Chapter 769 Accident (9300 words!)

Hou Mengjie said: "Could it be that the movie can't sell at the box office without big-name actors?"

Yao Yuanfeng smiled and sighed, and said: "Actually, I also understand your feelings. In fact, the film director has the final say. The director is the biggest creator of a film, but there is no way. The current film market is like this. , if you have big-name actors, you may not be able to get a high box office, but if you don't have well-known actors, the theaters will not arrange films for you."

Hou Mengjie said: "I don't think I won't be able to get the screenings of the cinema, right?"

"Yes, you have established a reputation now, and everyone will definitely believe that your next film will also get a high box office, but if your next film is full of newcomers, everyone does not know each other, and the manager of the theater will not dare to give it to you. Too many films, I have been in this industry for so many years, I can assure you of this." Yao Yuanfeng said, "After all, movie stars are the biggest publicity signs of movies."

Hou Mengjie was very upset to hear that.

However, it is understandable for Yao Yuanfeng to say so.

Hou Mengjie has recently become popular because of "Four Killers", and major film companies are inviting him to cooperate in his next work.

The same is true for Yao Yuanfeng.

Having worked with Yao Yuanfeng, Hou Mengjie still trusts him.

Hou Mengjie originally thought that he had already shown Yao Yuanfeng his ability through the movie "Four Killers", so Yao Yuanfeng should trust him.

"Mr. Yao, don't you believe in my ability? You must rely on movie stars to sell well at the box office?"

Yao Yuanfeng complained in his heart, "Who do you think you are?" He smiled on the surface and said, "Of course I believe you. If I didn't believe you, how could I be in our first collaboration "Four Killers"?" For this movie, you got four big-name actors, I know you don't like big-name actors, but from my point of view, think about it, would I easily arrange such a good cast for a director?"

In all fairness, no.

Yao Yuanfeng's words comforted Hou Mengjie a lot.

He felt valued and privileged.

Yao Yuanfeng said again: "What's the key? I don't care what I say alone. If I have the final say on the investors, I have the final say on the film arrangement in theaters. I will agree with any actor you choose to play, and that's fine. , I know you have the talent and ability to make a movie very well, but the key is the movie industry, which consists of many processes. I believe that even without these four actors and a new batch of newcomers, this movie must be very good, but the movie theaters will not buy it, they will not arrange so many films, and those platforms and film and television big names will not buy it, and they will not even buy it. I will go to see this movie, but it won’t get a good word-of-mouth effect. Director Hou, I’m sharing with you my experience in the industry for many years. Sometimes, we need to follow the rules of this market, not compromise, but This is how you can let others see your talent better. Just like "Four Killers", a movie made the audience recognize you as a director, while the previous "Killing Autumn" just let us These people in the industry know you, because there are not many viewers watching, so there are fewer viewers who know you."

Hou Mengjie sighed and said, "Okay."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "It's okay if the second part of "Four Killers" is not filmed. However, there are many characters in this movie and there is still a lot of story space. Are you interested in making a spin-off movie?"

Hou Mengjie thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible, but before that, I still want to shoot the crime movie I've always wanted to make."

Yao Yuanfeng heard the words and asked, "Is that the one you showed me the script before?"

"Yeah." Hou Mengjie nodded, "I've wanted to shoot that for a long time."

"Very good, let's do it." Yao Yuanfeng said, "I also like that script very much, it is very exciting."

Hou Mengjie scratched his head in embarrassment.

"what happened?"

Hou Mengjie said: "Mr. Yao, I am going to cooperate with Haichi to make this movie. Mr. Chen has already talked to me over there, and I am also very satisfied with the conditions they gave."

Yao Yuanfeng was taken aback, "Wait, Meng Jie, why did you cooperate with Chen Wenjun all of a sudden? Didn't we cooperate well before?"

"Mr. Yao, he came to me when I was filming "Four Killers". I gave you the script at that time, but you said at that time that this subject matter is not very popular in the market right now, so let me wait and see. At that time, Mr. Chen came to me, and I gave him the script, and he was very interested in doing this project, so I signed it with him.”

Yao Yuanfeng: "..."

"This, Meng Jie, you are not authentic. Why didn't you tell me about this? I said that the market was not particularly hot, but I didn't say no to it." Yao Yuanfeng said, "We They both collaborated in "Four Killers". With such a friendship, why did that Chen Wenjun trick you away? He can talk big, but in fact he runs the train with his mouth. Look at what he has released over the years. No movies? Not even a decent newcomer has been released."

Hou Mengjie smiled and said, "Mr. Yao, don't worry, I have already signed this play with him. When the next project comes, I will definitely show it to you as soon as possible."

Yao Yuanfeng gave him a sad look.

Hou Mengjie: "Mr. Yao, don't look at me like that. Even if this movie doesn't work together, there will be another one. Besides, you still have Wen Bing, Wen Bing can also shoot."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Wen Bing is Wen Bing, you are you, so if I have Wen Bing, I can't have you?"

He stared and blew his nose, looking very annoyed.

Hou Mengjie couldn't laugh or cry.


Yao Yuanfeng has a somewhat acting element in it.

If he didn't have this ability, it would be impossible for Xindun to reach its current scale.

Yao Yuanfeng was annoyed facing Chen Wenjun in his heart.

He even came to poach his corner!

However, Yao Yuanfeng couldn't say anything to Hou Mengjie.

Hou Mengjie is different from Wen Bing. Before he cooperated with Yao Yuanfeng, he had a well-received "Killing Autumn", and everyone in the industry knew him.

Yao Yuanfeng wanted to sign him, but he himself was not happy, and only wanted to cooperate in the form of a movie project.

Now that Hou Mengjie wants to cooperate with Chen Wenjun, Yao Yuanfeng has nothing to do with him.

No one stipulated that he must cooperate with Yao Yuanfeng in every play.

Moreover, apart from this, Yao Yuanfeng also counted on Hou Mengjie to make a few more "Four Killers" series of movies, creating a "Four Killers" universe.

Nowadays, film projects all focus on creating an XX universe.

This is because it can form a brand effect.

It is also true.

However, it is rare to be able to do it seriously.

What really got going was "One Mountain and Two Tigers", and "The Female Killer" was filmed before it was released. Judging from the current situation, it was indeed the right filming.

Whenever Yao Yuanfeng thinks of Wen Bing and Zhou Yun, he loves and annoys him at the same time.

I love that the two of them are really talented and popular with the audience, and they can create good works.

Annoying them one by one is harder than the other.

Zhou Yun is difficult to deal with because she is not easy to fool, and there is also a manager Zhou Lan who is fussy about other things.

Wen Bing is difficult to deal with because he has a lot of self-awareness and creative plots, he is unwilling to follow the market, and also resists the work mode of Xindun, and does not want to be controlled by others.

There is no easy cooperation in this world.

However, just like Yao Yuanfeng said at the company meeting, no matter how difficult it is for the two of them to cooperate, as long as they have this achievement, no matter how difficult it is to cooperate, they must cooperate.

How many companies are jealous of Xindun and want to snatch the two of them away.

No matter how picky and fussy Zhou Yun is, it is undeniable that she really gave him face. Since her debut, the movies she has made have not exceeded single digits. The ones she has cooperated with Xindun include "Days", "One Mountain Two Tigers" and "Women". "Killer" and the film that is currently being filmed, of course, are directed by Wen Bing, but it cannot be denied that Zhou Yun and Xindun have cooperated closely.

Other companies approached Zhou Yun to make movies, but Zhou Yun has not taken over a movie so far.

Yao Yuanfeng thought to himself, Zhou Yun's schedule next year is still quite empty, so he has to find another movie that is not directed by Wen Bing, and take Zhou Yun down.

Wen Bing cannot be included in all the film projects that Zhou Yun and Xindun cooperate with.

Yao Yuanfeng didn't look at the scripts that had been passed by Zhou Yun before. He opened the company's script library, looked for the newly included projects, and looked at them one by one, including the various IPs purchased by the company. The people below, let them make a project plan, and he will personally take it to talk to Zhou Yun.


Zhou Yun was preparing for the official filming that was about to start. He followed Xiuxiu and her mother around in the farm work every day, and suddenly a guest came.

came for her.

The man was brought by Zheng Xiaoju.

Zhou Yun hadn't seen Zheng Xiaoju for a long time, and found that the little girl's eyes were brighter than before, and her gestures and gestures also had a little style.

The person who led it was Liu Ziyan from Yue Hai.

Yue Hai, the vice president who has worked with "Deep Sea".

Zheng Xiaoju took Liu Ziyan to find Zhou Yun in a vegetable garden.

Liu Ziyan saw his leather shoes stepping on the dirt ridge, covered with a lot of mud, and his heart ached for a while.

It cost thousands of dollars to buy it.

Looking at Zhou Yun again, he was even more shocked.

She was bending over to pick peppers in a serious manner.

"Yo, you're here." Zhou Yun straightened up, saw them, smiled, and said, "Wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

Zheng Xiaoju had already taken out his mobile phone and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you are very proficient in this movement now."

"That's right, I do it every day." Zhou Yun said, "It's just a pain in the waist and a sore back."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Xiaoju asked, "Then shall I get you some plaster to stick it on?"

Zhou Yun: "Okay."

Half an hour later, Zhou Yun made a pot of tea in his small courtyard and invited them to drink it in the courtyard.

"Try it, this is the tea made by my neighbor next door, it's different from the ones outside."

"Yo, it's very fragrant." Liu Ziyan said after taking a sip.

Zhou Yun asked: "Why is Mr. Liu free to visit me today?"

Liu Ziyan said: "I have always wanted to see you, but I have never made an appointment with you. I really can't wait any longer, so I have to come here to find you. Do you still remember the "Flower City" I told you before? "?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "I remember."

It was another project that Liu Ziyan brought to Zhou Yun after the collaboration on "Deep Sea".

The original work is the winner of the Jincheng Literature Award.

Liu Ziyan said: "Now that the first draft of the script has been written, I will send it to you right away."

He brought a canvas bag, which was very careful, and the word "Flower City" was already written on it.

Zhou Yun said, "Okay, then I'll read the script first."

Liu Ziyan nodded.

"There is one more thing." Liu Ziyan said, "We originally wanted to invite Jiang Xin to direct this play. Director Jiang Xin is very experienced in dealing with this kind of story with a humanistic and historical background, but he declined, saying that he There are too many projects at hand, so I can't keep busy. I just want to ask you to help us with the work of director Jiang. You have a good relationship with him and have cooperated with him twice. It is definitely better for you to do work than us. it works."

Zhou Yun was taken aback, she thought for a while, and said, "It's really hard for me to do my job, Mr. Liu, even if I finally act in this play, if Director Jiang has his own arrangements, I won't be able to ask for it." He's going to direct the show."

Liu Ziyan said: "If you were the leading actor, Director Jiang would definitely be willing to direct."

Zhou Yun didn't take up this remark.

Even if director Jiang Xin is willing to take over the play for her starring role, that's not what she's going to do now.

Let's talk about it when she is sure she wants to act in this play.

Zhou Yun said to Liu Ziyan: "Mr. Liu, let's talk about this matter later, I will definitely not be able to shoot this movie in the next six months, I have other arrangements, and we will watch it when the official preparations for this movie start. "

Seeing that Zhou Yun didn't answer, Liu Ziyan felt very helpless.

Of course he knew that Zhou Yun was deliberately avoiding it.

But what could he do?

Now between Zhou Yun and Yue Hai, it is Yue Hai who needs Zhou Yun, not Zhou Yun who needs Yue Hai.

The great success of "Deep Sea" is not just the success of a series.

The overseas Xiaohong of this drama also allowed Yue Hai to open up many international joints through this drama.

Not only that, every time when talking about social communication and international influence, Yue Hai can take out this drama and write it down as his own achievement, which has received a lot of support.

"Deep Sea" is a Chinese-language drama series that has gone out of Zhenger Bajing.

Because of its success, Yue Hai wanted to create a second film.

But Zhou Yun never let go, he had to read the script first, and then accept the script if it was OK.

Liu Ziyan's main task here today is to deliver the first draft of the script.

The others are all additional tasks, and it's nothing if they haven't completed them—in fact, Liu Ziyan felt that these additional tasks could not be completed before he came here, and it wasn't his first day dealing with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, how is Gu Huaichun recently? Mr. Liu?"

Liu Ziyan didn't expect Zhou Yun to ask about Gu Huaichun.

He didn't know whether to tell the truth or not.

On the face of it, of course Gu Huaichun is fine.

Although there are some voices criticizing him, his popularity is still there, and his traffic is still there. The dramas he starred in are relatively popular, and he is still the face of Yue Hai's actors.

However, with Liu Ziyan's position in Yue Hai, he naturally knew Yue Hai's position towards Gu Huaichun.

The high-level people have already formed a consensus, and it is difficult for Gu Huaichun to take another step forward.

Transforming to a drama, winning an award or something, I never even thought about it.

They didn't think that Gu Huaichun had this ability and potential.

Just continue to follow this route. Act until you are 40 or [-] years old, and then slowly transform. Before that, you can play a handsome man and an idol drama hero for another eight or ten years.

Anyway, Gu Huaichun's image is good, his acting is not bad, and his popularity is also high.

Such an actor, just keep going this route, just make money for the company.

The company didn't treat him badly either, and he has made a lot of money himself in the past few years.

However, Liu Ziyan knew that this was not what Zhou Yun wanted to hear.

Zhou Yun had sneered in front of him before, thinking that Yue Hai was too oppressive of Gu Huaichun, letting Gu Huaichun act in plays that were only for making money, but never helping Gu Huaichun to take over would improve his works.

Liu Ziyan thought to himself, the company is not a charity company, they signed Gu Huaichun, didn't they just want Gu Huaichun to make money for them?
This cannot be said to Zhou Yun himself.

He said: "Xiao Gu is still working hard, he has been actively looking for works that are different from usual, and wants to break through."

Zhou Yun said: "I have read the original "Flower City". There is a character in it, the rich second generation named Zeng Xing. I think Gu Huaichun is quite suitable. Have you considered it?"

Liu Ziyan was taken aback.

Of course he knew the role of Zeng Xing. He was the main male character in "Flower City" and had a lot of roles, but since this story didn't have a very obvious male protagonist besides the heroine, it couldn't be called a male protagonist either.

They really never thought about letting Gu Huaichun act in this play.

Yue Hai wanted to use this drama to compete for awards and promote newcomers. In their eyes, Gu Huaichun no longer needed others to praise him. It would be better for him to bring other newcomers to other companies in other projects.

Liu Ziyan said: "We haven't started casting other roles yet, Xiao Yun, do you think Xiao Gu is suitable?"

"It's suitable, you can show him the script too, just say that I recommend him to play this role, and I will tell him later." Zhou Yun said, "He is your own actor, and this role is good and suitable. He, why didn't you settle it down for him earlier? The fat and water don't flow into the field of outsiders."

Liu Ziyan smiled, but didn't answer.

He thought about what to say about it when he went back.

He can make a decision on this matter, but——

Liu Ziyan didn't want Gu Huaichun to act in this play, what a waste of actors' resources and time.

Whether or not Gu Huaichun plays this drama will not affect the price of this drama. Anyway, with Zhou Yun starring, the price of this drama must be the top price in the industry. On the contrary, if Gu Huaichun comes to act, it will cost more Pay a lot of money.

Even if Gu Huaichun was Yue Hai's own actor, he still had to pay a penny.

In addition, if Gu Huaichun acted in this play, his schedule would take up two months, and he would have to play one less play.

This is yet another loss for the company.

After all, Gu Huaichun is the leading actor who can stir up a drama - the advertisers all recognize it, this is another loss.

Liu Ziyan said: "We are mainly thinking that you and Xiao Gu have already collaborated on "The Eighth Heartbeat", and everyone knows that you two are friends, so we are afraid that the audience will have visual fatigue."

"Visual fatigue?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "It's been a long time since Gu Huaichun and I have acted together, and this is the only visual fatigue? Then, isn't it boring for me to act with Song Chi?"

Liu Ziyan: "..."

"Let's talk about it." Zhou Yun did not always adopt a tough attitude, but rather coaxed people, "This script is so good, the role of Zeng Xing also has a lot of room to play, if Gu Huaichun plays well , maybe you can win an award."

Liu Ziyan: "...then I'll go back and discuss it with him."

He thought to himself, this pie was painted.

Can draw big cakes better than him.

Still winning the prize, how can it be so easy to win the prize.

If winning the prize was so easy, how would you, Zhou Yun, have the status you have today?

Isn't it not easy, that's why you are so special?
Zhou Yun didn't care what Liu Ziyan was thinking.

She didn't care what Liu Ziyan was thinking.

She just said what she wanted to say and did what she wanted to do.


After sending Liu Ziyan away, Zheng Xiaoju stayed behind.

"I'll stay here for one night today." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I haven't seen Miss Xiaoyun for a long time."

Liu Yun nodded and said, "Sister Xiaoyun sleeps in other people's homes at night, so you can only sleep with me in the hotel in the town."

"Okay." Zheng Xiaoju smiled and asked, "Now that you are alone with Sister Xiaoyun, have you talked a little more?"

Liu Yun pushed Zheng Xiaoju and said, "What are you talking about?"

Zheng Xiaoju: "Is it hard work?"

Liu Yun shook her head and said, "It's okay, Miss Xiaoyun, as you know, she doesn't have much to do at ordinary times, basically just help her keep an eye on some things in life."

"No one is asking for trouble?"

"No." Liu Yun shook her head.

Zheng Xiaoju supported his chin with one hand, and said, "I really miss the time when I was an assistant beside Miss Xiaoyun. You don't even know how many troubles I have to solve every day, and how many things I have to do."

Liu Yun said: "It's a good thing, it's a step up."

"What about you? Do you want to go up the stairs?" Zheng Xiaoju turned around and asked.

Liu Yun hesitated for a moment, shook her head, and said, "I'm not suitable."

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm more introverted, and I dare not speak when I see people." Liu Yun said, "You are different from me."

Zheng Xiaoju is indeed not a stage fright person, he can be generous wherever he goes.

Liu Yun is different from her.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Everything can be practiced, you can't be an assistant to Miss Xiaoyun for the rest of your life."

"Why not?" Liu Yun's voice was still delicate, "I'm quite willing."

"Then you are willing, and Miss Xiaoyun may not be willing. However, it is not necessarily true. I think that Miss Xiaoyun is definitely reluctant to let you be an assistant all the time. She always hopes that everyone around her will improve."

Liu Yun sighed lightly.

Liu Yun herself really doesn't want any changes in her current life.

She is very satisfied with her current living conditions.

Zheng Xiaoju suddenly thought of something again, and asked, "Xiaoyun, how is Miss Xiaoyun feeling recently?"

"pretty good."

"Is it good? That's good. She was so depressed before, and I didn't know what to do. It's good that she regained her mood." Zheng Xiaoju breathed a sigh of relief.

"She needs to change an environment, just take it easy." Liu Yun said, "Before, Sister Xiaoyun was always spinning around in various places, and she never stayed quietly in one place. This time she came here to film, Doing her own thing in this place every day, I can see that her heart is becoming more and more stable."

Zheng Xiaoju: "I've heard a lot of stories during this period. Many actors who have been involved in the drama too deeply have suffered from depression. I'm afraid that Sister Xiaoyun will also suffer from this kind of disease. A while ago, she was in a bad mood. It scares me."

"Sister Xiaoyun probably won't, she has a strong ability to regulate herself."

"The more people are like this, the less it is obvious that they have this disease. You must pay more attention." Zheng Xiaoju told Liu Yun.


Liu Yunzai looked at Zheng Xiaoju carefully, and said, "You have really changed a lot now."

"is it?"

"Well, I'm very sure." Liu Yun said, "You act as managers for Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting. How about the two of them?"

"One is very lively, and the other is a little more restrained, but they are both very nice. It's just that my rookie manager's ability is limited, and there is no way to help them become popular quickly."

"Don't worry, take your time." Liu Yun said, "I believe in you, you can definitely do it."

Zheng Xiaoju grunted, sighed again, and said, "I don't know if I can do it. In fact, I have been doubting whether I can do it all this time. I have done a lot of things, worked hard, and thought of every possible way. But it just doesn’t work out, and it’s frustrating.”

Liu Yun said: "Novices are just starting out, it's always like this."


At the door, Zhou Yun was going to knock on the door, and wanted to take Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun to drink tea.

But the sound insulation quality of the hotel room door was not good. She stood at the door and heard Zheng Xiaoju's words without even leaning over to stick it on the door to listen.

She didn't knock on the door for a while, and after listening for a while, she smiled and left quietly.

Zheng Xiaoju is also under a lot of pressure during this time, let her chat with Liu Yun.

If there are some things, it is inconvenient for Zheng Xiaoju to tell her, but he can talk to Liu Yun.

When she went downstairs, she suddenly met Wang Zilin running down the stairs in a hurry.

"Sister Zilin, what's the matter? You're in such a hurry."

Wang Zilin hurriedly said: "Just now Yi Zhe called me and said that Yu Zhiyang fell into the water."


Zhou Yun's heart rose in an instant.

The two drove to the fish pond in front of Xiuxiu's house with trepidation, got out of the car, and saw Yu Zhiyang sitting on the edge of the pond with his arms up, wiping his head with a towel.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Wang Zilin ran over to check on Yu Zhiyang with concern.

Seeing Wang Zilin and Zhou Yun running over, Yu Zhiyang was stunned and said for a long time, "Oh, it's all right."

"Why did you suddenly fall into the water? Didn't you walk steadily?"

"Oh, Xiaoyu has become a hero, okay?" Yi Zhe walked over, "Just now Xiuxiu accidentally fell into the water, and Xiaoxiu happened to hit him, so he went down to save her without saying a word."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yun asked, "Where's Xiuxiu? Is she all right?"

"I choked on a few sips of water, but it's okay, she has been taken back by her mother." Yi Zhe rubbed Yu Zhiyang's head, "Good job."

Yu Zhiyang still had no expression on his face.

Until this time, Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

On the way here just now, her heart almost jumped out.

I'm afraid that something will happen to Yu Zhiyang.

She sat down beside Yu Zhiyang and said, "Your sister Zilin and I almost died of fright when we heard the news just now."

Yu Zhiyang scratched his head and said, "I'm a good swimmer."

Zhou Yun: "It's amazing, so I'm worried."

"Xiuxiu can't swim." Yu Zhiyang said again, "She told me that, so I went to save her."

Zhou Yun looked at Yu Zhiyang suspiciously, hesitated for a while before realizing what Yu Zhiyang meant by this sentence.

Is he explaining?

He thought she was blaming him?

Zhou Yun said: "Well, your behavior is very good."

Yu Zhiyang has gotten a little tanned in the past two days.

He glanced at Zhou Yun and saw that Zhou Yun didn't seem to be angry, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that Zhou Yun would blame him for being impulsive.

Zhou Yun said: "However, next time you encounter this kind of thing, you have to think about it yourself, don't save others and put yourself in danger. This is a small fish pond, and the narration is free. Bamboo pole, you can actually pass the diabolo pole over and let Xiuxiu grab the diabolo pole and rescue her."

Yu Zhiyang hummed, and said after a while: "The situation was more urgent at the time, I didn't pay that much attention, nor did I think about it that much."

"I know, I'm telling you, if you encounter such a situation in the future, try to avoid putting yourself in danger." Zhou Yun said, "Xiuxiu is a child today, and her strength is not as strong as yours, but some people are in danger. When you are in a difficult situation, the strength of the struggle is very great, and you will not let go if you are pinched, not only can you not save people, but you will also be pinched."

Yu Zhiyang nodded again, humming.

The two talked for a while.

Wang Zilin had already brought a blanket from the car and put it on Yu Zhiyang.

"It's already November, you're not afraid of catching a cold if you hang out shirtless for so long."

Yu Zhiyang said dully, "It's not cold."

Wang Zilin shook her head and said, "You are really young, full of anger."

Zhou Yun smiled.

In the evening, Zhou Yun cooks by himself, cooks a large pot of delicious fish soup, and invites Wang Zilin, Yi Zhe, Yu Zhiyang and Xiuxiu's family to eat.

Xiuxiu's mother was very excited to say thank you to Yu Zhiyang. She said it many times, and she burst into tears.

is afraid.

If Yu Zhiyang hadn't happened to pass by at that time, then Xiuxiu might have really drowned.

Zhou Yun followed with fear in his heart.

Xiuxiu is such a young child.

She herself seemed to be afraid, her face was pale, and her eyes were not as lively as usual.

Zhou Yun covered Xiuxiu's face and asked, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Xiuxiu shook her head and said, "No."

Looks good.

Zhou Yun looked at it, and felt a little more compassion in his heart.

She patted Xiuxiu's head and said, "Be careful when you walk in the future."

Xiuxiu nodded and hummed.

Yu Zhiyang is really a young man, he ate three bowls of rice in one go, like a mop.

Don't worry about him being fat, just his figure, lean, without any fat.

Zhou Yun was also happy to see that the fish he made was wiped out.

The joy of cooking.

After dinner, Yi Zhe and Jiang Zilin are going back to town.

They didn't directly find a farmer's house to live here like Zhou Yun and Yu Zhiyang did.

"Then let's go, see you tomorrow." Yi Zhe said.

After sending the two away, Zhou Yun glanced at Yu Zhiyang and said, "Then you should go back early, don't let people wait for you."

In the countryside, people basically go to bed early.

Earlier, I would close my eyes at eight or nine o'clock.

Zhou Yun is also used to this kind of routine now, and after getting used to it, he feels more comfortable.

Yu Zhiyang left with a flashlight.

Zhou Yun stood at the door and watched him walk away slowly, his figure blending into the dark night, until there was only a distant light left.

Xiuxiu's mother called her and said, "The water is boiling."

Zhou Yun responded with a smile, and took Xiuxiu to wash her face, brush her teeth, and then wash her feet.

Xiuxiu seemed a little uneasy, but she was getting scared afterward.

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you want Aunt Xiaoyun to sleep with you tonight?"

Xiuxiu said softly, "I sleep with my mother."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Okay, tell mom if you have anything to fear."

Xiuxiu glanced at Zhou Yun with eyes as clean as a lake, and said, "Auntie Xiaoyun, today I didn't accidentally fall into the fish pond by myself."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback, a little surprised, "What do you mean?"

Xiuxiu whispered, "It was Li Qiqi who pushed me down."

She looked at Zhou Yun uneasily and wrung her hands.

Zhou Yun's heart felt like a boulder sank into a lake, causing huge splashes.

"Who is Li Qiqi?" She asked.

Xiuxiu said, "It's my classmate."


Because of what Xiuxiu told her, Zhou Yun didn't sleep well all night, and had rare insomnia.

According to Xiuxiu, Li Qiqi is her classmate and her good friend. Today, the two of them made an appointment to do homework together. After finishing the homework, the two of them went to play together.

But the two had a little spat.

Li Qiqi said that Xiuxiu's brother was a thief, Xiuxiu said no, Li Qiqi said that Xiuxiu's brother had stolen her sister's things, Xiuxiu was very angry and said that Li Qiqi lied.

The two quarreled like this, and then, Li Qiqi pushed Xiuxiu in a fit of anger, and Xiuxiu fell into the fish pond just like that.

Before Yu Zhiyang saw it, Li Qiqi ran away in fear.

If it wasn't for Xiuxiu falling into the water and almost having an accident, it would be just a small matter.

It's perfectly normal for two little girls to argue.

However, Li Qiqiu's push made Xiuxiu's life almost endanger, which Zhou Yun couldn't accept.

The most important thing is that after she accidentally pushed Xiuxiu into the fish pond, she ran away without calling for anyone to rescue her.

Zhou Yun felt somewhat resistant and disgusted with this girl whom he had never met before.

But what to do with this matter?

Zhou Yun didn't think it through.

Although Li Qiqi and Xiuxiu are only children, they are the masters of this village, and she is just an outsider.

Xiuxiu told her about it because she was an outsider, and she didn't dare to tell her mother about it because she was afraid that her mother would be angry.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether he should get involved in the matter between the two little girls.

She hesitated all night, and early the next morning, she walked briskly in the mountains for nearly an hour, and came up with an idea.

No matter what, she wanted to meet that little girl named Li Qiqi.

She knew the matter, and she couldn't pretend that nothing had happened.

Xiuxiu is a little girl, she may not understand how serious Li Qiqi's actions are, but Zhou Yun knows it.

Now she is not sure whether to tell Xiuxiu's mother about this matter right away - according to Xiuxiu's description, this was just an accident, and it was not Li Qiqi's intention.

In addition, this matter did not cause any serious consequences in the end, Zhou Yun didn't know whether he should calm down.

So, Zhou Yun went to Xiuxiu's school.

She thought she could meet Li Qiqi at school, but who knew that Li Qiqi didn't come to school that day.

Are you afraid?
Zhou Yun found out where Li Qiqi's home was from the school teacher, and asked a local villager to take her there.

Zhou Yun finally came to Li Qiqi's house, but heard a middle-aged woman in the house scolding loudly: "What kind of temper are you having, you're being so rude and refusing to go to school?"

Then she heard a girl crying.

"I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm not feeling well!"

There is a characteristic of these single-family houses in the countryside. During the day, the doors are usually open.

Standing at the door, Zhou Yun could see a little girl prostrate on the ground.

A middle-aged woman stood beside her, trying to pull her up.

But she hugged the middle-aged woman's feet and refused to get up from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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