Chapter 771 Repercussions (6000 words, the title of the previous chapter was mistyped a lot...)
Zhou Yun was very surprised by what Xiuxiu said.

She didn't expect Xiuxiu to feel the same as her.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Xiuxiu was so sensitive.

After Xiuxiu said this to her, she entered the room.

Zhou Yun stood there by himself, stunned for a long time.

It was Yu Zhiyang who came to look for her, saw her staying where she was, and asked her suspiciously why she was standing here alone.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said nothing.

Yu Zhiyang: "The director said that he got two water fish at night, let us eat water fish."

"Where to eat?"

"Ximei Restaurant." Yu Zhiyang said.

"I still have to go to town, I'm too lazy to move." Zhou Yun said, "You go, I don't want to go, I will come back after eating."

"If you don't come back, the director said that there will be a meeting after dinner."

"A meeting? What kind of meeting?" Zhou Yun looked surprised, she hadn't received the notification at all.

Yu Zhiyang said: "Open the script meeting."

The filming will start soon, and it is normal to start the script at night.

But, is there a need for a script meeting for this movie?
Just a few sheets of paper, and not a few words of dialogue.

But since Wen Bing had planned this way, of course she still wanted to go.

Zhou Yun went to talk to Xiuxiu's mother, and then left with Yu Zhiyang.

Without a car, Yu Zhiyang drove Zhou Yun to the town on the motorcycle he borrowed from the family.

The setting sun has not completely sank to the ground, and a round of red sun is half left in the world.

The wind is very cold, and I shave my face like a knife.

Zhou Yun regretted that he didn't go out with a scarf to cover his face.

She could only bend down and shrink her neck, hiding herself behind Zhi Yang.

When we reached the town, it was already dark.

This is the case in autumn, when it gets dark early.

When Zhou Yun thought about filming in the future and going to the reservoir to swim, he felt cold for a while.

After entering the hotel, go directly to the box.

Wen Bing and the others had already sat down. Seeing Zhou Yun, they smiled and said, "Okay, Xiaoyun and Xiaoyu are here, you can call the waiter to serve."

Yu Zhiyang immediately said, "Then I'll go."

Among the group of people, he was the youngest. Every time he took on such errands, he took care of himself, and he didn't regard himself as the hero at all.

Wang Zilin had already got up, but she sat down when she saw this, and she was not as polite as Yu Zhiyang.

A movie, just two actors, it is unbelievable for everyone to say it.

But Wen Bing seems to like writing plays like this.

He himself is really not too keen on writing group plays with multiple characters.

Even "The Female Killer" is the same, Zhou Yun is like a lone ranger, meeting different people, and then different stories happen.

As soon as Yu Zhiyang went out, Yi Zhe said: "Younger, this kid is really hardworking, he rushes to do everything, he doesn't look like a star at all."

Wang Zilin said: "You just bully others when they are young."

"What's wrong with being young? Just look at how many teenagers are in front of the camera. One bows more neatly than the other in front of the camera. Behind the camera, the nose will grow to the sky." Yi Zhe said, "I got along with him. After all these days, I really want to see him now."

"Then please take more care and take better pictures of other children." Wang Zilin said.

"Of course."

Zhou Yun found that as long as the two of them were present at the same time, they would always choke each other out.

The relationship is really good.

Zhou Yun asked Wen Bing: "Just now Yu Zhiyang told me that after dinner, you still want to have a script meeting?"

Wen Bing said: "It's not a script meeting, I'll just tell you about my future shooting ideas, so that everyone has an idea in mind."

Zhou Yun nodded, "That's good."

"Well, most of the people who collaborated this time are veterans who have worked with them before, and everyone knows what I want. If I explain things clearly at the beginning, the filming will be smoother later."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is it really possible to finish filming this time in 20 days?"

She was worried that the filming would not be finished.

"It's okay, if you can't finish the filming, we will temporarily suspend work. When you come back from filming "Killing Song", we will make an appointment to shoot." Wen Bing said, "Anyway, this film is not in a hurry to be released, and it is in time for the schedule."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, it's just that if it's like this, you won't overspend, right?"

"No, I have some budget reserved." Wen Bing said, "I don't want to rush to shoot this movie, I should shoot it slowly."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"You've been fooling Yao Yuanfeng for a long time."

"Who fooled him, and didn't ask him to invest more, I just didn't bother to tell him so much, he didn't approve of this shoot, and once I told him that the shoot might not be finished at one time, and he had to make up the shoot, then he would not Agreed, start the machine first, and then shoot later, he will never hold back."

Zhou Yun: "OK."

In fact, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing made such a movie, which attracted the attention of many film festivals without any suspense.

There are also many film festivals throwing olive branches.

It has not been said whether it will enter the main competition unit, but they all hope that their film will be screened at their film festival.

Both Zhou Yun and Wen Bing are still undecided.

This is even more so with Yao Yuanfeng.

Everyone just communicates occasionally. As for which film festival to go to in the end, now is not the time to make a decision.

Wen Bing said: "This movie actually doesn't have much room for you to display your acting skills, and there is no way for you to win an award."

"I know." Zhou Yun said, "It's okay, I didn't accept this movie just to get an award, I'd be happy to make some movies like this with you, maybe it's not so easy to win an award, and the box office isn't that high either, but I like it."

"Haha, when the time comes, the reputation will be mediocre, and the box office will not be high. Everyone will say that the two of us have worked so hard for a long time, and we haven't gotten anything."

"We got the satisfaction of shooting." Zhou Yun said, "If every movie has to have a clear purpose, it would be too strenuous. Now I pay more and more attention to my mood. Do I want to make a movie? This movie, do I like this story, do I have the urge to create this character, I care about this."


The water fish was collected by Wang Zilin from fellow villagers, and it is not known whether it was wild or raised by themselves.

But one is braised in soy sauce and the other is stewed, which is more fragrant.

Zhou Yun ate heartily, and even ate noodles with the soup.

Yu Zhiyang cooked five bowls of rice exaggeratedly, Zhou Yun was shocked.

Although he had already seen Yu Zhiyang's appetite, he was still shocked repeatedly.

After eating and drinking enough, a group of people went back to the hotel for a meeting.

Hotels do not have conference rooms like big hotels, and they can only go to the room for meetings.

Stand up, sit down.

Wen Bing directly set up a whiteboard in the work room, and used a pen to talk and draw on it.

Zhou Yun listened carefully to Wen Bing's shooting concept.

"Some of the extras, I'm going to ask the local folks to help me out. Acting in this movie is not particularly important. Although Xiaoyun is here, I also told Xiaoyun that in this movie, acting That's not the point." Wen Bing said, "I want to devote most of the space to specific things, such as how to take care of the vegetable garden, how to cook, how to do housework, basically there is no specific plot, the best is Set up a few cameras and let Xiaoyun live in the house by himself, in a documentary style."

The others nodded.

"At present, the only dialogue in the script is the scenes between Xiao Yun and Yu Yu." Wen Bing said, "Of course, the final film must not be without sound for more than ten minutes, only pictures, but I have not yet Think about how to deal with it, so let’s shoot first, and think while shooting.”

Yi Zhe asked: "Then should my camera follow? Or should I fix the camera position?"

Wen Bing: "Use a fixed seat indoors, and follow it outdoors."

Yi Zhe nodded and said, "If that's the case, I'll go find a few more indoor seats tomorrow."

"I want natural light for everything." Wen Bing said again.

When Yi Zhe heard this, he sighed and said, "It's November now. If you use natural light, the picture will be dark."

Wen Bing said: "I specially made wide-open windows for the house, as well as the roof, and made skylights just to let the light in."

Yi Zhe: "But what if the daylight is bad?"

Wen Bing: "If it doesn't work, we can only rely on later adjustments."

Yi Zhe: "Then I still recommend lighting on-site, the effect adjusted in post-production is always not as good as on-site shooting."


Everyone chatted and discussed.

There is really nothing wrong with Zhou Yun.

But she listened carefully and fascinated.

Even if it was some technical problem, she listened carefully.

Everything on the set is about the actors.

Zhou Yun has never only cared about performance matters.

Because every detail of the set environment is closely related to the performance-even if Wen Bing said that performance is not the focus of this movie.

However, for Zhou Yun, it is not only the expression changes on his face and the lines that are the actor's performance.


On the day when the filming officially started, Zhou Yun woke up early.

Woke up at four o'clock in the morning.

Because the first scene is to film her getting out of bed, brushing her teeth, washing her face, tidying up the house, and making breakfast for herself.

It was so dark that there was no sign of light.

Because he didn't want to disturb Xiuxiu's family's rest, Zhou Yun slept directly in the room where she lived in the play that night.

Zhou Yun did not come out of the bed.

She discussed with Wen Bing and simply came directly.

Liu Yun opened the door for the film crew, and a group of people came in and started working and making various preparations.

Yi Zhe wrapped himself in a military overcoat, and also wore a hat to protect his ears, his cheeks were all red.

Zhou Yun lay on the bed and asked, "Is it so cold outside today?"

Yi Zhe nodded, and directed his younger brothers to lay the track, he said, "It feels like it's going to snow."

"Isn't it? It's snowing so early?"

"Don't listen to his nonsense, it's going to be colder in the mountains." Wang Zilin also wrapped herself up tightly. She squatted down beside the bed, holding a glass of water in her hand, and dipped it with a cotton swab. "I'll moisten it for you." Shut up, your mouth is a little dry."

Zhou Yun hummed.

Thanks to her big house, otherwise there are so many people, it would not be enough.

Among the crowd, Zhou Yun suddenly saw Yu Zhiyang.

She widened her eyes and asked, "Why are you here?"

Yu Zhiyang's hair was still curled up, he said: "Today is the first day of filming, I want to see it."

Zhou Yun said, "Thank you for getting up."

Yu Zhiyang said, "It's okay."

Everything is ready on site.

As a result, it was not yet dawn.

Wen Bing's initial idea was to shoot just after dawn and the dawn was slightly bright.

A group of people sat down and waited for the sky.

Zhou Yun yawned twice in a row, feeling drowsy, and he was sleepy again.

Slowly closed his eyes again.

When she suddenly remembered that she was on a filming set, she opened her eyes and was shocked, only Wen Bing and Yi Zhe were left in the room.

"What about the rest?"

"They're all staying in another room." Yi Zhe said with a smile.

"Why are you smiling like this?" Zhou Yun frowned upon seeing this.

Yi Zhe said, "It's nothing, it's just that I captured a picture of someone having a halazi."

Zhou Yun was startled suddenly, and raised his hand to touch the corner of his mouth, it was indeed a little wet.

"You secretly filmed me!"

Yi Zhe said: "You can't blame me, the director asked me to take a video of you sleeping."

Wen Bing: "Maybe it will be useful in the feature film."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Zhou Yun snorted to express her dissatisfaction with Wen Bing and Yi Zhe taking advantage of her nap time to secretly film her behavior.

Then it's gone.

When the sky was about to light up, Wen Bing said, "It's time to say hello."

The guy pushing the camera comes in.

Both Yi Zhe and Wen Bing went out and sat behind the surveillance screen.

"Three, two, one, Action!"

Zhou Yun rubbed against the blanket, opened his eyes, and his eyes were hazy.

She yawned, eyes still glazed.

After being dazed for two seconds, she sat up and the quilt slid off her body.

Suddenly, her body trembled and her eyes came alive.

"It's so cold!"

She shivered talking to herself, and hurriedly got out of bed to get her coat and put it on.

"Why is it so cold!"

She shuddered again.

This sentence was not in the script, she added it just now.

Because it is too cold.

There is no image at all, the upper body is bent, and the coat is put on, and the two hands are still covered in front of the body.

After putting on all the clothes and trousers, she rubbed her hands, and finally she was not so cold.

The feeling is real.

She really lay down all night and just came out of bed.

A rooster crowed from outside.

Zhou Yun pushed the window open.

A bright light came in.

Zhou Yun's eyes also cleared up, looked out the window, patted his cheek lightly, and took a deep breath.

A scene, 5 minutes, finished filming.

Wen Bing yelled.

It's over.


Switch angles and take another set of shots.

The big rocker has been set up outside the house.

Opening the window, Zhou Yun looked out the window.

A big rocker approached her slowly from just in front of her head.

After the long shot is finished, there will be another group of photographers carrying the camera to take close-up shots from other positions.

For such a set of actions, a total of seven shots were taken from five angles.

Immediately afterwards, he turned to take pictures of Zhou Yun washing up.

Wen Bing's filming followed Zhou Yun's three meals a day and his routine.

He wants a sense of reality in the camera.

It's not that the actors change different looks and states in the same way, and shoot seven or eight different washing scenes in one go, and there is only one set in a day.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that she was asked to take a close-up of her washing her face.

Especially the end where the water splashes on the cheek.

Wen Bing took three shots.

As a result, after the filming, Wen Bing said that what he wanted was that moist and warm feeling.

Zhou Yun was confused.

Can you wash your face with moisture and warmth?
Until she went to see Wen Bing's satisfied shot.

Scared, scared to death.

The picture was taken of her face, even her neck was not completely taken. In the camera, her skin is almost visible. Turn on the faucet and wash her face with water. The warm water is still misty, and it feels warm when you look at it. When you splash it on her face, Drops of water soaked her face in an instant, looking like a hard-boiled egg that had just been peeled off.


Beautiful and moisturizing.

There is another facial cleanser, which can be directly used as a facial cleanser advertisement.

After Zhou Yun finished watching, he probably realized what kind of picture Wen Bing wanted to shoot.

this style.

It's not the same as "Days".

"Days" is a prose poem of memories. This movie, which has not yet been named, is a poem describing daily life.

One morning, under Wen Bing's instructions, a group of people took pictures of Zhou Yun before and after he woke up.

At eight o'clock, the sky finally brightened.

Wen Bing wants to photograph Zhou Yun for breakfast.

Fry eggs, cook noodles, and make scallion noodles.

This kind of small project does not burn wood, but uses a natural gas stove.

The water boiled and mumbled.

Zhou Yun adjusted the bottom of the bowl himself, waited for the noodles to be cooked, took them out, mixed them evenly, brought them to the restaurant and sat down.

Start eating breakfast.

The whole process is her own business.

Because Wen Bing didn't call to stop, Zhou Yun continued acting on his own.

Until she finished eating the whole bowl of noodles and wiped her mouth.

Wen Bing finally shouted.

As soon as Zhou Yun raised his head, Yi Zhe, who had been carrying a camera and taking pictures of her, appeared in his eyes.

I saw Yi Zhe swallowed his throat, looking straight at the noodle bowl that she had eaten clean.

Seeing him like that, Zhou Yun guessed that he was hungry.

She immediately laughed.

Wen Bing came over from another room and said, "Today's opening was pretty good, and the filming was done in one go."

Zhou Yun looked up at Wen Bing, smiled, and said, "Don't say it's all in one go, look how hungry Yi Zhe is, his eyes are shining when he looks at my empty bowl, have you not eaten yet? How about breakfast? Let's eat something quickly."

Wen Bing responded, nodded, and called Lao Wang.

Wang Zilin ran in, "Director, what are your orders?"

"Let everyone eat breakfast quickly, rest for a while, and start filming early in the morning. Thank you for your hard work."

Upon hearing this, Wang Zilin nodded and said, "That's great."

Fortunately, there were not many film crews.

Wang Zilin asked Xiuxiu's mother to contract the food for the film crew these days, and Xiuxiu's mother invited two friends from the same village to take over the job together.

They got ready early in the morning, waiting for Wang Zilin's notification.

As soon as they heard that it was time to have breakfast, the three of them started to fire and fried eggs.

Within 10 minutes, the noodles for more than 20 people were cooked.

Each person has a bowl of noodles, a fried egg, and there are two big bowls of green vegetables and two big bowls of small fried yellow beef on each table, which is enough for everyone to eat and drink.

Xiuxiu's mother yelled at everyone to go directly to her house to eat.

There are five large round tables in the main room, just enough to accommodate so many people.

Thanks to the fact that the houses in the countryside are not as small as the houses in the city, which can hold so many tables.

Zhou Yun didn't go to eat.

When everyone went to have breakfast, she took a mop and cleaned the house by herself.

There were people coming and going just now, and the floor was dirty.

I will continue filming later.

After a while, Yu Zhiyang ran over.

He asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, don't you want to eat?"

"I ate it by myself just now, you can eat it." Zhou Yun said.

Yu Zhiyang nodded and went again.

When Wen Bing and the others came back after eating, they were shocked to find that the house had been tidied up again.

Even the field affairs are confused.

"Then do you need me to sort it out?"

Zhou Yun: "I was idle just now, so I just tidied up."

Yi Zhe gave a thumbs up.

"You are awesome, there is no second big star in China who is more down-to-earth than you."

"Don't put such a high hat on me, I can't afford it." Zhou Yun shook his head and refused.

Yi Zhe: "I admire you."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, I see."

Then filming.

According to Wen Bing's filming method, there is nothing else.

It is to shoot Zhou Yun wandering around the house.

It wasn't until the sun came out that he switched scenes outside and photographed Zhou Yun as he went to tend the vegetable garden.

The vegetable garden is specially made.

Zhou Yun's contribution these days is already in it.

Zhou Yun also regarded the vegetable garden as his own.

Zhou Yun picked a cabbage, got two long and thick cucumbers, and picked two eggplants.

Just make this for lunch.

All vegetarian.

Meat is also available.

Fresh pork.

People in the village were curious about what was going on with the filming, and many people stood far away and watched.

The crew had no choice but to arrange for people to ask everyone to leave.

Many shots need to be shot in the distant view, and a group of people are standing in the distance and looking at this side, passing through.

This kind of filming is different from those in TV dramas, there is neither quarrel nor playfulness, only Zhou Yun shuttles around by himself, and then some machines are filming.

It doesn't matter if you look at it for a long time.

Zhou Yun washed the picked vegetables.

It's time to eat again.

Zhou Yun didn't look at the camera at all, so he pretended it didn't exist.

She cut some meat slices, put oil, salt, cooking wine or something to marinate for a while, the technique is skillful.

They are all practiced these days.

I took pictures like this all morning.

It was the first time for Zhou Yun himself to shoot a whole morning scene, without a single line, and without any acting.

She's really not used to it.

The status has been looking for a long time.

But Wen Bing seemed to be normal.

Zhou Yun didn't know if this was what Wen Bing wanted, and he didn't know what the shots would look like in the end.

She was puzzled, but because she trusted Wen Bing, she didn't say anything.

At noon, everyone sits down and eats together.

Zhou Yun ate it as usual.

Another group of people watched her eat alone.

She went for a walk nearby, but ran into Xiuxiu instead.

Xiuxiu squatted beside a small river, as if in a daze.

Zhou Yun called her.

Xiuxiu stood up, looked back at her, smiled, and called, "Auntie Xiaoyun."

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xiuxiu said, "I want to see if there are any crabs caught."

"Crab?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Are there any crabs at this time?"

Xiuxiu shook her head: "I don't know either, I heard from my brother that there are crabs in the river."

Zhou Yun smiled.

She also went downhill and came to the rocky beach by the river.

"Can you see this?" she asked suspiciously.

Xiuxiu shook her head.

"I did not find it."

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered and asked, "Why aren't you at school?"

Xiuxiu eats at school at noon.

Xiuxiu said: "Li Qiqi has been pestering me, asking me to forgive her. I don't want to forgive her, so I came out at noon, and I will go back after class in the afternoon."

Zhou Yun didn't expect that it was the aftereffect of the previous incident.

(End of this chapter)

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