Chapter 774
Around ten in the morning.

After Zhou Yun finished filming the scene of loosening the soil and watering the vegetable garden, he squatted in the field and looked back to the opposite side of the fish pond.

The layout of their place is like this.

Between the vegetable garden and the house, there is a flat land and a small fish pond.

Therefore, Zhou Yun squatted here in the vegetable garden, and he could see the other party's ground and house as soon as he turned his head.

Wen Bing and the others stayed in Pingdi.

"Is it okay?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing: "Yes."

Zhou Yun stood up, put the hand that was not holding the hoe behind his waist, and let out a long sigh of relief.


Squat too long.

Zhou Yun came out of the vegetable garden and walked to Wen Bing's side.

"How?" she asked.

Wen Bing said, "Very good."

He just said a word or two anyway.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

"I've been filming for a whole morning, and I just need you to say that. I don't feel a sense of accomplishment." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing laughed.

"Where's Miss Zilin?"

"I'm going to talk to Xiuxiu's mother about the contract." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun nodded, "Their family agrees?"


"How much do you plan to pay them?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing said: "You also want to take care of this?"

"You can't let other children suffer, can you?" Zhou Yun sighed, and told Wen Bing about the fact that he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep last night, "I'm worried about making him a fool now."

Wen Bing cast a sideways glance at Zhou Yun.

"Let's put it outside. How many people want the opportunity, but you are cheating others. You see, didn't Chen Zhuo go to the city to study? Everyone is working hard to get a better environment. Shape yourself, he is a child, going to school alone, will he not encounter setbacks and tribulations? Do you think that Xiuxiu's mother is so relieved that a little boy who is not yet an adult will go to school alone? But people always I want to pursue something better." Wen Bing said, "If you are so worried about their two children, aren't you working on your own studio now? You can just sign the brokerage contract of their two children. In the future, you Take care of them more."

Zhou Yun: "What the hell?"

Wen Bing: "Can't you?"

"I think it's fine," he said.

Zhou Yun said: "This..."

"The two of them acted in this movie, and they will definitely get some attention. Whether they will become actors or not is another matter in the future, but if some job opportunities are found, it's better for you to check them than others, right?"

Zhou Yun: "I mainly don't want to disturb their normal life."

"What kind of life is normal?" Wen Bing asked suddenly.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Wen Bing asked: "Is it normal to grow up safe and sound in one place? If so, why do people keep wanting to change to a better environment?"

"Nobody's life is set in stone, we're not forcing them to make choices," he said.

Zhou Yun suddenly realized.


At around eleven o'clock in the morning, Chen Zhuo came back.

Yi Zhe and a few people from the photography team are setting up the equipment, and they will be filming the scene of her making lunch later.

Zhou Yun saw Chen Zhuo poking around beside him, as if he wanted to find them.

She went out, beckoned to Chen Zhuo from a distance, and said, "Xiao Zhuo, come here, you're not shooting."

Chen Zhuo just came over.

He stood in front of Zhou Yun, a little cautious.

Zhou Yun said, "Are you looking for us?"

Chen Zhuo spoke hesitantly, and asked, "I, I want to ask, shall we go at noon later?"

"Go." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, "Of course, by the way, where is Xiuxiu? Does she go to school today?"

"She'll be waiting for us by the river at noon." Chen Zhuo said, "Then, I'll come to you after lunch."

Zhou Yun saw that Chen Zhuo looked at him still a little cautiously, so he didn't dare to speak.

"and many more."

Zhou Yun called to stop him.

Chen Zhuo raised his head and looked at Zhou Yun suspiciously.

Zhou Yun said: "When we catch crabs later, someone will take a video, you know that?"

Chen Zhuo fiddled with his hair in embarrassment, nodded, and said, "I know."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then, do you want to act?"

Chen Zhuo looked down at the ground, hesitated for a while, and then said, "I don't know."

"Do you usually watch movies?"

"I've seen a few movies, not many." Chen Zhuo said, "We don't have movie theaters here, only places where we go to school."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then... have you discussed it with your mother? Would you like to appear in this movie?"

Chen Zhuo didn't hesitate anymore, nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise and said, "Perhaps after the movie is released, your life will change a lot. When you are in school, your classmates' attitude towards you will also change."

Chen Zhuo nodded.

"It's not necessarily a good thing."

Chen Zhuo: "I know, but it doesn't matter, my mother said, if we are willing to make this movie, we can get 2 yuan."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Chen Zhuo said: "In this way, my family will no longer have to help me pay for my high school tuition."

At this moment, Zhou Yun felt an indescribable sourness in his heart.

From Song Chi to Wen Bing, they all said a lot, but none of them were as good as Chen Zhuo's.

When Zhou Yun was worried about whether making a movie would affect Chen Zhuo's normal life, what Chen Zhuo was thinking about was the little salary he earned from making a movie, and the fact that he could pay for his high school tuition.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, is it because of the good life in the past few years that made her also embark on the "why not eat minced meat"?
Zhou Yun patted Chen Zhuo on the shoulder and said, "That's great, you can pay the tuition by yourself at such a young age, you're awesome."

Chen Zhuo gave her a strange look.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, did he say something wrong again?

Chen Zhuo said, "Auntie Xiaoyun, I'm going back first."

"OK Bye Bye."

When the person left, Wen Bing's voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

"Have you talked to someone?"

"It's almost there." Zhou Yun turned around, "Oh, I was really hit hard today, I really... have been away from real life for too long."

Wen Bing laughed when he heard this.

"That's not the way to say that."

"Really, I'm the typical one who looks after you on the surface, but actually doesn't even know what the other party really needs." Zhou Yun was really annoyed at himself.

Is she kind?

Is she really worried about Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu?

However, if she insisted a little more, and according to her thinking, directly rejected these two children to act in this movie, would it actually prevent these two children from having the opportunity to change their lives?
Even if it's not life changing, it's just an opportunity to enrich their lives.

Zhou Yun has high demands on himself, Wen Bing is true.

Wen Bing patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder and said, "Don't be too entangled, you and Xiuxiu's family have been together for so long, it's normal to be more attentive and emotional, and you said It's not unreasonable, really, listen to me, sign these two kids, it doesn't mean that they will develop on the path of child stars in the future, but you will escort them, to be honest, I am also at ease. "

Because of Wen Bing's words, Zhou Yun went to call Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan listened to what she said, thought for a while, and said, "I understand, it's okay, don't worry about this matter, I'll come here some time these two days, and I'll talk to their family in person."

Zhou Yun hummed.

"If their family is really struggling, it would be a good thing for them to sign with our studio and arrange one or two plays for them every year during winter and summer vacations or on weekends to earn some money." Zhou Lan said, "Don't worry, I understand what you mean."

After Zhou Lan said that, Zhou Yun was relieved.

At noon, Zhou Yun went to Xiuxiu's house for lunch with everyone.

Chen Zhuo helped serve the dishes and set the table, and was busy all the time.

When everyone was almost done eating, Chen Zhuo served the green vegetables to each table.

Zhou Yun wanted to invite him to sit next to her, but Chen Zhuo turned around and went into the kitchen.

Zhou Yun took a look and saw that Chen Zhuo was sitting on the bench with a bowl in his hand, and was burying his head in eating.

Hearing someone coming in, Chen Zhuo looked up and saw Zhou Yun, he was stunned for a moment, stood up, put his rice bowl on the stove, and asked, "Auntie Xiaoyun, what are you looking for?"

His pupils are dark and bright, giving his eyes a sense of depth.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

She froze for a second before recovering.

"It's nothing, I'll just see why you didn't come out for dinner."

Chen Zhuo said hesitantly: "I, I will eat inside."

Zhou Yun said, "Why, aren't you willing to have dinner with me?"

Chen Zhuo shook his head immediately: "No, no."

"I just came out, I just wanted to chat with you during dinner." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "I know your sister well, but I don't know much about you. We still need to meet together in the next two days." I'm acting."

Hearing this, Chen Zhuo gave a hum, and came out with his rice bowl.

Seeing Chen Zhuo coming out with Zhou Yun, Wang Zilin immediately reacted when she saw Chen Zhuo came out with a few mouthfuls of rice in her hand, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhuo, have you eaten today's cured chicken? Really good."

Chen Zhuo nodded, in front of so many people, he seemed to be more silent.

Wang Zilin: "How old are you this year?"

"Fourteen." Chen Zhuo replied.

"So tall at the age of 14?" Chen Zhuo looked at him in surprise, and asked, "You should be 1.8 meters taller now, right?"

Chen Zhuo hummed, "1.7 meters seven."

Wang Zilin clicked her tongue twice: "Now that the child is developing well, it's time to grow up. Eat more."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Zhou Yun tacitly.

Zhou Yun nodded to her.

Chen Zhuo was too silent to speak.

Zhou Yun and Wang Zilin wanted him to break through this layer of unfamiliar strangeness and isolation as soon as possible.

However, unlike children like Xiuxiu, Chen Zhuo already has his own judgment ability and strong self-esteem at this age.

Chen Zhuo has always had a very strong sense of distance and a sense of inferiority towards such glamorous big stars like Zhou Yun and the others.

He dared not take the initiative to say a word, for fear of "disturbing" them.

Zhou Yun saw it, and was very helpless, but she didn't have a set of effective methods for herself to use as a reference to resolve Chen Zhuo's "carefulness".

Zhou Yun herself has also experienced such a stage. She knows that what she says will not help the matter, and she can only change Chen Zhuo's psychology by getting along slowly.

Go crabbing by the river at noon.

Zhou Yun borrowed Xiuxiu's mother's overshoes.

Chen Zhuo took a bucket.

When they were setting up the equipment, Wen Bing pulled Zhou Yun, Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu aside to talk about what to shoot later.

The two children were all at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Zhou Yun waited for Wen Bing to finish, and said to the two of them: "It's okay, don't worry about where the camera shoots, what you usually capture, and how you capture today, just talk like usual, okay?"

For non-professional and underage actors like Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu, don't indoctrinate them with the concept of acting.

As usual, whatever happens now.

Or take out a fixed thing and let them imitate it.

However, Wen Bing didn't have any scripts for them to use.

Zhou Yun said to Wen Bing: "Don't worry about what happens later, don't stop, let me take them for a walk and talk about it."

Wen Bing nodded: "I think so too, I'll let the camera crew follow you."

"Let's just follow them two. I'll take another shot later. I'll get theirs first." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing nodded.

Although I did this, I still encountered a lot of troubles in actual shooting.

Xiuxiu is slightly better.

Chen Zhuo was often too nervous to speak.

The action is also awkward.

Zhou Yun smiled at him and asked, "Is this your first filming and you're nervous?"

Chen Zhuo was stunned.

He didn't know why Zhou Yun brought up this matter at this time.

Aren't you filming?

Can this topic be discussed?

Zhou Yun seemed to see Chen Zhuo's doubts, and said: "It's okay, I told the director just now, I haven't turned it on yet, and I haven't learned how to catch crabs yet, you teach me first, teach me, we will then shoot."

Chen Zhuo was taken aback for another moment, then turned his head and glanced at the cameras on the front and rear two big rocker arms.

Zhou Yun: "That's because the photographers were testing the light, taking some empty shots, not us."

Chen Zhuo let out a low voice.

Zhou Yun secretly glanced in Wen Bing's direction.

Wen Bing nodded at her, obviously understanding what she meant.

Relieved, Zhou Yun raised his head, looked at the sky, and said, "The weather is really nice today, and the sky is blue."

When Chen Zhuo heard Zhou Yun say this, although he didn't know why Zhou Yun suddenly changed the subject, he still looked up at the sky.

It's just that he often sees this kind of sky and is used to it. He doesn't know why Zhou Yun said it in such a joyful tone.

There was a little bewilderment on his face.

Xiuxiu suddenly grabbed her brother's hand and said, "Brother, hurry up and teach Auntie Xiaoyun how to catch crabs, I'm going to school soon!"

The little girl was in a hurry.

Zhou Yun laughed immediately.

Chen Zhuo blushed slightly, turned to look at Zhou Yun, and said, "Then let's go down."

Zhou Yun nodded and followed Chen Zhuo down the river.

Zhou Yun was a little cautious because he was afraid of stepping on the air.

But in fact, the water in this small river is very shallow, barely reaching their calves.

Xiuxiu didn't go down to the river, but watched them by the river.

Chen Zhuo looked back at Zhou Yun walking cautiously, hesitated for a moment, stretched out his right hand, and said, "Auntie Xiaoyun, why don't I support you."

There was a look of concern on the boy's face.

Zhou Yun was nervous at first, but he was relieved when Chen Zhuo said that, "That's great!"

She immediately put her hand in Chen Zhuo's.

(End of this chapter)

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