Chapter 795
Zhou Yun didn't know why he agreed to a paparazzi's interview invitation by accident.

It was indeed abnormal, and she knew it herself.

But maybe at that moment, the disparity in status between her and Lu Ming and the bewildered expression Lu Ming showed after she finished speaking made a voice in her mind remind her to be more friendly.

If others have a better choice, they are definitely not willing to do this kind of work that everyone shouts and beats.

Probably because of this, she agreed.

Zhou Yun didn't know what Lu Ming would prepare for.When she thought about it afterwards, she also understood that for such a person who has no interview experience, you can't expect him to make an excellent interview.Most likely a waste of time.However, the words have already been spoken, and Zhou Yun will not go back on his word.As she told Zhou Lan, if you fail, you fail.

But even though he had comforted himself so much, Zhou Yun actually still had a glimmer of expectation in his heart.Maybe there will be a surprise too.

Commercial shooting is not in BJ, but in Zhejiang, by the sea.

After Zhou Yunfei passed by, he first confirmed the shooting theme and style of the entire advertising blockbuster with the director and photographer, and then conducted a test shoot.

In the evening, the brand party invited everyone to have dinner together in a high-end restaurant.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to decline.But Zhou Lan knocked on the door himself, saying that she had better show up tonight.

She was taken aback and asked, "Isn't this brand just signed?"

Zhou Lan said: "It has nothing to do with the brand. It's mainly because the photographer responsible for the shooting this time is very good. They invited the photographer Roger Dale, who has won three Oscars for best photography. Don't you want to get to know him? ?”

Zhou Yun asked: "The photographer who communicated with me in the afternoon didn't think of Roger Dale."

"Only Roger Dale's assistant was at the scene in the afternoon. He just arrived at the hotel." Zhou Lan explained, "He will be in charge tomorrow."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Ok, then I'll pack up and go with you."

Zhou Lan stayed in Zhou Yun's room waiting for her to wash and make up.

When she took out her mobile phone and was about to deal with some unprocessed work news, Zhou Yun's voice came from the bathroom.

"Sister Lan, you come with me today, what will Lin Zhiping do?"

Zhou Lan: "What about Lin Zhiping?"

"Aren't you in contact with him? We have to go back tomorrow."

"What's the matter? Do you think we both meet every day? How is it possible? I'm busy, and he's busy too. No one is idle." Zhou Lan said, "Why do you pay so much attention to my affairs with Lin Zhiping? ? You want to marry me quickly, right?"

"I don't want you to get married quickly, I'm just afraid that you will be too inactive." Zhou Yun said, "I don't care whether you marry or not, it's your own choice, but you finally met For a person you like, you have never taken the initiative in emotional matters, and you always wait for others to push you and lead you forward. Of course, I should urge you a little more, and I can’t let you hesitate. Watch people leave."

Zhou Yun's words cast a shadow in Zhou Lan's heart.

She has never thought about this question, not because she didn't realize it, but because she has been avoiding it.

In fact, emotionally, she has always been passive, as Zhou Yun said.

Also, as she got older, she became more passive psychologically.

"Nonsense, when did I become passive?" Zhou Lan said hard, refusing to admit it, "If I were passive, I would spend every day at the wine table with those big bosses and manage these relationships."

Zhou Yun's voice continued to come from the bathroom.

"That's two different things. You are very proactive at work, but not necessarily emotionally. Before that, you and the photographer just waited for him to speak. You couldn't wait any longer. When you opened your mouth, you realized that the two of you were not in love with each other. Appropriate? You don't make the same mistakes."

"Oh, it's just contact, it's not suitable."

"Look, you have this attitude every time." Zhou Yun walked out after washing his face, sat down while wiping the water droplets on his face, took out his cosmetic bag, and began to smear himself. Of course, these Her actions didn't affect her to continue to criticize Zhou Lan, "I obviously think this person is quite suitable, and I obviously like this person, but I always feel that it's not suitable and let it go. If it's a big deal, I won't have any contact with him. Why do you want to do this? You are like this Your withdrawn attitude will easily make others think that you don't really care."

Zhou Lan gave Zhou Yun a blank look, and said, "Why are you so annoying now?"

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Poke by me?"

Zhou Lan: "I'm so bored."

"Don't bother me, I just want to force you." Zhou Yun put down the half-drawn eyeliner, turned his head, looked at Zhou Lan seriously, and said, "Don't be afraid of getting hurt, really, Miss Lan, Even if you are really hurt, there will be a sea of ​​work to divert your attention, but if you miss someone you may like very much, or even someone you can be with for a lifetime, what a pity .”

Zhou Lan: "It's not like I'm not in touch."

"It's a kind of contact when you promise someone to go out to watch a movie, and you take the initiative to send a message to tell him that you are here in Zhejiang, which is also a kind of contact." Zhou Yun said, "A person who never takes the initiative to send me messages Man, I definitely don't think he's interested in me."

Zhou Lan: "..."

After Zhou Yun finished his makeup, he went to the bathroom to do his hair again.

Zhou Lan hesitated for a while, took out his phone, found the chat box with Lin Zhiping, and clicked in.

The chat messages between the two of them still stayed at last night.

Lin Zhiping asked her if she had time tonight, and if she could have dinner together.

She said she had a job, not at BJ's.

Lin Zhiping asked her when she would come back and made an appointment at that time.

She can speak for a few days.

An exact time was not given.

Zhou Yun's words kept circling in her mind like a magic voice.

Zhou Lan tapped the keyboard and wrote a sentence: I will return to BJ tomorrow.


After sending it, Zhou Lan turned off his phone immediately as if he was afraid of Lin Zhiping's reply, and stopped reading.

Zhou Yun fixed his hair, came out, and said, "I'm done, I can go."

Zhou Lan nodded as if he had found something to do immediately, and said, "Let's go."

The brand side arranged the pick-up vehicle.

After Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun got in the car, they wanted to talk to Zhou Yun, but Zhou Yun called Song Chi as soon as they got in the car, so she had to pick up her mobile phone.

Respond to messages one by one.

Lin Zhiping has not responded yet.

Zhou Lan deliberately didn't think about it, but he was more or less disappointed in his heart.

Has the other party lost interest in her?

Or, as Zhou Yun said, her previous attitude was too indifferent and not proactive, which made Lin Zhiping retreat?
(End of this chapter)

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