Chapter 770 Apologize
It seems that this little girl who is rolling around on the ground is Li Qiqi.

Zhou Yun took a look at them and did not enter the door in a hurry.

She wanted to see if Li Qiqi would say something under her mother's pressure.

But Li Qiqi hugged her mother's leg, just cried, and didn't say anything else, only said that he would not go to school, other than that, he refused to say anything.

Her mother slapped her twice in a rage.

Li Qiqi burst into tears.

Zhou Yun thought about it, he probably won't get anything if he comes to the door at this time.

The point is, what does she want to do?

Zhou Yun was pondering his thoughts.

She wanted to come to Li Qiqi because she wanted to see Li Qiqi's attitude.

If Li Qiqi beat him to death and refused to admit it, or if she had such malice, then don't hesitate, Zhou Yun will tell Xiuxiu's mother about it as soon as possible.

Adults must know this kind of thing.

But if Li Qiqi really just accidentally pushed Xiuxiu, causing Xiuxiu to fall into the fish pond by accident, then she really doesn't know what to do.

Zhou Yun felt that he might encourage Xiuxiu to tell her about it.

She said it, and Xiuxiu herself said it was two completely different effects, and it might also cause two completely different consequences.

When Zhou Yun was sitting on a cornerstone next to Li Qiqi's house in a daze, suddenly, she noticed Li Qiqi ran out of the house.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Looking at Li Qiqi's figure again, he is sneaky, obviously he sneaked out without telling his family.

She ran all the way, heading in the direction of Xiuxiu's house.

Zhou Yun frowned in doubt and stood up.

The child ran so fast that Zhou Yun never thought that he could keep up.

Fortunately, the countryside is just that good, with a wide field of vision, and when Li Qiqi ran far away, Zhou Yun could still see her.

Zhou Yun walked over slowly.

On the way, she also met Yi Zhe who was taking pictures of herself.

"Are you walking around here?" Yi Zhe asked.

Zhou Yun: "What about you?"

"Take some footage." Yi Zhe said, "I have nothing to do anyway."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"How many pictures will you take?"

"Too lazy to take pictures, let's continue to walk, bye."

When Zhou Yun returned to Xiuxiu's house, he saw Li Qiqi hiding beside Xiuxiu's house.

It's not called hiding, it's just hiding himself for a while, and cautiously stretched out his head to inquire about Xiuxiu's house.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun was even more puzzled.

She didn't know what Li Qiqi wanted to do.

Zhou Yun felt that he was too idle, so he followed the child around all morning without stopping.

And Li Qiqi has been squatting against the wall of Xiuxiu's house, and there is no other movement.

Zhou Yun waited for half an hour and felt that this was not going to work. Who knows how long Li Qiqi will be squatting here, she can't waste time here.

So, Zhou Yun acted as if he just came back from the outside, as if he had just discovered her.

"Hey, are you here to find Xiuxiu?"

She speaks.

Li Qiqi shook his body, as if he was frightened.

Looking up, Li Qiqi saw Zhou Yun, opened his mouth, and showed a surprised expression.

"Zhou, Zhou Yun!"

Li Qiqi's eyes were full of astonishment and surprise.


Zhou Yun smiled at her and said, "Are you Xiuxiu's classmate?"

Li Qiqi nodded hesitantly.

"She went to school, didn't you go to school?" Zhou Yun asked.

Li Qiqi hesitated and said: "I didn't go today, but is Xiuxiu okay?"

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

"She, doesn't she have a cold?" Li Qiqi already showed guilt on his face.

Zhou Yun paid attention to the face of the little girl and heaved a sigh of relief.

At least the little girl knew she had done something wrong.

What Zhou Yun is most afraid of is meeting a child who doesn't understand the serious consequences of what he does.

You still have no way to break up with children, they have not formed a complete set of values, and they don't have a sufficient understanding of many things.

Zhou Yun asked, "Cold? Why do you think she has a cold?"

Li Qiqi lowered his head, bit his lip, but stopped talking.

do not want to answer?

Zhou Yun said: "I've been staying at Xiuxiu's house for the past few days. Yesterday afternoon I saw that she was drenched, but fortunately, her mother made ginger soup for her and poured a bowl of ginger soup to drive away the cold. There is no cold, do you know why she was soaking wet yesterday?"

Zhou Yun pointed out the matter, giving Li Qiqi a hint that she was not ignorant of this matter.

She hoped that Li Qiqi could tell the truth of the matter by himself.

Li Qiqi twisted his hands together, lowered his head, and said, "Xiuxiu, she... fell into the fish pond."


Zhou Yun squatted down, looked into Li Qiqi's eyes intently, and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Qiqi's eyes were red.

"I accidentally pushed her down." Li Qiqi burst into tears, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

What a surprise.

Li Qiqi said: "I, I quarreled with Xiuxiu, and then I accidentally pushed her down. I wanted to find someone to save her, but I couldn't find anyone. Later, I saw someone rescue her... "

Zhou Yun looked at Li Qiqi silently.

Li Qiqi choked for a long time.

"Then what do you want to do when you come here today?" Zhou Yun asked, "To see if Xiuxiu is okay?"

"Yeah." Li Qiqi nodded, "I was scared yesterday."

Zhou Yun sighed and said, "Are you and Xiuxiu usually good friends?"

"Yes." Li Qiqi nodded, "We are very good friends."

"Then you have to tell Xiuxiu what you just said in person, you know?" Zhou Yun said, "Besides, next time you can't be so careless, in case no one happened to pass by to save Xiuxiu, Do you know what the consequences will be?"

Li Qiqi thought about it uneasily, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Zhou Yun touched Li Qiqi's head.

"Fortunately, Xiuxiu has nothing to do this time. You have to remember the lesson from this time. No matter how angry you are or how much you quarrel, don't do anything again, you know?" Zhou Yun urged.

Li Qiqi nodded.

"Then I... go to school now," she said.

Zhou Yun nodded.

She watched Li Qiqi leave.

After Zhou Yun watched Li Qiqi leave, his heart was still shrouded in anxiety.She didn't know why, but she always felt that everything Li Qiqi said was right, but there was always something wrong.

This is what she wants to see, Li Qiqi's attitude.

However, her feelings were different from what she expected.

She has an intuition, a dangerous intuition.

She had an intuition that Li Qiqi knew that she had made a mistake, so she came here to admit it.

The crux of the problem is, is Li Qiqi sincere?
Zhou Yun was silent, and waited until evening, when the sun was setting, Xiuxiu went home.

Zhou Yun asked: "Xiuxiu, did Li Qiqi look for you today?"

Xiuxiu nodded and said, "She came to apologize to me."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then did you accept her apology?"

Xiuxiu shook her head.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

Based on her understanding of Xiuxiu, she is actually a very kind girl. She should accept Li Qiqi's apology. Why...

At this time, Xiuxiu raised her head and said to her, "Because I don't think she is sincerely apologizing to me."

(End of this chapter)

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