I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 776 Actress, Rain, Quiet

Chapter 776 Actress, Rain, Quiet

Some film critics once said exaggeratedly that once Zhou Yun sheds tears in front of the camera, other people can just stop acting.

What does that mean? It means that once Zhou Yun starts to cry, the audience will only stare at her and never stare at others again.

Others acted in vain.

This statement is of course an exaggeration.

However, this statement also shows one thing, everyone's evaluation of Zhou Yun's crying scene is very high.

For Chen Zhuo, watching Zhou Yun act and shed tears on TV or on the screen, and seeing Zhou Yun act and shed tears with his own eyes are two different things, two concepts.

Chen Zhuo was completely stunned and at a loss.

Wen Bing yelled.

He held up a big horn and said on the slope: "Zhou Yun, the one just now is not bad, let's have another one, just keep it."

Chen Zhuo looked back at Wen Bing.

I thought, what?
He didn't even understand what Wen Bing was saying.

Wen Bing also gave Chen Zhuo a thumbs-up, and said, "You also performed well, with a good expression."

Chen Zhuo looked puzzled, and when he showed something, his expression was in place.

Liu Yun had already stepped forward with a napkin to help Zhou Yun wipe away his tears.

Zhou Yun said: "My eyes are still wet now, come back later."

Wen Bing: "Okay, call us when you're done."

Chen Zhuo looked at Zhou Yun hesitantly, wanting to ask something but didn't dare to ask.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Zhuo shook his head, not knowing what to say.

"Are you scared?" Zhou Yun asked.

Only then did Chen Zhuo nod, hum, and said, "I didn't expect that when you said you would cry, you would cry."

There was an embarrassing smile on his face.

Zhou Yun smiled.

"It's because it's your first time filming and being on the set." Zhou Yun said, "Just get used to it slowly."

Chen Zhuo said, "I don't know why the director praised me just now."

"Because your reaction is very pure and real." Zhou Yun said, "Do you know why we never tell you what we are going to shoot? Usually when filming, the director will tell the actors what you want to do next, But did Director Wen Bing never tell you such a thing?"

Chen Zhuo nodded.

"I'm actually very strange, and I don't know what I'm going to do."

Zhou Yun said: "Because you are not a professional actor, if we tell you what you want to do, and then let you perform it, the effect presented may make people feel deliberate, so after discussing with the director, I decided to I don't tell you what you want to act, I just want your most authentic reaction."

Chen Zhuo seemed to understand and nodded.

Zhou Yun: "Because in this movie, you don't need to play a certain character, you can be whatever you usually are."

Chen Zhuo hummed, and after a while, he asked again: "Is this always the case in acting?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said: "It's not all like this. Most of the time, actors still have to play a character and perform it. For example, I just shed tears. It's not because I want to, but because the character I played is in the middle of the night." When I said that, I thought of my boyfriend who passed away, so I shed tears. Of course, acting is not just a pure acting. The best way is to substitute into the role and enter the state of the role , in that state, no matter how you act, you are right."

Chen Zhuo said: "It sounds so complicated."

"It's okay, you don't need to understand what I'm talking about. To put it bluntly, acting is a feeling." Zhou Yun told Chen Zhuo, "This time you are just here to help us string together a few scenes in the movie. If you have a chance in the future, really You start to play a character, and you figure it out by yourself.”

Chen Zhuo asked in surprise: "Will we have such an opportunity in the future?"

"There will be. It depends on your own choice. Whether you want to shoot or not." Zhou Yun said, "But whether you shoot or not, you still have to finish your books and go to college."

Chen Zhuo smiled shyly.

"I can only read."

Zhou Yun felt that his mood had calmed down a little, and his state had also recovered.

She turned to the people on the slope and said, "I'm OK."

"Okay, come on, all departments are ready." Wen Bing raised the loudspeaker.

Do your part and prepare for what you are responsible for.

Zhou Yun made another one.

This time Zhou Yun didn't let the tears flow out, he acted more subdued and reserved, all the emotions were in the momentary distraction of the eyes.

Yi Zhe squatted in the water with the photographer on his shoulders, watching the scene through the lens, and lost his mind for a moment.


It was agreed that this movie doesn't really need character performances, but Zhou Yun didn't waste a single minute in just a few short clips, showing her abilities to the fullest in the silent place.

If Zhou Yunlai broke down and cried at this time, or had a scene with more intense emotions, it might be more touching and infectious, but it would not be consistent with the tone and style of the whole movie.

Yi Zhe thinks that the most amazing thing about Zhou Yun is that she not only complies with Wen Bing's desired style, but also unpretentiously "kills all directions".

What a fucking bullshit.

Yi Zhe was so excited to shoot.

How can a good photographer not be excited to be able to shoot this kind of actor?

When Yi Zhe was filming "The Female Killer", he was only in charge of the photography group B. This time, Wen Bing directly invited him to shoot this movie, although there are more famous photographers who are unwilling to accept such a low-paying job. Ke Yizhe is still very satisfied.

Because this is his first time directing a movie.

Any young man, no matter whether he has talent or not, they all undoubtedly hope to be appreciated by others.

But Yi Zhe is still that kind of talented person.

If Wen Bing hadn't named him, he might have continued to struggle through qualifications.

This is the case with film and television drama photography. It is just a technical job. In many cases, it is not as easy to highlight talents as other jobs.

Especially on set, it's not something you decide on your own.

In addition to the chief photographer, there are also directors, producers, supervisors, and so on.

Yi Zhe cherishes this opportunity very much.


Zhou Yun and Chen Zhuo kept filming until it was almost dark.

Tears flowed no less than five times.

Feeling a bit hollowed out emotionally.

But there was no way, Chen Zhuo was about to go back to school, and by the time he was on his next monthly vacation, the crew had already left here.

Before he left, Zhou Yun dragged him to talk about signing the contract for a while.

"My agent has already told your mother about this, but it doesn't mean anything else. It doesn't mean that you should become an actor now. It's just that there may be some promotional activities for this movie in the future. There is a brokerage company and a It will be much more convenient for you to have a professional team handle these matters for you. In addition, if other crews want to invite you to film after this movie is released, we will also help you read the script and deal with related matters. Asking for your opinions, whether you are willing to shoot."

Chen Zhuo asked with some embarrassment: "Auntie Xiaoyun, can I make money if I go to other crews to film?"

The question Chen Zhuo asked not only did not make Zhou Yun feel that Chen Zhuo was a worldly person, but it made her feel a little bit unbearable.

Because she knew why Chen Zhuo cared about this matter.

Why did Chen Zhuo come back from the monthly vacation and go to the morning market early the next morning?
Because he wanted to make as much money as possible for his family.

The situation of Chen Zhuo's family is a bit special. His father used to work in Guangdong, but died in an accident.

It was their mother who raised the two children alone.

Chen Zhuo was able to attend this junior high school thanks to the scholarship given by the school.

And their family has been worrying about Chen Zhuo's high school tuition.Chen Zhuo's grades are very good, and he can be admitted to the high school of the school. However, because there are so many strong people, Chen Zhuo may not be able to get a scholarship. In that case, he will have to pay a tuition fee of 9000 yuan per year.This is a huge sum of money for their family.

That's why Xiuxiu's mother immediately agreed when she heard that Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu could get tens of thousands of salary for participating in this movie.

Zhou Yun patted Chen Zhuo's head and said, "Xiao Zhuo, the crew that came to you to film will of course pay you. You don't have to worry about going to school, including when Xiu Xiu goes to school. You don't have to worry about it. After watching this movie, among other things, the tuition fee will definitely be able to earn, even if you can’t earn it, it’s okay, Aunt Xiaoyun will support you behind.”

Chen Zhuo shook his head and said, "Thank you, Auntie Xiaoyun, but my mother said that we need to be self-reliant."

"I know, I just hope you understand a little bit, Xiao Zhuo, study hard, and I will be there when you need it." Zhou Yun touched Chen Zhuo's head, "Do you understand?"

Chen Zhuo hummed.

The crew arranged for a car to take Chen Zhuo to the city.

Zhou Yun told the driver to drive slowly and pay attention to safety on the road.

She watched the car drive away slowly, disappearing into the darkness of the boundless mountains and fields.

She thought of the habitual inferiority complex in Chen Zhuo's eyes, and sighed in her heart.

Because of filming, she got to know Xiuxiu's family and was able to help Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu, but besides the two of them, how many other children like this need help?

Zhou Yun fell into his own contemplation.

At night, Zhou Yun came out of the shower.

Liu Yun is waiting for her in her room.

"Sister Xiaoyun, the director asked me to tell you that the weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow, so he is going to shoot an indoor scene."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "OK."

Liu Yun said again: "Also, Miss Xiaoyun, I think you are not in a high mood at night, are you tired from filming today?"

Zhou Yun told Liu Yun what he was thinking.

Upon hearing this, Liu Yun said, "In fact, things are much better now than before. Basically, anyone who wants to study can still read books."

Liu Yun herself came from the village.

She said: "My friends and I have no other ideas, just want a chance, a chance to change our life, and don't want to stay in a small place for the rest of our lives, so everyone will come out, some People are good at studying and pass the university entrance examination. Some people are not so good at studying, just like me, they go out to work, but basically it is their own choice, unlike ten years ago, I heard that many families who want to study They were not allowed to study, and they had to be forced to go out to work and earn money.”

Zhou Yun: "But, look, a kid like Xiao Zhuo has worked hard enough and worked hard enough, but he still faces the dilemma of not being able to pay his high school tuition."

Liu Yun said: "That's because he went to the highest middle school. It's very difficult and competitive to get a scholarship from the best middle school. If he can't get a scholarship, he will get a student loan. Now Very convenient."

Zhou Yun nodded.

She didn't know how to tell Liu Yun, she just saw in Chen Zhuo an injustice that couldn't be stopped in life.

Yes, of course Chen Zhuo can use the student loan to go to high school, but after that, there is a university. Does the university have to rely on loans for tuition?
Of course, he could finish his studies on loan all the way.

But correspondingly, as soon as he graduated, he was already heavily in debt.No matter how good the policy is, he is not urged to repay the debt, but the debt is on his heart.

For a child with strong self-esteem like Chen Zhuo, this debt is a stone in his heart, which must be taken out, or tortured so that he cannot rest day and night.

Zhou Yun knew that he did not have the ability to change this unfairness.

She was just thinking, what can she do?

The shooting in the next few days went very smoothly.

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing became more and more tacit, and Zhou Yun also knew more and more what Wen Bing wanted.

Now it is often Wen Bing who takes out a piece of paper from time to time, with a paragraph written on it, and asks Zhou Yun to read it on the spot.

Then Wen Bing modified it according to the effect of Zhou Yun's on-site recitation.

Of course, the contents of these notes basically have nothing to do with what they want to shoot, they are all monologues to be used in the previously shot scenes.

Such a long monologue... Zhou Yun was shocked, not knowing what the final film would look like.

But seeing Wen Bing's confident appearance, Zhou Yun had no choice but to keep all these shocks and doubts in his heart.

Zhou Yun looks at the blue sky and white clouds every day, picks some fruits, makes some snacks, and learns how to make kimchi from Xiuxiu's mother.

Finally, the scene of her and Yu Zhiyang is going to be filmed.

After starting for so long, Yu Zhiyang has filmed a scene.

He followed the group silently without a single complaint.

Unexpectedly, on the day when the scene of the reservoir was to be filmed, the weather forecast clearly said that it would be sunny and sunny, but it turned out that there were lightning, thunder and heavy rain early in the morning.

I had no choice but to temporarily adjust the shooting plan, and shoot a scene where Zhou Yun and Yu Zhiyang drink tea under the eaves.

To be precise, it was Yu Zhiyang who was hiding outside Zhou Yun's yard and peeping at her, and she caught him straight, so she called him to the eaves, dried his clothes, and drank a pot of tea together.

Rain is natural.

Yi Zhe was wearing a raincoat, and filmed Yu Zhiyang's scene outside first, and Zhou Yun from Yu Zhiyang's perspective.

Zhou Yun sat under the eaves by himself, made a small stove, put a piece of barbed wire on it, and then put a teapot on it, and the tea was fragrant.

Yi Zhe's camera is a treasure. Many people take care of this treasure and build a shed to prevent water from entering it.

Regardless of what Yi Zhe is doing, Zhou Yun has been doing his own business and staying in the state.

Yu Zhiyang was still a little restless by the sudden rain, but when she saw Zhou Yun, she didn't even look at them, and served her set of tea indifferently, as if the whole rain curtain separated her from the world. As if separated.

Yu Zhiyang's heart gradually calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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