Chapter 786
"When you are at home with Song Chi, do you know how to cook?"

"Occasionally." Zhou Yun said, "I don't cook very often. Most of the time, we just cook casually. We won't cook a table of dishes formally every day like we do now."

Gu Huaichun said: "I found that in this place, you will easily want to make three meals a day better. You see, when I was on the set, I either ate the boxed lunches of the set, or just dealt with it casually. Basically, they don’t eat well and are nutritious.”

Zhou Yun asked: "Don't you have a nutritionist to get you food? I see that you are in good shape."

Gu Huaichun said: "Yes, but I usually eat a nutritious meal at night, and let myself eat something normal for breakfast and lunch. I don't want to eat that thing all the time, it's very bland."

"Yes, that food is not very tasty." Zhou Yun said.

Gu Huaichun: "Then do you want to eat?"

"Sometimes I still eat, but usually when there are special needs, such as when you have to lose a certain amount of pounds at a certain time, you need to rely on this." Zhou Yun said, "I'm usually fine, usually not No sugar, no drinks, no snacks, so it's fine."

Gu Huaichun: "You mainly keep exercising, right? I'm usually too busy to keep exercising."

Zhou Yun: "It depends on you. If you really want to keep exercising, you can move around a lot. You can do a few push-ups, a few sets of high leg lifts, etc. .”

"Then I really don't know how to do this kind of thing in the crew." Gu Huaichun said, "This is too pretentious in the eyes of others."

Zhou Yun: "You don't care what other people think."

Gu Huaichun: "I have the burden of being an idol."

Zhou Yun: "...All right."


"It's not the fans we incited, it's their spontaneous behavior, Mr. Brirange, you might as well find a company to investigate, we don't bother to do this kind of thing." Zhou Lan told Brirange on the phone, "Besides, we Xiaoyun don't have to play "Killing Song". Although it is a very good work, we are also looking forward to shooting this work, but you should also know that we Xiaoyun have no shortage of talents at all. If you are in Hollywood for this kind of good film, you should know how many film and television companies have contacted us now, wanting to hire Xiao Yun to make a film."

Brirange said: "I know, of course I know, please believe me, I have always supported Ms. Zhou Yun [-]% in our "Killing Song". An agreement has been reached, there is no change, I made this call to ask you to issue a statement to clarify this misunderstanding, what do you think?"

Zhou Lan said: "Mr. Brirange, we shouldn't be able to clarify this misunderstanding. Is this a mistake? This news was released by Variety. They said that Merlando Company will change actors first. This news should be It's up to you to clarify."

Brirange said: "Of course our company will respond to the media with a unified caliber, but mainly hope that you can release this statement in China to appease the emotions of Ms. Zhou Yun's fans."

Zhou Lan: "Don't worry about that, as long as you clarify the rumors, our Xiaoyun fans will not continue to harass you."

No matter how you say it, Zhou Lan just doesn't let go.

This matter, in the final analysis, is that Merlando did not behave properly.

It really happened that they wanted to switch actors.

But in the end, due to various reasons, they still decided to continue starring with Zhou Yun.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lan clenched his fist happily.

She was thrilled.

Finally got it down.

Zhou Lan didn't ask any further why Merandu suddenly wanted to change actors.

It's not that she doesn't want to know, but she accepts it as soon as it's good--about this matter, there is still a long time to figure it out.

Now, what she needs to do is to firmly grasp this momentum and not allow others to grab the role.

Zhou Lan asked Wang Zilin, when will Wen Bing's movie be finished?
Wang Zilin said, I don't know yet, Wen Bing has never intended to finish.

Zhou Lan immediately frowned when she heard this, and she said: Zhou Yun is going to film "Killing Song" soon, and he can't spend in Wen Bing's crew indefinitely. It was agreed at the beginning that this film will only be filmed for two weeks Yes, two weeks to go in four days.

Wang Zilin said that Wen Bing said that if Zhou Yun rushes to join another crew, it doesn't matter if the filming stops first, and the filming will continue later.

Zhou Lan was amazed.

She didn't know what Wen Bing was doing.

Is filming so reckless?

It doesn't matter when the filming is finished or when it's finished?

Of course, Zhou Yun was not in such a hurry to go to Australia to shoot "Killing Song".

The filming of this movie started in December, and it was still in the middle and late ten days. It is only November now, so I am not in a hurry.

But Zhou Lan couldn't let Zhou Yun continue filming so unrestrainedly in Wen Bing's crew.

She still needs to seriously think about how to deal with this matter.

The relationship between Zhou Yun and Wen Bing is so good that Zhou Lan can't go around Zhou Yun and tell Wen Bing about it, otherwise, Zhou Yun will definitely get angry with her.

However, she also knew Zhou Yun's temper.

If she went to Zhou Yun to talk about it, then Zhou Yun must have said that she should cooperate with Wen Bing as much as possible.

There is nothing wrong with Zhou Yun wanting to do this.

Zhou Lan just didn't want Zhou Yun to shoot "Killing Song", the preparations were too hasty.

Brirange told Zhou Lan that he wanted Zhou Yun to join the group in advance to do some martial arts training.

Zhou Lan told Brirange that martial arts training can be done in China.

But Brirange said that the entire crew was set up in Australia, and the action director had to guide many people at the same time. It was impossible to go to China for Zhou Yun alone.

Zhou Lan said that Zhou Yun will go there early, but her own movement skills are very solid, and she doesn't need to start all over again, so she doesn't need to waste so much time.

Brirange asked Zhou Lan to give Zhou Yun some time to join the group.

Zhou Lan said that she would coordinate first, and then tell him when she was sure.

Zhou Lan now needs to confirm the time.

She came to Fenghuang County again.

When she was sitting on the motorcycle and shivering from the cold, she suddenly saw a group of people on the field ridge in front of her, and several photographic equipment, which seemed to be filming.

She immediately made people stop and went directly there.

Zhou Yun, Gu Huaichun, and Yu Zhiyang squatted on a field ridge, looking at the golden rice in the field.

The posture of the three of them is not so good-looking.

Zhou Lan stood in the crowd.

Obviously, they are filming at this time.

None of these three people wore makeup, and they turned out to be completely bare-faced.

Zhou Lan was shocked.

However, this picture looks so harmonious.

The three of them were wearing the most plain clothes, squatting on the ridge of the field, looking at the distance for a while, looking up at the sky for a while, and turning their heads to look at each other—what kind of eyes did Yu Zhiyang look at Zhou Yun!
Zhou Lan was surprised to find that Yu Zhiyang's eyes were not simple!

Is this like Zhou Yun?

Oh, no, this is filming, and the kid in the film just likes Zhou Yun.

Zhou Lanchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Lan found it strange that the three of them squatted here without saying a word, and she thought the filming was about to end.

However, Wen Bing didn't shout Ka either.

The other staff members of the crew seemed to be used to it, and they also didn't say anything.

Zhou Lan was puzzled.

Five minutes later, Zhou Yun suddenly stood up, patted his legs, and said, "The sun is going to set, let's go back."

The three stood up and walked forward along the field ridge.

The camera is aimed at them and continues to shoot.

It wasn't until the three of them walked a long way, Zhou Lan suspected that they were 100 meters away, that Wen Bing yelled a click.

Zhou Lan: "..."

She doesn't understand.

Although Zhou Lan is not an actor or an actor, he has been in this industry for so many years and knows what it's like for the crew to work on the set.

Normal filming shouldn't be like this, right?

Of course, Wen Bing was not an ordinary director.

She had heard from Zhou Yun that Wen Bing was doing something very different this time.

It's not that Zhou Lan doubts Wen Bing's ability and talent, she just doesn't understand.

After Wen Bing yelled "click", Wang Zilin said, "Everyone pack up your things and go have dinner."

Zhou Lan hurried forward to greet the two of them.

"Hi, Zilin, Director Wen."

"Lanlan is here." Wang Zilin greeted Zhou Lan with a smile, "Why didn't you tell us in advance? Do you stay here at night? I'll arrange a room for you?"

Zhou Lan said: "I can't stop. I have an appointment with someone to discuss things in Shanghai at noon tomorrow. I have to go back tonight. I'll come to find Xiaoyun. The filming of "Killing Song" is about to start. There are some things to communicate with her."

Zhou Lan deliberately mentioned the movie "Killing Song" in front of the two of them, hoping that they could set a time for the movie to finish as soon as possible, so that they could stop wasting time like this.

Wen Bing really asked: "When will the filming of "Killing Song" start? When will Xiaoyun go there?"

"The filming will start in the middle and late next month. The exact date has not yet been determined, but Merando hopes that Xiaoyun can go there to do movement training in advance. I told them that Xiaoyun has a solid foundation and does not need to start from scratch. From the beginning, it is enough to join the group a week in advance to learn the movements, but they must let Xiaoyun join the group earlier, so I will come over to discuss with her and see when she will be there."

Wen Bing nodded and said, "Since that's the case, why don't we film this drama until the end of this month, on the 30th, how about it?"

Wang Zilin asked: "Can the filming be finished?"

"Let me cut it first and try it out. Anyway, I've almost finished filming what I want to shoot, and there is still a scene of swimming in the reservoir. Let's shoot after Yu Chu comes." Wen Bing said, "Actually, it's not possible. It’s okay not to shoot for now, the weather is too cold now, and I’m also worried that Xiaoyun will catch cold if he goes into the water at this time, so it’s better to wait until summer to shoot.”

Zhou Lan heard it, and immediately said: "The temperature is only in single digits now, so try not to let Xiaoyun shoot this kind of underwater scene. It would be good to make up for it next summer."

Wen Bing nodded.

He said: "I'll discuss it with Lao Wang later, um, Xiaoyun is here."

He beckoned.

The three actors walked back again.

Zhou Yun asked: "Director, how was that part just now?"

"Yes, very good." Wen Bing said, "Sister Lan is here."

Zhou Yun had seen Zhou Lan a long time ago.

She smiled at Zhou Lan.

"Did you see us acting just now?"

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "I see it, but I didn't understand it. I don't know what you are shooting."

Zhou Yun said: "You have to ask the director about this. In many scenes, I don't know what I'm shooting, but I'm just doing it according to his intention."

"It's been a long time since I've seen Huai Chun look like this, simple and clean." Zhou Lan said, "Although it doesn't have the sense of delicacy that those characters usually have, but it has a sense of simplicity, which is very good."

Gu Huaichun laughed and said: "My manager saw me appearing like this, and almost flew over here, so he insisted on saying this."

Zhou Lan said, "Then what happened?"

Gu Huaichun said: "I said the director made it for me personally. If he is not satisfied, go to Wen Bing, and he will stop."

Wen Bing: "Am I a terrible person in the eyes of the managers?"

Zhou Lan said: "In the eyes of us managers, you are not a terrible person, but a respectable artist."

"Are you kidding me?" Wen Bing asked in surprise and disbelief.

Zhou Lan said, "Of course I'm not joking with you."

Gu Huaichun said: "I testify, yes, after I told my agent that this is your opinion, he has no opinion."

Wen Bing: "I never knew that my words are so effective in your eyes."

Zhou Lan: "Why don't you be so humble, director, believe it or not, as long as you shout out that your movie is looking for actors, half of the show business circle will flock to it."

Wen Bing: "Why didn't I know I was so popular."

"That's because your movie didn't make any noise before the filming started, and the actors were all decided internally." Gu Huaichun said, "Your movie has never organized an audition. If you organize an audition, You know how many people want to come over."

Wen Bing nodded and said, "Then I'll try next time."

A group of people chatting and laughing.

On the way back, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun were at the end.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun what Merandu meant, and also told Zhou Yun what Wen Bing said just now.

"Before going to Australia, there are still two commercials to be shot. These are the time I have been asking you for." Zhou Lan said, "So, I am going to book a ticket for the 8th of next month, what do you think?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Put it off for two more days, I want to see Song Chi."

Zhou Lan nodded, "Okay."

"Your fans made a lot of effort this time. I didn't expect them to do that." Zhou Lan said, "This time Merandu didn't change in the end because your fans wrote letters of protest, scaring you." Here they are, it is said that on the day Variety sent out the news, nearly [-] letters were sent to their mailboxes."

Zhou Yun was very surprised: "There are so many?"

"Yes, you were taken aback, right? I didn't expect that either." Zhou Lan said, "Especially in France. It is said that many fans joined the protest."

(End of this chapter)

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