I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 787 You are a genius

Chapter 787 You are a genius
This time, the protest of Zhou Yun's fans has attracted the attention of media from all over the world, and they have reported it one after another.

In the past, whenever there was any disturbance in Zhou Yun, the domestic media would come to hear the news and try their best to find all kinds of materials and seek traffic.

This time, Zhou Yun's news was seen by the whole world, and many people knew about it, and even put up an advertisement for the movie "Killing Song" in disguise.

Some people even asked whether this was a joint marketing campaign by Merlando and Zhou Yun.

Such voices were quickly drowned out.

Discussions about Zhou Yun are rampant.

Especially Zhou Yun's fan power.

Internationally, Zhou Yun is more of a representative of Chinese actresses, her internationality is not outstanding, it can only be said that she has a group of fans in all countries in the world.

However, there are several such actresses in every country.

But it doesn't mean that having some movie fans in various countries can be called a world-class actor.

But this time, Zhou Yun's fans obviously exploded with a power that shocked everyone.

This is not the fan power they thought Zhou Yun would have.

In fact, in the eyes of many Hollywood filmmakers, Asian and Chinese actors have very little voice.

They are at a disadvantage.

Even if they were bullied, most of the time they just swallowed their anger and let it simply pass.

But this time Zhou Yun's fans gave them all a realization: Zhou Yun is not that easy to bully.

Merlando also saw Zhou Yun's internationality and popularity in this matter.

The high-level executives were not even angry about this incident, but were very excited and happy, and felt that the actor Zhou Yun was used correctly.

Because her fans are so loyal, by the time "Killing Song" is released, there will definitely be a fan base.

Movies cannot earn box office by relying on the fan base, but the fan base can help the promotion of the movie.

No movie can underestimate the star effect.

Even if it is the work of a world-class director, the same is true.

The media circle about entertainment news has been lively for several days.

Someone took advantage of this incident to take stock of Zhou Yun's international career.

Someone used this incident to take stock of the discrimination Chinese actors have suffered in Hollywood.

Someone used this incident to analyze Zhou Yun and the future achievements of "Killing Song".


A high-profile actor can always provide a lot of information to the media.

Zhou Yun was bored filming in his own small village, and simply kept his ears to the outside world.

Gu Huaichun is leaving soon.

In the past three days, he has filmed scenes for three days, but he himself feels as if he has not filmed anything.

There is no performance, no modeling, long periods of silence, allowing him to breathe, feel, and speak his own words.

Gu Huaichun thought to himself, does this count as filming?
Shouldn't it count?
But if this is not counted as filming, must it only be counted as so-called performances one after another?
Gu Huaichun pondered over this question in the car that left after finishing the project.

In these short three days, he had a particularly novel experience.

And Yu Chu came on the tail of his departure.

Zhou Yun ran over excitedly and hugged her.

Yu Chu also screamed.

The way the two greeted each other made Wen Bing feel unbelievable, because he felt that the two women were like two groundhogs hugging each other.

The picture is inexplicably funny and funny.

Wen Bing took pictures for a while, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

The way Zhou Yun and Yu Chu talked in private didn't feel like a movie.

It was too solid, and too rough.

Yu Chu, in particular, completely lost the control of his expressions and looked distorted instead.

When Wen Bing walked over to interrupt them, Yu Chu came to a sudden realization in shock.

"What, you were already filming just now?"

Her pupils trembled visibly with the naked eye.

Zhou Yun hugged Yu Chu, smiled, and said, "Yes, because our director Wen Bing wants the most realistic picture."

"You two are too real, too boring and crooked, I don't want to be like this." Wen Bing said bluntly, "The whole style doesn't match what I want."

Yu Chu looked blank.

"Director, what style do you want? How does it feel?"

Wen Bing waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about it later, let Zhou Yun take you to the room first." Wen Bing waved his hand, "I will tell you about the shooting plan later."

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu were too intimate in private, which exceeded Wen Bing's expectations.

Wen Bing soon realized that he couldn't continue shooting like this, and he couldn't shoot Zhou Yun and Yu Chu in the same way as Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun.

The friendship between men and women is different from the friendship between women.

Wen Bing thought for a while by himself, and suddenly went into the room to write.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu put away their things and came out, but they couldn't find the director, and they looked bewildered and at a loss.

"Where's the director?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wang Zilin said: "He has entered the room, I don't know why he went."

Zhou Yun guessed: "Couldn't it be another impromptu script writing?"

Yu Chu stared in shock: "What, the script was written temporarily? There is no script now?"

Zhou Yun said: "The current script is more like an outline. It's okay. This is how Wen Bing's film was shot. We are almost at the end of filming."

Yu Chu said, "I, I don't have a script, so I can't act."

Zhou Yun said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Yu Chu shook his head and said, "No, I really can't, Xiaoyun, I don't have acting talent like yours, if I don't have a script, I can't prepare in advance, if I can't prepare in advance, I can't do anything Play my part."

Yu Chu had such an acting style.

She also knows where her strengths are and where her weaknesses are.

Asking her to improvise is simply an impossible task.

Yu Chu said: "If you had told me earlier that there was no script for this movie, I would definitely not have come, Xiaoyun, it's really my lack of ability, and I really can't meet your requirements."

Zhou Yun wanted to persuade Yu Chu again, but at this time, Wen Bing had already come out.

In his hand was a piece of handwritten paper that looked as if it had just been torn from a notebook.

He handed the paper to Yu Chu and said, "There is a script, this is the dialogue, we will shoot this scene later."

Zhou Yun took the paper in surprise and looked at it.

There are only a dozen lines of dialogue in total.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

However, the dialogue is very emotional.

Zhou Yun asked: "Did you write all this just now?"

Wen Bing nodded.

Zhou Yun said with emotion: "You are really a genius."

--I am coming.

—I thought you wouldn't come.

——It’s just that I haven’t asked for leave before. I’m not as decisive as you, so I quit my job just because I said it.

— Are you mocking me again?

——I mock you, envy you, and envy you, okay?I said you are cultivating yourself in this deep mountain and old forest, why are you still so sensitive?


Wen Bing said: "This is the line. After Yu Chu gets off the motorcycle, the two of you look at each other and smile. Zhou Yun walks over to Yu Chu. You haven't seen her for a while, and finally see her again." She, miss her very much, and feel bad for her at the same time, remember, this is the feeling in your eyes, and then, both of you should use the most flat tone to say these lines."

Yu Chu panicked.

"Wait, wait, let me familiarize myself with the script first."

Wen Bing asked: "Didn't you write it down just now?"

"At least there are so many words." Yu Chu said, "I'm not a god who can see ten lines and never forget."

Wen Bing said: "It doesn't matter, as long as it means that."

Yu Chu shook his head: "Director, I have to tell you seriously, I'm really not good at improvisation, if you ask me to improvise, I don't know how to act at all, the whole person is like a goose, I can only be silly Frozen in place."

Wen Bing twitched his eyebrows in surprise.

Yu Chu: "I'm serious."

Wen Bing said: "That's fine, you should familiarize yourself with the dialogue first."

Yu Chu asked Zhou Yun, "Why don't we watch it together?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

The two found two small benches, sat under the eaves, very close together, and watched the dialogue written by Wen Bing together.

Yu Chu asked: "Then what kind of mood should I shoot with? I haven't figured it out yet."

Zhou Yun said: "Don't think so much, you first construct a situational emotion yourself, anyway, Wen Bing must have been dissatisfied the first few times, you look for the feeling, and let him look for the feeling, did he shoot this movie? The idea in advance is that he came to the scene and watched the performance of the actors, which inspired his ideas."

(End of this chapter)

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