Chapter 780
Zhou Yun sat directly in the courtyard to meet the audience in the theater in France.

"Behind the Scenes" is finally showing in France.

This movie can be said to be Zhou Yun's most famous movie in the world.

She was also nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Globe Awards last year by accident, which shocked many people at home and abroad.

It is a pity that Zhou Yun narrowly lost at the gate of Ao Ti.

It can't be said that it is a loss. To be precise, in fact, the hope has always been low.

Instead, it's a real surprise that she's nominated for a Golden Globe.

It can only be said that the momentum at that time sent her to the nomination list.

French audiences are very fond of Zhou Yun.

Mainly the "Days" starring Zhou Yun and the "Deep Sea" which was launched on streaming media this year are very well-known in France, and many people have watched them and liked them very much.

After Zhou Yun greeted everyone, there was an on-site questioning session.

Someone asked why Zhou Yun didn't go to the scene to meet everyone this time.

Director Xue Qin was on the scene.

Zhou Yun explained with a smile, because she is currently filming, she has no way to go there.

This kind of communication actually works best on the spot.Zhou Yun is also quite willing to communicate with her fans when promoting the movie.I have to say that although the Internet allows many fans to directly appear under her Weibo comments and leave messages for her, but because there are too many people who leave messages, and the content is mostly the same, there is nothing new, Zhou Yun is actually very look less.

But at the scene, because everyone usually only has one chance to ask questions, the questions they choose to ask are all carefully thought out, and such questions often make Zhou Yun feel more eager to answer.

Many French film media were also present.

It was all invited by the French publisher of "Behind the Scenes".

Most of the people who come from the film media are very professional and understand the film.

Zhou Yun is a real actor, with a good performance and a good work, he is exactly the person they are willing and want to get to know.

In particular, she still has stars and experience, which is the kind of interviewee that a media or a reporter likes most.

But compared to Zhou Yun's international popularity, she actually doesn't have many international activities, especially in Europe, Zhou Yun basically only goes there when she participates in film festivals or fashion weeks.

It was not easy to have the opportunity to interview Zhou Yun. Even though it was only online, there were still many people who wanted this opportunity.

A reporter was interested in the movie she was making and asked, "What is this movie about?"

Zhou Yun said: "Because it is still being kept secret, it is inconvenient to reveal a lot. Let me briefly introduce it. This is a movie that explores change and returns to self."

The reporter asked again: "You have collaborated with director Xue Qin on the two films "Days" and "Behind the Scenes". Will there be new collaborations in the future?"

Zhou Yun knew that Xue Qin was there.

She also knew that Xue Qin seemed to be collaborating with He Wenyun in her next play.

Zhou Yun said: "In the future, if there are suitable scripts and roles, I will definitely continue to cooperate. Director Xue Qin is a director who can push out the potential of actors. I am looking forward to working with her again."

After the connection ended, Wen Bing, who had been watching Zhou Yun's connection, asked curiously, "Didn't Xue Qin find you in the next play?"

Zhou Yun hummed.

"Sure enough." Wen Bing said, "From what you just said, she found someone else."

"I found your ex-girlfriend." Zhou Yun said calmly.

Wen Bing was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Zhou Yun in surprise.

Zhou Yun said: "Don't stare at me, I didn't lie to you."

Wen Bing: "...All right, she was right when she said she had a better chance when she left."

Zhou Yun: "Did you not contact her later?"

"I have contacted, but not many." Wen Bing said, "I have already broken up with her."

"We're both adults, and we're both in this industry. We've broken up, so we're still looking up and seeing each other?" Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing: "That's not enough, isn't she always filming abroad? I don't belong to the same circle as her."

Zhou Yun: "Don't say that, the two of you will definitely run into each other in the future, you are a director, she is an actress, and they are both so successful."

Wen Bing: "No, no, I will refuse, and she will also refuse."

"Will she refuse to cooperate with you? If it is a play directed by you."

Take it easy, it's still not particularly good, typing these few words is exhausting.

(End of this chapter)

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