Chapter 792
"Speaking of which, I didn't even think about it, Sister Quan Ying, why would you become a mentor on a talent show?" Yin Lin asked.

Chen Quanying said: "What else could it be? Money, people pay more money, and I didn't have any other jobs at the time, so I took it."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"The main reason is that the identity of an audition show mentor is too inconsistent with you. It's almost the same if you go to a singing competition show as a mentor."

Chen Quanying: "Oh, let's put it this way, in addition to the consideration of my agent persuading me to take this job, there is another important point. I really want to know what these young kids like and think. Sometimes I feel that , am I outdated, will anyone listen to my singing?"

Ning Yao immediately raised his hand and said, "Yes, I am your loyal fan."

Chen Quanying immediately said: "Go aside, you are in your thirties, and you are not a young child."

Ning Yao: "..."

Liu Yuan couldn't help laughing, patted Ning Yao on the shoulder, and said, "Children in their thirties."

Chen Quanying clicked his tongue, "I've been thinking about this question for a long time. When will I retire from singing? It seems that I am now standing in this industry based on my qualifications. I used to hold concerts that were full of houses, but now I dare not open them." I'm worried that no one will buy tickets."

"Why, Sister Quanying, you still have a lot of loyal fans." Yin Lin said, "Although children nowadays like young idols, it doesn't mean that people who like you will disappear. There are also many fans around me." People are asking why you haven’t held a concert for so long.”

Chen Quanying: "Is there anyone going to see my concert? The tickets can't be sold."

Zhou Yun said: "No, sister Quan Ying, it's just that you haven't come out to sing very much in the past two years, so it seems that your fans have decreased, but if you come out to sing a few more songs, everyone knows that you are still there." If you are singing, you will definitely come back."

"That's not the case." Chen Quanying picked up the wine glass, "Okay, okay, stop talking about my problems, drink."

Seeing this, everyone had no choice but to toast and clink.

"I saw Wang Jie some time ago." Chen Quanying said, "He was framed by someone to suck D, and he retired after that. I haven't seen him for so many years, and I almost didn't recognize him. The whole person is fat and fat. After walking around for a long time, he greeted me with a smile, and I felt very uncomfortable in my heart. It’s really a pity for him. Although the truth about his smoking D came out later, no one remembered him. He was really a person back then. Someone who can sing."

Zhou Yun didn't know much about the music world, and he didn't know who Chen Quanying was talking about, so he couldn't empathize with Chen Quanying.

Liu Yuan seemed to know it, and sighed after listening.

"Actually, I've always wanted to do a program to bring together those who are particularly good but have left our industry by mistake, or who have never had the opportunity to be known by everyone, and bring them together to introduce them to everyone. I know." Liu Yuan said, "It's just that this idea has been difficult to realize, and I haven't found a particularly good plan or idea, and I don't know how to push it."

Chen Quanying's eyes lit up, and said: "Hey, Liu Yuan, I think your idea is very good."

"The idea is very good, but we can't just find a program to put people in. There must be some design so that everyone can see their talents." Liu Yuan said, "It's too difficult, and there is no platform and The production team is interested, everyone just wants to be popular, and no one cares about those who are not popular.”

Ning Yao said: "It's okay, Liu Yuan, if one day you do such a show and need my help, just give me a call and I'll come."

Chen Quanying said: "Yes, if we need help, I will definitely go."

Zhou Yun said: "Actually, Brother Liu, I think your new program "Visiting Life" can do this. Don't you invite guests to visit a place in each episode and participate in the local life?"

Liu Yuan shook his head and said: "From my experience, programs like "Visit Life" are more about highlighting the characters and personal charms of the artists themselves, but people like the ones we mentioned just now, I actually prefer Let everyone see their own talents. To the audience, they are actually not famous, they are just ordinary people. At this time, to highlight their character and personality charm, not to mention whether they really please the audience, even if they are , This kind of enthusiasm created by liking, or the illusion of being popular, can't actually last for too long."

Zhou Yun understood.

She nodded: "I see, it's really difficult to say that."

Chen Quanying: "Tell me, you might as well refer to a program like "I Am a Singer" and gather a group of people to compete."

Liu Yuan said: "I also thought about it, but to be honest, the success of "I Am a Singer" is difficult to replicate. It first attracted attention because of its concept, a group of famous singers are competing, it After it became popular, many programs that copied it became less and less popular.”

In variety shows, creativity and cast are all important.

A program without creativity cannot attract viewers to watch.

If the program does not have good ideas, even if a group of popular superstars are brought in, it may be a bloody situation.

"Hey, by the way, Yin Lin, didn't you film a drama with Liang Yuanpu before? Why hasn't it aired yet? I've been waiting to watch it." Chen Quanying asked.

She was talking about the "Flowering Period" co-produced by Yue Hai and Pai Mengqi.

Yin Lin said: "It is said that there is a problem with the trial, and we are coordinating."

"Will it be broadcast abroad?" Chen Quanying asked, "When the show was promoted, it was said that it had a very gorgeous international cast, and there were Korean and Japanese actors."

Yin Lin nodded.

"The actors are really big. Nakajima Sui and Jin Bumcheng are officially announced actors. Besides the two of them, there are actually several very famous actors who have come to play." Yin Lin said, "If it wasn't for the Yue Hai participated in the production of this drama, and maybe even our Chinese actors will not be able to play the leading role.”

Chen Quanying said: "Should Korean and Japanese actors play us Chinese? Whoever dares to do this will wait to be scolded."

"Yeah, that's what we all said, so in the end this movie is based on which country I am from, and the nationality of the character." Yin Lin said, "A lot of things happened during the filming of this movie. A Korean actress, Jin Sailin, was dissatisfied with why He Wenyun could play the leading role. At that time, He Wenyun hadn’t released a single film, and she was a complete newcomer. She bullied He Wenyun on the set, and was slapped twice by He Wenyun, which scared everyone .”

Chen Quanying's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is He Wenyun so awesome? She has a strong temper."

Yin Lin smiled and said, "That's right, no one dared to say anything to her after she slapped those two slaps anyway, and Jin Sailin really doesn't have eyes, and she doesn't want to watch such a big cast." , He Wenyun can play the heroine, she must have some skills, she can still bully He Wenyun, I can't figure out what she was thinking, later Jin Sailin became more honest, and she was very respectful in front of He Wenyun. I think He Wenyun This little girl is amazing."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ning Yao's mouth.

"I also dealt with Jin Sailin once. I was filming "The Mortal Realm" in Korea. One night, Zhao Weicheng took me to a party, and Jin Sailin was there. I went to the bathroom and heard her inside. Complained to others, saying that I robbed her of the opportunity, and "The Mortal Realm" was planning to find her as the heroine." Ning Yao said, "I was surprised when I heard that, and I asked director Jin Bingde, and the director said that he didn't have it at all. After looking for Jin Sailin, I went to ask the producer, and the producer has never heard of it, so I found out that she was talking nonsense outside."

"Why is this kind of person like this?" Chen Quanying said with a straight face when she heard this, "If I meet this kind of person, I will definitely slap her in the face."

"He Wenyun is very clear." Zhou Yun said, "Besides, she is also polite, although she is not very enthusiastic, she is not the kind of person who will do anything casually. If she can force her to do something, it is estimated that Jin Sailin has gone too far. "

"Oh, yes, you have worked with He Wenyun, right?"

"Well, "Deep Sea"." Zhou Yun said, "After cooperating with this film, she returned to China to film such a film, and then went abroad again."

Yin Lin said: "There is also "Flowering Period". Although this drama has Pemonchi's investment, Yue Hai is still the main producer. He Wenyun signed the domestic film and television contract to Yue Hai, so Yue Hai let He Wenyun play the heroine .”

Zhou Yun said: "Yue Hai treats her very well."

"That's right. At that time, a producer had been looking for her on the set, wanting to let her act in another play, but she refused anyway. She went to the United States after filming "Flowering Period." Yin Lin said, "Although In this way, it didn't affect her filming in "Flowering Period". Anyway, after I finished filming this film with her, I think this girl is very powerful, her acting skills are really good, and she is very indifferent when dealing with anyone, neither humble nor overbearing. "

Zhou Yun discovered that the few of them talked about almost any topic, and they didn't have any taboos.There should have been many gatherings like this.

She is participating for the first time.

Of course, her presence did not make the atmosphere of their party awkward.

Among them, Chen Quanying may be a little less familiar - but Chen Quanying herself is a relatively cheerful person who doesn't see people very much.

Everyone chatted until about 09:30 in the evening, and then dispersed.

Liu Yuan also asked her if she wanted to go to another bureau with him.

Zhou Yun refused.

"I still have work tomorrow."

Liu Yuan nodded and said, "Then we'll see you in two days."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Cao Jun had already driven his car to the door and waited for her.

After Zhou Yun went out with others, he saw Cao Jun at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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