Chapter 773 Decision
Zhou Yun knew at a glance that Yu Zhiyang was afraid that she would be angry because of what happened just now.

Zhou Yun smiled at Zhi Yang.

"You really think I'm angry?"

Yu Zhiyang was stunned.

Wen Bing turned to look at Yu Zhiyang's appearance, "Haha, you silly boy, I really thought you lost your temper."

Yu Zhiyang asked hesitantly: "Isn't it?"

Zhou Yun said: "Acting, Wen Bing made you laugh, right?"

"Well, the director asked me to do this." Yu Zhiyang said.

"I guess he has a new idea." Zhou Yun said directly, "He wants to advance the time when the two of us meet in the movie."

Wen Bing: "Look, I said why this movie must be you, you have to act in it."

Zhou Yun: "Stop coming."

"Don't you think? Let Xiaoyu have a little conflict with you here, and there will be a change in the further contact and understanding of the two of you later?"

"Didn't someone say that relationships and performances are not the point of this movie?"

"I've changed my mind." Wen Bing said, "Now I think that you and Yu Zhiyang's rivalry scenes should be filmed more, it should be very good. Don't mind him, shoot how you want, and then edit later."

Zhou Yun: "Too greedy."

Yu Zhiyang didn't hear what Wen Bing was talking about until this time.

"I can do it, just listen to you."

Zhou Yun touched the back of Yu Zhiyang's head - he was too tall, Zhou Yun could only touch the back of his head.

This is because Zhi Yang habitually lowers his head in front of them, so he can touch them.

After shooting Zhou Yun, the sky has changed.

Wen Bing said: "Tomorrow I have to film the part of Yu Zhiyang again, I can't shoot today, let's go back."

This afternoon is mainly about Zhou Yun.

Yu Zhiyang set up a scene for Zhou Yun all afternoon, but he didn't get a single main shot.

"Thanks for your hard work." Wen Bing patted Yu Zhiyang's shoulder with the hands of other people who put away things, "I didn't take pictures of you all afternoon."

Yu Zhiyang said: "It doesn't matter, director, I can do it."

Wen Bing clicked his tongue and said, "As expected of Xiaoyun's younger brother, this temper and attitude are exactly the same."

Yu Zhiyang lowered his head and smiled shyly.

Wen Bing really didn't know what to say.

Every time Yu Zhiyang showed such a shy smile, Wen Bing was helpless.

no temper.

Like a tame wolfhound.

And Wen Bing knew that Yu Zhiyang's meekness was obviously aimed at Zhou Yun.


At this time, it was really dark early.

But Zhou Yun couldn't call it a day.

I will continue to shoot at night.

After everyone had dinner and the machine was set up, everyone found a place to rest.

In the scene to be filmed at night, Zhou Yun was sitting in the yard in a daze.

As for the plot, there is no plot.

Basically no one knows what the director is going to shoot.

Even Zhou Yun didn't know. Of course, she felt that Wen Bing didn't know either.

Wen Bing just wanted to pat and watch.

She is keenly aware that Wen Bing is trying a new way of shooting, that is, only thinking about how to shoot when he arrives at the scene.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to do this in acting before, and Wen Bing was more ruthless than her.

But Zhou Yun is quite supportive of Wen Bing's doing this, and she also wants to try a different feeling.

Anyway, for this script, it is not particularly important whether it is written in advance or not.

The plot is just secondary.

When she was alone, Wen Bing just wanted to capture some moments, some states.

Zhou Yun sat in the yard, looking at the night sky leisurely.

In the night sky in the countryside, there are many stars and they are very bright. It is a real starry sky.

Zhou Yun looked at the sky like this for a long time, and he was really a little distracted - lost in thought.

She was thinking about what she would do next and what kind of life she would live.

Here we go again, and this kind of boring game that often appears when we are alone starts again, daydreaming about the future.

However, this is also very normal.

If a person doesn't think about it, what should he do?

Zhou Yun's eyes were full of things.

In the room, Wen Bing and Yu Zhiyang sat together behind the surveillance screen.

"Xiaoyu, look, your sister Xiaoyun's most powerful feature is this kind of place. She obviously doesn't move and doesn't have any expression, but there are stories all under the expressionless face." Wen Bing pointed out to Yu Zhiyang, "Look Her eyes, she is really thinking about something seriously, instead of acting in a state of thinking, just this thing, filmed and shown on the big screen, is particularly touching."

Yu Zhiyang nodded.

"You must learn things well, don't turn your facial features into the plasticine of elementary school students, make it ugly and ugly, and hang it unstable, as if any part will fall off at any time."

Yu Zhiyang hummed again.

"You taught yourself acting?"


"Then if you were acting in this scene, what would it look like if you were sitting in the yard?" Wen Bing asked.

Yu Zhiyang said, "I don't know."

He is natural.

"Maybe... it's just the image of meeting Miss Xiaoyun by the river in the afternoon in my mind."

Wen Bing smiled after hearing Yu Zhiyang's words.

"It's not surprising that you think so."

At this moment, a little girl suddenly ran into the camera.

"Aunt Xiaoyun."

It's Xiuxiu.

Zhou Yun opened his eyes and turned to Xiuxiu in surprise.

Xiuxiu didn't see anyone else in the yard, and it was late at night, so she didn't notice that the big rocker above was shooting.

Everyone in the room was also stunned, not knowing what to do.

Zhou Yun didn't hear Wen Bing's call to stop.

She looked at Xiuxiu and patted her head, "What's wrong?"

Xiuxiu said happily: "My brother is back!"

Zhou Yun was surprised.

In the room, Wen Bing picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered an instruction: "Follow the camera."

As a result, the camera of the big rocker slowly approached the crowd.

The footsteps sounded from far to near, following Xiuxiu.

Zhou Yun followed the sound and looked.

A skinny boy in school uniform came over.

A very handsome boy.

He walked up to Zhou Yun and said politely, "Auntie Xiaoyun, hello, I'm Chen Zhuo, Xiuxiu's older brother."

Zhou Yun showed a gentle smile and said, "Hello."

Chen Zhuo said: "Xiuxiu told me that you also want to catch river crabs, I..."

He hesitated.

"If you're still interested, or else, I'll take you there tomorrow."

Zhou Yun showed a surprised expression, his eyes were full of light, "Really? Okay, that's great."

Chen Zhuo smiled a little youthfully.

"Did you just come back from school? Don't you have class tomorrow?"

"It's a monthly leave, and there are two days of monthly leave." Chen Zhuo spoke very politely, and his Mandarin was also very standard. However, his voice had the peculiar sense of change in his youth, and he still couldn't control his tone of speech well. , but even more youthful.

Wen Bing hasn't stopped yet?
Zhou Yun felt so puzzled in his heart, so he had no choice but to continue talking to Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu.

"Xiao Zhuo, which middle school do you go to?"

"No. [-] Middle School of Linjiang City." Chen Zhuo replied.

"It's amazing, isn't it the highest high school in the city?" Zhou Yun asked with a smile.

This is what Xiuxiu told her before.

Chen Zhuo nodded shyly, very lightly, as if he was embarrassed to praise his school as the best high school in the city.

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, come in and have something to eat."

She got up and beckoned the two children to come into the house.

Although the camera was still shooting, Zhou Yun felt that it was too cold for the two children to stand in the yard for so long, and they should be called to the house to eat some snacks and drink water.

Chen Zhuo hastily refused.

"Thank you, Auntie Xiaoyun, we don't eat anymore, we have already brushed our teeth, and we will go back to sleep later." He politely made an excuse.

Zhou Yun: "Huh? Have you brushed your teeth so early?"

Xiuxiu said: "Brother will wake up very early tomorrow morning."

"Don't you have to go to class? Why do you have to get up so early?"

"Tomorrow there will be a market in the town, and I will sell the jerky and jam that my mother made during this time." Chen Zhuo said.

Zhou Yun was stunned.

The town still maintains their tradition of going to the market. On the appointed day, many people will set up a small stall in the town to sell their own things.

"Then let's go back first, Aunt Xiaoyun, we will come to see you tomorrow afternoon." Chen Zhuo said.

"Goodbye." Zhou Yun said.

She watched the brothers and sisters go back and stood where they were.

She watched Xiuxiu's little hand being held by her brother, this scene made her feel a little envious.



Wen Bing came out of the room in surprise.

"It's really a stroke of genius! I like this paragraph!"

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and turned to look at Wen Bing.

Wen Bing gave her a thumbs up.

"Really, I like the part just now." Wen Bing said, "Later I have to ask Lao Wang to talk to their family and sign a performance contract with them."

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

"You want them in the movie?"

"Yes, just that part, I really like it, I want to put it in the movie." Wen Bing said, "A pair of brothers and sisters who live next door, you see, after they appear, you become gentle, Do you realize? When you are in front of children, you are completely non-aggressive, and you show a very special, feminine tenderness."

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Wen Bing said, "Come and see."

He took Zhou Yun to watch the clip just shot.

When Zhou Yun saw herself in the camera, especially when she was talking to Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu, she saw that there was a light like water in her eyes.

She is not the same as usual, she is not so gentle and introverted.

Especially in the shooting just now, she didn't even wear makeup, she was serious without makeup.

Because of the night, it will not look too plain, showing a jade-like texture.

Zhou Yun understood at a glance why Wen Bing liked this passage.

Because of nature.

and vitality in nature.

This is what Wen Bing wants to show in this movie, a kind of tenderness and truth between people.

"However, they call me Aunt Xiaoyun, isn't that going to be tricky?"

Although it can be dubbed later, Wen Bing has always wanted live audio.

Wen Bing said: "Let's do the post-production, just use these few words, it's very good."

He said: "The ones we collected on the spot can no longer be used. I have a new idea."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing: "Look, these are some words I wrote based on what you took in the morning."

He took out a small book from his pocket, which he had just written.

"It was a very selfish decision of mine to live here. I left the city and came to the countryside. I was completely out of touch with my previous life. I just wanted to be alone."

"I heard that it will snow soon, and I don't know when I can see the snow here. There are not many people in the village, and many young people have gone out. They wonder why I rent a house here and live here. But they are also very kind. After I settled down, they often taught me how to hoe the ground and grow vegetables. I didn’t want to do these things myself, but one day I saw the vegetable garden of my neighbor’s house and saw those growing on the soil. I suddenly had the idea of ​​building a vegetable garden by myself.”

"Living alone, there are many inconveniences, but there are also many conveniences. There will be times of laziness, but here, the consequences of laziness will be very direct. Just blinded in both eyes.”


They're all long monologues.

Wen Bing's handwriting is very scribbled, and it looks like it was written in a hurry.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "It's all post-production?"

Wen Bing nodded.

Zhou Yun imagined it.

Kind of like a documentary.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I understand."

Wen Bing: "Tomorrow you go catch river crabs, and I will also take pictures of that part."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"At first, I thought to go to them later and explain to them that I can't go tomorrow because I was filming just now." Zhou Yun said, "That's fine, but when do you plan to go to them and tell them about it? ?”

Wen Bing said, "Just now."

Zhou Yun nodded.

So, Wen Bing, Zhou Yun and Wang Zilin went to Xiuxiu's house together.

Chen Zhuo opened the door and was taken aback when he saw them.

Wang Zilin smiled and asked: "Xiao Zhuo, hello, I'm Wang Zilin, is your mother there?"

Chen Zhuo nodded hesitantly, said yes, and then asked: "Do you have anything to do with my mother?"

Zhou Yun could tell that Chen Zhuo was wary of them.

She said: "It's about filming, Xiao Zhuo, can we go in and talk to you?"

At this time, Xiuxiu's mother came out.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, Xiao Yun, why are you here so late?" Xiuxiu's mother looked at them in surprise.

Zhou Yun knew them best, so she was the one to speak.

"Sister, we want to invite Xiaozhuo and Xiuxiu to participate in our movie." Zhou Yun said.

Xiuxiu and his family showed shocked expressions.


"Look, this is the clip of the two of them talking to me just now. It happened to be filming at the time. Xiuxiu may not have noticed that there was a camera filming it. Wen Bing thought their conversation with me was very good and wanted to put it in the movie. Go here." Zhou Yun played a video that Wen Bing just shot to Xiuxiu's mother on his laptop, "Also, Xiaozhuo will take us to catch river crabs at noon tomorrow, and I want to take a picture too."

Xiuxiu's mother looked bewildered.

"Can this, this also be made into a movie?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "Yes, and, Xiaozhuo and Xiuxiu are both very good children, everyone will definitely like them."

Xiuxiu's mother wringed her hands hesitantly.


For an ordinary family, being an actor seems to be too far away from life, as if it is a matter of another planet.

Zhou Yun was also nervous for a while, wondering if Xiuxiu's mother would agree.

Xiuxiu's mother said that she should go back and think about it.


This career looks too glamorous.

However, not everyone can wear this professional clothes glamorously, and wear them comfortably for a long time.

After some people put it on, they couldn't bear the staring eyes, so they had to take it off in a panic.

This is so normal.

Everything is normal.

For this reason, Zhou Yun did not sleep well that night.

In the dead of night, she suddenly thought of something she hadn't thought about before, that is, if Xiuxiu and Chen Zhuo were really brought on the road of actors, would it be a good thing for them?

Both are still children.

And they are just children from a country family - it is cruel to say so, but it is also true that they do not have enough strength to support the two children to dream of becoming actors.

Zhou Yun kept thinking until late at night, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

She sat up and sent Song Chi a message: Are you awake?
Song Chi replied in seconds: Still on set, what's wrong?
Zhou Yun: I want to give you a call.

After a few seconds, the call came.

"what happened?"

Zhou Yun told Song Chi the question he had been thinking about all night.

"I don't know what to do now."

Song Chi said, "Are you worried about changing their lives?"

Zhou Yun: "You also know that no matter what, Wen Bing's movie will definitely attract a lot of attention. The two of them...maybe will receive a lot of attention, but they are in the countryside, and they don't have that much ability to stop some What if there are a lot of paparazzi disturbing their lives?"

Song Chi: "According to your thinking, in fact, many children should not be actors."

Zhou Yun said: "There are a lot of capable actors who became child actors when they were young. Their families are all very good. They are not like Xiuxiu's family..."

Song Chi: "Stop, stop, stop."


"You think too much."


"You should tell Xiuxiu's family about these things, and let them make their own decisions, instead of thinking about it here and there." Song Chi said, "Besides, since you said it, they are still children, let them make decisions in the future." What's wrong with having one more choice in the process of growing up? They don't have to make a decision now, whether they will be actors for the rest of their life, become famous, and know everyone around them, so what? Get more attention, Does it affect their schooling? Are they idols or something, will they be hunted down?"

After Song Chi finished speaking, Zhou Yun realized that he had nothing to say.

"You are actually very clear about what I told you. You are just afraid of making decisions for others." Song Chi finally said, "However, you did not make this decision for them, but they made it themselves."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, lay on the bed, looked at the dark ceiling, and thought, Song Chi was right.

Early the next morning.

It was the same as before, at five o'clock someone came to lay the track, set up the equipment, and adjust the lights.

Zhou Yun was so sleepy that she couldn't even open her eyes. There were people busy around her, and she didn't even want to open them.

Liu Yun moistened her mouth with paper.

She didn't open her eyes in a daze until it was time to photograph her getting up.

(End of this chapter)

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