Yoo Won has been the host for a long time.

He has hosted hundreds of programs, and there is almost no one in China who does not know him.

But for this sake, he still often feels panic.

People in this line of work are either extremely confident, or always fearful, uneasy, and worried that they can't do it.

Liu Yuan has a little bit of both sides, he also has self-confidence, and he also has trepidation.

Every time I get praise, I still feel a little embarrassed.Of course, you will also feel happy and proud at the same time.Liu Yuan didn't care less about other people's encouragement as his qualifications grew. The people who would be fearful are always the ones who really care about whether they have really done a good job.

Zhou Yun's words moved him very much.

"Xiaoyun really warms my heart." Liu Yuan clasped his hands together, "Thank you Xiaoyun for your encouragement."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Xiao Yun, when are you going to shoot "Killing Song"??" Liu Yuan asked suddenly.

"It should look like around March next year. We signed a 100-day shooting time, but the specifics still depend on the shooting situation on the spot." Zhou Yun said, "What's wrong, Brother Liu?"

Liu Yuan said: "I have a friend who is a new director. He got creative funds from a film festival before, but the funds were not enough. I heard your manager Zhou Lan tell me that you have an idea to I support the works of some new directors, so I want to make an appointment with you to see if I can meet him and talk about his project. Although I recommend him because of my friend, I also watched him I haven’t made a movie about the script, but I’ve watched quite a few movies, and from an audience’s point of view, I think it’s a wonderful story.”

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Zhou Yun immediately nodded and said, "Of course, but is he not in the country these two days?"

"He's in the country."

"If you are here, just find a time in these two days, let's meet, don't wait until next year when I finish filming and see you, how long will it take, anyway, I will leave on the [-]th, find a time in a few days, and we will see you right away Let’s have a chat together.” Zhou Yun said briskly, “I really wanted to find some good scripts to pitch in and support the new director, but, as you know later, what happened to “Above the Crowd” , so that I can’t trust people easily.”

Liu Yuan: "I understand."

"So, if it was introduced by an acquaintance, I would have a little bit of confidence in my heart. I may have been bitten by a snake once and afraid of well ropes for ten years. I hope I can slowly adjust." Zhou Yun sighed lightly.

"We will always meet some people who are not so kind, but don't change our perspective on the world because of those people." Liu Yuan said earnestly, "When I was young, I was tricked by others. At one time, I was suspicious and felt that anyone wanted to cheat me, but then I realized that this was not possible. That kind of mentality completely affected my normal interpersonal communication and my own mood. If one day you find that you can no longer trust others Now, you will find that feeling particularly uncomfortable."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Well, brother Liu, I know that what you said is quite right, but although I understand the truth, it is difficult to do it. Maybe this kind of influence can only be resolved through time."

After dinner, on the way back, Liu Yuan said that he would ask his friend to send the script to her mailbox after returning home.

Zhou Yun gave Liu Yuan his email.

When she arrived at the hotel, the script had already been sent to her mailbox.

Song Chi had two phone calls to make, and Zhou Yun just read the outline of the script in his room.

The script is called "Children of Prophecy".

The most interesting thing about Wu Liqun, the protagonist of this story, is that he is different from other protagonists with similar themes.

Obtaining a superpower and then saving the world—this kind of story mode is not used to, but Wu Liqun is neither a child or teenager who acquires superpowers immaturely, nor is he depressed and needs to rely on superpowers to adapt Middle-aged people in life.

From the beginning of the script, he has been emphasizing some kind of ordinaryness of him, emphasizing his closeness and beauty with his colleagues and family.So, this is a protagonist without inner trauma or childhood shadows.

As a result, before and after he gained the ability to predict, he was afraid of any benefits that he did not get according to the routine of life.

This fear is not a sloppy form at first, and then turned into the courage to save the world.

Fear stays with him from the beginning to the end until the end of the story.

The script very directly expresses his views on superpowers for ordinary people. He uses the character's mouth to regard superpowers as a curse.

In fact, it is indeed a curse to a person who just wants to live a good life.

It doesn't mean that it's a crime to conceive Bi - it doesn't mean that Wu Liqun has been involved in a steady stream of troubles since he obtained this superpower, although he did get involved time and time again.

But getting into trouble is not the process, but the result.

The most important thing is that every time he took the initiative to stand up and open the troublesome door.

Every time Wu Liqun uttered his prophecy, he clearly knew what troubles he might encounter later, so he never wanted to admit that he had such ability, nor did he intend to rely on this ability to become a big star, or to make money. Get rich, fame and fortune.

However, if he doesn't tell the prophecy, the child who will be in a car accident an hour later will not be able to avoid the car accident and will die. If he doesn't tell the prophecy, the girl named Tingting will miss her meeting with her grandpa. last side.

When the news of his prophecy gradually spread, everyone no longer regarded him as an ordinary person.

Everyone is afraid of being contacted by him, afraid that his secret will be seen through by him.At the same time, there are also many people who want to use his ability to do some bad things.His life was completely disrupted, and he was destined not to be able to live normally again.Even the people around are hostile to him and want him to leave.No one wants his secret to be seen by him in a picture that will appear in the future.

He had to hide himself so that no one could find him.However, one day, a serial murderer came to the town where he was hiding. When he was in contact with the murderer, he saw a picture of him killing a woman in the town three days later.He once again faced a choice, whether to expose his ability to predict, let the serial murderer who escaped for more than ten years be caught, and save the woman's life.

As Liu Yuan said, this is a very beautiful story.

Zhou Yun's first reaction was that this script could actually be played by Song Chilai.

Song Chi's company can also make this movie.

Zhou Yun sent a message to Liu Yuan: Brother Liu, I finished reading the script. The protagonist of this script is quite suitable for Song Chi to play. Have you talked to him about this script before?
Liu Yuan quickly replied: Brother Chi said that he had already contacted Xindun with a movie that was also related to predictive ability, and he was afraid of repetition, so he refused.

Zhou Yun remembered that Song Chi had told him that Yao Yuanfeng had given him a script, and Song Chi wanted to pull Yu Zhiyang to act in that play together.

Indeed, that scene is also the story of a university professor who suddenly gains precognitive powers after a car accident and learns that he will be murdered a week later.

Although the content and themes of the stories are completely different, they all involve the element of "precognition".

Zhou Yun understood Song Chi's decision.

She said to Liu Yuan: This story is beautifully written. I want to help him make this movie. Brother Liu, why don't you help us organize a game and introduce me to your friend?
Liu Yuan replied immediately: Alright!Great, dear, thank you for giving him a letter of approval so quickly, I'll tell him right away.

Zhou Yun returned a bright smile.

Liu Yuan's speed was also very fast, and he made an appointment right away, on the night after the recording of the program ended.

Zhou Yun immediately contacted Zhou Lan, asking sister Lan to come over that day.

Zhou Lan asked what's wrong.

Zhou Yun: "Liu Yuan recommended me a good-looking script. I like it very much. I want to help this director make this film. I made an appointment to meet and chat the night after tomorrow. Come over and chat with me. I think this script can make way. Atrium or Huang Zicheng will act."

Zhou Lan heard it and immediately said, "Okay, I'll buy the tickets right away, do you want me to bring the two of them here?"

"No need for now, let's meet and talk with him first, and let's talk about the follow-up after confirming the intention."

After hanging up the phone, Song Chi came in.

"Did you finish the phone call?" Zhou Yun asked.

"It's over." Song Chi walked in, "You've finished reading your script too?"

"After reading it, I made an appointment to meet the night after tomorrow." Zhou Yun said, "I really like this story, the rhythm is very good, it keeps dragging you to read, and the final ending also moved me."

Song Chi nodded.

"The script structure is very complete."

"They're both suspenseful genre films, which one do you think is better?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I prefer Xindun." Song Chi said, "The whole arrangement of "Son of Prophecy" is actually a bit lengthy, and the main line is not very clear. In other words, its main line is based on the male protagonist's ability to predict It is promoted by the state of mind, involving several different side stories, I still prefer scripts that only focus on this one place from beginning to end."

Zhou Yun understood Song Chi's meaning.

"Indeed, the framework of the story of "Children of Prophecy" is actually more suitable to be developed into a drama series." She said.

Song Chi nodded: "That's right."

Zhou Yun said, "Are you interested in distributing this movie? I mean, if I can get a deal with that friend, Brother Liu."

Song Chi: "Yes, of course I am willing. The box office of this movie is definitely not low. Do you want to do it yourself?"

"From Brother Liu's point of view, his friend is a newcomer, and he probably doesn't have a cooperative production company, otherwise he wouldn't have found me." Zhou Yun said, "Since I want to invest, I might as well do more. If he wants to be a director, I'll help him find a director, and if he doesn't want to be a director, I'll help him find a director."

Song Chi: "This is the best way. A newcomer who doesn't understand anything is indeed prone to problems. However, you don't have time to take care of such details. If you plan to make your own film, you have to find a big butler for others." Just do it."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I'm going to find Xu Jinbo." Zhou Yun said, "I have worked with him on "Deep Sea". To advance the shooting of the second season of "Deep Sea"."

"As long as Yue Hai makes money from a show and has a prospect for the second season, he must release a second season. This is their old habit."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

The recording of the show will start early the next morning.

The director of the program group has already greeted them in advance, and tomorrow morning there will be a photographer and their follow-up director knocking on the door, and the filming will start from waking up.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were already familiar with this.

However, the two of them do rarely record a show together. The last time it seemed to be the love CP show.

The people in the program group originally thought that when they knocked on the door at [-] o'clock in the morning, the two of them should be still sleeping. Who knew that no one was in the room. After asking again, they found out that the two of them had gone out for a morning run early in the morning.

"..." The director of the program group was a little confused and found it incredible.

The director complained to Liu Yuan: "Why are these two so active? Recording a program and going for a morning jog?"

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "It's my fault that I didn't remind you, the two of them have always had the habit of running in the morning, and they have persisted for a long time."

"Then what do we do now?" the director asked with a sad face.

The two big stars without makeup were not photographed, and the publicity points originally planned were gone.

Liu Yuan: "It's okay, wait for them to come back."

The director sighed.

Liu Yuan said: "It's okay, it doesn't have to follow the script we prepared before."

"Then what should we do?" the director said, "In this episode of our program, we planned to make a topic about how handsome and beautiful two people are without makeup, but now it's gone."

Liu Yuan: "Why is it gone? The two of them ran back, they must have no makeup, and this kind of real, post-exercise no-makeup looks much better than the kind of no-makeup just after waking up?"

The director squinted at Liu Yuan: "Are you serious? Who doesn't blush after exercising? Where does it look good? Most people have the best skin after waking up!"

Liu Yuan: "Oh, director, it's okay, their faces look good no matter what time they are."

At this time, the photographer who has been taking pictures of the two of them with a camera all the time smiled: "Cut the conversation between the two of you just now into the feature film, and then pick up the scene of the two of them coming back from exercising, won't there be a topic?"

"..." Liu Yuan and the director glared at the director at the same time, and said, "How dare you!"

"I don't dare to dare, it depends on the people who watch the editing." The photographer said, "But I think, really, just edit like this, the effect will definitely be there!"

At this moment, someone said: "Song Chi and Zhou Yun are back!"

Immediately, the duo's photographer scurries to the elevator entrance, waiting to capture the moment the two men emerge.

My other book about the entertainment industry, "After Breaking Up, I Became a Popular Superstar in the Entertainment Industry", if you haven't read it, go read it!

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