Chapter 794 Paparazzi
"What's your name?" Zhou Yun asked.

The young boy said, "Lu Ming."

"Well, I remember your name, you get ready, contact my studio, they will help you arrange an interview." Zhou Yun said, "However, I only give you one chance, Lu Ming, finally Whether the interview is good or not, and how the manuscript is, it’s just this time.”

Lu Ming nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, thank you!"

His eyes were shining, and his excitement was palpable.

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

Lu Ming nodded, took two steps back, and waited for Zhou Yun to drive away. The car was gone. He still stood where he was, immersed in the surprise brought by this sudden opportunity.

After finishing high school, Lu Ming didn't get into university, so he came out alone.

Originally, he was delivering food, but by accident, he was introduced to work as a paparazzi.That job was originally someone else's, but it was very hard work. You had to squat at the gate of a celebrity's community all the time, watching that celebrity come out, and followed him for a month. If you didn't get any material, you would only be paid 2000 yuan.Lu Ming heard that being a paparazzi is very profitable, so he temporarily put aside the idea of ​​delivering food and took the job.

I did this for three months, and after three months, I didn't take pictures of anything, they were all ordinary things, and I took a total of 6000 yuan.

Over the past three months, Lu Ming has also learned something more or less. He knows which artist's news is the most profitable in this entertainment circle, and he also got in touch with some people who specialize in collecting celebrity gossip.He no longer needs to be the second party of the second party, taking over the small jobs that are outsourced layer by layer.This was the first time he talked to Zhou Yun, because he heard that Zhou Yun had returned to BJ, so he squatted at the gate of the community where Zhou Yun and Song Chi were, and waited for Zhou Yun to drive out.

A paparazzi who has been around for a long time usually won't talk to Zhou Yun at this time.

One is that everyone knows that Zhou Yun's life is very simple and clean, there is no big news, it is nothing more than going out for dinner with friends today, and going shopping with his assistant tomorrow.

The second is that Zhou Lan has always paid great attention to managing these paparazzi, nothing else, just hope that they will try not to disturb Zhou Yun as much as possible.

Putting these aside, paparazzi are also human beings with their own emotions, sorrows, loves and hates. Zhou Yun is their favorite star, because Zhou Yun never dismisses them, nor does he put his dislike on top of him like other stars. face.

When Zhou Yun was in a good mood, when he met them, he would say hello to them, even take a photo with them, or give them something to break the news. Speaking, please bear with me.

Such an attitude makes them dislike it.

Lu Ming didn't have anyone to take him with him, so he just followed him based on his experience of the past three months.

As a result, he somehow got an opportunity to interview Zhou Yun.

After a brief moment of excitement, Lu Ming was completely stunned, not knowing what to do.


How to interview?

What to interview?
Lu Ming had never done this before, and he didn't know what an interview was. That is, when they were in school, the head teacher let them play a few episodes of "A Date with Luyu".

As for those interview drafts, Lu Ming has never read one—he just reads various celebrity gossips on gossip papers and websites every day.

I really don't understand.

But fortunately, this is an era of advanced Internet information. Although Lu Ming doesn't understand it, he can find many interviews with celebrities on the Internet.

He has been looking at these things for two whole days.

To be honest, Lu Ming felt that he had never worked so hard when he was studying.

In addition to the drive to make money, Lu Ming actually had an inexplicable excitement that he didn't know how to describe.

He is talented, he has always believed that one day, he will be the center of attention and become the protagonist of this world.

He has always had such expectations, and when Zhou Yun suddenly threw such an opportunity to him, he even felt excited—is this the first door opened for him by God?

Not being admitted to university was just a setback for him, and he still has better opportunities in the future.

Now he waited for this opportunity.

If Zhou Yun knew about Lu Ming's thoughts, he would probably take this opportunity back.If you fail the college entrance examination, you fail the exam. If you didn't work hard, who can you blame?Still self-righteously thinking that God wants to give you setbacks, what’s the matter, you didn’t work hard so you didn’t get good grades, is this called setback?
Lu Ming is indeed a smart person.After pondering for a few days, he found the official email address of Zhou Yun's studio, and sent them an email, which briefly described his conversation with Zhou Yun, and then made an appointment with them for an interview.

The other party responded quickly, and after half a day, he added the WeChat attached to the email.

The other party said: I am Liu Yun, Miss Zhou's assistant.

Lu Ming spoke sweetly, and said: Hello sister Yun, I'm new to the industry, please give me your advice.

Liu Yun: This Saturday from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] pm, one hour, is it okay?

Lu Ming replied immediately: Of course!Thank you Miss Yun!Then where should I go to interview Miss Xiaoyun?
Liu Yun: I will send you the specific address later, it is in BJ.

Lu Ming thought, great.

He was gearing up for a big fight.

At the same time, he also learned that when interviewing a big star like Zhou Yun, a photographer will usually take a few photos together.

Lu Ming originally wanted to shoot it himself, but when he thought about his skills, he was worried that he would not be able to pass Zhou Yun's test.

He immediately thought of using external force.

At this moment, Lu Ming suddenly realized the limitations of his circle.

Everyone is a paparazzi, and they are all happy people. No one has that kind of professional photography skills.

Lu Ming did not fall into anxiety at this time, but thought of one thing at the same time. After the interview is completed and written as a manuscript, where will it be posted?
Although he didn't know how much Zhou Yun's interview was worth, but based on the gossip market's price standard for Zhou Yun, the interview should not be cheap.

After hesitating for a long time, Lu Ming decided to find a media company to cooperate with.

He carefully searched the more active entertainment media, the formal ones, and then managed to find the contact information of their editor-in-chief-this reflects the advantage of their paparazzi, and getting the contact information of the editor-in-chief of these entertainment sections is very helpful. It's a breeze for them.

Lu Ming didn't intend to make a phone call to every editor-in-chief.

Once everyone knows about it, there's always going to be some trouble.

Although Lu Ming is young, he understands this truth.

He compared all the media, but his self-knowledge was limited, and he couldn't write the kind of brilliant and in-depth interviews, so he immediately gave up the traditional media and decided to take the path of new media with greater influence.

The biggest card in Lu Ming's hand is an exclusive interview about Zhou Yun.

Many professional media couldn't get an appointment—although Lu Ming didn't know where he got Zhou Yun's favor, he also saw it on the Internet. Many reporters said that Zhou Yun's interview opportunity was very difficult to make an appointment. She is not a person who particularly likes to be interviewed, and usually only four or five interviews are published a year, and they are all media that have cooperated with her for a long time.

So, for Lu Ming, this exclusive interview will be of greatest value to those media that do not have the opportunity to interview Zhou Yun.

Lu Ming quickly selected one and called the editor-in-chief of that media.


"Why did you give that kid the chance to interview you?"

After Zhou Lan heard about this incident, he found it difficult to understand, "Do you do good deeds?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's nothing, it's just this kid...Although he is reckless, he is very sincere, and I agreed on the spur of the moment."

Zhou Lan said: "He has no interviewing experience at all. I've inquired about it. He's just a paparazzi who has just entered the industry. He has never worked as a serious reporter."

"It doesn't matter, it's just an accidental attempt anyway." Zhou Yun said, "If it really fails in the end, it will fail."

Zhou Lan sighed.

"I think that if this matter gets out, the other media who have been interviewing you will have some complaints. You let their interviews go and refuse, and accept an interview with someone who has never worked as a reporter before." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun said, "We need to give newcomers a chance."

Zhou Lan: "You are a newcomer too, so new that no one knows him."

Zhou Yun: "Believe it or not, I believe this kid will not come to interview me by himself."


Zhou Yun: "He gave me the feeling that he is very smart and definitely not a person who only has sincerity."

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun suspiciously.

"Okay, Sister Lan, I've already promised him that it's done, so don't nag me anymore." Zhou Yun said, "We still have to shoot commercials tomorrow."

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "Okay, you go back to rest early, see you tomorrow morning."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Did you make an appointment with someone later?" Zhou Yun asked suddenly.

Zhou Lan was taken aback, "Huh?"

Zhou Yun said: "You are very well dressed today."

She stared at Zhou Lan with a look of "you can't escape my eyes".

Zhou Lan said: "You have seen all this. Lin Zhiping is waiting for me."

"Yo." Zhou Yun said, "I came back this time, and you still haven't brought him to see me."

Zhou Lan: "The two of us are only in contact now, and we haven't established a relationship yet. Why are you in a hurry?"

Zhou Yun: "I'm going to Australia soon, how can I not be in a hurry."

Zhou Lan said: "You go to Australia to film the film first. If everything goes well for the two of us, I will bring him to see you when you come back from filming in Australia."

Zhou Yun pouted.

"I have to wait so long."

Zhou Lan: "It's still the same sentence, why are you in a hurry."

Zhou Yun: "..."

"By the way, Sister Lan, you have to spare me some time in March, and talk to Director Jiang. Director Jiang said that "Chen Yin" will be broadcast in March, and it will premiere globally together. Allow some time."

Zhou Lan: "Okay, I know about it, time will be reserved."

Recommend my other book "After Breaking Up, I Became a Popular Superstar in the Entertainment Circle"

(End of this chapter)

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