Zhou Yun was stunned.

The news that Zhou Lan called to tell her made her unable to react.

They have been in contact with the movie "Killing Song" for a long time. They signed a performance agreement with Merlando Company, and they started preparations early.

Why is this kind of gossip suddenly spreading now?
Besides, among the current Chinese actresses, there is no one who can compare with Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun has no opponents. In this case, Merlando wants to change, who is he going to change?
Zhou Yun was silent for two seconds before asking Zhou Lan what the news was about.

Zhou Lan said: "It is said that a big star took a fancy to this script and told Merando's senior management that he wanted to play it, and asked Merando to change the heroine of the script to an American."


Zhou Lan said: "In the original book of this movie, the heroine is a Chinese, so we came to China to choose actresses at that time, but in Hollywood, it is not uncommon to change the cultural background of the character itself. Hollywood even I have changed a lot of characters like this, and what I hear now is still gossip, but I am afraid that this news is not groundless, and I am afraid that in the end, it will be cut off by someone before the machine is turned on."

The movie "Killing Song" is of great significance to Zhou Yun.

This is Zhou Yun's first serious international production, and it is also her blockbuster work that will gain international fame in the future.

Zhou Lan attaches great importance to this movie.

If the last opportunity was really snatched by others, then Zhou Yun didn't know when he would be able to wait for the next such opportunity.

So, Zhou Lan never thought about the possibility of Zhou Yun not acting in this movie.


Zhou Lan said: "I also contacted Brirange, and talked to him a little bit, but there was no news from him, so I can't ask clearly."

Zhou Yun nodded.

She hesitated for a moment and asked, "sister Lan, who did you hear the news from? Can you ask this person again? "

Zhou Lan said: "I heard the news from Gerald Sanch. Do you remember this man?"

"I... remember, I went to France to participate in the fashion week, and was attacked at the airport. You asked this person to help investigate the identity of the assailant, right?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Isn't he French? ? How would he know such news?"

Gerald Sanch and the movie "Killing Song" are a bit at odds.

Zhou Lan said: "He said that he took a case and heard the news from the client, but about the identity of his client and how the news came about, he said that because of the nature of the job, it must be kept secret, so he couldn't tell. us."

Zhou Yun was silent.

Zhou Lan said again: "Although Gerald Sanch has little contact with you, I have contacted him before, and I think this person's words are quite reliable. Since he came to tell me, I think There is still some truth to this news, and we cannot sit idly by."

"We can't sit idly by, but our top priority should be to find out who is this female star who wants to steal "Killing Song"."

Zhou Lan said: "That's why I called you. You know some friends in the United States. See if you can ask them for help."

Zhou Yun immediately thought of Elizabeth.

If there was anyone she knew in the American film industry who might know the news, it would be Elizabeth.

As a young representative of the American film industry, Elizabeth knew enough people in Hollywood and had enough news channels.

If this matter is true, then Elizabeth should also be able to find out some news.

Zhou Yun said, "I'll contact you and try."

After Zhou Yun said that, Zhou Lan hung up the phone.

After finishing the phone call, Zhou Yun fell into hesitation.

She didn't know how to tell Elizabeth about it.

It would be fine if she had a really good relationship with Elizabeth, but between her and Elizabeth, most of the time it was Elizabeth who warmly made friends with her.

Even Zhou Yun himself didn't know why Elizabeth favored her so much.

Zhou Yun didn't know if Elizabeth would be willing to help if he contacted Elizabeth himself.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a long time, and finally sent Elizabeth an email.

After all, it is a movie like "The Song of Killing". For her at this stage, she needs a movie like "The Song of Killing" too much.

She can't let someone else take the movie away.


In the afternoon, Wen Bing came out of the house and gave Zhou Yun two pieces of paper.

There are dense words written on the two pieces of paper, and they are not monologues, but dialogues.

The dialogue between her and Yu Zhiyang.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect the most was that this long dialogue was actually when Zhou Yun was taking a nap, he vaguely felt someone moving beside him, and when he opened his eyes, he found that Yu Zhiyang was relying on her. So close, lips almost touched him.

Zhou Yun was very annoyed and scolded Yu Zhiyang for being a little hooligan.

Yu Zhiyang was scolded by Zhou Yun like a grandson, until Zhou Yun couldn't stop scolding, he bowed his head and said he liked her.

So Zhou Yun crackled and scolded him again.

Zhou Yun looked at these dialogues and thought, Wen Bing wrote it out of breath.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Wen Bing, I was very calm and self-reliant in the scene before, so suddenly such an emotional scene appeared, would it seem a bit abrupt?"

Wen Bing said: "Maybe, but I want to shoot this part now, let's talk about it later in the final editing."

Zhou Yun: "..."

have to.

Then shoot it.

Zhou Yun and Yu Zhiyang took their positions.

You have to recite your lines now.

Yu Zhiyang is a little bit better, Zhou Yun's lines are all long and hysterical.

Zhou Yun had a headache memorizing all his lines.

Fortunately, Wen Bing didn't plan to shoot any long shots, and this big scene didn't have to be played from the beginning to the end in one go.

Filming this scene with Yu Zhiyang, Zhou Yun felt weird inside.

It may be psychological.

Zhou Yun said that she didn't mind, but in the end, she was still worried, worried that some bad rumors would spread about her and Yu Zhiyang.

The more pretentious this kind of thing is, the more serious it is, and it can't stop other people's mouths.

But, on the other hand, she was looking forward to it.

Wen Bing is too good at taking pictures of this kind of interaction between people.

Zhou Yun is looking forward to what Wen Bing will catch him.

This is where the acting gets interesting.

Before she really entered the character state and started to perform, she herself didn't know what kind of performance she would present.


While preparing, Zhou Yun and Yu Zhiyang sat in the corner talking.

Zhou Yun asked him, "Do you have a girl you like?"

Yu Zhiyang hummed hesitantly.

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise and asked, "Who is it?"

Yu Zhiyang scratched his temples and said, "You don't know."

Gossip flashed in Zhou Yun's eyes.

"Then you told that girl, did you like her?"

"No." Yu Zhiyang said, "She and I may not be very suitable."

"Why? What's appropriate or not in a relationship? If you like it, confess it. If you don't confess, everything is fake."

"It's ok."

"Huh? It's okay?"

Yu Zhiyang said: "I never thought I could be with her."


"Because..." Yu Zhiyang scratched his temples before saying, "Sister Xiaoyun, can I not say this?"

Although Yu Zhiyang doesn't talk much at ordinary times, he will answer whatever Zhou Yun asks.

Zhou Yun gave him a surprised look, but nodded, "Okay."

However, when the filming of this scene was officially started, problems were encountered at the beginning.

Wen Bing felt that Yu Zhiyang's state was not right, no matter how he acted it was wrong.

"That's not the case, this look is wrong."

Wen Bing came over and said to Yu Zhiyang: "At this time, Zhou Yun has already fallen asleep on the bed, your liking and desire for her need not be the same as usual, but still slightly restrained, there should be a kind of gradual exposure. Come out frankly, do you know what I mean?"

Yu Zhiyang hummed and started again.

Wen Bing was still not satisfied.

After taking eight consecutive shots, Wen Bing's temper became a little irritable.

"Yu Zhiyang, what's the matter with you? Why haven't you been fully committed?"

Wen Bing rarely lost his temper on the set.

His sudden attack made the staff at the scene a little dazed and looked at them in bewilderment.

Yu Zhiyang's cheeks were also red.

He was embarrassed and blushed.

Yu Zhiyang said sorry.

Zhou Yun sat up from the bed and looked at them suspiciously.

Wen Bing also reacted at this time.

He said: "You think about it for yourself, take a break for 10 minutes, and then shoot later."

After speaking, Wen Bing walked out.

Yu Zhiyang stood where he was, with his hands hanging down in a state of bewilderment.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun called him over.

"Did you not get into shape just now?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Zhiyang just shook his head.


When Yu Zhiyang was acting just now, Zhou Yun had been lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and he didn't see what Yu Zhiyang was acting like, so he didn't know why Wen Bing was angry.

Zhou Yun said: "Don't worry, you can stroke it yourself, I'll go and see Wen Bing."

She got out of bed, put on her shoes, went out, and found Wen Bing by the fish pond outside the house.

With his hands in his pockets, he stared at the water surface of the fish pond in a daze.

Zhou Yun walked over and stood beside him.

"What happened just now? Did you not control your temper?"

Wen Bing sighed and said, "It's my own state that's wrong."

Zhou Yun said: "Yu Zhiyang is probably very nervous now."

"I'll talk to him later."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"It's okay, it's my own private matter." Wen Bing said, "I'll be alone."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun nodded and left.


"Less than, drink water."

Wang Zilin handed Yu Zhiyang a glass of water.

Yu Zhiyang didn't have an assistant. After joining the crew, he was alone, and Wang Zilin had to take care of him a little more.

There are only two resident actors on the crew, one him and one Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun brought Liu Yun by himself, and Yu Zhiyang hung out with the others by himself, he didn't look like a star at all.

Knowing that Yu Zhiyang was scolded by Wen Bing, Wang Zilin saw him sitting alone in the corner with his head drooping, so she came over to play the "intimate big sister" and helped Yu Zhiyang get out of his depressed mood.

Working as a life producer on the set, in a sense, she is the big housekeeper of this group of people, taking care of everything, and she will show up whenever there is a need.

"The director is not in a good mood today. Before you guys filmed that scene just now, he locked himself in the room for several hours. Don't take it to heart."

Yu Zhiyang said: "I really didn't enter the state just now."

His tone was sad.

Wang Zilin asked: "What's the matter? I saw that you passed acting very quickly before, why are you not in the mood today?"

Yu Zhiyang shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Wang Zilin said: "This is not a rare thing. Many actors can't find their status, and indeed there is nothing they can do. When encountering this kind of situation, they can only get over it slowly."

Yu Zhiyang said: "Sister Zilin, I will work hard to overcome it."

Wang Zilin patted Yu Zhiyang's head and said, "I believe in you, you can do it."


Ten minutes later, Wen Bing came back.

Then shoot.

Yu Zhiyang also worked hard to adjust his state, but Wen Bing was still not satisfied.

But Wen Bing didn't lose his temper anymore, he just kept yelling Ka, called Yu Zhiyang over, and told him over and over again what he was dissatisfied with just now.

Zhou Yun just lay on the bed for an hour and a half, and then he actually fell asleep and took a nap. When he woke up again, those few shots of Yu Zhiyang were still not shot.

Yu Zhiyang's eyes were dull, and his face looked tired as if it had been beaten by frost.

Zhou Yun looked at Wen Bing again, who was actually sitting calmly behind the monitor, showing no sign of impatience.

"Are you awake?" Wen Bing was still in the mood to tease her when he saw her.

Zhou Yun said: "You are really capable, and you have tormented him for so long."

Wen Bing said: "He can't settle his mind, so he will work on it slowly. This scene is very important and can't be casual. If it can't be filmed today, then we can continue filming tomorrow."

Seeing what Wen Bing said, Zhou Yun couldn't say anything more.

Yu Zhiyang couldn't enter the state, so Zhou Yun had no choice but to grind with him.

In the end, Yu Zhiyang himself became impetuous, his eyes were red, he scratched his head, and said to Wen Bing in pain: "I don't know how to act anymore."

Wen Bing heard the words, so he had to say: "Then rest for 10 minutes and come back."

Yu Zhiyang said dissatisfiedly: "Even if you rest for another 10 minutes, you won't be able to come."

Wen Bing: "Why?"

Yu Zhiyang said: "I don't know, I feel that I have used all my energy to act, but I can't act right, and I don't know how to act right. I don't know what to do."

Wen Bing said: "Then what do you mean? Are you not acting?"

"It's not that I don't want to act, it's that I don't know how to act." Yu Zhiyang's tone was slightly annoyed and resistant.

I acted here all afternoon, one scene, no matter how I acted it was wrong, Yu Zhiyang thought of various ways, changed various performance styles and methods, Wen Bing was not satisfied at all.

Yu Zhiyang had already accumulated a lot of irritability in his heart.

Seeing that both of them showed signs of anxiety, Wang Zilin hurriedly stood up to smooth things over.

"Oh, it's already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun is about to set." She said, "Everyone, let's have a rest, we're going to have dinner soon."

Everyone immediately chattered, as if work was over.

Everyone is helping to smooth things over.


Zhou Yun said nothing.

Regarding the scene that happened, Zhou Yun didn't know what to say.

Wen Bing has his own emotions, Yu Zhiyang also has his own emotions, everyone has their own reasons.

Zhou Yun thought that when he was filming "Words of Fallen Leaves" with Xue Qin, Xue Qin was also dissatisfied with her and asked her to do it again and again.

At that time, Zhou Yun also acted full of temper at the end, but he just endured it.

Although Zhou Yun realized afterwards that Xue Qin had this style, she was just waiting for something that fit her imagination, so she tortured her over and over again.

However, at that time, Zhou Yun really thought that Xue Qin was deliberately making things difficult for her.

Zhou Yun felt that it was necessary for him to have a good chat with Yu Zhiyang.


When it was time for dinner, Yu Zhiyang took a large vegetable bowl, picked some vegetables for himself, and sat outside to eat by himself.

He was depressed and didn't want to sit and eat with everyone.

Zhou Yun also took a bowl and a chair, and sat down beside Yu Zhiyang.

"Are you still angry?" Zhou Yun sat down and asked directly with the first sentence, without any tact.

Yu Zhiyang was sullen and said, "I'm not angry."

Zhou Yun burst out laughing.

Yu Zhiyang immediately glanced at Zhou Yun with dissatisfaction.

"why are you laughing?"

"Your face has collapsed like this, and you still say you're not angry?" Zhou Yun said, "Just ask someone to see if your current appearance is not angry."

Yu Zhiyang stopped talking.

He also knew that his expression management was not in place.

Zhou Yun sighed.

"Actually, I also know that this kind of thing happens when I'm filming with Wen Bing." Zhou Yun said, "His requirements are very high. If you can't meet his requirements, he will repeat them over and over again." Grind you until you act the way he wants."

Yu Zhiyang said: "But I really tried my best, I can't act no matter what, I don't know how to act."

Zhou Yun said, "Are you discouraged?"

Yu Zhiyang didn't speak.

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay to be discouraged, but don't give up on yourself."

"I don't know how to act."

"Then think clearly before acting." Zhou Yun said, "If you can't think clearly, just act casually. All in all, you are a professional actor, and you have to figure out your own way to carry out your play to the end."

Yu Zhiyang asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, have you ever encountered such a time when you didn't know how to act?"

"I have encountered it, just like you, I was in pain at the time, but pain is normal, you really want to create a character, a character, if you don't get entangled or painful during the performance, you may not have Touch that threshold." Zhou Yun said, "If you change a director, maybe today will be over, but you meet a director with strict requirements, which is a good thing for actors, because only strict directors can force out Your potential allows you to show performances that you can't even imagine."

Yu Zhiyang said dejectedly: "I...I don't have any clue now."

"Then give up your own thoughts and think about what Wen Bing told you, what he told you, and what he asked for." Zhou Yun said, "Throw away the acting method I am used to completely, Don’t be afraid to fail the performance, go find a new feeling.”

Yu Zhiyang was silent.

Actors have a safe zone when they act.

How to perform, I am comfortable, in this state, there is a feeling of ease when performing - this is the safe zone.

But sometimes, actors have to break this usual way of acting and get out of the safe zone in order to show a completely different performance feeling from the past.

Zhou Yun often told herself that, and she also hoped that Yu Zhiyang could do it.

But Yu Zhiyang is still very young, and she doesn't know if Yu Zhiyang can do it.

She believed that Yu Zhiyang must have acted very well, but Wen Bing wanted something more different, not the same, teenage commotion.

Then Yu Zhiyang must completely trust Wen Bing, and follow Wen Bing's feelings to explore the state where no reference can be found.

When he finds it, his performance will be right.

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