to peek at it?"

Wen Bing immediately denied it with a serious expression: "I didn't."

Zhou Yun raised his eyebrows: "Really? Why do I think you must have peeked at it?"

Wen Bing: "Did I tell you?"

"You can admit it or not." Zhou Yun smiled narrowly.

At night, Wen Bing said excitedly: "I've decided, I want to add a few scenes."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

Wen Bing said: "I want to add a character, a country boy who lives here and is attracted by you. He is sleeping by the reservoir, and he happened to meet you swimming, and he was attracted by you. Then, you also noticed He, he greeted you awkwardly, you ignored him and left, he wanted to get to know you, so he followed you to the place you rented."

Zhou Yun asked: "And then?"

Wen Bing: "No, after that, you made dinner and found that he hadn't left yet, so you left him for dinner. He wanted to pursue you, but you directly rejected him."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and hummed.

Wen Bing said: "After being rejected by you, he still came to you often, and you didn't drive him away. He helped you finish the work, and you invited him to have a cup of tea and something to eat. The two gradually became familiar with each other."

Zhou Yun: "Could there be sparks again?"

Wen Bing shook his head: "There is no such thing, that's all."

Zhou Yun was thoughtful: "That's all."

Wen Bing said: "She came to the country from the city to cut off from her own life and find a kind of inner balance and tranquility. This young man was the fire she broke into after she came to the country, but in the end the fire will also change. Cheng Wenhuo, I want this feeling."

"Wen Bing, the script is a little short now." Zhou Yun said, "We don't know why she wants to cut off her life in the city and come to this country without this motivation , I feel that my state is very floating, and I don’t know where to fall.”

Wen Bing said, "Huh?"

"Because, if she is simply tired of city life, then her heart is not dead, and her pursuit of youth should not be so peaceful." Zhou Yun said, "Since you have arranged a new variable for this script , then she has not changed in any way, which is very unreasonable, unless there is a conclusive reason for us to believe that her immobility is normal and acceptable, otherwise..."

"Because her boyfriend passed away." Wen Bing directly gave a reason.


"Because her boyfriend passed away, she came to the countryside to find a kind of inner peace, and the reason why the boy could not impress her is because she has not yet come out of the mood of her boyfriend's death."

"It suddenly becomes therapeutic."

"The parting you have to face in life, you have to learn to get along with yourself when you get along with others." Wen Bing said, "A person is always lonely in his life, until the end."

Zhou Yun was hit by Wen Bing's words.

She looked at Wen Bing in surprise.

Wen Bing looked at her gently and smiled.

A strange feeling rose in Zhou Yun's heart.

Wen Bing, has he lost confidence in love?
A person's words always reflect the person's ideas, especially words that are spoken unintentionally.

When Zhou Yun and Wen Bing collaborated on "Days", it was obvious that Wen Bing is a very sincere person for love.

But at that moment just now, Wen Bing gave Zhou Yun a very different feeling.

Zhou Yun didn't know if he was being overwhelmed and sensitive, or if Wen Bing had changed because of these years of experience.

Thinking about it again, I really want to think that the theme of loneliness runs through Wen Bing's creation.

From "Days" to "One Mountain and Two Tigers", from "The Female Killer" to this movie, everything is the same.

The protagonists are all alone, loners, walking in the world, but seem to be walking on the edge of the world.

Why does Wen Bing have such a strong sense of loneliness deep in his heart? -
Today is the third update, trying to make up for what I owed before.

See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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