"Lin Zhiping?"

This was the first time Zhou Yun had heard of this name.

Zhou Lan said: "Well, I'm a little suspicious now that he has that much interest in me, but I'm not particularly sure."

Zhou Yun said: "Since he took the initiative to send you home, and came to look for you again after you explicitly refused, I don't think there is any doubt. He just likes you. Otherwise, why would he do these things? ?”

Zhou Lan said, "I'm just worried that he's just displaying his gentlemanly demeanor."

"His behavior has exceeded the normal gentleman's demeanor. Sister Lan, you know in your heart that he must be really interested in you." Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan on the phone while giving himself a cup of tea Pour water, "How wonderful, he has a successful career, is handsome, and is so considerate, why hesitate, go and try."

Zhou Lan: "How to try?"

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Just to express my gratitude to him for sending you off last night, you invite him to dinner."

Zhou Lan: "Ah? Why dinner?"

Zhou Yun said: "Don't you have lunch? After lunch, you have to go to work separately. Of course, you have dinner. After dinner, you can go to watch a movie, or go for a walk, or go to the bar." Have some wine."

Zhou Lan: "..."

"The filming of my scene is about to finish. After I finish filming, I will help you identify one or two." Zhou Yun said, "I happen to be going to BJ to shoot commercials."

Zhou Lan said: "You are really enough. When it comes to this kind of thing, why are you so excited?"

Zhou Yun said: "Of course I'm excited, I see you have been quiet, and now the peach blossoms are finally here."

Zhou Yun didn't say anything, but he was always thinking about Zhou Lan in his heart.

Zhou Lan is not the kind of person who doesn't want to get married, but he is usually too busy with work, even if he has contact with people, he will soon forget each other because of his busy work.

Moreover, Zhou Lan's requirements are also very high, and he has never met a particularly suitable one.

Zhou Yun felt that there was no need for Zhou Lan to lower his requirements for this, but it was a little urgent to be urgent.

Zhou Yun hopes that Zhou Lan can find a suitable person as soon as possible according to his own wishes.

Thinking of the previous photographer, Zhou Yun felt it was a pity.

Judging from Zhou Lan's reaction at the time, she should actually love that photographer very much.

It's just that they are too young to consider marriage at all.

This was far from Zhou Lan's needs, and the two finally broke up.

Zhou Yun thinks that this man named Lin Zhiping is not bad, the main reason is that he is 35 years old, and he is different from those young men who are not in a hurry to get married.

At least in the general direction of marriage, he and Zhou Lan are compatible.

After seeing Zhou Yun hang up the phone, Yu Chu asked curiously, "Are you calling Song Chi?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, I was calling Sister Lan just now."

"I haven't seen Sister Lan for a long time." Yu Chu said, "How is she?"

Zhou Yun said: "I have been busy with work, I hope to have good news."

Yu Chu: "Sister Lan, is she planning to get married? Or is she not planning to get married?"

Zhou Yun: "Sister Lan herself wants to get married, but she has been busy with work these past few years, and has no time to fall in love, which also wastes time."

"There should be quite a few men pursuing Sister Lan, right? I've heard that several people are pursuing her before."

"Yes, there are, but one is that those who pursue her, she does not call in particular, and the other is that she is not in the mood to fall in love with others. This is what she told me. She said that she has no mind at all now. Enjoy the sweetness and troubles of that kind of love, just want to have something real."

Yu Chu hummed.

She propped her cheek with one hand and yawned.


"Didn't sleep well." Yu Chu said, "I missed my son last night."

Hearing this, Zhou Yun sighed, and said, "That's because you can't sleep, so what do you usually do in the crew?"

"Sometimes it's Yin Zhou, and sometimes it's the nanny we hired, who will bring him to live with me on the set for a while." Yu Chu said, "Every time I'm separated from him, I feel very uncomfortable and feel sorry for him. When he needed me the most, I couldn't be by his side all the time."

Zhou Yun not only sighed when he heard the words.

"But there's really no other way." Yu Chu shook his head, "I've already wasted some of my best time in giving birth to him, if I don't seize this moment now, in another year, the fame that "Deep Sea" brought me And the heat may be gone again."

Zhou Yun: "Don't push yourself too hard, you should take more rest, I think you are really full of work every day."

Yu Chu: "The sense of crisis is too strong. I used to forget it. Now that I have another child, I dare not relax at all. I just hope to have more and better things to provide him with the best growth. environment."

Zhou Yun could somewhat understand Yu Chu's thoughts.

She said: "But you are the mother of the child. If you break down, you can't take care of your child."

Yu Chu held Zhou Yun's hand and said, "Don't worry about this, I won't be so tired that my body will collapse."


On the day Yu Chu finished filming the last scene, Wen Bing finally gave the movie a name.


One word.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment when he knew the name of the movie was "Year".

The main reason is that generally this word does not appear in the form of a single word.

People often use words such as time and peace.

Why did Wen Bing choose such a name?
Although he didn't understand, Zhou Yun liked the name.

There is a sense of stillness.

In the evening, Wen Bing took Zhou Yun and the two of them for a walk on the country road.

Each of the two held a flashlight in their hand to light the way ahead of them.

"During the filming period, I always felt very peaceful in my heart. Because of the small cost, there were not many people who would bother you and affect you. I just stayed in this place with everyone and filmed at a leisurely pace. This feeling really It's great." Wen Bing said, "I enjoy this state so much that I don't even want to make the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers."

Zhou Yun smiled, and said softly: "How can I not shoot, if you don't shoot Yao Yuanfeng, I will grab you to shoot."

Wen Bing also knew that it was impossible for him not to shoot.

"I'm a little envious of you now."

"What do you envy me for?"

"It's up to you to decide what movie you want to make, and no one can control your decision anymore."

"You're talking nonsense. Although I have the initiative to take on the show, I can't be influenced by others."

Zhou Yun said: "But I do have a little more autonomy than you."

Wen Bing: "It would have been nice if I hadn't signed with Yao Yuanfeng for so long."

"How is that possible? If he wants to invest in you, he will definitely sign with you for so long." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, objectively speaking, he treats you well enough. Don't be afraid of a big production like "One Mountain Two Tigers" If the director couldn’t accept it, he would send it directly to you. It’s one thing if you don’t like filming, but you have to admit that this is a very good project for any new director. Work with Liang Yuanpu!"

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