Things at work are always so troublesome, and I have to face them.

Before she knew it, Zhou Yun had become a big star——she was often in a trance and couldn't react to this point.

Sometimes, when I wake up from a dream, I think about my experiences in the past few years, and I don’t know whether it is true or not, and I feel a sense of disillusionment.

Of course, in the end, all emotions will slowly fall like dust, and all thoughts will fall back into place one after another. After that, the reality will be in front of you one by one and firmly in your heart.

On the first night back in Beijing, Zhou Yun cleaned the house up and down and broke out in a sweat.

In fact, there is nothing to clean. Before she came back, Zhou Lan had already arranged for someone to clean it. Otherwise, with the rhythm of her and Song Chi's long-term filming outside, the house would have been piled up with dust.

But Zhou Yun still cleaned it by himself.This is her own sense of ritual, leaving everything outside and finding her own sense of reality here.

A heavy rain suddenly fell.

Zhou Yun was still cutting oranges, when suddenly there was a flash of lightning, which was so bright that it seemed to split the whole world in half, with an astonishing momentum.

Zhou Yun almost trembled and cut his own hand.

The wind roared like a roar, and the clouds surged like the sea.

When she cut the orange and brought it to the coffee table and sat down, the sky was already dark as if it would turn into thick black ink in the next moment.

It's like black magic.

Zhou Yun sat on the carpet and ate a piece of orange seriously.

It was at this time that the rain started to fall.

Zhou Yun took a picture outside the window, and posted a Moments, saying: Just came back, there was a lot of rain.

Gu Huaichun immediately left a message under her circle of friends: Finished?

Immediately follow the second: Why don't we come and play together?I was playing Chamber of Secrets with some friends.

Zhou Yun: It's raining so hard, I don't want to go out, you guys can play.

After a while, Wen Xi called.

"Hey Xiaoyun, are you in BJ now?"

"Well, yes." Zhou Yun said, "What about you?"

"Yes." Wen Xi said, "I want to ask you, do you want to come to my house to play mahjong?"

Zhou Yun: "Mahjong? Ah, I don't know how."

"You don't know how to play mahjong? Okay." Wen Xi said, "Then I can only find someone else."

Zhou Yun smiled and hummed.

hang up the phone.

After a while, someone contacted her again, it was Ning Yao.

"You went back to BJ?"

Zhou Yun already regretted posting this Moments.

"Well, I just got back, Sister Ning Yao, are you in BJ?"

"I'm drinking with someone at the bar, do you want to come?" Ning Yao said, "Liu Yuan and Yin Lin are here."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Now?"

Ning Yao said: "That's right, it's also rare that we both have time and can get together. I just saw your circle of friends and knew you were there."

Zhou Yun said: "I just came back, I'm a little tired, and I don't want to make a fuss."

"Oh, come on, we haven't seen each other for so long, and Liu Yuan also said that it's been a long time since I saw you." Ning Yao said, "It's so hard to see you at ordinary times, and finally I have time."

After Ning Yao said so, Zhou Yun had no choice but to agree.

Without doing much, I put on some lipstick, put on my sunglasses and went out.

It's okay in BJ, she can drive by herself.It's just that she was going to the bar to drink, and she probably won't be able to go back by herself later, and she planned to ask Cao Jun to pick her up when she came back later.

All the way through the past, it is relatively smooth.

Zhou Yun arrived at the place, walked in, and found several people in the room shaking dice.

As soon as she showed up, Ning Yao, Liu Yuan and the others cheered immediately.

"You're finally here!" Ning Yao ran over excitedly and hugged Zhou Yun vigorously, "Oh, I've finally put on some flesh recently. I'm not as thin as before, and I look good."

Liu Yuan immediately said: "No way, I think you are still very thin, you should eat more, you look thin even on camera."

Zhou Yun had indeed not seen them for a long time.

She said with a smile: "I need to do some more training now, and I will be filming "Killing Song" soon. It would be bad if the muscle lines are not obvious."

Liu Yuan said: "You have a good figure and a vest line, which is very good."

"Really?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Yuan: "Of course it's true, when did I tell you a lie?"

"I heard that you collaborated with Wen Bing on another movie?" After sitting down, Ning Yao asked curiously.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

"How come you and Wen Bing have collaborated in so many dramas without feeling tired?" Chen Quanying spoke.

Zhou Yun and Chen Quanying have not seen each other for a long time.

The queen of the song has become more like a ghost recently, basically not appearing in front of the public, but she appeared here today.

Zhou Yun said: "Fortunately, the subject matter of each of our collaborations is different, and there is a lot of freshness. Moreover, he is not the kind of director whose shooting method remains the same."

Chen Quanying said: "You have cooperated with Wen Bing so much, you are almost his queen heroine."

Yin Lin answered with a smile: "It's not wrong to say that. If I remember correctly, since Wen Bing's first movie, you have been the heroine in every movie, right?"

"Actually, "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is not. At that time, I just went to help out in a cameo scene."

"But there is no more female role than you, and it's still the heroine." Yin Lin said, "It's great that an actor can meet such a director who appreciates you and can shoot you well. dream."

Zhou Yun smiled and remained silent.

In the circle of actresses, there is nothing to say about Zhou Yun's strength, but so is his luck, which no one would deny.

In comparison, Yin Lin's career as an actress is much more difficult.

At the beginning, she could only play a role in various scenes, which was better than group acting. She was able to shoot a few words, but they were all very small roles.

Slowly accumulated some experience and contacts, started to get in touch with roles with more roles, and then struggled all the way. There was no chance of overnight fame, so I had to persist like this, and then I met the movie that made her win the actress. In the play, she was really seen.

Yin Lin said this not because of jealousy, but because of feeling.

"It's really important to have a director who can shoot you and is good at exploring your characteristics." Ning Yao complained, "I acted in a movie before, and when it was finally released, I was stunned. My performance in the feature film was very special. It's funny, it's not what I imagined at all, and I was scolded by many people in the last movie, and it took me a long time to get over it."

"There is no way for actors to avoid this, and there are too few things that they can decide and control." Yin Lin said.

Chen Quanying looked at them in surprise, and said, "The three of you are all movie queens, how few things can you decide and control?"

Zhou Yun didn't speak.She knows that she now has a lot of power to speak, almost to the point of deciding how a movie will go, so she doesn't want to simply echo a few words at this time.

Because it is not.

Ning Yao explained: "It's not that I'm particularly passive, but it's not like a singer. Whether you sing well or not depends on the singer's performance on stage. You don't need to cooperate with other people to complete a song, but we actors Acting, how it will look in the end, director, editing, producer... It is related to too many people, and everyone's opinion is changing your final appearance."

Chen Quanying: "We also need to cooperate with the band when we sing."

"Well, that's actually what it means. If you meet a bad band, what you produce is completely different from what you want to express. No matter how good your singing is, it will make the audience sound nondescript."

"Oh, that's what you mean."

Liu Yuan said: "But no matter what, you are already doing very well in this industry."

"Huh? Is Song Chi in BJ?" Chen Quanying asked suddenly, "I haven't seen him for a long time, if he is in BJ, why not call him over together?"

Zhou Yun explained: "He is filming in other places."

Liu Yuan said: "Brother Chi has really worked hard these two years and has been filming non-stop. Looking back now, at least he was lame for a while last year and had to rest. Not out of breath."

Everyone laughed.

"Song Chi, why is he still working so hard when he's in this role?" Chen Quanying asked incomprehensibly, "He debuted early, became popular early, he doesn't lack money, awards, and status, and he still works so hard, why? Don’t you know how to enjoy life so much?”

Liu Yuan glanced at Zhou Yun, seeing that it was not convenient for Zhou Yun to explain, he took the initiative to say: "Well, he has very high demands on himself, and the filming is not for money or awards. Think about it, he started his own company, then How about a big team, if he doesn't film, how will the people in the company support him?"

Ning Yao nodded and said, "Actually, I really admire Song Chi for this. You've watched him act for so long, and he hasn't let up at all. There are times when I don't want to act and just want to be lazy, but he never does."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and felt that he still had to say something at this time.

"His previous agency was in Zuo Jing. When he was in Zuo Jing, he couldn't follow his own way when he took on the scenes. When he was filming "Questing the Heart", he went back and forth for several years, and finally it was about to start filming. His company still I was trying to persuade him to use a director familiar to the company, and he said that he had been inviting director Jiang Xin, but the director disagreed. In fact, he just sent an invitation, and then there was no more. The company is now, and no one restrains him, so he wants to act in all the plays he wants to act, and he doesn't know how to refuse, and he is too embarrassed to refuse."

"Zuo Jing? So his boss is Luo Zhiqiu?" Chen Quanying suddenly realized when she heard this, "So it's that woman, she's really top quality."

Zhou Yun didn't expect to hear Chen Quanying say that.


Chen Quanying said: "I recorded a talent show before, and her company sent a few young boys. They were all scumbags with only looks and nothing. She was ashamed to send them to the bottom of the mountain with that tune. I was eliminated, and she called me late at night to ask me why."

Chen Quanying's tone seemed to wish to spit on Luo Zhiqiu.

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