Chapter 799 Same Frame
After the interview, Zhou Yun patted Lu Ming on the shoulder and said, "Look, after you left the outline just now, we chatted very happily."

Lu Ming was very surprised and asked, "Really?"

He still can't believe it.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Of course it's true, Lu Ming, you have the talent for interviewing. In the future, you should stop doing paparazzi work, study hard, and run on a different track. You are still so young, so you need to find a A track run with a bigger room for future development.”

Lu Ming smiled shyly.

He scratched his head and said, "I don't know anything, and my Chinese performance is not good. I feel that I can't write articles like theirs."

Zhou Yun: "There is not only one kind of article in this world. Their articles are well written, but it doesn't mean you have to write like them. If you are like them, then you are no different from them, right? ?”

Lu Ming said: "But I don't know what I should do. After writing this manuscript, I can only be a paparazzi, and there is no place that would allow me to be a reporter."

Zhou Yun: "After the manuscript of your interview with me is published, there may be changes. Let's take a look at that time."

Eunice said, "Miss Zhou, can we take a photo together?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

So Liu Yun helped the three of them take pictures.

"Thank you."

After filming, Eunice thanked Zhou Yun.

Liu Yun sent them away.

Then, they were about to set off for the high-speed rail station.

Zhou Lan sent her to the parking lot downstairs of the office building.

"After recording the show, are you going directly with Song Chi to his place?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Let's meet at the high-speed rail station on the 10th then."

"Okay." Zhou Lan nodded.

Zhou Yun met Song Chi at the high-speed rail station.

He was in the waiting room, reading a document.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Yun went over, sat down, and asked.

Song Chi looked up at her, laughed, and said, "Yao Yuanfeng sent me a script outline, saying he wanted me to act."

Zhou Yun snorted and said, "What script did he send you? Why didn't he just send you the complete script?"

Song Chi: "It hasn't been revised yet."

"What story?"

"A man who suddenly acquired the ability to predict after a car accident, foresaw that he was about to be murdered a week later, and had to find out the story of the murderer who wanted to kill him within this week." Song Chi said , "This idea is quite interesting."

"Hmm." Zhou Yun nodded, "Sounds very attractive."

Song Chi: "I think the script is not bad, I'm going to take Yu Zhiyang to act it."

"Yu Zhiyang?" Zhou Yun was surprised.

"The big villain in it is one of my students. I play a university professor. The person who wants to kill me is one of my master's students."

Zhou Yun wowed and said, "If you think it's suitable, you can take him to act."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded.

"However, do you still have a schedule?" Zhou Yun said, "I heard someone say that you are basically full next year."

Song Chi said: "Squeezing can still squeeze out some time. Let's coordinate the schedule. I will also co-produce this movie and participate in the investment."

Zhou Yun nodded: "This is fine."

"Yao Yuanfeng told me before that "The Female Killer" is going to be released in the summer." Song Chi said, "He also wants to have a global simultaneous release."

Zhou Yun said: "The overseas box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" mainly gave him this confidence."

Song Chi: "It feels like he wants to release all films worldwide."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "He has always wanted to take the international route. He has already achieved the best in China. If he wants to continue to improve his performance, he can only focus on overseas markets."

"Yes." Song Chi nodded with a smile, "It's a good thing, I hope other film companies have the same ambition as him."

Zhou Yun asked, "What about you?"


"Aren't you making movies yourself?"

Song Chi: "For my side, the domestic road has not yet been stabilized, but if there is an opportunity and a channel, I definitely want to push the film to the outside world."

"How did "Being a Mother" sell in the international market before?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "It's not bad. Although the price is not high, every country and region can sell a little, which adds up to a lot of income."

"Well, the key is to be able to open up the channels, and you still have so many plays to sell." Zhou Yun said, "Didn't there be a "A Thousand Gold Never Die" before that had a good reputation?"

Song Chi: ""A Thousand Dollars Never Go Down" is currently only sold in Japan and a few countries in Southeast Asia, and it cannot be released in other places. Instead, "The Balcony". I didn't think that this film could make much money. The country bought the distribution rights of their country, and they sold very well. Of course, generally speaking, these projects of mine still make money. No one loses money. It’s just a question of how much we earn. With more and more, the financial pressure will not be so great, and the copyright fees collected from these projects are a lot of money every year."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "The drama "Being a Mother" can really do it, and it will be able to flow steadily in the future."

"Yeah." Song Chi smiled, "Sister Hongyu performed really well in this drama, but unfortunately she didn't win any influential awards. At that time, I thought this drama would help Sister Hongyu win at least one Best Actress The main character is back."

"Sister Hongyu's status in the arena is too high, and she has won many awards. Her acting skills have become a matter of course in everyone's minds, so she is a bit 'cold'." Zhou Yun is now gradually understanding this point. Yes, she herself encountered such a predicament.

Every time a play comes out, they basically praise her for her good performance, but indeed, Zhou Yun has to admit that everyone's evaluation of her is not as high or as good as before.

It's not a problem with her acting, it's that everyone is used to her "goodness".

Just because she is used to her "goodness", unless she acts better than before again, in the eyes of everyone, her "goodness" is just a "normal performance".

The same is true for Zhang Hongyu.

Unless she comes up with a better character performance than her past career, otherwise, her "good" is just a "normal performance".

"What about "Jian Yuntai"?" Zhou Yun asked, "Sister Lan told me that this movie may be released during the Spring Festival?"

"Yes." Song Chi said, "We are fighting for it. The post-production of this film has been completed. I have seen the finished film. The effect is better than I expected. It's great. I have already held a round of internal previews. Yes, I have invited some familiar international film producers, they are basically very interested and have already started negotiating prices."

Zhou Yun: "This kind of disaster movie has a market all over the world, so it's sure to sell well, but we haven't made a good disaster movie in China. I hope it can carry this banner."

Song Chi nodded, "I don't know if I can carry this banner, but I can definitely get off to a good start. I'm very satisfied with the results, not just my starring role."

Zhou Yun nodded: "That must be very good."

Whether a movie is good or not, they know it well.Most of the time, they just can't say it due to various reasons, or they just say it evasively.

Song Chi is really proud of the movie he made.

"Don't try too hard." Zhou Yun leaned his head lightly on Song Chi's shoulder, "I have consciously slowed down the pace of my own films, so don't always join the crew."

Song Chi was taken aback.

"Now that your company has gone through the initial stage that needs to be supported by you alone, you should also pay attention to rest."

Song Chi put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

As the top stars in China, the two of them are still so full of work, which is actually very rare.

Generally, when you reach this position, whether you work more or less will not affect your income much - business, endorsement, sharing, these occupy a large part of the income, and they don't need to spend too much time.

Of course, on this basis, Zhou Yun and Song Chi's salary is very high, which is also a lot of money, but even if they make a few fewer movies, they are not short of this salary.

However, due to their own reasons, the two have filmed a lot of scenes in the past two years.

It's time to check in.

They were recognized by the people at the high-speed rail station. For a while, many people gathered around to watch them, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Protected by their assistants, Zhou Yun and Song Chi walked towards the ticket gate with smiles on their faces.

"Song Chi, Zhou Yun, it's so hard to see the two of you in the same frame together." A girl said.

Song Chi smiled at the girl, but said nothing.

Someone asked, "Where are you going?"

None of them spoke.

Things like whereabouts are better kept secret.

The people around them asked questions in a hurry.

Lots of questions.

Neither Zhou Yun nor Song Chi liked to cause commotion and crowd gathering in public places like the high-speed railway station, so they never answered their questions here, and only left as soon as possible.

One person didn't know if he was annoyed by this, and asked, "Why don't you talk? Are all the stars so high up? What are you so proud of?"

This person's voice was very loud, at least this group of people heard it, and these people were all holding up their mobile phones or cameras to shoot. Needless to say, these words must have been captured.

Zhou Yun glanced at that person, but said nothing.

Song Chi thought for a while before speaking, and said, "This is our private itinerary, not a public event. This is also a public place. Please don't follow us anymore, so as not to affect other people's travel."

The face of the person who questioned them just now was even uglier.

"What are you guys? If we follow you to see you and take a picture of you, then we think highly of you! If you stars don't have the support of us ordinary people, what are you?" The man shouted louder and louder.

Zhou Yun frowned, and she also noticed that Song Chi's expression had also become serious and dignified, restraining her anger.

Zhou Yun gently took Song Chi's hand, signaling him not to be hard on others.

In fact, rational people are the majority.

The person said such insulting words, which aroused the disgust of other people.

"Why do you say such excessive things? Did the two of them do anything excessive?"

"That's right, Brother Chi is right. This is not their public event. We like them, which is why we ask so many questions. They answer what they want, and they don't if they don't want to. A moral high, interesting?"

"You don't represent us any more, why don't you just leave quickly if you don't know how to be polite?"

A group of people rose up and attacked that group.

The man said anxiously, "You fans are really servile! The two of them turn a blind eye to you people, and you still speak for them like this, you really have no spine!"

"You have a strong backbone! You don't understand anything about what you are playing here, pretending to be a big-tailed wolf, and you are still here to educate us!" A girl said angrily, "What do we want to do, do we need you to educate us? "

That person was run off by a group of people.

He continued to swear before he ran away.

The whole process was filmed.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi didn't need to think too much. They knew that the scene that happened at the high-speed rail station today would definitely be uploaded on the Internet and arouse public opinion.

"Thank you." Zhou Yun said to them, "Thank you for understanding us."

"It's okay, Xiaoyun, Brother Chi, don't let this kind of person affect your mood. We know that you don't like fans to send you off, and you are afraid of affecting the surrounding environment. Don't worry, we basically didn't come to send you off. Waiting for our own high-speed rail here, I happened to see you, so I couldn't hold back my curiosity and wanted to see you up close."

At this moment, Zhou Yun was really moved.

Sometimes, she feels that she has really done too little for her fans—but they have moved and surprised her time and time again.

At the ticket gate, they waved to the fans.


Sure enough, soon someone posted the video of the scene on the Internet, which immediately detonated the Internet.

In the past six months, there has been an argument similar to "what is noble in internal entertainment".

Many young artists have released a lot of actions or quotes that make people think "is he/she out of his mind?"

Today's young artists generally have a good family background and a lot of knowledge, but they have enough knowledge or self-cultivation, and often reveal their arrogance or ignorance.

Whether it's variety shows or the Internet, they all expose their shortcomings at a glance.

More and more people no longer believe in the beautiful packaging of these idol artists.

In fact, the matter of Song Chi and Zhou Yun has nothing to do with the so-called "arrogance".

But it is easy to associate with the word.

After the video was released on the Internet, many people also believed that Zhou Yun and Song Chi's behavior of ignoring others was very "arrogant".

When a fan explained that the two of them didn't ignore fans, they just never talked to fans in public places such as high-speed rail stations, high-speed rail stations, etc., because they strongly discourage the gathering of fans in public places.

But not many people believe this explanation, or in other words, no one will believe that a celebrity artist does not want his fans to gather together-they just eat the rice bowl of fans, and do they drive fans outside?
There are always many, such thoughts.

Every time a public opinion like this happens, more and more people will join in to discuss this matter, and then their discussions will involve more aspects, and finally become a very complicated topic of public opinion.

Celebrities and entertainers are always afraid of such public opinion, because it is also a knife, no matter good or bad, it will hurt them.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi had no choice this time, they couldn't escape, they could only bear it.

After getting off the high-speed train, it was already night when they arrived at the hotel.

None of them had dinner - the high-speed rail meal was not good, and they didn't want to fill their stomachs with bad food.

After checking in, they went to eat immediately.

Liu Yuan also came.

Tianjin is an old city.

Zhou Yun has been here several times before, and he likes the feeling of this city very much.It is big enough and modern, but at the same time it still retains a very strong cultural atmosphere.

Especially teahouse storytelling, which is still well passed down.

"It's been a long time since I saw you." Liu Yuan gave Song Chi a hug and said happily, "The handsome guy is still so handsome!"

Song Chi: "Brother Liu is still so handsome!"

Liu Yuan: "I don't dare to say that in front of you. I met Xiaoyun a few days ago. You are really too busy to find a chance to meet."

Song Chi laughed and said, "We'll meet soon, and we'll see many more later on. I'll ask Brother Liu to host the premiere of "Jian Yuntai"."

"No problem, leave it to me." Liu Yuan said, "I will do my part to host your movie premiere."

Zhou Yun looked at these two people with some envy.

The friendship between them has lasted for a long time.

In this entertainment industry, it is not easy to have a friend who has maintained a relationship for such a long time.

Liu Yuan turned his head to look at Zhou Yun again.

"We meet again." He also opened his arms to Zhou Yun and hugged.

"Great, you two." Liu Yuan said, "Every time I see you, the happiest thing is that you two are always so close and beautiful."

Zhou Yun teased: "Probably because the two of us always get together less and stay more apart, so distance produces beauty."

Liu Yuan: "You two are too hard workers, you should try to give yourself as much time as you can, you know?"

Zhou Yun nodded and hummed.

She asked, "Brother Liu, when did you arrive?"

Liu Yuan said: "I arrived the day before yesterday. I want to come over with the director team to go through every point of the program recording and get some information in advance. For our program, I still want to capture every point as much as possible. Let me give you a detailed introduction to the local customs and customs of the place we went to.”

"That's great." Zhou Yun said, "Oh, by the way, Brother Liu, I don't know where you're going after the show. I'll recommend you a place where I just finished filming. The scenery is really beautiful."

Liu Yuan smiled and said, "It's better for us to record after your drama comes out, otherwise, it will affect your perception of this drama."

Zhou Yun reacted.

"Oh, yes."

"Thank you for recommending a place to me." Liu Yuan said, "It's not easy for this program to finally come out and officially start recording."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Yuan said: "Didn't I do a show myself before, Xiaoyun and Brother Chi, you all came, "Flowers and Everything", after the first season of that show, I couldn't do it anymore, because the audience didn't like that show. Very enthusiastic, this show is the same, there are not too many game sessions, and it is not that confrontational, it is relatively slow life, slow variety show, investors and platforms are not very interested."

No wonder Liu Yuan specially recruited them for the first recording.

"I would also like to thank you all for agreeing so readily to help me record the first episode. With the two of you in the same frame, at least the number of broadcasts should not be bad." Liu Yuan laughed.

In fact, with Liu Yuan's status, it is not difficult for him to make a popular show.

He has a lot of resources to run a variety show that is more pleasing to the audience and more profitable.

But he has his own ideals, and he still wants to make a show with more humanistic care and thinking.

In the first phase, Zhou Yun and Song Chi were invited over, and their service fees were not low.

They didn't ask for a high price, but the program group still gave the market price enough.

Liu Yuan would never bargain just because they were friends or acquaintances.

They arrive at a restaurant.

Liu Yuan said: "This restaurant is very famous, I went there once the day before yesterday, it was very good."

There were quite a few diners in the restaurant. As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

They exclaimed their names, and some volunteers came forward directly to ask if they could take a group photo.

After the few of them posed for a group photo generously, they followed the waiter into the box.

After Liu Yuan ordered the dishes, he said to them, "Look, do you want to add something?"

Song Chi received the menu, looked at it, and said, "It's ok, it's almost there, if it's not enough, let's add more."

Liu Yuan nodded, and said to the waiter, "That's what I just said."

Zhou Yun: "Bring me a box of yogurt, thank you."


After the waiter went out, Liu Yuan immediately shared with them some things in the preparation process of this show.

"Originally, it was agreed that it would be broadcast on Hongcheng Satellite TV. It was a good talk, but when it was time to sign the contract, they suddenly changed their leader. The leader didn't like this show very much, so it became pornographic. I had no choice but to I went to find several other satellite TVs, but basically I was not very interested in this type of program, so I had to find an online video platform and talked for a long time." Liu Yuan said, "In the end, I finally talked with Lizi Video. Alright, the production budget and price have been negotiated. At this moment, the higher-ups suddenly issued a document, saying that they will promote programs that promote traditional culture next year. That’s it. Everyone knows that my program is I went to different places to discover the local customs, and all the people who had rejected me before came to me again and offered a lot of money to discuss cooperation."

Zhou Yun felt very helpless after hearing this.

"always like this."

Liu Yuan: "Actually, I also know that this type of program is not the kind that will be liked by many viewers, but I still want to do some programs like this as much as possible. There are always audiences who like to watch them. If they do this, I will A little discouraged, there is a feeling that no matter how hard I try to make a show, it will not be as useful as a wind direction of the general environment, and I can't help but doubt the meaning of my hard work."

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"Brother Liu, you are making a program with great care. The audience can feel it whether you put your heart into it or not." She said, "Our personal efforts will never be able to match the wind direction of the general environment. This is inevitable, but I think, A good, intentional, and useful effort definitely has its own meaning, just like my agent told me that you have a new show for me to record, she didn’t even ask me, she just agreed to it for me , why? Because she knows that I fully trust you, as long as it is your program, as long as my time does not conflict, I will definitely agree. This is the meaning of the program that you have worked hard for so long. I am just a person , but I believe that there are more people who believe in every new program you will do in the future because of the programs you have done in the past and your efforts in the past."

Liu Yuan pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and then sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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