Chapter 788 Facts
This is a very helpless fact.

Yu Chu knew it himself.

She is not a talented actor, and even said that she acts purely by "brute force".

In many crews, the director has never had high demands on her, as long as all the necessary emotions are in place, the scene will pass.

It's not that the director's requirements are not high, but that they know the upper limit of Yu Chu's ability and know that she can only act to this extent.

If it weren't for the fact that the parents owed debts before, they suddenly gained some popularity, and they appeared in various dramas like a desperate Sanniang, and the frequency of brushing their faces was scary. The role, coupled with the explosion of "Deep Sea" with Zhou Yun this year, has completely boosted her popularity, and it is difficult for her to play the heroine.

But even if it is the heroine now, the directors still have the same requirements for her.

Yu Chu originally thought that he was just here to play a cameo, but who knew, he was intimidated by Wen Bing's filming method as soon as he came.

The lines are written on the spot and cannot be prepared in advance. The more anxious she is on the scene, the more unable to enter the state.

until dinner.

Yu Chu sat in his seat, looking at a table of delicious food, without any appetite.

She was really upset.

She even regretted it a little.

Seeing Yu Chu like this, Zhou Yun felt helpless.In fact, Wen Bing has already made some adjustments, and she can see it.When she was filming with Gu Huaichun, Wen Bing didn't write any lines at all, he didn't write a word, and let them act by themselves.

After dinner, Yu Chu thought she could take a rest and clear her mind, but when she saw that the staff was setting up the camera again, she was taken aback.

Wen Bing said: "We will continue filming later in the evening."

Yu Chu looked blank and asked what to shoot.

Wen Bing said: "Shooting you chatting with Zhou Yun."

Yu Chu asked, "What are you talking about?"

Wen Bing said: "I have an idea, let's talk about your children."

"Child?" Yu Chu was surprised.

"There is no script, but you just think about it, what do you want to say to Zhou Yun about your child." Wen Bing said, "Don't worry about us, I won't shout Ka, I'm wrong, talk about it It’s okay, just start over by yourself, or don’t care about it, it’s okay, just treat it as you chatting with Zhou Yun in private, understand?”

Yu Chu nodded hesitantly.

Wen Bing said: "I know, you must have never filmed a scene like this before, I want a very natural and plain feeling, you can first watch a few scenes shot by Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun, See how I feel."

Yu Chu and Wen Bing went to see it.

Wen Bing has already made the first cuts of several scenes.

Among them, Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun discuss the entertainment industry, about 6 minutes.

In the camera, neither of the two people looked at each other directly, one looked at his teacup, and the other looked at the ground, but during the conversation, they looked up at each other from time to time. When there was eye contact, the eyes of the two seemed to be There are water waves flowing, and there is a very natural and gentle atmosphere.

These two people are very harmonious in the picture, and they are not in a hurry to speak. There will even be silence and blank space between several sentences, just like two real friends who have not seen each other for a long time. In fact, they are indeed so.

Yu Chu suddenly understood what Wen Bing wanted to feel.

But knowing it is one thing, being able to do it is another.

Yu Chu felt that he couldn't do it.

She is not the kind of actor who can hang on now. If she doesn't know what she is going to say next, she will not be able to enter the state of acting, her brain will shut down, and people will panic.

She will always think about what she is going to do and what to do next.

All attention will be taken away from the character's state.

Yu Chu felt that he had to tell Wen Bing frankly.

However, when she finished speaking, Wen Bing said: "It's okay, if you don't know what to say, just think about it, say something, I said it, don't worry about your state, you and Zhou Yun will take three pictures tonight." Hours, maybe in the end I only need 3 minutes, as long as those 3 minutes are enough."

Yu Chu sighed, nodded, and said yes.



A private club.

Sitting among a table of people, Zhou Lan picked up his cup and said, "Boss Lin, thanks to your recommendation last time, Huang Zicheng got the role in director Jiang Chao's new play. I have to toast you."

The others booed immediately.

"Xiao Zhou, why do you respect Mr. Jiang? Isn't director Jiang Chao's play produced by Mr. Huang's company? Why don't you respect Mr. Huang?"

Zhou Lan said: "I respect each one, don't worry."

A group of people laugh.

"I think Xiao Zhou, you just think Mr. Lin is young and handsome, so you are the first to respect Mr. Lin. We greasy middle-aged uncles, you Xiao Zhou look down on you."

Zhou Lan showed an innocent smile, and said: "Mr. Chen, you are really embarrassing me. I have no right to look down on you. Besides, how can you be greasy middle-aged uncles? You obviously maintain a good figure. It’s so good, you must be exercising all the time, right? Last time, Mr. Chen, you said you wanted to ask me to play golf together, why didn’t you call me?”

Mr. Chen: "Who said I didn't call you anymore? I clearly sent you two messages, but you rejected them both."

"That's because I'm not in BJ, and I haven't seen you send me a message every time I come to BJ." Zhou Lan sighed, "Oh, I also know that I am not very beautiful, so I am not very flattering Always liked it."

Mr. Chen: "Hey, who said you are not beautiful? I never said that. In my eyes, you are the most beautiful person in the world."

Zhou Lanmei turned her eyes and said, "Really?"

She smiled coquettishly, "Then Mr. Chen said so, so I believe it."


It was late at night, and it was early in the morning. Zhou Lan just ended the drinking party and came out of this private club.

Her cheeks were red from drinking too much wine.

I can't drive a car, so I can only call a substitute driver.

Zhou Lan thought about whether to ask for a substitute driver, or just take a taxi and go home.

BJ at this time is already very cold.

The temperature is low.

The wind blew rustlingly, straight into the neck.

Zhou Lan thought that if he took a taxi back directly, he would come to pick up the car tomorrow morning, so he decided to call a substitute driver.

At this moment, a car suddenly stopped in front of her.

With the window down, it's Mr. Lin.

Lin Zhiping.

Although this man also drank, he couldn't tell from his face.

He glanced at Zhou Lan with concern, and asked, "Mr. Zhou, do you need me to ask the driver to take you back first?"

Zhou Lan looked at this handsome, young and promising man with flattery, and said, "Thank you Mr. Lin, I've called a valet driver, no need."

Upon hearing this, Lin Zhiping nodded, then rolled up the car window and left.

Zhou Lan glanced at the back of the car leaving, feeling a touch of disappointment in his heart.

If Lin Zhiping really cared about her, he should have asked one more question, so she wouldn't just leave after saying no, right?
As soon as this thought crossed Zhou Lan's mind, Zhou Lan reacted, and quickly scolded himself with a smile, what were he thinking.

Just now Mr. Chen said that Lin Zhiping is young and handsome, not an exaggeration.

He did.

Young is of course compared to other people at the dinner table.

Lin Zhiping is 35 years old, but he is really keeping fit. He has a good figure and can see the outline of his muscles even in a shirt.

Six months ago, his wife died of cancer.

After that, I don't know how many women stared at him.

When Zhou Lan saw him for the first time, he was a little moved.

There are few women who are not attracted to a handsome, successful man.

But Zhou Lan soon figured it out, she and Lin Zhiping basically had nothing to do with each other.

The two are not from the same world at all.

Lin Zhiping is not a person in the film and television industry.

He works in architectural design, but because of his good relationship with Mr. Chen, he is often dragged by Mr. Chen to participate in their group's dinner.

Every time Zhou Lan came to BJ to invite these people to dinner, Mr. Chen would usually invite Lin Zhiping.

After going back and forth, Zhou Lan became familiar with him.

Of course, they are just casual acquaintances, and they have never met or contacted each other in private.

But Zhou Lan remembered them.

The circle is like this, it is best to know people from all walks of life, you don't know when you will need help from others.

Zhou Lan opened the software and was about to call a substitute driver. Suddenly, a car turned around from the opposite side, drove over, and stopped in front of her again.

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

The car window was lowered, revealing Lin Zhiping's face again.

He opened the car door, got out of the car, and stood in front of her.

He said: "Miss Zhou, why don't you cancel the surrogate driver and I'll take you back. Which hotel are you staying at?"

(End of this chapter)

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