Last day of June.

Fenghuang Town was very windy.

Zhou Yun stood in front of the house where she lived, and took a photo with all the crew.

"See you in summer." Wen Bing said.

Everyone applauded.

For the past [-] days of filming, everyone fought side by side here, created together, and lived together. For them, this is a very precious memory.

Zhou Yun and Liu Yun packed up their things. Half of the box was food given to them by Xiuxiu's mother, including bacon, radish skins, chili sauce, and perilla cakes made at home.

Before Zhou Yun left, he bought a farewell gift for Xiuxiu.

She said: "Xiuxiu, it will be summer when we meet next time, don't forget Aunt Xiaoyun."

Xiuxiu said: "I will never forget it."

Zhou Yun smiled and touched Xiuxiu's head.

When leaving here, Zhou Yun felt a sense of loss.

She was sitting in the car heading to the airport, looking out at the sky through the window.The sky is cloudy, silent, and turbid. I don't know if it's clouds or fog, but they all roll together, one side is thicker, this side is lighter, but they are all gray.


"Welcome back."

Zhou Lan picked up Zhou Yun at the airport and hugged her.

Wearing sunglasses, Zhou Yun walked out with Zhou Lan.

"Is it very cold here at BJ?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said, "The temperature is about the same as the place where you filmed."

"That means it's very cold." Zhou Yun said, "We'll stay in BJ for ten days, and then we'll fly to Australia. It's summer over there, right?"

"Well." Zhou Lan said, "I really want to go with you, but I have too many jobs here, and I can't leave at all."

Zhou Yun said: "When you are a little free, come over for a vacation and rest for two days."

Zhou Lan said: "How can there be that time? Yu Chu's contract for a new play has not yet been negotiated. A French director from Xiao Jing sent an audition invitation. I want to accompany her to France, and then Yu Zhiyang , Wen Bing likes him very much, and recommended him to a new movie directed by Lu Bin, and I'm going to talk about a bunch of things."

When Zhou Yun heard Zhou Lan say this, he could only say, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"I've really worked hard." Zhou Lan said very seriously, "Fortunately, Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting brought Xiaoju to bring it, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to transfer."

"Where's the assistant you found for yourself?"

"I'm so incompetent at work, I let her go." Zhou Lan said, "It's really hard to find a useful assistant."

Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoyun, Zheng Xiaowen asked you to try on dresses, but the queue is basically full these days after you, so I can only ask them to take the clothes to the place where you shoot the commercial the day after tomorrow to try on." Zhou Lan said , "She is a little dissatisfied, but we really can't schedule the time here. The two commercials have already made an appointment. It will take four days to shoot. In addition to the commercials, we also need to record two programs, which have already been scheduled. Our flight guests have been waiting for your schedule."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then explain it to her, just try the size."

Zhou Lan: "That's what I said too. Originally, this time you went to the Golden Globe Awards to choose their dresses, which is already giving them face."

Zhou Yun said: "Don't say that, they have to go through a lot of processes to design a dress, it's very hard, and it's normal to hope that we can seriously go to them to try it on."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan nodded.

"Let me tell you about the two programs you are going to record now." Zhou Lan said, "The first is Yue Hai's self-made variety show "Comedy Comes". The comedy team performed works on stage, and then went to PK, and you, as their flying guest in the final, went to participate in the recording of the show.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

"The second is Liu Yuan's new program "Visiting Life". Because Teacher Liu Yuan personally wrote an invitation letter, and he has always had a good relationship with you, I will directly accept it for you."

Zhou Yun said, "Brother Liu's new show? What kind of show is this?"

Zhou Lan said: "It's not a variety show. His program is to go to a place in each episode and live for three days. During these three days, he can feel the local culture and customs."

When Zhou Yun heard this, his eyes lit up.

"This show is okay. Brother Liu still has some feelings for him, which is good." Zhou Yun said, "When will it be recorded?"

Zhou Lan said: "Record on the 5th and finish recording on the 8th."

When Zhou Yun heard this, he frowned immediately, "Then I'll finish recording on the 8th and go directly to Song Chi, and I'm going to fly to Australia on the 10th, well, then I can only spend one day with him."

Zhou Lan hummed.

"What are you humming?"

"It's nothing." Zhou Lan shook his head and smiled.

Zhou Yun always felt that Zhou Lan was hiding something from her.

"Oh, and also, the program "Geological Tan" has been inviting you, and I want you to return to their program for a few episodes, but I have been blocking it for you."

"Oh, that show is too tiring, forget it." Zhou Yun shook her head, she didn't particularly like this show either.

When recording the program before, the recording was not pleasant.


After Zhou Lan finished talking about these things, he started talking about the endorsement.

"The fast-moving consumer brands on you are basically expired now. I have no plans to renew the contract. I am going to talk to them to see if they are willing to find Yu Chu and Xiaojing." Zhou Lan said, "Except for the fast-moving consumer brands that are not renewed. Apart from the contract, I plan to renew some other well-known brands with good cooperation, but there is one brand that I plan not to renew."

"Which one?"

"Blink." Zhou Lan said, "Although this company is said to be a top-notch blue blood, their executives have been refusing to give us a title promotion. We have been working together for almost two years. Other brands have even given us the spokesperson for the Asia-Pacific region. Blink It still only gives you the status of the spokesperson of the Greater China region, on the contrary, the two spokespersons of Japan and South Korea have been promoted to the spokesperson of the Asia-Pacific region."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun agreed so quickly, Zhou Lan was stunned.

She: "You don't think about it anymore?"

"We don't lack a Blink right now. What is there to consider? One less endorsement, and I will shoot less commercials. It's easy." Zhou Yun said, "Didn't you also say that? The spokespersons of Japan and South Korea are promoted to the Asia-Pacific region." I'm the spokesperson, so why am I still being so angry?"

Zhou Lan smiled.

"It's okay if those two people have been working with Blink longer than you, but both of them have just endorsed for a year, and they are both members of idol groups. They have no real achievements at all, even if they are as popular as Blackpink. What do you say?" Zhou Lan said.

Actually, Blink's reaction was very abnormal.

Zhou Yun's rising momentum can be seen with the naked eye, especially when the international production "Killing Song" is about to start filming. Under such circumstances, other brands are eager to keep Zhou Yun and prevent her from being snatched away by other brands, but Blink is extremely arrogant. .

Zhou Yun understood why Zhou Lan was angry.

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