Roger Dale is a very funny and humorous guy.

He's not cocky - of course, maybe he's just covering it up well.

In any case, the meal was enjoyed by all the guests.

Everyone is looking forward to tomorrow's shoot.

Roger Dale said to Zhou Yun: "In fact, after I watched "Days" before, I wanted to cooperate with you to shoot once."

Zhou Yun looked at Roger Dale flattered: "Really? Thank you."

"You showed a pure, evocative beauty in that movie, like an elf." Roger Dale said, "I like that movie very much."

"Thank you."

"It's a pity that the movie didn't do a good job of public relations, otherwise, your performance in that movie is worthy of an Oscar nomination for Best Actress."

"For a foreign-language film like "Days", especially our Asian actors, it is very difficult to get nominated for an Oscar for acting." Zhou Yun said, "I don't have particularly high expectations for this."

Roger Dale said: "The trend has changed in the past few years, especially in the past two years, more and more Asian actors have been valued and recognized, and have also entered the field of vision of mainstream awards. I often participate in some activities and parties. I heard people talking about you on the Internet, and everyone knows you, so you should seize this opportunity and give it a go.”

Zhou Yun didn't expect Roger Dale to tell her this.

Zhou Yun said thank you.This feeling is indeed strange, how should I put it?In the past two years, she met many people, and many of these people would say, you have to work hard, you have to work hard, and continue to rush while you are at your best.

She hasn't left "this period of time", and her current few years have been defined as "the best time" by others.

This feeling is actually a bit strange.

But she didn't know who to talk to about this strangeness.

This involves the career development path of an actress, the golden period, the non-golden period, she doesn’t like it, but it does exist objectively, unless you are famous, once you pass the age of 30 or 40, you will basically be eliminated by the market, I can only play the roles of mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

The golden age of an actress is really before the age of 30, that's the fact - if you don't get enough fame, reach enough heights before that time, it's very difficult for you to get a good opportunity again.There will be many scripts with male characters aged 50 or [-] as the protagonists on the market, far more than female characters of the same age group-this will inevitably lead to a bad result, that is, there will be no acting.

Zhou Yun doesn't want to be too sensitive in this regard, or say too much, this is a matter of the market and a matter of choice.No matter how many women appeal for this point, it is not as effective as a film and television drama from the perspective of a 40-year-old female who is serious and honest. The market is profit-seeking.

Therefore, she really didn't want to define her past few years as her best years.

She feels that she is still so young, she has just started, and there is still so much time to reach higher peaks.

But that's just heartbreak.

Those who told her these words were only stating an objective fact.

The commercial shooting went smoothly, and the shooting was completed half an hour ahead of schedule.

Zhou Yun bid farewell to the production team and returned to BJ.

After landing, Zhou Yun discovered that BJ had already started to snow.

The white snow fell profusely in the night sky, looking through the car window, it was completely like a dream.

Zhou Lan separated from her at the airport, and someone came to pick her up.

Although Zhou Lan didn't say who it was, Zhou Yun knew that that person must be Lin Zhiping.

In fact, on the way back after everyone had dinner together last night, Zhou Yun discovered something.

When Zhou Lan was looking at his phone, he suddenly sat up straight, as if he had received a long-awaited reply, and at the same time let out a surprised "Hmm!" in his throat.

When Zhou Yun asked her what was wrong, she just shook her head and said it was nothing.

But Zhou Yun could see clearly that a smile had spread from the corner of Zhou Lan's mouth, an unusual smile.

Zhou Yun suddenly missed Song Chi very much.

There was even an inexplicable impulse in her heart to fly to Song Chi's place to see him tonight.

Of course, her reason stopped her impulsiveness from the brink.

When they got downstairs, Cao Jun wanted to get out of the car to help her get the box. Zhou Yun said, "You don't have to send me up. I can go up by myself. You should go back and rest early."

Zhou Yun went upstairs with the suitcase alone.

It was quiet in the elevator.

The corridor was also very quiet.

Zhou Yun opened the door, walked into the entrance, turned on the light, and when he was about to take off his shoes, his eyes paused.

She looked at the pair of sneakers on the left that were obviously several sizes larger than hers, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly realized something, her eyes lit up instantly.

She put the suitcase against the wall and walked inside. As soon as she reached the door of the bedroom, she heard the sound of the shower coming from inside.

This bathroom is attached to the bedroom.

Zhou Yun called out, "Brother Chi?"

"Huh?" Song Chi's voice came from the room, "Xiaoyun, are you back?"

After hearing Song Chi's voice, Zhou Yun was instantly elated.

"I'm back!" Zhou Yun said pleasantly, "Why are you back too? Aren't you filming in the crew?"

Song Chi said: "I took two days off from the production team, why did you come back? I was thinking of giving you a surprise, but this failed."

Zhou Yun smiled.

She didn't go into the bedroom until this time.

Then, she saw the surprise that Song Chi had prepared for her.

It turned out...a whole bed of rose petals!
Zhou Yun was shocked by the large area of ​​rose petals. He stood there and didn't recover for a long time.

She had only seen this kind of stuff in movies before.

At that time, her inner feeling was that it was a real movie.

But when all this happened in front of her eyes, what she felt in her heart was not "real movie", but "Song Chi, what is he going crazy".

Of course, even though this thought crossed her mind, in the next second, an indescribable and inexplicable softness swept over her whole body.

She turned her head and glanced at the bathroom where the sound of water had not stopped, and a thought came to her mind.


Song Chi thought Zhou Yun would come back later.

Zhou Yun's early return made his plan impossible to implement.

Song Chi was a little helpless, but it didn't matter. What was important was that they could finally be together again tonight.

As soon as he thought of this, a long-suppressed hotness surged in his body, and it stirred all the blood vessels in his body like an electric current.

After taking a shower, Song Chi came out and said, "Didn't Sister Lan tell me that you won't arrive until after eleven o'clock in the evening?"

Zhou Yun's voice sounded from inside: "Originally, we planned to have dinner over there before coming back, but because Sister Lan was in a hurry to come back and had an appointment, we changed the booking and made it a little earlier."

"I mean, alas, I carefully prepared—" Song Chi wiped his head with a towel as he walked in, when his voice suddenly stopped.

He also stopped wiping his head, and his whole body suddenly turned into a stone sculpture, looking at the person on the bed motionless.

According to Song Chi's idea, he originally wanted to imitate the scene in the movie when Zhou Yun came back, bury himself in rose petals, and "seduce" Zhou Yun.

But Zhou Yun came back early, obviously "sex seduction" can't be done anymore.

Song Chi still had a lot of regrets in his heart, and was about to tell Zhou Yun when he saw the picture in his imagination appear in front of his eyes.

However, the protagonist of this picture has changed.

Zhou Yun half-lyed sideways in the red rose petals that were almost coquettish and alluring, his eyes were like waves, and he looked at him with a smile.

"What did you prepare carefully?" she asked.

Song Chi could only swallow his throat at this moment, his eyes were staring straight.

Dry mouth and tongue.


After the cloud and rain that lasted for an unknown amount of time, both of them let out a long breath of satisfaction.

Song Chi hugged Zhou Yun and asked, "Did you guess that I would be back tonight?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I already told Sister Lan that I will go to your place to find you after I finish recording the show on the 8th."

Song Chi: "You're talking about Liu Yuan's show, right?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Song Chi said: "Liu Yuan knows that the two of us rarely have time to meet each other, so we specially invited the two of us to the same recording session. This time, I asked the crew for leave because of this incident."

Zhou Yun asked pleasantly: "You want to record this program too?"


Zhou Yun smiled pleasantly, "That's great."

Song Chi pinched Zhou Yun's waist, suddenly remembered, and asked, "Did you not eat at night?"

"Take a little light meal they provide on the plane."

"Do you want to eat more?"

"It's too late at this point, forget it." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I ate long meat."

Song Chi sat up from the bed.

"I'm not afraid for a night, just eat something simple. I'll go and see what's in the refrigerator." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun asked: "Is there anything in the refrigerator?"

"There will be." Song Chi said, "Every time before we come back, they will buy some of our usual food and drinks and put them in."

If they don't come back for a long time, these things will be taken away by them and divided up together.

Hearing this, Zhou Yun also sat up.

"Then go see what there is to eat."

The two put on their clothes, except for a coat on their bodies.

It's already early morning, and tomorrow they will go to record a show together.

The first episode was recorded in Tianjin, because it is very close to BJ, so there is no need to rush there in advance.

Zhou Yun cut up two oranges and just had some fruit to eat.

But Song Chi turned on the fire, ready to cook himself a bowl of noodles.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Didn't you have dinner?"

Song Chi: "No, I'm on the plane at 06:30, and I went straight to the airport after finishing work on the set."

Zhou Yun: "You didn't say it earlier, why don't we order takeaway?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"I don't, I'm looking at you, just a bowl of noodles, is that enough?"

"It's almost there." Song Chi said, "The mushroom minced pork sauce made by your assistant is quite good. I often eat noodles with that sauce."

Zhou Yun said: "Then I'll ask Xiao Yun to make you a few more bottles later."

"No, don't bother her." Song Chi said, "I still have it here."

"Are you eating well in the crew?" Zhou Yun always felt that Song Chi was too thin.

"If I'm on the set, I can't eat well, and the rest of the set can't eat well." Song Chi said, "Don't worry, I eat pretty well, but I have to control my calorie intake all the time, so I can't eat every time." If you are too full, you have to endure hunger."

Zhou Yun: "Your body shape is well controlled now, don't you need to torture yourself too much?"

"Well, it's mainly because of the latter scene, which requires me to be as thin as possible." Song Chi said, "If I don't start controlling now, I will have to put in more effort to diet and exercise later. Forget it, I'm still lukewarm." Boil a frog to comfort you."

Zhou Yun: "What are you doing in the later scene?"

"It's a literary film, I play a cancer patient." Song Chi said, "I produced it in my own company."

Zhou Yun asked pleasantly: "Hey, you guys finally started making literary films."

Previously, in order for the company to gain a firm foothold and develop as soon as possible, Song Chi basically made commercial-themed films with higher profit prospects.

Song Chi: "Watching you act in one good movie after another, I'm itchy."

"Haha." Zhou Yun nodded, "It's finally time for you to challenge yourself again."

In the past two years, Song Chi's plays, except for "Questioning the Heart", did not pose a big challenge to him.

Zhou Yun is also very sorry that Song Chi's acting skills are so good, but he didn't perform well.

Song Chi: "I hope I can surprise everyone."

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