Chapter 772 Riverside
"If you don't want to be entangled by her, or just pretend to accept her apology, and then slowly alienate her."

Zhou Yun advises Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu pouted, shook her head, and said, "I don't want to pretend to accept her apology, I just don't want to accept it."

The little girl's idea is very simple and simple.

I don't even want to dress it up.

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, then said, "You are braver than me."

Xiuxiu raised her head in surprise and looked at Zhou Yun, as if she didn't expect to hear Zhou Yun say such words.

Zhou Yun smiled at her and said, "I can't show my true attitude on my face like you."

"Why?" Xiuxiu asked suspiciously, "Auntie Xiaoyun, aren't you a big star? Can't you express your true attitude?"

Zhou Yun was so shocked that he actually chatted with an eight-year-old child about "true attitude".

But Xiuxiu's expression is serious, she is not pretending to understand, she really understands this.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said: "I don't know if you can understand what I said, that is, when we grow up, unless it is a matter of special principle, we all don't want to go to the point of tearing our faces. "

Xiuxiu is very smart, she nodded, and said, "I know, just like my mother said, you have to forgive others and forgive others."

Zhou Yun: "Uh, actually these are two different things, but you can understand it this way now."

Xiuxiu asked: "Auntie Xiaoyun, won't you stay at our house from now on?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I've already started filming, and I don't sleep at a very fixed time every day. If I continue to live in your house, it will disturb you and your mother's rest, and your mother is also helping to greet you. My colleagues are very busy and tired, and it will be inconvenient for me to continue to live there."

Xiuxiu said: "Mom is very happy these days. She said, Auntie Xiaoyun, you helped her earn a lot of money."

It should refer to helping the crew cook.

Zhou Yun said: "It's not my help, but we need your mother's help. Your mother has helped us so much and solved the problem of eating for more than 20 people in such a large crew. We should pay your mother .”

Xiuxiu hummed.

The two were silent for a moment.

Xiuxiu asked again: "Auntie Xiaoyun, can I still go to you?"

Zhou Yun said: "Of course you can, of course you can find me, but if you see a camera taking pictures of me, you have to wait. At that time, I am acting, so you can't bother me."

Xiuxiu nodded and said yes.

Zhou Yun really liked this little girl.

Cute, smart, and kind and sensible.

Zhou Yun touched Xiuxiu's head and said, "Have you had lunch?"

Xiuxiu said, "I ate it. I ate it at school."

Zhou Yun: "That's good, you are growing up now, you can't go hungry."

Xiuxiu nodded.

After watching Xiuxiu, Zhou Yun went back and saw Wen Bing sitting under a tree in the yard, holding a tablet computer, wondering what he was doing.

Zhou Yun walked over and asked, "What are you doing?"

Wen Bing said: "I was watching what was filmed in the afternoon, where did you go just now? I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhou Yun said: "I went for a walk and met Xiuxiu by the river. She said that there are crabs in the river now and she wants to catch crabs."

Wen Bing listened, his eyes lit up.

"Catch crabs?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

Wen Bing said: "Why don't I go and shoot you and catch crabs."

"If you want to shoot, you can't shoot today. I can't find it at all." Zhou Yun said, "I have to find someone to teach me how to catch."

Wen Bing thought for a while and said, "Forget about whether you can catch the crab or not, I want to take a shot of you by the river and Yu Zhiyang passing by."

"Why?" Zhou Yun rolled his eyes, "Do you want to exaggerate how he likes me?"

Wen Bing said: "The primitive desire between a man and a woman comes from meeting each other."

He said it with confidence.

Zhou Yun curled his lips and smiled.

Wen Bing said: "There is one more thing, have you thought about it, do you want to invite friends?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "The main reason is that I invited people here. What do I ask them to do? There is no script for them."

"Just chat now, about life, about philosophy, and about gossip." Wen Bing said, "I just want these most sudden and exciting things, just like you are really here to entertain friends."

Zhou Yun: "Then they also play themselves?"

"Let's act." Wen Bing said, "To be honest, don't worry about how I will cut it later, I haven't figured out how to cut it myself now."

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, and said, "That's fine, I'll ask, but in this way, your movie cast will have many more well-known actors, so it's not so pure."

"A lot? You can invite one or two at most, and I don't intend to make it a talk show." Wen Bing said, "Also, I don't know how many things you can cut into the film."

Zhou Yun said: "I'll ask Gu Huaichun, and then I'll ask Yu Chu, the only two people I can talk about in front of the camera can still speak the truth."

Wen Bing: "OK."

"Do you pay them?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing: "Let me offer a friendly price. You also know how much our production costs for this drama."

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, forget it, I won't pluck hair from you anymore, I will pay for it myself."

Wen Bing: "It would be bad for you to pay for it out of your own pocket."

"Then you do it yourself? Even if Gu Huaichun pays a lot for friendship, he has Yue Hai behind him, so he can't be much master by himself."

Wen Bing said, "It's okay."

He called Wang Zilin.

Wang Zilin came out of the house and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wen Bing said: "Go and tell Yao Yuanfeng that Zhou Yun will ask Gu Huaichun and Yu Chu to play two roles at his own expense."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun gave him a surprised look.

"What are you doing?"

Wen Bing said: "You just wait, as long as Yao Yuanfeng knows that you have to pay for it out of your own pocket, he will definitely add an additional sum of money."

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

Wen Bing: "1000 million, heh heh, he knows that even a rookie director can't afford more than that to make a literary film. At the beginning, he just wanted me to give up. Give him a step and let him send the money behind."

Zhou Yun: "...When did you become such a thug?"

"This is the wisdom accumulated after working with Yao Yuanfeng for so long." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun smiled.

Wen Bing: "I thought he would take the initiative to mention the additional funds, but I didn't expect him to come to visit the class, and he didn't mention it."

"Then you didn't even ask him for it. What did he take the initiative to add to you? If you ask him for it and he gives it to you again, the nature is different. Do you want to read his favor?" Zhou Yun said, "Being a boss Everyone’s money is like this, no one’s money is blown by the wind, especially for people like Yao Yuanfeng, if he gives you money, if he can’t exchange it for something, he won’t give it even a dollar.”

Wen Bing: "It seems that both of us have the same opinion on Yao Yuanfeng, and the gentleman sees the same thing."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Let him know that you are going to pay Gu Huaichun and Yu Chu to act at your own expense. He will definitely not agree, otherwise the news will spread and he will be slapped in the face." Wen Bing said, "Our movie is just The funds are small, but it is not an independent production. From the beginning of the project, it was produced by Xindun. It is a proper production of Xindun. Regardless of how their company talks about this movie, wait for this movie to spread some rumors outside. The news of the starring role will definitely attract the attention of countless people to this movie, and I think many distributors will buy it."

Zhou Yun: "An international publisher?"

"En." Wen Bing nodded, "You don't know that you are already influential internationally, right? Many international distributors have specifically told Yao Yuanfeng that if it is a movie starring you, they are all interested See if you want to buy it."

Zhou Yun: "I only know a few people from my own channel, but because I don't make films myself, I haven't talked much about it. I have introduced a lot to Yao Yuanfeng and Xue Qin."

Wen Bing: "That's it, everyone thought they were your producers."

"Well, it seems to be true to say so." Zhou Yun nodded, "The movies I made were produced by the two of them."

Wen Bing: "Have you never thought about cooperating with others?"

"I didn't see the script that I'm interested in. Oh, I liked a script that Yue Hai sent before, but it's just a series." Zhou Yun said, ""Flower City"."

"Is that the novel? I've read it." Wen Bing said, "You want to act?"

"It hasn't been finalized yet. Yue Hai gave me the first draft of the script, and I haven't finished reading it yet." Zhou Yun said, "But I really like this story."

Wen Bing nodded.

"Yue Hai is so courageous that he actually adapted it into a drama series. It should be quite difficult to adapt."

"It seems that "Deep Sea" has made them a lot of money. They have enjoyed the sweetness, and they will cooperate with me again if they say anything." Zhou Yun said.

"This is the charm of a popular actress." Wen Bing smiled, "I am even more embarrassed when you say that, asking you to act with me in such a movie with no funds."

"You are really embarrassed." Zhou Yun gave Wen Bing a white look.

Wen Bing just smiled.

Wang Zilin was very helpless to hear the two of them bickering, and said, "Then should I call Yao Yuanfeng?"

"Don't call her, but let him know about it." Wen Bing urged, "Just let him know about it."

Zhou Yun said, "Then I'll call Gu Huaichun and Yu Chu."

These two people are still welcome.

"Play a role? What role? How long will it take?" Gu Huaichun asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I can't tell. Wen Bing hasn't even written the script for what he's going to shoot. It's only been two days."

"Two days?" Gu Huaichun was shocked, "Even if I were to play a guest role with only one line, it would take one day. What are you asking me to do these two days?"

"I don't know clearly, you will know when you come." Zhou Yun said, "I don't even know what to shoot."

"Okay, I'll tell the brokerage company."

"Well, by the way, the salary is probably not too much, maybe tens of thousands of dollars."

At this price, it is really a cabbage price to invite a popular actor to make a guest appearance in a movie.

Gu Huaichun hehe twice: "Pull it down, I won't charge you for the film."

"Don't, why don't you accept it? It's not me who pays the bill." Zhou Yun said, "It's not Wen Bing who pays the bill either."

Gu Huaichun: "All right."

Yu Chu's side was even better.

It's just that she's filming now.

Yu Chu said, "I'll discuss it with the crew to see if I can spare two days."

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, don't force it, if you can't make it out, let it go, it's okay."

Yu Chu: "That won't work, Wen Bing's movie, how rare it is for me to appear in his movie, I must come."

"Haha, okay."

Although Yu Chu was joking, it was actually a very real situation.

For other actors, it is difficult to play even a single-line character in Wen Bing's movie.

But if you get into this circle, get to know Wen Bing, and need a role, I'll give you a call.

help each other.

Directors like to use actors they are familiar with.

Of course, actors also like to work with directors they are familiar with.

Especially Wen Bing, who doesn't like to write a lot of characters, except for "One Mountain Two Tigers" and "The Female Killer", which have undergone many rounds of script adjustments, and there are not many characters in a movie.

In the afternoon, a group of people moved to the river.

I specifically picked a place with a rocky beach.

Zhou Yun didn't know what he was going to do either.

Wen Bing asked her to find a relatively large rock, sat down, and sat on the rock in a daze.

Shoot Zhou Yun first.

Yu Zhiyang waited at the side.

It's not easy to pave the tracks here.

Yi Zhe personally carried the camera to shoot Zhou Yun.

"The sun is shining today, and it looks good in this shot." Yi Zhe said, "Especially in the medium shot, the sun is falling on her face, and there is a gurgling river next to it. It feels so beautiful."

Wen Bing said: "Xiaoyun, you opened your eyes, stared at the sky in a daze, and thought of your deceased boyfriend."

Only one sentence.

Zhou Yun said, "Give me time."

Wen Bing nodded, raised the horn, and said, "Keep quiet at the scene."

Everyone fell silent.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

Zhou Yun slowly discarded his distracting thoughts and looked up at the sky.

She thought of Song Chi, and thought that one day she would grow old and say goodbye to Song Chi.

Suddenly, a tear was streaked across her calm face.

Yi Zhe is the closest person to Zhou Yun.

At the moment when Zhou Yun's tears fell, Yi Zhe's heart seemed to be caught.

Zhou Yun shook his head for two seconds, as if he suddenly realized that he was crying, and immediately raised his hand to wipe it off.

She looked down and smiled.

It's a bit embarrassing.

"Hey——" Yu Zhiyang's voice suddenly sounded.

A group of people looked at Yu Zhiyang suspiciously.

So is Zhou Yun.

Only Yi Zhe was still patting Zhou Yun intently.

Seeing Yu Zhiyang pointing at the place in front of her, Zhou Yun said, "Your food!"

When Zhou Yun turned his head, he saw the basket of tomatoes he was carrying earlier. He didn't know when the basket overturned, and several of them rolled out and rolled into the river.

Zhou Yun reacted suddenly, shouted in surprise, and subconsciously ran to pick up the tomatoes that had fallen into the river.

Fortunately, the river was shallow, not deep, and the few that rolled in did not float up, and followed the flow of the river.

But her own movements were too hasty, and she couldn't stand still, so she flopped and sat down in the water.

She let out an exclamation.

Yu Zhiyang froze for a moment.

At this moment, Wen Bing appeared behind him at some point and told him: "Laugh out loud and laugh at her."

Yu Zhiyang was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he sneered according to Wen Bing's instructions.

"Laugh louder!" Wen Bing said.

Yu Zhiyang laughed hahaha.

Zhou Yun finally heard Yu Zhiyang's laughter at this moment.

At that moment, she turned from embarrassment into anger, and raised her head to stare at Yu Zhiyang on the slope.

"What are you laughing laughing!"

Yu Zhiyang's laughter stopped immediately.

He innocently defended: "The director made me laugh!"

Wen Bing gave Zhou Yun a thumbs-up: "Yes, go and help Zhou Yun."

Someone immediately went to help Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was wet all over.


In this weather, even wet clothes are cool.

Wen Bing hurriedly asked someone to wrap Zhou Yun with a blanket.

"I played well just now." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun was about to say something to Wen Bing when he saw Yu Zhiyang approaching him nervously, looking at her pitifully, as if he was afraid that she would get angry.

(End of this chapter)

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