Chapter 781 Sudden News

Ex relationships are always awkward.

Zhou Yun felt that Wen Bing was deliberately avoiding this embarrassment.

He Wenyun's road has actually been very successful.

If she made her debut in China and acted, she might not be able to become the heroine of an international major production as quickly as she is now.

In other words, it is very difficult.

And with her current acting skills and status, it might be possible to cooperate with Wen Bing in the future.

Wen Bing has been filming with Xindun now, but Xindun has made it clear that he wants to expand into the international market.

In the future, if Xindun really wants to further enter the international market, a Chinese actress like He Wenyun who has successfully gained a foothold in Hollywood cannot avoid cooperation.

And Wen Bing, as the major director of Xindun, will he bypass this cooperation?
Can it be bypassed?
These thoughts flashed through Zhou Yun's mind.


Zhou Yun went to pick a few cucumbers, and prepared to mix cucumber shreds for himself.

Wang Zilin saw it and asked in surprise, "Xiaoyun, do you want to eat shredded cucumber in salad at this time?"

Zhou Yun said, "Yes."

This is a small snack that she made for herself. It does not contain sugar or oil, so it can control weight.

Wang Zilin smiled at Zhou Yun and said, "The weather is too cold, don't do too much, it will hurt your stomach."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I'll just mix something up myself, I'm hungry."

Wang Zilin heard that she was hungry and asked, "I have beef jerky here, do you want to eat it?"

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he said, "Eat!"

Wang Zilin took out several packs of individually wrapped beef jerky from her bag and gave them to Zhou Yun.

"It was given to me by your assistant," she said.

Zhou Yun: "Xiao Yun? Then this should be the beef jerky she made herself."

Wang Zilin was surprised when she heard this.

"is it?"

"Well, look, these are all in transparent plastic packaging without any marks." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "She often makes these snacks, but because I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself, so I don't let her give them to me. take it."

Wang Zilin said: "Let me tell you, this beef jerky is really delicious."

"I was looking for her just now. There are a lot of snacks in her bag." Zhou Yun said, "I don't know where she went."

Wang Zilin: "I ran into her 10 minutes ago. She took the crew's car to the town and said she wanted to buy something."

Zhou Yun: "That's it."

Wang Zilin suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhou Yun: "Gu Huaichun's team said that he will arrive tomorrow afternoon."

Zhou Yun was pleasantly surprised.

"He's coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Wang Zilin nodded, "I went to ask the director how to shoot, but the director said that he hadn't figured it out yet, because Gu Huaichun's schedule was relatively tight, and we asked his team for three days before. When the director has made up his mind, I will let the coordinator arrange to shoot Gu Huaichun's scene first."

Because Zhou Yun is the absolute heroine of this movie, Wang Zilin felt that she needed to talk to Zhou Yun first about the filming plan, so that Zhou Yun would not have any opinions at that time.

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, you can arrange this, and I will cooperate with your arrangement."

Wang Zilin smiled and nodded, saying yes.

Filming with Zhou Yun, Wang Zilin felt happy and carefree from the bottom of her heart, without any troubles.

"Where's Yu Chu?" Zhou Yun suddenly remembered, "When will she come?"

Wang Zilin said: "Her team hasn't given me a definite time yet, saying that she is still asking for leave from the crew that is currently filming."

Yu Chu's timing was a little harder to coordinate than Gu Huaichun's.

Zhou Yun nodded.

After she finished talking to Wang Zilin, she turned around and entered the room, ready to go to the bathroom, but as soon as she reached the door of the bathroom, she heard Wen Bing's voice coming from the window on the right.

"What do you mean? Do you have to do this?"

He still speaks English.

Zhou Yun realized in an instant that Wen Bing might be on the phone with his girlfriend.

"I'm making a movie, I can't fly over to accompany you at this time." Wen Bing said angrily, "If you insist on accusing me on Twitter, then just do it!"


Zhou Yun blinked his eyes in surprise when he heard Wen Bing's exasperated voice.

Lucia is a woman who is very creative and can make troubles. Zhou Yun knows it all, and he also saw it when filming "The Female Killer".

Originally, Zhou Yun always felt that she and Wen Bing were not suitable at all.However, Wen Bing threw himself into it without hesitation at that time, and fell in love with Lucia to death.It was so ugly when we broke up, and we got back together later, but now it seems that there are still many problems.

From what Wen Bing said, Lucia seemed to be threatening him to sue him on Twitter?
Zhou Yun was speechless.

Between lovers, if there is a threat to the whole world, what's the point of having a relationship?
They are not husband and wife, and need to rely on the power of public opinion to divide property.

Wen Bing's voice continued to come from outside: "How many times do you want me to tell you? Zhou Yun and I are not what you think. If she and I liked each other, we would have been together a long time ago. She and I have always been on the same page." It's just a friend, your jealousy is terrible, I don't care what you say, you can spread rumors as you like, do you think I will be afraid of you?"

Zhou Yun: "..."

Lie down again.

Lucia still thinks she has an affair with Wen Bing...

Zhou Yun didn't want to continue listening.

She turned and left without going into the bathroom.

Zhou Yun went to Xiuxiu's house and borrowed her toilet.

Back in the yard, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing happened to run into each other.

He had a troubled look on his face.

Zhou Yun knew what he was worried about, but he didn't want him to know that he had heard his call just now, otherwise he would be even more worried.

She had no choice but to pretend she didn't notice anything, and asked with a smile, "Are you still filming in the morning?"

"No more filming." Wen Bing said, "I asked Yi Zhe and the others to shoot some blank scenes, and I went to write the script for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Old Wang said that Gu Huaichun is coming tomorrow."

"Well, okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Wen Bing: "Oh, why don't you cook by yourself at noon? I'll let them take a picture."

"It's fine." Zhou Yun said, "It's good to shoot more material."

Wen Bing: "Yao Yuanfeng always wanted me to show him the material I have shot now, but I refused."

"I showed him what I shot now, but he couldn't see anything. I understood that the actual shooting of this movie is only half of the work, and the other half of the work depends on the dubbing and editing in the later stage." Zhou "It's very dependent on what you do in the end," Yun said.

"Yeah." Wen Bing nodded.

In fact, Zhou Yun was faintly worried.

When a movie like this is made, do you think it's too artistic?Too much like PPT?

Long and long monologues, there is no rivalry, and there is no beginning and end of the plot.

Zhou Yun was actually worried.

However, she couldn't tell Wen Bing her worries.

She must be the one who supports Wen Bing the most.

Zhou Yun could only keep telling himself that since he chose to make this movie, he should trust Wen Bing completely.

It can only be like this.

She didn't know how Wen Bing would deal with Lucia's affairs. Similarly, she could only trust Wen Bing and believe that he would handle everything well.

At this time, Zhou Lan called.

She said that she heard a gossip that "Killing Song" planned to replace her.

(End of this chapter)

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