I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 798 Let's chat

Chapter 798 Let's chat

Lu Ming was so nervous that his throat was trembling.

He borrowed a suit, put it on in a serious manner, and said to Eunice, "Is the camera adjusted?"

Eunice glanced at the boy who was visibly nervous, and said slowly, "It's ready, why are you nervous?"

Eunice is the editor of "Chen Hong Wai" self-media.

Lu Ming contacted Chen Hong, the boss of "Chen Hongli", and finally made an agreement with him on the grounds that he had an opportunity to interview Zhou Yun.Chen Hong gave him 3 yuan. As a special editor of "Chen Hong Lie", he interviewed Zhou Yun in the name of "Chen Hong Lie". At the same time, "Chen Hong Lie" also arranged for Eunice and Lu Ming to help Lu Ming sorted out the interview outline and was in charge of taking pictures.

The final interview about Zhou Yun will also be exclusively released on the self-media account of "Chen Hongli".

Lu Ming is really nervous now.

Since getting this opportunity, Lu Ming has basically devoted all of his time to this matter in the past few days.

The interview outline alone has written more than 1 words.

Of course, after Eunice took a look at those words, she sneered and crossed them.

"I really don't know how you got Zhou Yun's exclusive interview opportunity. You are not professional at all." Eunice satirized Lu Ming, "Have you never passed your Chinese class? It's all just plain old Chinese. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to write something like this?"

Eunice's words made Lu Ming's face turn red and white.

Lu Ming knew that his writing skills were actually poor, and he also knew that it would be basically impossible for him to write the interviews he had read before, because he didn't have that ability.

However, Lu Ming did not intend to give up this opportunity - he never thought about "retiring in spite of difficulties", even though what Eunice said kept reminding him of these four words.

Moreover, now Lu Ming really dare not offend Eunice.

After all, this interview requires her help.

What Lu Ming didn't expect was that this time the interview was actually arranged in Zhou Yun's studio.

Liu Yun said: "Xiaoyun will go to catch the high-speed train and record the program later. The time is relatively tight, so I set the place here."

Lu Ming: "Okay, okay, we're already on our way, we'll be there soon."

"Okay." Liu Yun said, "You are downstairs, call me, and I will pick you up."

Lu Ming: "No, Miss Xiaoyun, don't need to pick it up, just come up from our side."

Liu Yun said: "It's okay, we'll pick you up and call me when the time comes."


After hanging up the phone, Liu Yun told Zhou Yun, "Lu Ming and the others are already on their way."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Liu Yun: "After the interview is over, Brother Chi will meet us directly at the high-speed rail station."

"En." Zhou Yun nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

Liu Yun smiled and said, "Fortunately, it's not hard."

Zhou Yun put on the blindfold and squinted on the sofa for a while.

About 15 minutes later, Liu Yun came to call Zhou Yun, saying that they had arrived.

Zhou Yun took off the blindfold, sat up, and asked, "How do I look? Do I need to touch up my makeup?"

Liu Yun nodded and said, "Let's make it up. It's not just Lu Ming. He also brought a photographer with him to take some photos."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and asked in surprise: "There is also a photographer? Where did he get a photographer?"

Liu Yun: "He's pretty smart. He's working with a well-known self-media company, 'Chen Hong Wai'. Have you heard of Xiaoyun?"

Zhou Yun: "I have a little impression."

"On Weibo, Official Accounts, Xiaohongshu, and Douyin, there are millions or even tens of millions of fans." Liu Yun introduced this self-media, "They sent applications for interviews before, But this time, Lu Ming got your interview opportunity, contacted the media boss, and the two sides cooperated."

Zhou Yun blinked in surprise.

"He's pretty smart, he knows how to ask others for help." Zhou Yun said.

Liu Yun nodded.

When Zhou Yun agreed to Lu Ming, she didn't think too much at all, and only realized it afterwards. She gave people such an opportunity, but after the interview, she didn't know where it was posted.A paparazzi, and no serious publishing platform.

This is also the reason why Zhou Lan and the others have great opinions.

Now Lu Ming has given Zhou Yun a big surprise.

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Xiao Yun, look, in fact, sometimes as long as you give someone a chance, they can perform beyond your imagination."

Liu Yun said bluntly: "But I'm not really optimistic about him. He's not a professional editor or reporter. He doesn't know anything about interviews. Even if he prepares hard these days, this kind of ability can't be achieved just by cramming. carried out."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"you're right."

"Maybe it's because I think you gave him such an opportunity suddenly, it's too much for him to get something for nothing." Liu Yun said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you don't know how many people work hard every day, fly around, and do a good job." Interview after interview, become a leader in the industry. With such qualifications and status, they can get the opportunity to interview you among their large group of reporters. Lu Ming is so lucky. When I got an opportunity, he got it like this, put yourself in my shoes, I think this is too unfair to those reporters who want to interview you, but can’t interview you.”

Liu Yun's words had a very serious impact on Zhou Yun.

Before that, even what Zhou Lan said hadn't caused such an impact on Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun has always followed his own mind to do some things.Being an actor really requires such a casual mentality.Zhou Yun felt that it was harmless for her to agree to Lu Ming's interview. She only thought about herself, but she never thought about what Liu Yun said.Or, thought of it, but didn't think it was a big deal.

However, Liu Yun's words made her feel that she was really too hasty.

Liu Yun didn't continue talking.

Zhou Yun didn't think about it any more - no matter what he did in the future, he had already agreed to Lu Ming this time, and she would definitely accept this interview.

After the makeup artist touched up her makeup and fixed her hair again, she went to the conference room with Liu Yun.

This time the interview was done in the conference room of the studio.

Once inside, Zhou Yun saw Lu Ming and Eunice.

Lu Ming was sitting at the table, reading a very thick book, while Eunice was adjusting the video camera in her hand.

Seeing her coming in, the two of them stopped what they were doing and stood up.

"Miss Zhou." Lu Ming greeted.

Zhou Yun smiled at him.

"Meet you again." She walked over and shook hands with the two of them, "Thank you for making a trip."

Lu Ming immediately shook his head and said, "No hard work, no hard work."

He added: "It should be me who wants to thank you, thank you for giving me such a chance."

Lu Ming really had a youthful and immature look on his face, imitating grown-ups, with a pretentious mature tone in his voice, and a little nervousness could be heard there.

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered why he agreed to Lu Ming.

At that time, Lu Ming stood in front of her like this and talked to her like this.

At that time, Zhou Yun was very curious. Aren’t the paparazzi a bunch of old fritters who are invulnerable, invulnerable, and have experienced many battles?

Why did such an immature child suddenly appear?

Zhou Yun didn't think about anything else at the time, but—well, she really didn't want to admit this, and always felt that if she admitted this, it would seem arrogant, but, really, Zhou Yun had to admit it , At that moment, there was an emotion called pity in her heart.

Zhou Yun hates himself to "pity" someone.

Why does she "pity" a person so high and high?

In this day and age, or perhaps not to blame, now, in short, "compassion" has gradually become a less sympathetic word.

Everyone has gradually realized that everyone has their own life, unless it is a natural or man-made disaster, who wants to be pitied by others for no reason?

However, when Zhou Yun saw such a young and energetic child as Lu Ming, he asked so greenly and nervously if he could interview her.

Such emotions welled up in her heart, and at the same time, her heart really softened.

People need a chance, why can't she give it?

At that time, she was such a simple idea, that's all.

Before the interview started, Lu Ming said: "Miss Zhou, thank you for agreeing to my interview. To be honest, until now, I feel very unreal, especially these two days. I learned from some people that a person who interviewed you After seeing how rare the opportunity was, it felt even more unreal to me."

Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "It's okay. I often accept interviews with experienced and highly qualified reporters. I'm also curious if you can talk about anything more novel in the interview between you and me today."

Lu Ming smiled shyly.

"I do not know."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Come on, this kid is honest enough.

Lu Ming really doesn't know how to do interviews. After saying this, Zhou Yun waited for Lu Ming to speak, but Lu Ming remained silent for a long time.

Zhou Yun: "Huh?"

Lu Ming was taken aback for a moment, then he came to his senses and asked, "Shall we start?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"of course."

Lu Ming oh oh twice, and said, "I see."

He turned on the recording device in a panic and said, "Then I'll start."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Lu Ming took a deep breath and said, "Miss Zhou, the first question I want to ask you is, what do you think of your current achievements?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Lu Ming himself panicked immediately.

"What's wrong? Is the question I'm asking inappropriate?"

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know where to start. The problem is too big. Is this a problem in your interview outline?"

"Ah, yes." Lu Ming said.

Zhou Yun said: "Why don't you take your interview outline aside now, we don't need to be so formal, just chat casually, how about it?"

Lu Ming asked in surprise, "Would you like to chat casually?"

This seems to be different from the interviews he knows.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Anyway, there is a recorder here, so let's chat casually."

Lu Ming nodded, oh, and said, "Okay."

He closed his notebook, thought for a while, and said, "Actually, what I want to know most now is why you are willing to accept my interview. After all... I have never been a reporter before."

Zhou Yun laughed, "I told you before, how should I put it, you want me to tell you a very specific reason, I don't know how to say it, it's just an intuition, a feeling, maybe It is because the interviews I usually accept are all interviews with very experienced people. At that moment, I suddenly wondered, maybe chatting with someone who doesn’t know how to ask questions or how to conduct interviews, I can talk to someone who is even more difficult. the same thing."

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It turns out that you just took a fancy to me because I don't have this major and experience. To be honest, I thought you agreed without knowing it. If you knew that I never did it You will regret it for sure."

Zhou Yun: "There is no regret, and there is no need to regret. A person's life has always paid special attention to the word fate. I have always cherished every karmic meeting. There is a word I like very much, called a period and a meeting. I am not that The kind of person who will regret what he has done, because I believe that every decision you make is actually the best judgment you think at the moment, and if the decision is really wrong, there is nothing to regret Yes, we will try our best to make up for it and adjust it.”

Lu Ming looked at Zhou Yun adoringly, "This is too cool, I've never met anyone who doesn't regret it."

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't have regrets, but that I won't be entangled in regrets." Zhou Yun emphasized, "Regrets are harmful to me. "

Lu Ming seemed to understand but not understand.

He was not old enough for him to understand what Zhou Yun meant by this sentence.

On the contrary, Eunice, who had been taking pictures beside her, showed a surprised expression.


Lu Ming talked about movies again.

"Recently, you seem to have made more TV series than movies. When I checked the information, I saw that many people were puzzled by this question. Why don't you specialize in movies?" Lu Ming said, "Because, it doesn't mean that you can make more movies." movie?"

Zhou Yun: "Why should I give up a good TV series in order to make more movies? For me, whether it's a series or a movie, it's all the same thing. They are all the works of actors. I choose the script and it will always be the same. See which script impresses me more, which production team impresses me more, not whether it is a movie or a series, many people may habitually think that a movie is more advanced, but now the production level of a series is no lower than that of a movie. I don't want to be a 'movie actor', to be honest, I want to try every type of work, including drama and stage play."

Lu Ming: "But aren't movies easier for audiences all over the world to see than dramas? Several of your movies have high box office abroad."

Zhou Yun: "Actually, based on the feedback I got outside, the drama "Deep Sea" is as popular overseas as the movies you mentioned. When I participated in activities abroad, Many people will talk to me that they have watched the drama "Deep Sea" and they like it very much. In the past when the Internet was not so developed, the drama series were indeed restricted by the broadcasting platform, and the strength and channels of dissemination were not very strong. It is comparable to movies, but now is a very good time for the development of streaming media, and streaming media has also given dramas a channel to the world, and I think this is a very good thing.”

Lu Ming asked: "However, there are not many film and television dramas in our country that really have an international influence. Even though we are now the second largest box office in the world, we produce so many dramas every year, but we really have There are only a handful of works with global popularity and influence."

Zhou Yun: "Because our current situation is a bit inconsistent, either you lean towards the market and the side that the audience likes to watch, or you make art films and strive to win influential awards, but we There are no distribution channels all over the world, no mature publicity mechanism, and there is no environment for healthy development of art films. This is the fact we are currently facing. If we want to further increase our international influence, we can’t say more than To study how to make more overseas audiences interested in our works."

"What kind of movies do you think they would like?"

"If you say one thousand, if you say ten thousand, to put it bluntly, you still need a good work." Zhou Yun said, "Either it is a good-looking and exciting genre film, or a mature and good art film, it's all the same. As an actor, I will not go to Distinguish what is a commercial film and what is an art film, but for the film market, there is such a distinction, and it must be targeted.”


Anyone has their own views and thinking about the industry they are in.

Zhou Yun also knew that she should not say some things, but she felt that she should also say them.

A lot of words are said, hoping to arouse some people's thinking.Zhou Yun also didn't think that his opinion might be correct, but the bad thing now is that the public opinion environment made these thinking voices almost non-existent.No matter who stands up and says something, they will be criticized in words and in writing.

Zhou Yun didn't want to condone this kind of atmosphere—or rather, she wanted to change it.


She chatted more and more with Lu Ming.

Zhou Yun discovered that although the child Lu Ming didn't understand many things, he had a natural intuition. He could hear the sentence or two that she really cared about in a passage, the entry point, and then Keenly pinch it out and let her answer further.

Although he is nervous in front of her, he also has the recklessness of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Zhou Yun liked the reckless anger in him.

Not sharp, nor Tai Chi with you.

At the end of the chat, Zhou Yun unexpectedly found that she had said a lot of things that she hadn't thought to say.

Lu Ming will not control the direction of the topic. He is completely in a state of seeking knowledge, and unconsciously induces her to talk more and more.

So, chat hi.
I wish you all a happy new year, all the best, auspiciousness and well-being, and good luck with spring!
(End of this chapter)

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