Gu Huaichun has been spinning continuously for the past two years.

Filming, filming commercials, commercials, award ceremonies, live broadcasts, recording variety shows... all kinds of work, almost no rest.

There are really no rules in the profession of celebrities and entertainers. When you are free, you can stay at home and pick your feet every day. When you are busy, you can be so busy that your feet don't touch the ground and fly around the world.

He rarely has the opportunity to spend a few days in a place where no one disturbs, with people he knows well.

This is actually a job, but Gu Huaichun doesn't think it's a job.

Chatting with Zhou Yun here is more like chatting with friends after relaxing.

In fact it is.

It took Gu Huaichun chatting for a long time before he realized that he was currently filming.

It feels weird.

It's a feeling I've never had before.

Gu Huaichun remembered that when he was usually filming, he would basically go to a fixed place, first take the script and go through the scene twice, and then the director would come over and make some suggestions for adjustments, and they would shoot again. Will adjust many times.

Gu Huaichun didn't think it was bad.

He just experienced this kind of filming experience, so when he was acting in Wen Bing's crew, he felt extra relaxed.

And physical and mental relaxation is really important for an actor to act.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, a blogger who focuses on Hollywood movie news suddenly posted a message, which attracted the attention of many people.

The blogger said: "According to Variety's news, it is suspected that "The Song of Killing" starring Zhou Yun will change roles, and Zhou Yun will no longer be the heroine."

As soon as this news was sent out, it was immediately noticed by Zhou Yun's fans.

Zhou Yun's fans don't have an official support club, but there are groups organized spontaneously by many people.

Someone immediately sent a screenshot of the message to the group.

The group exploded immediately.

Miss Zhou Yun's little sister: This must be fake news, right?I heard that both Xiaoyun and Merandu have already signed a contract, why did they suddenly change roles?
Cindy Rilla: Yeah, didn't you say the filming will start in December?The filming is about to start, how could the roles be changed?

Miss Zhou Yun's little sister: Is there someone who wants to take Xiao Yun's role?
Master Yideng: Generally, Variety does not fabricate news. If it says so, it must be rumored. What should we do?
Cinderella: Who has the ability to take Xiaoyun's role?In the entire Chinese-language film industry, there is no actress in her 20s who is more internationally renowned and has a well-recognized acting skills than Xiaoyun.

Master Yideng: Maybe he is not from the Chinese film industry, but maybe he is a Chinese actress in Hollywood?If it is them, it may not be so possible.

Cindy Rilla: Is there any Chinese actress in Hollywood who has international box office appeal like Xiaoyun?The more famous ones are already in their 50s and [-]s, and they are not suitable for a movie like "Killing Song" at all.

Miss Zhou Yun's little sister: Anyway, we must not allow this kind of thing to happen. We should write an email to Merlando to express our opposition.

Caocao: Is it useful for us to write emails to Merandu?
Miss Zhou Yun's little sister: Don't worry about whether it's useful or not, we can do whatever we can. "Killing Song" is a very good opportunity. If Merandu replaces Xiaoyun without faith, we can't do it either. Let them succeed so easily.

Cinderella: That's right, if they change the heroine, then we boycott the movie!

Zhou Yun's fans are very powerful.

After everyone discussed what to do, thousands of letters of objection were sent to Merandu's public mailbox that night.

In addition, there are still many people who turned over the wall to tweet, and went to Merando's official Twitter account to express their dissatisfaction and protest.

A group of people is very powerful.

While major domestic film and television bloggers and marketing accounts were still discussing whether this matter was true or false, Zhou Yun's fans were caught off guard and started to act.

Because of this incident, Zhou Yun was also on Twitter's global trending list.

The movie "Killing Song" itself has a lot of fans of the original work in Europe and the United States, otherwise, Merlando would not have bought the copyright and would have developed it into a trilogy.

News related to the production of this film is also concerned by many foreigners.

When "Killing Song" was officially announced that the heroine was Zhou Yun, it caused a heated discussion.

At that time, Zhou Yun's "Days" was released and won praise from many people. Later, Zhou Yun's "Behind the Scenes" and "Deep Sea" received a lot of popularity in Europe and the United States. Many foreign fans of Zhou Yun saw this topic. , also immediately expressed support for Zhou Yun.

Especially in France, Germany and Italy, "Behind the Scenes" is showing.

This movie is very much to their taste. In the first three days of its premiere, the box office of the three countries has exceeded one million dollars, and the results are very good.

Zhou Yun did not become a true, worldwide movie star.

But she already has a group of fans belonging to her in various countries.

Before the actor who was going to replace Zhou Yun was exposed, Zhou Yun received the support of a large number of people.

Because there is no rival to compete with her.

It was noon in the United States when this happened.

Merlando's department in charge of public opinion and public relations detected this incident and reported it immediately.

The top management immediately organized a meeting.

Brirange, who had chosen Zhou Yun for the movie "Killing Song", was also among them.

At the beginning of the meeting, Brirange spoke first: "When you wanted to replace Zhou Yun with Ge Diya, I said that this matter will definitely be resisted by many people. You underestimated Zhou Yun." The power of fans, she is the leading actress in China, if we have officially announced that she will play the role and replace her without any problems, it will definitely cause a lot of negative public opinion."

"This is also for box office considerations. Zhou Yun is indeed a very good actress, but she is not as well-known among our major box office as Ge Diya. This is also an undeniable fact, isn't it?"

"Then don't forget, as I said last time, the original novel of "Killing Song" is a Chinese girl. If you change the script to an American girl, it will cause dislike to many fans of the original book, let alone , This kind of change will also cause suspicion of racial discrimination. You have changed the role of an Asian girl to an American girl." Brirange said, "What kind of ecstasy soup did Gertia give you to make you want Change the script for her."

"You are making a very serious accusation. It has nothing to do with what Gertia has done. We just think that if you use Gertia's words, the box office will be more secure!"

"According to what you said, Harry Potter shouldn't have those children as the protagonists, but familiar faces that everyone knows." Brirange said, "Please figure it out, "Killing Song" itself It is a very famous and popular novel. What we need to do is to find a suitable heroine for this story, instead of adjusting according to our so-called market and box office. If so, we should not Make this story into a movie!"

There was a lot of noise in the meeting.

"A few days ago Zhou Yun's agent called me. I didn't disclose it at the time, but now it has been exposed by Variety. Now we have to make a decision right away. Is Zhou Yun breaking the contract? Use Gertia?" Brirange said, "Anyway, you have the final say on this matter, and I don't count, but I strongly oppose changing actors!"


at the filming site.

Everyone has seen the news on Hot Search.

Zhou Yun is suspected to be replaced by "Killing Song".

Everyone couldn't talk and laugh in front of Zhou Yun for a while.

They didn't even know what to say to Zhou Yun, whether they should take it as knowing or not.

Zhou Yun knew about it early in the morning.

Both Zhou Lan and Song Chi called her.

Song Chi came to ask what was going on.

Zhou Yun said he didn't know either.

Zhou Lan called and told her to keep silent and not respond. She had already formally asked Merandu and was waiting for Merandu's response.

When eating breakfast, Gu Huaichun looked at her, hesitant to speak several times.

Zhou Yun couldn't stand their attitude anymore, so he rolled his eyes at him, and said, "I don't know what's going on with this matter yet, so don't always look at me and stop talking, what do you want to say?" Just say what you want."

Gu Huaichun looked innocent and said, "I don't know what to say."

Zhou Yun: "Don't worry about these things, we can act whatever we want."

Gu Huaichun asked: "Aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about? Worried that I will really be replaced?"

"En." Gu Huaichun said, "After all, this opportunity is so rare."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm worried, but it's useless for me to worry now, and I don't want myself to keep thinking about this matter, so let's put it down, it does whatever it likes, it's not like I won't act in "Killing Song" The business has taken a hit.”

Gu Huaichun nodded: "That's true."

He nodded again and said, "You are still amazing, and you have a better mentality. If I encounter this kind of thing, I will definitely be confused and I will not be able to calm down."

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, this is what I think in my heart now, but I don't want to be like this, so I have to divert my attention."

This morning, Zhou Yun took Gu Huaichun to dig radishes.

It was Gu Huaichun's first time doing this kind of work.

Seeing Zhou Yun's familiar movements, he asked, "Did you just learn it these days?"

"You don't need to learn this, you'll get used to it after digging a few times." Zhou Yun said, "I'll make you a stew of mutton and radish soup at noon. It's a bit cold today, so drink some mutton soup to warm you up."

Gu Huaichun: "You can even do this? Your cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds."

Zhou Yun: "I have indeed learned to cook a lot of dishes, and I have started to study some dishes by myself. Cooking is really interesting."

700+ have been ordered, thank you everyone!

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