"Thank you for your hard work. Let's take a trip at night." Zhou Yun said.

Cao Jun smiled and said, "It's not hard, I'll send you back directly?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Just go back."

Cao Jun said yes.

Drive all the way back.

Who knew this point, there was still a little traffic jam on the way back.

"Why is the road so congested today?" Zhou Yun asked.

Cao Jun said, "Who knows."

Zhou Yun hadn't seen Cao Jun for a long time.

During this time, he has been training a security team of their own at the BJ Gang studio.

This is mainly Zhou Yun's needs.

Several times they encountered danger, which made Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan have to be vigilant.

Zhou Yun asked: "Brother Cao, you have worked hard during this time. I heard that you hired a few people and are training them."

Cao Jun said: "It just so happens that you can use it when you fly to Australia this time. You have encountered some dangers when you went abroad a few times. Although I am not particularly satisfied with their training level now, I will use it first. I will personally led the team."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you."

According to Zhou Lan's arrangement, in the first three years, Cao Jun was given 300 million yuan per year to build a team to be responsible for Zhou Yun's security work.

If Zhou Yun doesn't go abroad, he can go to other artists to help.

In addition to the 300 million, Cao Jun himself can now get an annual salary of nearly one million.

This is a very high price in the market.

But Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun insisted on doing so.

Zhou Lan said to him: "Cao Jun, you, me, Xiaoju, the three of us are the first three people who followed Xiaoyun. We are Xiaoyun's strongest and most trustworthy team. Xiaoyun keeps saying that if she doesn't make money Forget it, she has made money, she will definitely not treat us badly, now I have my own studio and become independent from Chengqian, I also say the same thing, I trust you, but it is difficult to trust others, Xiaoyun's trip It's safe, I don't worry about anyone except for you, do you understand what I mean?"

Cao Jun said at the time: "Don't worry, I understand."

Zhou Lan said again: "I don't want to draw big cakes for you, but our studio will grow bigger and bigger. Of course, even if it doesn't succeed in the end, Xiaoyun still needs this team. Every time we travel now The security of the event is the responsibility of the event organizer or the production company. To be honest, this is too disturbing, especially in a foreign country. There is no one of your own. If something goes wrong, you can do nothing but call the police, but it is not Every call to the police is useful. We need you very much, so we will give you a basic salary of 80 yuan, and on this basis, you will get a bonus at the end of each year."

Cao Jun never thought that he would have such a high income one day.

He is from the army.

He has abilities, but in this peaceful age, he doesn't have much use for them.

At the beginning, the income was tens of thousands, because the wages of working for artists are much higher than those of auxiliary policemen and security guards.

To be honest, when Cao Jun was arranged to drive her beside Zhou Yun, he never thought that one day this little girl would be in the position she is today.

He never thought that in just a few years, his annual income could exceed one million.


The next day, Zhou Yun had lunch with director Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin is still very energetic and very happy.

"I just finished writing the script of a play I've always wanted to make." Jiang Xin said, "There was a role I wanted to ask you to play, but after thinking about it, I changed her to a younger one." The girls in this drama will be a little better."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's okay, there must be a better pairing, so just do it."

Jiang Xin has not been idle in the past year. First, he worked on the post-editing of "Chen Yin". I became the producer of two online dramas, both of which helped newcomers to direct their platforms.

Zhou Yun really admires Jiang Xin.Jiang Xin is already so old, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is highly respected. Under such circumstances, his creative energy is still so amazing!
It is undeniable that a person's creativity will actually decline with age, and only a very small number of people can avoid this rule.

Director Jiang Xin is obviously like this.

Moreover, what shocked Zhou Yun the most was that Jiang Xin even wrote an original script by himself.

Especially TV shows.

In this field, creating a large-scale original script is really time-consuming and energy-consuming.Generally, big directors have their own screenwriters who they use and cooperate with regularly, and they don't know how to write by themselves.Jiang Xin still writes by himself.

Zhou Yun asked: "Director, what kind of story is your new script?"

Jiang Xin said: "Well, a story about a teenager who wants to be an architect, growing up."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Is it filming the growth of a teenager?"

Jiang Xin nodded.

Zhou Yun was very surprised.

"Then how old is his age span?" Zhou Yun asked.

Jiang Xin said: "From the very beginning when he was 12 years old, we had to photograph him until he was 30 years old."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Then it's not about finding at least two actors to play him in different stages?"

Jiang Xin nodded and said, "That's right."

Zhou Yun knows that domestic dramas often use small actors or young actors to play their childhood, but they are usually used as episodes, with no more than five episodes.

But director Jiang Xin definitely didn't mean that.

When filming the boy's growth process, basically every stage must be filmed.

That means that actors of different ages have to play very important roles.

Zhou Yun spontaneously felt respect.

"This kind of shooting should be very difficult." Zhou Yun said.

Jiang Xin: "Yes, actors are hard to find."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Why?"

Jiang Xin said: "Which big-name actor is willing to appear in the middle of a play?"

He smiled bitterly.

This is a practical consideration.

If it was Zhou Yun, she would also carefully consider a role that would only appear in the second half.

Unless a director like Jiang Xin who has been dating for a long time and has a great past experience invites her personally, she will go.

This is a very real thing.

Zhou Yun asked: "Director, have you thought about finding Song Chiyan?"

Jiang Xin said: "Song Chi doesn't have a schedule anymore, and he will take on roles throughout the next year."

Zhou Yun was stunned.

If it was Song Chi, given his friendship with Jiang Xin, he definitely didn't mind.

However, as a director like Jiang Xin, there must still be actors who are willing. It seems that Jiang Xin is not satisfied with those actors who are willing.

Gu Huaichun immediately came to Zhou Yun's mind.

Do you want to recommend Gu Huaichun to Director Jiang?
Gu Huaichun's current appearance is just right, and I don't know if he is the type Director Jiang is looking for.

Zhou Yun thought about it for a while, and decided not to recommend it yet. She went to talk to Gu Huaichun about it. If Gu Huaichun was interested and wanted to act, let him contact Director Jiang Xin by himself. With Chun's current fame, director Jiang Xin's team will definitely not reject him, at least they will meet and chat for a while. In the end, whether Gu Huaichun can win this role depends on whether he can let Jiang Xin The director took a fancy to him.

Jiang Xin said: "NH came looking for me again. They have a project and they have always wanted to ask me to be a director and cooperate. I am a little hesitant. I don't know whether to accept it or not."

Zhou Yun asked, "Why didn't you pick it up?"

Jiang Xin said: "On the one hand, I have a lot of projects in progress. I am busy with my own projects and feel that I have too little time. On the other hand, I have never gone abroad to film a movie. I really feel a little I’m afraid, I’m not good at English, so it’s a problem to communicate with them.”

This is a real problem.

If a director can only communicate with the crew through an interpreter, there will indeed be various problems.

Zhou Yun said, "Director, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Xin: "I just didn't think about what to do. Whether to shoot or not to shoot is a question. I have already read the script. NH is very sincere and prepared a Chinese version for me. They asked someone to translate it. I wrote a Chinese one, I am very interested, it is a suspense script, the background and characters are all in a small town in the United States, it is a very classic suspense setting."

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, "Director, if you want to make a film, go and try it. We can attack if we advance, and we can defend if we retreat. Even if the filming fails, it is just a failure in testing the waters, but you are already a pyramid in our country. You are a top-notch director. If more audiences can know you, like you, and believe in you, that is a great thing. Don’t you keep telling me? If I have the ability and responsibility to let the world see Seeing more Chinese people, you are the same, director, now that you have such an opportunity, you should let more people see you and know you, as for your English is not very good... with your learning ability, in the It will definitely be no problem to get the daily communication done in a few months."

Jiang Xin couldn't help laughing.

"It feels like no matter what comes to you, it's easy."

"No, I fully believe in you, director." Zhou Yun said, "I fully believe that you will be able to conquer audiences all over the world."

Jiang Xin immediately raised his hands and made a "enough" gesture.

"Okay, okay, don't praise me like that anymore, I'm an old man in his 60s, and I'll be ridiculous if I blush."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"There is one more thing. The copyright of "Chen Yin" in other countries has been sold to NH. At that time, "Chen Yin" will be broadcast together with NH in the third video, and the complete episode will be released at once." Jiang Xin said, "This is really the first time I've filmed a web drama. I didn't expect it to be broadcast all over the world. I'm surprised."

Zhou Yun let out a wow in surprise.

Jiang Xin said again: "The estimated broadcast time is March next year, please save some time for me to promote this drama."

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, no problem, just at that time "The Song of Killing" has almost finished filming, and it can be finished."

Jiang Xin asked: "When will you go to shoot "Killing Song"?"

"Just a few days later." Zhou Yun said, "After the filming of "Killing Song", I plan to take a long vacation to relax myself comfortably. I have been really tired for the past few years."

Jiang Xin nodded and said: "You are an actor, you really should consciously allow yourself to let go, instead of acting one after another, this consumes you too much, you know that the more you consume, the less you can create, energy Depleted, unable to focus, and emotionally drained.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

"The most important thing for you actors performing in front of the camera is to protect your status in front of the camera from any impact. You have a different focus from those of us who work behind the scenes." Jiang Xin said.

"Well, I understand this very well now. I was filming a new film with Wen Bing some time ago. It was filmed in the countryside. To be honest, it was very comfortable to shoot. He used a documentary-style shooting technique, allowing me to I can do some piecemeal, not-so-systematic performances for a long time, and then slowly find the moment I want to express the most during this process." Zhou Yun said, "I was filming his film. Instead, I feel full and satisfied.”

Jiang Xin: "Wen Bing shouldn't make a film like "One Mountain and Two Tigers", although he made a good one, not as vulgar as ordinary commercial films, he is more suitable to shoot according to his own ideas like "Days" I watched his film "Days", which is really talented, reckless and amazing at the same time."

Zhou Yun's glasses lit up when he heard Jiang Xin's description.

"Yes, that's the feeling. That's what I really like about Wen Bing." Zhou Yun said, "He himself is a very romantic director. He doesn't like to tell the actors what he wants. He only tells the actors. If you want to shoot something, okay, then you can act it yourself, he doesn’t care about you, until you give him the moment he wants, he will start to tell you, where you did not meet his requirements .”

Jiang Xin smiled and said, "It's really capricious."

Zhou Yun said: "Director, in the play about the architect, if you need me to help you with a cameo role, or if you need me to do something, you can come to me anytime."

Jiang Xin nodded.

What Zhou Yun thought was that if Jiang Xin really couldn't find a star to play the leading role in the end, then Jiang Xin might need to mobilize his connections and find a large number of star actors to comeo to support the starlight of this drama.Otherwise, even if he is the director, the platform may not be very willing to buy it now.

She was afraid that Jiang Xin would be embarrassed to speak to her.

Sitting with Jiang Xin and chatting, this feeling is great.

After dinner, she left with Jiang Xin.Jiang Xin's driver had already parked at the entrance of the restaurant, ready to pick him up.As soon as the two of them went out, a reporter suddenly came to them with a radio device.

"Director Jiang, Ms. Zhou, the two of you are meeting today. Do you have a new project to cooperate with?"

The reporter was very young, even looked like a high school student.

Zhou Yun himself was a little annoyed at this kind of person who appeared out of nowhere, but when he saw his green face, his anger dissipated a little.

She glanced at Jiang Xin and replied: "I haven't seen Director Jiang for a long time, so I have time to meet and chat today."

The reporter still wanted to speak again.

Zhou Yun said again: "In addition, this is our private gathering, not a public occasion. Your sudden behavior scares me and makes me feel uncomfortable. If you want to interview us, please go away. Formal procedure, send an interview application, okay?"

Zhou Yun looked at the young reporter seriously and said.

The young reporter looked embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry." He lowered his head and bowed slightly.

Zhou Yun: "Goodbye."

She sent Jiang Xin to the car first.

"Director, goodbye." Zhou Yun waved his hand.

Jiang Xin nodded at her and smiled.

The car drove away.

Zhou Yun drove here by himself, she went to the side to find her car, and opened the door.

"Miss Zhou Yun, I'm not a reporter from a formal media, can I interview you?"

The young reporter just now suddenly appeared again, with a look of caution on his face, and asked.

His eyes were bright and slightly nervous.

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