Chapter 768 Visiting Class (8300 words!)

Yu Zhiyang walked up to Zhou Yun and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, Director Wen Bing, please come over."

Zhou Yun nodded, then turned to Zheng Xiaowen and said, "Then I'll go there first, do you want to stay and have a meal together at noon?"

Zheng Xiaowen shook her head: "I don't eat anymore, I still have a lot of things to deal with, I will come to see you when I have time."

Zheng Xiaowen wanted to leave in a hurry.

Zhou Yun sent her to the door.

"Okay, don't give it away, Wen Bing is looking for you, you go to Wen Bing first." Zheng Xiaowen hugged Zhou Yun, "I look forward to your good show."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"See you later."

Zhou Yun sent Zheng Xiaowen away to see Wen Bing.

Wen Bing was sitting on a wicker chair in the hotel yard, looking at the photos.

Seeing Zhou Yun, he sat up straight and beckoned, "The scenery is ready, come and take a look."

He handed all the photos in his hand to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun took it in his hand, glanced at it, and nodded.


Wen Bing: "That's enough? Why don't you choose?"

This is the place where the character Zhou Yun will live. Wen Bing knows Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun must be picky and picky, and make the whole environment comfortable for her. Only when there is no awkwardness, can she be comfortable. to act in this environment.

Not to mention, [-] to [-]% of the scenes in this movie are performed in this room.

Zhou Yun said: "It feels right. Let's talk about the specific things when we arrive at the scene. The first impression I get from this photo is what I imagined. The construction team you found is reliable."

Wenbing is happy.

"Anyway, we have cooperated several times."

Zhou Yun said: "Yes, I like this courtyard. I want to buy it after the filming is over. If I have time, I will come and live here."

"Then you can pull it off. You don't have time to live here." Wen Bing said, "You may not be able to come here once in three to five years. If you want to buy it, this can only become a haunted house."

"Bah." Zhou Yun immediately glared at Wen Bing.

Wen Bing saw Yu Zhiyang who was standing behind Zhou Yun like a shadow and said nothing, "Yu Yu, how is your script reading going?"

Yu Zhiyang nodded and said, "I've finished reading."

"Is there anything you don't understand?"

Yu Zhiyang shook his head and said, "No."

Wen Bing: "Really or not, then tell me, what kind of psychology does the person you play have towards Ning Hui?"

Ning Hui is the name of the character played by Zhou Yun.

Yu Zhiyang said: "I don't have any psychology. I just saw a beautiful strange woman. I was curious and wanted to know her. I had some primitive impulses. Later, I got familiar with them. That primitive impulse gradually turned into a The warmth of getting along."

Wen Bing's heart skipped a beat.


Zhou Yun laughed.

She blinked at Wen Bing, meaning to ask, "How is it? Am I right?".

Wen Bing was somewhat pleasantly surprised.

He really didn't expect that a boy of Yu Zhiyang's age could analyze and understand the characters.

Generally, actors of this age follow what the director says, and if you need them to have an overall understanding and analysis of their roles like a mature actor, it will be difficult for them.

However, Yu Zhiyang obviously figured out what kind of person he was playing.

Wen Bing knew that Zhou Yun must have never chatted with Yu Zhiyang.

Zhou Yun said before that he is the director and she will not interfere.

Yu Zhiyang's comprehension ability is strong enough.

Wen Bing smiled and said, "Very good, my ability to comprehend is quite strong."

Yu Zhiyang didn't answer, he didn't know what to say.

The sun shines down, and the surroundings are bright.

Wen Bing looked at Yu Zhiyang's thin and straight eyebrows, and asked, "Have you ever been in love?"

Yu Zhiyang hesitated to speak.

He seemed to be a little confused and didn't know how to answer this question.

Zhou Yun understood at that moment that Yu Zhiyang might be wondering whether his relationship with the previous female boss counted?
Of course not!

Zhou Yun immediately answered for Yu Zhiyang: "I haven't talked about it, why are you curious?"

"Of course, the heart of spring has sprouted before you know what it feels like to be sprouted." Wen Bing said confidently.

Hearing this, Zhou Yun sighed.

Yu Zhiyang glanced at Wen Bing silently, that glance was as deep as a well.

When Wen Bing saw it, he suddenly understood what he meant.

Yes, people have a clear mind.


Fenghuang County is a place with a history.

However, no matter how much history there is, if you can't keep up with the tide of development in today's era, you can only be dragged behind and follow the waves.

There are not many young people in the town.

In the village, there are even fewer young people.

Basically all out.

After the house is restored, there is no need to remove formaldehyde or anything.

None of the furniture is new, it's all old furniture collected from other places.

That way you don't have to do it all over again.

Zhou Yun spread his own sheets and quilts on the bed, tidied up briefly, and walked around every room.

"That's good."

She said with a smile.

Wen Bing said, "Can you cook?"


"I want to take more shots of you cooking." Wen Bing said, "You should practice more these days, especially the few dishes written in the script."

Zhou Yun said, "Okay."

She didn't learn it by herself, so she went to Xiuxiu's mother and gave 1000 yuan to ask her to teach her how to cook, just the few dishes in the script.

Xiuxiu's mother happily agreed.

Xiuxiu's mother took her to start from raw materials.

First go to the vegetable field to pick vegetables, and then how to deal with them, how to heat the pot, and what order to make a dish that is full of color, flavor and taste.

Zhou Yun didn't take care of the rest of the crew, she lived in Xiuxiu's mother's house, and followed her to do farm work and housework, allowing herself to get into the feeling of this environment in advance.

Xiuxiu was very happy, because Zhou Yun slept at her house at night, and Xiuxiu often took her to watch TV.

It's all animation.

Zhou Yun didn't look at it much before, but with Xiuxiu, he also looked into it.

In the past few days, she rarely even looked at her mobile phone.

To Zhou Yun's surprise, Yu Zhiyang also lived in a nearby family's family, and integrated into their family's life just like her.

One day, Zhou Yun saw Yu Zhiyang walking on the road wearing black pants and a brown jacket. At first glance, he looked like someone who had lived here for a long time, which surprised her.

Yu Zhiyang's face is not as handsome as Song Chi's, his lines are harder, and his eyebrows are more sharp, but because of this, his plasticity is very high.

With his image, he really opened up his acting career when he was in his 40s and [-]s.

Wen Bing said to Zhou Yun: "He is still too immature and a bit young, but let him play a boy, and he lacks a little boyishness. He is not so free and easy, and he is a bit twisted. He has to work it out slowly. When the astringent energy in him is gone, he will be able to make his mark as an actor."

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, take your time, don't rush for a while, the actor's profession is to be done for a lifetime."

"Yes." Wen Bing nodded, "Let me think about it, if I direct one play every year in the future, there will still be dozens of plays to do."

"Now is the time when you have a strong desire to create. You can shoot one or two movies a year. In the future, your desire to create will not be so strong. You may not have a new work in four or five years."

Many directors are like this.

Directors are not the same as actors.

Actors follow the script and characters, but the director has to find the project he wants to do by himself.

If there is no project you want to do, or if you encounter any problems, you can only continue to look for it.I found it. From pre-production to post-production, the director has to spend too much energy on it.

Wen Bing said: "I have more than a dozen first drafts of scripts written by myself, waiting for me to shoot in the future."

Zhou Yun was shocked when he heard this.

"What? A dozen?"

Wen Bing said: "I have been writing scripts by myself before, and I have written a lot, but I gave it to the film company. No one else is willing to shoot it, and no one buys it. I keep it in my own hands."

"I said, how did you write the script so fast? It turns out that there are so many in stock."

Wen Bing said: "I have a lot of ideas that I want to make. Some of them have been written into scripts, and some have not yet. However, most of them are like "Days" and this movie. In the eyes of others, they have no box office. For the market, I can only shoot by myself, if I don’t shoot myself, others will definitely not.”

"Then shoot it yourself." Zhou Yun said, "It's okay. If Xindun doesn't want to invest in you, I'll vote for you. If you can't find an actor, I'll help you find one."

Wen Bing laughed.

"Aren't you afraid of losing money?"

"I have made enough money in the past few years." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, the money is in the bank, so why don't you use it to do something you like? I wanted to invest some money that I couldn't find. Isn't that how "Above the Crowd" came about before? But I don't know what happened, and I haven't come across a suitable one."

Wen Bing said: "Don't worry about this matter, take your time, if you have such an idea, if I encounter a need in the future, I will tell you."

"Well." Zhou Yun nodded, "Don't always be afraid of lack of funds. Yao Yuanfeng is a big company and can support you, but you are not a newcomer now. Even if Xindun is not willing to do it for you, there are other companies willing to do it for you. I don’t believe that this movie can’t make back its money, and it’s unlikely that our movie’s box office sales will be less than 3000 million.”

Wen Bing: "Well, I don't want to think about these things, but I know that if one day the film I make loses money, I won't be able to say what I want to make so confidently in front of Yao Yuanfeng."

"What lack of confidence do you have in front of him? How much money have you made for him?" Zhou Yun said, "Wen Bing, don't be confused. Yao Yuanfeng gave you a chance, but you didn't let him down. You have repaid him with the few movies you made. If it wasn’t you, would he be able to reap such works as "Days" and "One Mountain Two Tigers" in just a few years? Just these two movies let him earn money. It's full."

Wen Bing smiled and sighed.


"Pleasant to work with."

Yao Yuanfeng shook hands with the representative of Pai Mengqi who came to sign the contract.

Someone is taking pictures.

In the meeting room, nearly NO.20 people came to witness this signing.

Pai Mengqi won the distribution rights of "The Female Killer" in theaters around the world except mainland China, and it will be released simultaneously with mainland China at that time.

Because of this incident, Yao Yuanfeng has been in a good mood for the past few days, and he only walks without wind.

This movie was won by Pai Mengqi before the post-production was completed. The main reason is that the global box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is very good. In addition, "The Female Killer" is directed by Wen Bing and starring Zhou Yun. Much favored.

In addition to the theater distribution rights, NH has also won the streaming media broadcast rights, and the price has broken the record for the streaming media sales copyright prices of Chinese-language movies in the past ten years.

This also made Yao Yuanfeng put the second part of "The Female Killer" on the agenda again.

Originally, I wanted to wait until the first film was released before starting preparations for the second film, but now Yao Yuanfeng couldn't wait.

Wait for the first film to be released before preparing for the second film, wait until Zhou Yun has a schedule, and then do post-production after filming. It will take another two or three years.

That's not enough to strike while the iron is hot.

After Yao Yuanfeng fully signed the contract, he immediately asked Wen Bing about the current progress of the movie.

As soon as he heard that they hadn't turned on the phone, he immediately asked his secretary to buy a ticket to visit the class.


"Why did Yao Yuanfeng come to visit the class suddenly?" Zhou Yun heard that Yao Yuanfeng was coming, but his first reaction was not happiness, but confusion.

A person like Yao Yuanfeng who does not go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, he suddenly wants to come, and it is inexplicable.

Wen Bing shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe it's just to see how we are preparing."

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing have been staying in Fenghuang County these days and have not left. They are all here to make preliminary preparations.

Other types of jobs in the crew have already been put in place one after another, some are Wen Bing's old crew, such as lighting, and some are the first time to cooperate.

We all live in hotels in the town.

Fortunately, there are enough hotels in the town to accommodate people like them.

Although this film is a small budget, there are quite a few people who should be there and should be deployed.

Still can't be shoddy in production.

The production budget is basically spent on these people.

Including radio, photography, art, etc.

Zhou Yun only received a salary of 100 million yuan for this movie, which is negligible compared to her usual salary, mainly because the production budget of this movie itself is not high, and everyone is not optimistic about this movie. box office.

Zhou Lan still talked to her about the box office share - at first Xindun was not happy, Zhou Lan said directly, if not, then take the normal market price, Xindun then backed down.

Zhou Lan doesn't know why, they have cooperated so many times, and this is not the first time they have negotiated a contract. Why do they always try to take advantage of them where they know they can't make concessions?

Yao Yuanfeng brought Yang Xi along.

This made Zhou Yun and Wen Bing even more surprised when they saw them.

Yang Xi is a signed actor of Xindun. He debuted around the same time as Wei Ruxue. His qualifications are older than Zhou Yun's. His acting skills are good and his popularity is good. It's not as good as the top ones, but he's still in the top line.

The moment she got out of the car wearing lambskin high-heeled shoes, she stepped on the uneven road and frowned instantly.

"Mr. Yao, why did you bring me to such a rural place?" Yang Xi looked disgusted.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Didn't you always clamor to act in Wen Bing's play? If you don't get to know him better, why would he ask you to act in it?"

Yang Xi sighed, and said, "Oh, Mr. Yao, you still need me to get to know him when you say a word? Who doesn't know that he listens to you."

Yao Yuanfeng sneered inwardly, and sneered at Yang Xi's thoughtless words, but he just smiled and said, "Anyway, if you get to know him better, it will treat you better. How can actors and directors I'm not familiar with it, but I can still make a good show?"

If possible, Yao Yuanfeng doesn't want to praise such a brainless person.

However, such is the audience popularity of actors, no one can predict it, and no one can influence it.

Yang Xi just has a certain popularity with the audience, everyone likes the drama he acted, so Yao Yuanfeng has no choice but to continue to praise her, show her the company's good drama, help her publicize some top brands, and do publicity and marketing .

As for her wanting to cooperate with Wen Bing.

If possible, Yao Yuanfeng would of course be happy to see it succeed.

After all, Zhou Yun is not a contracted actor of Xindun, but Yang Xi is.

If Yang Xi can cooperate with Wen Bing, she can go a step further, and these results can also be fed back to the company.

Although Xindun's main business is not artist brokerage, if Yang Xi's status in the film industry is higher, the audience's recognition is higher, and there is positive feedback on the projects of the company she starred in later, this is closely related.

Yao Yuanfeng also mentioned Yang Xi to Wen Bing before, and wanted to introduce them to each other.

But Wen Bing is not very interested in Yang Xi.

Once met, Wen Bing said that he didn't want to cooperate with her.

Yao Yuanfeng also couldn't force Wen Bing to use actors he didn't want to use.

In this regard, Yao Yuanfeng still respects Wen Bing very much.

He will recommend to Wen Bing some actors he wants to cooperate with, but if Wen Bing is very unwilling to cooperate with others, he will not force others.

Yao Yuanfeng still hopes that Yang Xi can impress Wen Bing with her own ability.

But Wen Bing stopped smiling when he saw Yang Xi.

"Why are you here too?"

Yang Xi was still holding two bags in his hand, with a friendly smile on his face, and said: "I heard that Mr. Yao is coming to visit the class, so I came with him. This place is poor and remote, you must not be able to eat well? I will bring you I bought some ham, if you are not used to it, eat this!"

Wen Bing and Zhou Yun: "..."

Yao Yuanfeng thought to himself, after returning home, he still needs to emphasize more with Yang Xi's manager. With a brain like Yang Xi's, it's better to spend less time on variety shows and more filming in the crew. She doesn't have that brain.

Wen Bing smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just a little far away from the city, but the mountains and rivers are beautiful, it's not a backcountry, you don't have to worry about it."

Yang Xi chuckled and said, "It must be not as good as usual. I ordered this ham from abroad. You guys should try it."

"All right, all right, let's not talk about the ham." Yao Yuanfeng already regretted bringing Yang Xi over. He greeted Wen Bing and asked, "How are you getting ready? When are you going to officially start the machine?"

Wen Bing said, "Three days later."

"I'd like to tell you good news. The global distribution rights of "The Female Killer" have been sold to Pimchi. This movie will be released in dozens of countries around the world next year."

This news surprised Zhou Yun and Wen Bing.

"That's pretty good."

"That's right." Yao Yuanfeng smiled happily, "It's also the first movie of our Xindun that will premiere in dozens of countries around the world at the same time."

Zhou Yun said: "Boss Yao is a great writer, amazing."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "It's also thanks to you, an international movie star, as the starring role. Pai Mengqi was interested in our movie when he heard that you were the starring role."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Several of her previous plays were distributed by Pimchi, and they performed well in the United States. It is no wonder that Pymunch is interested in her new play.

What Yao Yuanfeng didn't say was that Zhou Yun's film "The Female Killer" got a share of the international box office, and she will get more share this time.

Yao Yuanfeng followed them to see the house they had renovated, and Wen Bing briefly introduced to him what he wanted to make in this movie.

Yao Yuanfeng just listened casually at first, but he listened later, a little surprised.

"So you're not going to shoot pastoral songs."

"Haha, I've never lived in the country, so why would I want to shoot pastoral songs?" Wen Bing joked.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Yao, so you don't even know what Wen Bing's movie is going to be about."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "I knew it before, but my understanding was wrong."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Thanks to your support, Wen Bing was able to make the scenes he wanted to make."

Yao Yuanfeng sighed, and said, "How could I not support him, he is the one I saw and discovered right away."

Hearing this, Wen Bing lowered his head and smiled.

Zhou Yun said: "I heard that many people in the company disapprove of Wen Bing making this movie. It seems that what I heard are all rumors."

"It's normal to have some disapproving voices in the company. People in different departments have different perspectives." Yao Yuanfeng said, "However, since I promised Wen Bing, let him support him in filming what he wants. Then I will fulfill my promise."

Wen Bing smiled again.

"After you finish filming the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" next year, if there is anything else you want to make, tell me, and I will definitely support it." Yao Yuanfeng suddenly said to Wen Bing.

Wen Bing was taken aback.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and said, "Mr. Yao is very generous, and he supports it when he says he supports it."

Wen Bing shrugged and said, "Wait a minute, who knows when the second part of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" will be filmed next year, maybe it will take a whole year, not to mention, there will be "Female Killer" behind it. "What to do in the later stage."

"Female Killer" now has an initial cut, and is doing special effects in post-production.

That's why Wen Bing was free to set aside a month to film the current movie.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "My promise is here, Wen Bing, as long as you understand my intentions, don't care what those people in the company say, don't worry, I will definitely support you."

Wen Bing didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhou Yun: "President Yao's support is enough, and it's okay if others don't support it. I'll help Wen Bing remember."

Yao Yuanfeng smiled.

"You two are really close, I'm jealous."

"Mr. Yao is so jealous, aren't we all working for you?" Zhou Yun said.

Yao Yuanfeng: "Oh, I'm obviously the one working for you."

Zhou Yun: "...haha."

Yao Yuanfeng's trip this time did not provide any real help to the crew.

The main reason is that the production crew didn't have any real needs for his help.

Everyone has already prepared everything and is just waiting for the shooting to start.

Zhou Yun has learned a few dishes and started cooking with Xiuxiu's mother.

At noon, Zhou Yun was in charge of the kitchen, cooked some dishes for them, and had lunch together.

When Zhou Yun went out with the dishes, he saw Yang Xi wipe the stool with disgust on his face, as if he always felt that the stool was not clean, he sat down cautiously, and scanned the surroundings with his eyes uneasily.

She was a little annoyed by Yang Xi's behavior.

But when she finished the dishes and served them all, Yang Xi still had to say "Wow, Xiaoyun, you are too good, you have all the flavors and tastes!".

Zhou Yun thought in his heart: You haven't eaten it yet, how do you know it's full of flavor?Can boasting pass one's head?
Of course, Zhou Yun simply couldn't understand Yang Xi, so everything she said was wrong.

Yao Yuanfeng ate quite enthusiastically, and even took a photo and posted it on Weibo, saying: Zhou Yun's skill [thumbs up].

He asked Yu Zhiyang at the dinner table: "Yu Yu, have you signed with a brokerage company?"

Yu Zhiyang nodded and said, "I signed it."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Why, Mr. Yao, you still want to rob me?"

Yao Yuanfeng was taken aback, and asked, "Did he sign your subordinate?"

"Song Chi and I are taking him together. Yao always has a good chance, so let him stay." Zhou Yun said.

She just said it in passing, not worrying about it.

She knew that it was difficult to rely on favors for Yao Yuanfeng. It was either really suitable, or it was an exchange of benefits.

Zhou Yun didn't intend to let Yao Yuanfeng really support Yu Zhiyang.

Yao Yuanfeng said with a smile: "Of course, I will help you if I can. How old are you?"

Yu Zhiyang replied, "Nineteen."

"That's just right, quite a good age." Yao Yuanfeng said to Zhou Yun, "When you acted with Zhou Jianfeng in the movie "Under Dress", he was the one you chose from the beginning, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Xiaoyun has taken a fancy to you, which means that you must have something that others don't have. I haven't seen your acting yet. When this movie is finished, I will take a serious look. If it is suitable, my side Tailor a few plays for you."

Zhou Yun was taken aback when he heard Yao Yuanfeng say that.

Although Yao Yuanfeng usually talked and often ran on the train, he didn't know what to say, and he dared to draw any cake, but the cake he drew just now was too big.


real or fake?

Zhou Yun looked at Yao Yuanfeng in surprise.

For such a big cake, Yu Zhiyang replied calmly: "Thank you Mr. Yao, I listen to sister Xiaoyun and brother Chi."

Yao Yuanfeng was taken aback.

If I were to tell other actors, I'm afraid I would have thanked him at this time, but for a young man like Zhi Yang, his tailoring seemed unattractive, and it didn't cause him any disturbance.

Yao Yuanfeng couldn't help wondering whether Yu Zhiyang didn't know how much weight he said as the boss of Xindun.

Zhou Yun was afraid that Yu Zhiyang's words would offend Yao Yuanfeng, so he smoothed things over and said, "Then I will thank Mr. Yao on Yu Zhiyang's behalf. With your favor, his journey will be smoother."

"I don't take the credit for that. With you and Song Chi taking care of him, it's hard for this child to fail." Yao Yuanfeng smiled.

Zhou Yun suddenly understood.

It turned out that this guy was interested in Yu Zhiyang's future development, so he invested here in advance.

At this time, Yang Xi suddenly snorted softly and said, "Why have I never seen Mr. Yao, and you made some movies for me?"

Yao Yuanfeng: "Fortunately, you can say it. Every year, the company will star in a movie for you. Isn't this tailor-made?"

One sentence sent Yang Xi back.

Wen Bing didn't speak much at the dinner table.

After having lunch and sending people away, Zhou Yun asked Wen Bing, "What's wrong with you? Why do I feel that you and that Yang Xi have a bit of a holiday?"

Wen Bing: "I can't talk about the festival, I don't like her very much."

"Huh? What did she do to provoke you?"

"Not really, I just don't like her style." Wen Bing said, "She is not a good person in Xindun. Many newcomers are firmly suppressed by her, and she does not give them a chance to stand out."


"There was a little girl who got the director's favor, and finally got a role. Just because she felt threatened, she used her relationship to mess up other people's chances."

"What? Yang Xi still does this kind of thing? This is a bit too much."

"Yeah, so I really don't like her."

"Okay, after hearing what you said, I don't like her even more."


Yao Yuanfeng took Yang Xi back home, and as soon as he got in the car, Yang Xi took out his makeup bag and touched up his makeup.

Yao Yuanfeng was very impatient when he saw this scene.

Today Yang Xi's performance disappointed him from beginning to end.

He didn't think Yang Xi was so stupid and unable to speak before, but he felt it especially today.

Thinking back to Zhou Yun again, every word she said had her meaning in it, and she didn't say a word of nonsense, or ridicule, or fight for some interests.

In business talk business, from an objective point of view, Yao Yuanfeng really appreciates Zhou Yun.

Good acting skills, strong business ability, I have a high dual quotient, not pretentious or squeamish at all.

Under Zhou Yun's comparison, Yao Yuanfeng looked at Yang Xi now, no matter how he looked at it, it was not pleasing to the eye.

But there are too few actresses like Zhou Yun, and it's hard to meet one.

Yao Yuanfeng was about to close his eyes and take a rest when Yang Xi suddenly turned his head and said, "Mr. Yao, I heard that the second part of "Female Killer" is going to be filmed, why don't you let me play a role? How about a villain?"

Yao Yuanfeng felt a headache, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and didn't bother to talk to her.

Seeing that Yao Yuanfeng refused to speak, Yang Xi twitched the corner of his mouth and stopped talking.

She was still complaining in her heart: cheapskate.


Yao Yuanfeng also asked Hou Mengjie to meet at night.

The box office of "Four Assassins" hit all directions in the National Day file, which is very gratifying. It was originally a very happy thing.

It would have been even better if it hadn't been for Hou Mengjie's unhappiness with Zhou Yun because of Li Rui's matter, making it almost impossible for Zhou Yun to return to the second part of "Four Killers".

However, the matter has come to this point, Yao Yuanfeng can't say anything more.

Unlike Wen Bing, Hou Mengjie is not a contracted director of Xindun.

Yao Yuanfeng wants to pull Hou Mengjie to cooperate in new projects, but he can't train him like a subordinate.

Having said that, Yao Yuanfeng should complain.

"If there is no such thing, we can shoot the second part smoothly, that would be great."

But Hou Mengjie said: "I don't want to make the second part. Yin Linglin came to me and wanted me to write more scenes for her when I was writing the script of the second part, but in fact I didn't have this idea at all."

Yao Yuanfeng's expression froze for a moment.

"Mr. Yao, I'm uncomfortable with the film "Four Killers". I don't want to use these big-name actors anymore." Hou Mengjie said, "They are difficult to serve, and I don't want to serve them. I want to use newcomers for my next project."

Yao Yuanfeng was dumbfounded.

Although movies are the art of directors, the box office of movies cannot be carried by the director alone.

The box office of "Four Killers" is so high, and no one can erase one of the reasons is that the starring lineup is very strong.

Hou Mengjie is not really a famous director now.

If he doesn't use big-name actors and only uses newcomers, the cinema may not be willing to arrange films.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't know what kind of style Hou Mengjie was playing!

Could it be that the box office success of "Four Killers" made him drift away, thinking that he could sell the box office by himself?

"Director Hou, you're using the words of newcomers, it's not easy to do film promotion." Yao Yuanfeng mentioned it cryptically.

Hou Mengjie is very proud of himself, and Yao Yuanfeng has already felt it, so he is very careful when talking to Hou Mengjie, don't accidentally say something wrong and stimulate his self-esteem, then this person will explode.

(End of this chapter)

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