I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 767 The Arrival of Yu Zhiyang

Chapter 767 The Arrival of Yu Zhiyang (9000 words!)

Zhou Yun was also worried about whether he had other thoughts about Zhi Yang.

She didn't even realize it herself, she had that kind of thought.

But she has carefully compared, when she was with Song Chi, the instinctive intimacy and desire between men and women that emerged from her body from time to time, never happened when she was facing Zhi Yang.

When she saw Yu Zhiyang, she would think that this young man was handsome, but it was more like she was in contact with a younger brother that she was willing to take care of.

Zhou Yun has always felt that her closeness to Zhi Yang comes from Zhi Yang's previous encounters, and she wants to help him and save him.

But then she felt that things were not that simple.

She really admired Yu Zhiyang, and she really felt that Yu Zhiyang's temperament, and the tension that erupted when he acted with her, were the things that really moved her as a rival actor.

Even Song Chi didn't give her this feeling.

Whether it's "Questioning the Heart" or "Sinking Moon in the Sea", Zhou Yun and Song Chi acted together, she would only feel that Song Chi acted well and his acting skills were very good, but it didn't make her develop the kind of character that could leave everything behind, no matter what. The impulsive feeling of disregard - acting, acting as a pair of men and women, the relationship and tension between the characters is here.

In many cases, the sense of CP that the audience refers to actually refers to this.

Zhou Yun prefers Song Chi in real life rather than Song Chi on set.

Let's put it this way, Song Chi's acting style and aura did not allow Zhou Yun to devote himself [-]% to it.

I felt this way when I was filming "Ask the Heart" and later "The Moon in the Sea".

But this is not Song Chi's problem.

Song Chi's devotion to acting is unquestionable, and he performed well.

Zhou Yun seriously thought about whether the reason why he couldn't devote himself so much was because when she and Song Chi were filming, the two had already had an ambiguous relationship, but Zhou Yun was a rational person. The more this is the case, the more unwilling I am to indulge myself and put the emotions in my life into the performance. Instead, I can't act like other actors. I don't have to worry about the feelings of personal relationships in my heart, but devote myself wholeheartedly.

It just so happened that Yu Zhiyang was such a person.

For some actors, the more familiar she is with the rival actors, the more she loves each other, the more involved and blended in the play.

But Zhou Yun can't.

She has a very simple sense of rationality-the relationship between the characters in the script is different from her real life. It is very unprofessional to transplant the emotions of the opponent actors in real life into the play.

Under the influence of this rational consciousness, she had a natural mental block when acting with Song Chi.

Zhou Yun didn't know if his judgment was correct.

She is still figuring it out.

Wen Bing said: "I don't want Yu Zhiyang to play the role. Apart from my feeling that his personal characteristics are relatively gloomy, I am actually worried about one thing. You are so close to Yu Zhiyang, not only treating him like your younger brother. Take care, and signed myself and Song Chi's subordinates. When you were preparing for the filming of "Under Dress", you fought against everyone's opinions and used it for Zhiyang, which caused many people to discuss your relationship with him in private. Seeing him act in this movie again, and... such a character relationship, when it's released, aren't you afraid that others will talk about it?"

Zhou Yun was silent.

She really hadn't thought about it that much.

Wen Bing's consideration is that he really regards her as a friend, so he will think so much for her.

However, Zhou Yun didn't know what she was going to do.

If it was in the past, she might have said directly, "I'm afraid of what others will say." She has been in the industry for several years and has experienced so much. She no longer dares to speak so recklessly and fearlessly.

Every decision has a price to pay, it just depends on whether she is willing to pay the price.

Zhou Yun asked: "Aside from other things, do you think Yu Zhiyang is suitable?"

She looked at Wen Bing seriously and asked.

Wen Bing hesitated.

Seeing Wen Bing's appearance, Zhou Yun had some answers in his heart.

It seems that in Wen Bing's heart, Yu Zhiyang is actually suitable.

In today's show business circle, it is indeed difficult to find an actor who still has a sense of simplicity.

In this star-making age, how many people can endure loneliness?
Anyone who looks better will be excavated.

It is because of his special reasons that Yu Zhiyang has kept his simple temperament and has not been affected by the general environment.

Zhou Yun saw that Wen Bing remained silent for a long time, so she said, "Well, I'd better call Yu Zhiyang over. Anyway, let's meet up first, and we'll talk about other things later."

Hearing this, Wen Bing sighed lightly.

"Why are you still sighing?" Zhou Yun felt helpless.

Wen Bing said: "Listen to you."

Zhou Yun: "Let's not think too much about it. Everyone says that the drama is bigger than the sky, so we will find the most suitable person."

Wen Bing said: "Xiaoyun, have you ever thought about the possibility that this incident will become a scandal that will follow you for the rest of your life?"

"I thought about it." Zhou Yun nodded, "But, as I said, no matter what we do in this business, we will be misunderstood. There will always be misunderstandings. As long as I know what I am doing, the people around me will What you're doing is enough."

It was very quiet in the teahouse.

If the two of them were not talking, it was so quiet that there were hardly any other sounds.

Outside, some sounds floated from far away, almost inaudible.

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing sat here without speaking for a long time.

After drinking tea, the two went back to the hotel to rest.

Liu Yun is already asleep.

After Zhou Yun finished washing by himself, he sat on the bed, hesitated for a while, and then called Song Chi.

Song Chi asked, "Do you think any of the people I recommended to you are suitable?"

Zhou Yun said: "No, it's all too delicate, alas."

"I also guessed it. I heard your request and found it difficult to find, unless you find someone who has never acted before and start training from a newcomer, but it will take a long time. You don't have the time now."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Song Chi, let me ask you, have you ever been jealous that I acted with other actors?"

"Huh?" Song Chi was taken aback.

He didn't know why the topic suddenly changed to this, and the question made him stunned, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Zhou Yun: "Ask you."

Song Chi pondered for a moment, then said, "Sometimes a little bit, but why did you ask me this suddenly? What's the matter? Someone gossiped?"

"It's not that someone is gossiping, it's just that I was thinking about it myself." Zhou Yun said, "Everyone knew that the matter of William Stanto was impossible before, and this kind of scandal spread as soon as it was spread, just as it was a joke, but , What if there are some scandals that others think are true in the future?"

"How could it be?" Song Chi said very firmly, "I'm still by your side, with me here, other scandals are all fake."

"I chatted with Wen Bing at night, and I said, I can let Yu Zhiyang play this role. Wen Bing told me that he was worried that letting Yu Zhiyang play the role would make it difficult for him to choose the role because of "Under Dress". You should know that some scandals are rampant, many people say that because I like Yu Zhiyang very much, I tried my best to let him play the male lead of "Under Dress"."

"Well, are you worried that someone will say you and Yu Zhiyang?"


"That silly boy runs after me all day, and everyone around me knows he is my little brother." Song Chi smiled, "Xiao Yun, you don't need to worry about what people outside say, we all know, it's not at all It’s not true. If this role is really suitable for Zhi Yang, let him play it. These days he has been by my side, watching me act, and I’m tired of him too. It’s not bad to ask him to film a scene with you for a while it is good."

A warm current surged through Zhou Yun's heart.

She knew that Song Chi was here to comfort and encourage her.

Zhou Yun said: "I, I think I have changed."


"I didn't think about these things at all before, and I don't know what's going on. Now I'm afraid to say a word, and I don't dare to do things. I didn't hesitate to make decisions that I used to be confident, but now I don't know what to do." Become backward-looking."

"However, I am very happy."


"The reason why you care so much about the rumors that spread is because you are afraid that the scandals will affect us." Song Chi said, "If you call me this time, I will know that you are worried about my mood, Xiaoyun, you Makes me very happy, because I know you care about me, and you care about me to worry about my mood."

Zhou Yun didn't know what to say for a moment.

She smiled, and said, "Well, indeed, I care about you, and I don't want these things to affect your mood."

"It's okay, I'm a professional actor, I can adjust well, and I also believe in the relationship between us, we will not be affected by these outside voices." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun hummed.

"Then, I'll let Yu Zhiyang come over to meet Wen Bing tomorrow."

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "My scene is still being filmed, so there's no way to get over it."

"It's okay, you can film your scenes well." Zhou Yun said, "Take more rest at ordinary times and don't damage your body."

"I know." Song Chi said, "How about you? How are you doing?"

"I'm very glad to have accepted this drama." Zhou Yun said, "I stay in the country every day, and when I change the environment, my whole mood is different."

Song Chi: "It seems that we still have to cooperate with Wen Bing. You still wanted to refuse before, and you wanted to continue to rest."

"The main reason is that this drama happens to be slow-paced. If it's something like "The Female Killer", I won't be able to act at all." Zhou Yun said, "There will be a "Killing Song" later on, and I won't be able to act at all."

"When you really want to act, you must be able to act."

Zhou Yun laughed.

Song Chi added: "By the way, I bought the copyright of "The Inaction" and planned to make it into a TV series."

"Really?" Zhou Yun said pleasantly, "Who are you going to find to act?"

Song Chi said: "It's still early, I'm working on the script, but I want to act for the contracted actors of the company, and I have signed several actors here."

"You are getting bigger and bigger." Zhou Yun said, "I heard Liu Yun say that your company's "A Thousand Gold Never Die" has been very popular recently."

"Well, it's okay, and the effect exceeded expectations." Song Chi also sounded very happy, "There was no platform willing to buy it before, but now this show is signed to share accounts, and the income is much higher than expected. There are two TV stations. Come and buy."

Zhou Yun was happy for Song Chi.

"That's good."

In the first half of the year, Song Chi's company has been under a bit of financial pressure, but now it has finally turned around.

Song Chi said: "Many newcomers have been signed, and now two of them have finally gotten up."

The two protagonists Ma Qi and Liu Lingxin in "A Thousand Gold Never Let Me Down" are both contracted actors of Song Chi's company. They are very young. Now they have become popular because of "A Thousand Gold Never Let Me Down". They have a name, which is typical became famous at a young age.

Zhou Yun said, "Congratulations."

Song Chi: "When I have a chance next time, I'll bring them to meet you. If there are suitable roles on your side, bring them along."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded in agreement.

The TV series that Song Chi is currently filming is called "The Seller", and it is another serious drama.

Nowadays, the TV series that Song Chi shoots are mainly dramas. On the one hand, he wants to enter this circle. On the other hand, it is also because he is starting a company now, and he wants to make more contacts for his company's projects. Expansion of territory.

Just like "The Seller", the reason why he acted in this movie is because there is a project behind his company that he wants to invite the director of "The Seller" to direct. As soon as the two of them got in touch, this cooperation came about.

Zhou Yun said: "I originally wanted to visit a class, but now it seems that I can't do it. Take care of yourself and take care of your body. Don't be arrogant."

"Okay, I know." Song Chi nodded, "You too."

hang up the phone.

Zhou Yun felt a lot more relaxed.

Every time I finished the phone call with Song Chi, I felt this way.

When she stayed with Song Chi, she always felt relaxed and comfortable.

The night in the town is very quiet. Occasionally, a car drives past on the road, which becomes the only sound in the quiet night.

Zhou Yun slept soundly until the next morning when he was woken up by the sound of a rooster crowing.

Zhou Yun was already used to the sound of the rooster crowing.

She stretched.

The sun is not out yet.

Zhou Yun walked to the window, opened the window, and a refreshing cool breeze came in.

It's autumn, and at this time, the wind is chilling.

Zhou Yun hurriedly put on his coat.

There are already children running on the road.

There is also a breakfast shop in front, and the fragrance is rolling.

The town is like this, as if everything is laid out along this street.

Everything is on both sides of the street.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt hungry again.

But she still put on her running shoes and sports clothes, and went for a run first.

Everyone knows that a female celebrity has come to their town.

After she ran for a while, some children ran behind her.

They didn't come to say hello to her, but followed her curiously.

Zhou Yun is used to it.

These kids are just curious.

After Zhou Yun finished his run, he returned to the town, planning to have breakfast nearby.

A bowl of solid beef noodles was served with a bowl of freshly squeezed soy milk, which made her full of human fireworks.

In the town, everyone just looked at her curiously, and occasionally struck up a conversation, but there was nothing else.

Everyone is very reserved.

After Zhou Yun finished his noodles, he returned to the hotel with a smile, and then saw the photographer Yi Zhe and the others walking this way with blue eyes.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Did you fight all night or what?"

Yi Zhe said embarrassingly, "I'll go up and squint for a while, I really can't stand it anymore."

The same goes for others.

Zhou Yun looked at them speechlessly, and said, "It's really enough for you, you stayed up all night, right?"

Yi Zhe waved his hand.

Zhou Yun stopped them and said, "Wait a minute, don't catch up on sleep on an empty stomach. There is breakfast at the door, go eat something before going to sleep."

Yi Zhe and the others were taken aback.

Zhou Yun: "Why are you standing there, go quickly."

Yi Zhe howled dryly and said, "I can't do it anymore, I'm going to sleep soon."

"It's not bad for 5 minutes or 10 minutes. If you stay up all night and sleep without eating, you won't be afraid of ruining your stomach?" Zhou Yun blocked their way into the hotel without any explanation, "Hurry up."

Yi Zhe and the others were blocked and couldn't get in, so they had to go to have breakfast.

At this moment, Wen Bing also came down.

"Hey, what are you doing blocking the door so early in the morning?"

Seeing the people coming down, Zhou Yun said, "It's just in time for you to come. Go and supervise them and watch them eat their breakfast before letting them go back to sleep. I really convinced them that they even fought all night."

Wen Bing looked at Yi Zhe and the others in surprise.


Wen Bing had an expression of "I knew you guys couldn't do anything good together".

The embarrassment on the faces of Yi Zhe and the others became more obvious.

The construction team will come today.

Zhou Yun didn't go to the yard anymore. They had to clean up the yard and house in the past two days, and it was not convenient for her to go.

She wants to continue to see the scene with Wen Bing.

Every scene, where to shoot, has to be decided in advance.

Before Zhou Yun was filming, she had never stepped on it so meticulously. The crew gave her a notice, and the driver pulled her to a certain place. When she got there, she got familiar with the environment, and then started filming.

This is the first time Zhou Yun followed Wen Bing to find a scene.

Yu Zhiyang arrived at night.

When Zhou Yun and Wen Bing returned to the town, they happened to meet Yu Zhiyang getting out of the car.

He picked up a large one-meter-high travel bag from the car, carried it on his shoulders, and closed the car door. When he turned around, he saw Xiaoyun, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, standing in front of her, looking at it with a smile. he.

A shy smile suddenly appeared on Yu Zhiyang's expressionless face.

He walked over quickly.

He was already tall, but standing in front of Zhou Yun made him look even taller.

It was dark.

Zhou Yun could only vaguely see Yu Zhiyang's facial features.

Nothing has changed, it's still the same as before.

"Sister Xiaoyun." Yu Zhiyang called out.

Zhou Yun asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Yu Zhiyang shook his head.

"It's just right, you go and put your things away first, and we'll have dinner together later." Zhou Yun said, "By the way, first let me introduce you, Director Wen Bing."

Yu Zhiyang hummed and said, "I know."

Wen Bing looked at Yu Zhiyang's face and sighed inwardly.

As far as this image is concerned, it is really suitable.

Yu Zhiyang didn't have that fancy hairstyle, just a small cut, with bright eyes, very energetic, but because of his personality, he was restrained, a little talkative, and gave off a feeling of melancholy.

Wen Bing really liked it.

This kind of face is the face he wants to put in his movies.

Wen Bing patted Yu Zhiyang's arm and said, "Go and put things away first, we'll talk later if we have something to say."

Yu Zhiyang responded.

At this time, Wang Zilin who had parked the car came over.

She is in charge of the production team's logistics and other miscellaneous things, and she is the one who picked up Yu Zhiyang today.

She took out the room card from her pocket and handed it to Yu Zhiyang, "This is the room card, so I won't go up with you."

Yu Zhiyang nodded and said, "Thank you, Sister Lin."

Wang Zilin smiled and watched him go upstairs before looking at Wen Bing and Zhou Yun.

"This kid really doesn't look like an entertainer."

"He...does grow up in a different environment from other artists." Zhou Yun said, "Please take care of him, we may not be able to take care of him normally."

"Alright." Wang Zilin nodded angrily, "Leave it to me."

Wang Zilin is Wen Bing's old partner.

When filming "Days" before, Wang Zilin assisted Wen Bing's crew, and she was also there for several later films. The affairs in charge were different, but they were all positions that required patience and management skills.

For a film crew, there are at least twenty or so people, and eating, drinking and drinking every day is a big problem.

Wang Zilin has rich experience in management, plus she is an old acquaintance with these people, so she is very handy.

Wang Zilin said: "However, I was chatting on the road just now, and the children don't even know what's going on with us acting, and we haven't even talked about the salary."

Zhou Yun said: "Let's wait for the director to talk to him first, see if the director wants to use him, use his words, and then sign the contract."

Wen Bing said: "This film only has a budget of 1000 million, so I can't offer a high salary."

"The level of salary is not a problem. It's really impossible to give him a little bit of my salary." Zhou Yun said, "Whoever made your film is still for the sake of making money."

Wen Bing smiled.

Wang Zilin also laughed.

"It's all said, we Xindun paid you so much that we were able to invite you to act in so many of our plays."

Zhou Yun said: "I have to tell Mr. Yao about this and let him know how many people out there are throwing money at me to act in a play. I refused them all and gave him part-time jobs."

Several people talked and laughed.

At this moment, Yi Zhe also came.

As soon as he came here, he took out a cigarette.

Wang Zilin glanced at him and said, "I want to smoke before coming over."

When Yi Zhe heard this, he resentfully gave up.

"Are you going to play mahjong tonight?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yi Zhe shook his head, "Fuck you, you're going to faint. It won't take three to five days, and you won't be able to regain your energy."

"It deserves it." Wang Zilin laughed.

At this time, Yu Zhiyang put away his things and came down.

He came over silently.

When everyone saw him, Wang Zilin nodded and said, "Let's go, the Ximei restaurant next door, if you haven't come yet, send them a message and ask them to come directly to the restaurant."

A group of people went to Ximei Restaurant.

A new person has arrived, and everyone's attention is on Zhi Yang.

"Xiao Yu, did you come alone?"


"Yo, your company didn't arrange an assistant for you?"

"Need not."

"It's rare. Now I meet any actor at random, and there are assistants around me."

"I do not need."

"How old is this year?"


"Have you acted before?"

"Acted some."

"What's the matter?"

"Basically not broadcast."


After some exchanges, everyone basically had a general understanding of Zhi Yang's character.

Well, it's a boring gourd.

Not fun.

"This fried eel with cucumber is well done."

"It's delicious." Zhou Yun nodded, "I thought eel was not tasty before, but now I realize it's delicious."

Wang Zilin said: "I heard that in summer, they have snails, which are delicious when fried with leeks."

"Not now?" Yi Zhe asked.

"It is said that the snail meat is not delicious at this time." Wang Zilin replied.

They are a group of people who are interested in eating.

Wang Zilin saw that Zhou Yun put chopsticks on all the dishes and was not picky, so he also paid attention to Yu Zhiyang. It was indeed Zhou Yun who brought him, and he was not picky.

Wang Zilin is not only a housekeeper for Wen Bing, she also works for other projects of Xindun when Wen Bing is not working.

I have seen all kinds of celebrities, and each has their own ass.

With the comparison, Wang Zilin became more aware that an actor like Zhou Yun who doesn't play tricks and doesn't make excessive demands is really rare, and it's really comfortable to work with.

She told everyone that.

"Does Xiao Xiao have any taboos?" Wang Zilin asked.

Yu Zhiyang shook his head: "Eat them all."

"That's easy to support." Wang Zilin smiled, "Just tell me if you need anything."

Yu Zhiyang hummed.

Yi Zhe looked at him strangely, and said, "You are so silent, can you act?"

Yu Zhiyang raised his head, looked at him with bright eyes, and said, "Yes."

Yi Zhe: "..."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Wen Bing also laughed.

Everyone knows that Yu Zhiyang is Zhou Yun's person, they chatted and laughed, and got to know a few words, but they didn't say anything excessive, and they took good care of Yu Zhiyang.

After dinner, Wen Bing and Zhou Yun walked last.

He said, "Since they're all here, it's up to him."

Zhou Yun smiled.


"Also, the remuneration is just a little more interesting, 1 yuan."

"Okay." Zhou Yun also agreed.

Wen Bing said: "Oh, I really don't know how this kid got your favor."

"Believe me, when you really see him acting, you will be the same as me." Zhou Yun said.

In the evening, a group of people had a meeting in a conference room.

Discuss the script, and some issues with shooting.

This play is the same as "Days", basically there are no other actors, it is Zhou Yun's one-man show, and now there is one more Yu Zhiyang.

In addition, Wen Bing said: "Do you want to add a few more people in it? You live in the country, and you are not always alone, neighbors, friends."

"Anything is fine." Zhou Yun's current attitude is that anything is fine, and she has gradually found her status in the past few days, "Whether it's alone or someone comes, I can do it."

Hearing what Zhou Yun said, Wen Bing breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course he knew what Zhou Yun meant.

Wen Bing said, "Yu Zhiyang, will you teach me, or should I?"

Zhou Yun: "Of course you are here, don't be lazy, just leave all the work to me, you are the director."

Wen Bing smiled.

Zhou Yun: "Don't treat him as my man, just treat him as your actor."

Wen Bing sighed and said, "It's not that easy."

"You can overcome it by yourself." Zhou Yun said, "I am on the set, I can only take care of myself, I can't think about other people's affairs."

"Okay, got it."

"Also, I don't think you have prepared my clothes. Do you want me to make them myself?"

"You can do it yourself." Wen Bing said, "I believe in you."

Zhou Yun was speechless.

"I don't know how to make up and hair, so I can do it myself?"

"You do it yourself." Wen Bing smiled, "You know yourself best."

Zhou Yun: "...All right."

Zhou Yun also accepted what Wen Bing said.

After all, it is not the kind of scene that requires special makeup and hair. It is a slow-paced and very everyday scene.

Zhou Yun thought about it for a long time, or he could just go without makeup.

But if you really have no makeup, I don’t know if you can handle all the shots.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a long time, but still called Li Chunhong.

This is the makeup artist she met on the set of "Questioning the Heart", and they have been in close contact since then.

She trusts him a lot.

Li Chunhong heard about Zhou Yun's situation and said, "I'll come over tomorrow to have a look."

When Zhou Yun heard it, it was too motivating.

"No, Teacher Li, my place is relatively remote, so I just want to ask you to help me see if I can design it myself."

Li Chunhong: "Okay, of course you have to see it with your own eyes. I happen to be fine these two days, so I'll come over."

People say come here and come here.

Zhou Yun was very embarrassed to receive him.

"Let you run for a while, it's troublesome."

The point is, the crew didn't hire him either.

"You guys are good enough. A famous director and a famous actor are filming in such a remote place, and the filming is so tight that you can't even hire a makeup artist." Li Chunhong complained as soon as they met.

His mouth is not forgiving.

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Well, the main reason is that the production company thinks the box office of this film will not be high, and if they don't want to pay for it, we can only save some money. Clothes, make-up and hair are all up to me."

Li Chunhong said: "I have a job in two days, so I can't stay here. I'll just do it for you in these two days. I've decided on the shape, and you can do it yourself later."

Zhou Yun quickly said, "Thank you very much!"

Li Chunhong: "Don't thank me, you are the same girl, the production company is stingy, so you allow them to be stingy? You are such a big guy, you can make them neglect you like this, without any temper."

Zhou Yun said: "The main reason is that I don't think it's necessary to argue with them for such a small matter. If it doesn't work, I pay for it myself. It's not easy for Wen Bingzhi to make this movie. I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to shoot, it’s really tight, and all the money is spent on production.”

Her salary was only a symbolic amount, and she mainly signed the follow-up box office share.

Li Chunhong followed Zhou Yun in the hotel room for three hours, listening to Zhou Yun explain his own ideas, and listening to the idea of ​​the movie.

He pondered for a long time, took a pen and sketched on the paper for a few minutes, and took out a few sketches.

He handed it to Zhou Yun.

"Look at it."

Zhou Yun received it in his hand, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Li Chunhong designed three looks for him.

One looks like she is staying at home, her hair is loosely rolled up and fixed with a hairpin, giving people a lazy but comfortable feeling.

One is sitting under the eaves making plum wine, that is, working, her hair is tied into a hemp flower, her bangs are all put away, her face is clean and neat.

The other is that she went out and walked on the road, and she obviously tidied herself up specially, with a simple ponytail, but with a little lipstick and eyebrows drawn, so she has a gentle oriental beauty.

The three shapes are not complicated, very simple, but there is a hint of advanced in the simplicity.

Zhou Yun said pleasantly: "This is too beautiful!"

Li Chunhong was quite complacent, and said: "You are also suitable for this look. If there is no problem with this look, I will fix it for you later, and then I will put on makeup for you. Then I will add a camera and take pictures. Turn back to yourself Just learn it, it’s very simple, and you can get started.”

Zhou Yun said: "It's not difficult to get started, but it's not aesthetically pleasing. I can't design this kind of makeup. I really like it. It's very simple, but very graceful, especially the third one. I've never done it like this before. Will it be the next time?" Can I do the same on the red carpet?"

"That won't work. This look is only suitable for everyday outings. It's simple, generous, and a bit elegant and intellectual. It's too plain for the red carpet." Li Chunhong is very strict, "The look of the red carpet should be bright and generous, not too plain. "

Zhou Yun nodded and was taught.


Zheng Xiaowen heard from someone that Zhou Yun had to prepare her own clothes for the new play, this is great, she dragged several albums and sent them to Zhou Yun for Zhou Yun to choose.

Zhou Yun refused all of them: "No, these are too new, so I will find my own clothes and wear them, otherwise there will be no sense of reality."

Zheng Xiaowen sighed helplessly.

But she also knew Zhou Yun's attitude towards acting, so she didn't force her, she put away the album, and asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly come to make such a movie?"

Zheng Xiaowen felt that such a movie was no longer worthy of Zhou Yun's current status.

Zhou Yun said: "Yes, I like it, I want to act."

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Rely on this movie to hit the top three again?"

Zhou Yun: "I don't have this idea, and I don't know."

Zheng Xiaowen said: "It will be the end of the year soon. There are many ceremonies and events. I have prepared a dress for you. When will you try it?"

Zhou Yun said: "When I finish filming this movie, I really have to pick a few pieces. After that, I have a few schedules."

When Zheng Xiaowen heard it, her eyes lit up immediately.

"What's the itinerary? I'll help you choose in advance."

"It hasn't been decided yet, but Sister Lan said that at the end of this year, several awards ceremonies invited me to be an award presenter, and she agreed for me." Zhou Yun said, "Then there is a brand event for Vertical Axis Cruises, and I need to attend it. "

Zheng Xiaowen: "No problem, leave it to me, and I will take care of it for you."

At this moment, Zheng Xiaowen saw Yu Zhiyang walking over from the front.

Yu Zhiyang is tall and thin, wearing black trousers and a dark blue jacket today, plus his usual expressionless face, he looks very cold.

Zheng Xiaowen wowed and said, "When did this kid grow so handsome?"

Zhou Yun: "..."

Zheng Xiaowen said: "When I met him before, I never thought he was so attractive."

"There are too few words."

Zheng Xiaowen: "It's not a shortcoming for men to talk less. Moreover, it's been a long time since the showbiz has seen such a stern boy style. When your movie is released, I think men's clothing brands will go crazy over him."

Zhou Yun: "There's no need to be so exaggerated."

"I'm not kidding you." Zheng Xiaowen said, "You don't even know how scarce his model is now."

Zhou Yun agrees with this sentence.

"Then you can recommend more later."

(End of this chapter)

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