I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 775 Professional Actor

Chapter 775 Professional Actor
Chen Zhuo's hand was very cold, holding her hand, he seemed a little nervous and didn't dare to use force.

Zhou Yun knew, don't say anything now, just let Chen Zhuo get used to it slowly.

Zhou Yun followed Chen Zhuo carefully, and asked, "Xiao Zhuo, do you often come here to catch crabs?"

Chen Zhuo nodded and said, "Well, I come here often."

When Chen Zhuo brought her to the middle of the river, he looked back at Zhou Yun and said, "Can I let go?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

Only then did Chen Zhuo let go of her.

"Usually look for them under the rocks. They hide under the rocks." Chen Zhuo said, "When you see them, just use this scoop to catch them."

Chen Zhuo gave Zhou Yun a small bag in his hand.

Seeing that he only had one in his hand, Zhou Yun asked, "What about you?"

Chen Zhuo said, "I just grab it with my hands."

Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Hands? Then won't they pinch you?"

Chen Zhuo looked at Zhou Yun and said, "Once you are proficient, you won't be able to. They react very slowly."

Zhou Yun was astonished and worried.

However, Chen Zhuo seemed to be in a hurry to catch a crab, and had already bent down to search for it.

The water was gurgling.

Today is a sunny day, but the sun is not shining.

There was also a wind blowing from time to time, and Zhou Yun stood in the water very comfortably.

She followed Chen Zhuo, turning her head to look at Chen Zhuo from time to time.

When Chen Zhuo was looking for crabs, his expression was serious and heavy, and his eyes were very focused.

A boy who was only 14 years old usually looked shy and shy when he looked at them. Only at this time, Chen Zhuo finally showed his true and dignified appearance.

very attractive.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly.

She noticed that in addition to the crane, there was a camera following him on the bank.

Zhou Yun felt that it was a pity not to take close-ups of Chen Zhuo's appearance.

She thought about it, and pulled Chen Zhuo.

"Xiao Zhuo, wait a minute." Zhou Yun said.

Chen Zhuo came back to his senses and asked, "Aunt Xiaoyun, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yun said: "It just so happens that the shooting has not officially started yet. I asked their photographers to test the light and let them take a camera to shoot us. I will look back to see if I look good in the camera."

Chen Zhuo snorted.

"Wait for me a moment."

Zhou Yun turned around and said to Yi Zhe, "Yi Zhe, come down and take a picture of me to see the light."

Yi Zhe understood what she meant in seconds, put on his overshoes, and came down with the camera on his shoulder.

Zhou Yun said to Yi Zhe: "You can pat my face later, just pat my waist and above. I'll see if the light is okay today, and whether I want to light it up."

Yi Zhe: "Okay, leave it to me."

Zhou Yun said to Chen Zhuo: "Xiao Zhuo, let's continue. Show me where to find crabs."

Zhou Yun found that Chen Zhuo was visibly nervous again.

With her eyes, she signaled Yi Zhe to stay calm and wait a moment.

"Have you ever watched my plays?" Zhou Yun asked with a smile.

Chen Zhuo blushed slightly, and said, "I've seen it."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Which movie have you watched?"

Chen Zhuo said: ""Questioning the Heart", I watched it with my family during the Chinese New Year."

Zhou Yun: "What? Then Xiuxiu said she hasn't seen any of my plays."

She immediately straightened her waist, turned her head to look at Xiuxiu who was sitting on the rocky beach, "Xiuxiu, have you watched the TV series "Questioning the Heart"?"

Xiuxiu shook her head, "I haven't seen it."

"Your brother also said that we watched it together during the Chinese New Year." Zhou Yun said.

Chen Zhuo hurriedly helped Xiuxiu explain: "She doesn't like to watch, she only watches cartoons, and as soon as this is played, she runs out to play by herself."

Zhou Yun: "All right."

Chen Zhuo scratched his head in embarrassment.

Zhou Yun smiled and supported his waist, and said, "Then do you think I acted well in it?"

Chen Zhuo was even more embarrassed to answer.

Zhou Yun noticed that the tips of his ears were red.

What a shy one.

"Okay." He said softly.

Zhou Yun laughed, and the sun just fell on her face.

Chen Zhuo raised his eyes, and didn't know if he was dazzled by the sunlight, or if he was still in a daze, he looked in, dazed.

At this moment, he forgot that there was a camera filming them beside him.

Yi Zhe's camera was never turned off, he kept in mind what Zhou Yun said, and stared at Chen Zhuo first.

Therefore, Chen Zhuo's dazed mind at this moment was fully seen by him.

The blue sky, the sunshine, the bright smile of the beautiful woman, and the trance of the teenager when he saw that smile.

Yi Zhe's heart was moved.

But Chen Zhuo only shook his head for two seconds before he came back to his senses and lowered his head again.

Yi Zhe sighed inwardly.

This kid is really restrained.

As if he didn't notice it, Zhou Yun patted Chen Zhuo's shoulder vigorously, and said, "You have good eyesight!"

Chen Zhuo couldn't help laughing.

Some shy, juvenile smile, but very sunny.


Wen Bing sat on the top of the slope, and said to Wang Zilin: "Thanks to Zhou Yunlai being found for this film, acting is not enough, and I have to help me train other actors."

Wang Zilin said: "Xiaoyun is really good, I am convinced, she is completely leading Chen Zhuo to act."

"She knew that Chen Zhuo couldn't act, and also knew that Chen Zhuo was shy, nervous, and didn't dare to act, so she didn't pull Chen Zhuo to act, but created a very normal atmosphere for Chen Zhuo, so that Chen Zhuo Zhuo let go of his defenses." Wen Bing clicked his tongue twice, "It's really thanks to him, otherwise, just this Chen Zhuo, I guess it would take four or five days for him to get into the state."

But Chen Zhuo obviously didn't have so much time to give him into the state.

He's going back to school tomorrow night.

I was supposed to leave in the afternoon, and I had to change several trains in the middle.

Later, it was Wang Zilin who arranged a car to take him off, so that he could continue filming in the afternoon.

The main reason is that I am afraid that this afternoon is not enough, and I will continue to shoot the part of catching crabs tomorrow.

Wang Zilin asked: "But Xiuxiu has been sitting by the river? She will go to school soon, if I don't take pictures of her, I won't be able to take pictures of her."

"It's okay, as long as everything is normal, Xiuxiu goes to school, so let's shoot her normally." Wen Bing said, "I'll shoot the two of them this afternoon."

Wen Bing's eyes poked on Zhou Yun and Chen Zhuo.

"Don't tell me, Chen Zhuo looks pretty good after watching him for a long time."

"She has pretty features, but she's a little darker, so she's already good-looking." Wang Zilin said.

Wen Bing: "Unfortunately, it's just too small."

Wang Zilin gave him a disgusted look, "What are you doing?"

Wen Bing: "Oh, just talk about it."

Wang Zilin said, "Where is less than?"

Usually when filming, Yu Zhiyang stays on the set, but today he is nowhere to be seen.

Wen Bing said: "I asked him to write biographies."

"Huh?" Wang Zilin looked at Wen Bing in shock, feeling unbelievable at the words that came out of his mouth, "Are you serious?"

Wen Bing said: "Seriously, I let him think about it for himself, what kind of image he is in this movie, and what function does he have."

"So utilitarian? Wen Bing, this is not your style." Wang Zilin was very surprised.

Wen Bing: "Didn't you notice? That kid is a very emotional and sensitive person. All his reactions are all immediate reactions. He is full of emotion and explosive, but he has no rules. His rational thinking It’s not as good as Xiaoyun, who doesn’t know how to control it, so asking him to write a short biography can help him learn how to shape characters.”

Wang Zilin: "Okay, if you want to explain it this way, I can accept it."

Wen Bing: "..."


Zhou Yun and Chen Zhuo took pictures in this river for four hours until the sun was about to set. Chen Zhuo and Zhou Yun also caught more than a dozen crabs, and a group of people returned with a full load.

The crew collects things on the spot.

Yi Zhe and another photographer carried the camera and shot them home next to the two of them, just like shooting a documentary.

Chen Zhuo still couldn't avoid the interference of the camera, and looked at them frequently, but he was not as nervous as before.

Zhou Yun said to Chen Zhuo: "You and Xiuxiu come to my house later in the evening and eat crabs."

Chen Zhuo nodded.

As soon as the words fell, Xiuxiu's voice was suddenly heard: "Brother, Aunt Xiaoyun!"

Zhou Yun looked back, and it turned out that Xiuxiu had come back from school.

Xiuxiu ran over all the way.

"Have you caught any crabs?" Xiuxiu asked as soon as she ran over.

"Caught it." Zhou Yun said to Xiuxiu, "Your brother is very powerful."

Xiuxiu was very happy, she nodded and said, "Of course my brother is very powerful!"

Zhou Yun said, "Come to Auntie's for dinner later."

"Okay." Xiuxiu nodded.

Crabs... Of course Zhou Yun couldn't handle them.

In the end, Chen Zhuo came to help.

The dinner was not eaten until eight o'clock in the evening.

After eating, Xiuxiu yawned.

Zhou Yun hurriedly said: "Oh, I'm sleepy, go back to sleep quickly."

Chen Zhuo said: "Then I'll send her back first, and I'll pack up later."

When he said clean up, he meant the leftovers on the table.

"No, no, I can clean it up myself." Zhou Yun waved his hand with a smile, "You guys should go to rest early, you have been tired all day."

Zhou Yun sent them away and turned around to clean up the house.

The whole process was captured by the camera.

Wen Bing didn't stop until she had washed all the dishes.


Wen Bing came forward and said, "It's not easy, I've worked hard today."

Zhou Yun really worked hard today.

While she has to control how she acts, she also has to control how others act.

Zhou Yun said, "Can I sleep well tomorrow?"

Wen Bing said: "Didn't I invite Chen Zhuo and his brother and sister to pick fruit on the mountain tomorrow?"

Zhou Yun: "Ah, yes."

Wen Bing: "Usually, we shoot one scene after another. This film is almost in the scene from morning to night, and I am tired."

Zhou Yun: "I just don't know how much material you can use in the end after shooting so much material."

Wen Bing: "It will definitely be useful, and it won't be wasted."

Zhou Yun: "Of course I will listen to you, I have already boarded this thief ship with you."

Many people think that actors know what kind of movie it will be when they shoot it.

In fact, this is not the case, especially in some movies, literary and artistic movies, what the actors saw on the spot and what the director finally presented in the movie may even be different.

Zhou Yun has long been used to this.

Just like the original "Days".

When Zhou Yun was filming, he never thought that Wen Bing would be cut like that.

Or how to say film is the director's art.

Zhou Yun filmed according to Wen Bing's idea.

During the official filming process, the presence of director Wen Bing was almost zero.

Neither yelled to start shooting, nor yelled to stop.

Yi Zhe has a stronger sense of presence than him.

However, no one can ignore the existence of Wen Bing.

The reason why this movie was made like this is Wen Bing's intention.

Wen Bing wants such a large amount of real, unmodified material, and then extracts what he wants from it.

Zhou Yun could vaguely feel what such a thing was, but it was not clear.

This has to wait until the film is completely cut out to be clear.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yun followed Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu up the mountain to pick fruit.

The fruit is grown from a fruit tree on the mountain, and it is a bit sour.

Zhou Yun didn't know what it was called, so the locals called it wild fruit.

After confirming that it was edible, Zhou Yun tried a mouthful, and his eyebrows were so sour that he frowned.

"Why is it so sour?"

A group of people laughed.

At noon, the group had dinner at Xiuxiu's house as usual, and then went to the river where they caught crabs yesterday.

God bless, today's weather conditions are similar to yesterday's.

Today I mainly shoot Zhou Yun.

Yesterday, Chen Zhuo was specifically told that the clothes he wore yesterday should be worn again today.

Chen Zhuo just came to act with Zhou Yun today, so basically he couldn't be photographed.

Wen Bing actually wrote a few notes to Zhou Yun, with a few paragraphs of dialogue written on it.

Chen Zhuo's words are very few, basically just a reaction, and there is no need to act.

Zhou Yun looked at it, and rolled his eyes at Wen Bing, thinking, old mensao.

"Do you want to rehearse with Chen Zhuo twice in advance?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Forget it, he might still be nervous after rehearsing in advance, so come on, the more realistic his reaction, the better."

It was still the same as yesterday, the two were tired of catching crabs and sat on the rocky beach.

The photographer can only squat in the river and take pictures of them, because only in this way can they be photographed in front of them.

Zhou Yun took a sip of water, looked into the distance, and ignored the photographer and the lens.

The wind blows gently.

She stroked her blown hair, then turned to look at Chen Zhuo.

"Xiao Zhuo, do you have a favorite girl?"

Chen Zhuo blinked his eyes in surprise, a little dazed, and looked at Zhou Yun in bewilderment.

Zhou Yun didn't need him to answer, she only needed Chen Zhuo's reaction, and she followed suit, smiled, and continued: "If you have someone you like, you must cherish the days when you can meet her, do you know?"

Chen Zhuo hesitated to speak.

He was about to say something, but when he looked up and saw Zhou Yun, he froze.

Because Zhou Yun's eyes seem to be stretched infinitely far at this moment, so far away that people feel empty.

Tears don't know when to store up.

With a click, a tear fell.

She raised her hand and wiped it off gently.

She came back to her senses, smiled, and said, "I'm sorry."

Chen Zhuo froze in place, didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and was at a loss.

It is the state needed in the play, and it is also his real state outside the play.

At this moment he also forgot about the camera.

He was completely taken aback by Zhou Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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