I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 801 Son of Prophecy, Get Out

Chapter 801 Son of Prophecy, Get Out (Ten Thousand Words Update!)
Both of them were wearing sportswear, and their usually fair faces were slightly red with sweat.

The sportswear is all slim-fitting, which completely outlines the body lines of the two people who have maintained long-term fitness.

Seeing the two of them approaching, the director was stunned for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is a beautiful landscape.

Liu Yuan couldn't help laughing when he heard the director's relieved voice.

"Why are you so nervous?"

His old friend said: "Yuaner, how can I not be nervous? The two of them recorded the first episode. If the first episode is not good and doesn't attract viewers, the show will be half a failure!"

Liu Yuan: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. With me here and their promise to record this show, the first episode will never fail. We just let the flow take its course and record the show well."

Zhou Yun and Song Chi came over.

"Has the recording of the show started yet?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Yuan nodded with a smile, and said: "The director came over just now, and found that he didn't find you in the room, he was so anxious to death."

Zhou Yun: "Sorry, sorry, we didn't tell you in advance."

Liu Yuan: "It's okay, you go in quickly, we'll see you in half an hour, is that okay?"


"Then let's have breakfast in half an hour." Liu Yuan said.

The film crew finished shooting the last shot, collected their things and left.

Half an hour later, they assembled downstairs.

Each of Liu Yuan, Song Chi, and Zhou Yun has a dedicated photographer. Apart from their dedicated photographer, there are several other photographers who are responsible for taking pictures from different angles.

Liu Yuan said, "Let's go have breakfast together first."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

In front of the camera, Zhou Yun and Song Chi did not walk hand in hand.

The two are very similar, they are the kind of people who don't want to show too close in front of others.

"Have you ever been to Tianjin before?" Liu Yuan asked them.

"I have been here several times, but I have never had the opportunity to take a deep look around the city." Zhou Yun said.

"It's the same for me. I have filmed and recorded shows here." Song Chi said, "but I haven't visited here much."

Liu Yuan: "Do you usually travel a lot?"

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"Basically, I haven't traveled for travel. Generally, I have a job somewhere, and if I have some time, I will go around."

The schedule is too busy, and I don't even have time to rest, let alone travel.Whenever there is a few days to rest, Zhou Yun basically stays in the house to rest.

Song Chi smiled and said, "I'm the same as Xiaoyun."

"The two of you, really, have already achieved such success, why are you working so hard?" Liu Yuan sighed and shook his head, "Then I will ask you to record this program more in the future, while working, Take a break."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, brother Liu, you keep your word, don't just invite me for one period and then never invite me again."

Liu Yuan said: "Hey, if you have time, you can come anytime, I can't ask for it, which show host can't ask for a big star like you?"

Zhou Yun: "It's not that exaggerated."

"Of course it's such an exaggeration. Many of my friends have come to ask me if Xiaoyun doesn't like variety shows, because when they send you invitations, they are basically rejected by your team. Every time I have to talk to them Explain, that’s not the case, it’s not that Xiao Yun doesn’t love variety shows, it’s that you usually stay in the crew, as far as I know, it’s all continuous rotation, there are very few breaks in between, so usually you come out to record shows , They were all recorded between the shooting of the two films, so you will pick it up." Liu Yuan said, "Your last film was finished a few days ago, right? I am going to Australia to join the filming of a new film, and I am also lucky. It happens that the recording time is between your two plays, so I can invite you here."

Zhou Yun said, "Oh, it's true when you say it."

Yoo Won: "I think this is pretty good. You are all actors, and overexposure will make your image lose its freshness. I think your current rhythm is very good."

"I am quite willing to be on the show, but I am more selective, because from the audience's point of view, everyone who is recording the show enjoys it, as if everyone in the showbiz knows each other, but it is not like this. Not everyone is familiar with it. Sometimes when you go to record a program, most people don’t know each other. If they are unfamiliar, they are nodding acquaintances. In this case, it is necessary to give everyone a very short period of time, maybe one day or two days. It is too difficult to record a program that at least looks very warm and happy. I am not the kind of person who knows everyone by itself, and I am a bit slow, so every time I receive a program invitation, I compare I am worried that if I record the show myself, the recording will not look good." Zhou Yun said, "Many viewers think of variety shows too simply, as if everyone can easily and simply play a few games, and the recording of one show will be finished. , It’s not like that at all, a person with my personality, actually knows very well that this requires too much energy, if I can’t open myself up, I will appear to be extravagant, extravagant and boring on the show.”

Liu Yuan laughed, and made a joke of Zhou Yun's slightly serious words: "The audience is so shocked to hear you say these words, you are a big star and you are worried that your recordings will not look good, how many people are targeting you You can watch an entire episode with this face."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you Brother Liu for your support. I have self-knowledge. I'm not that capable."

Liu Yuan: "But Xiaoyun, did you notice that, even though you said so, and there are not many recorded programs, maybe the sense of variety shows is not particularly good, there are not so many stalks or humorous points, but every time you record a program , the evaluations are quite good, the audience likes to watch you, not because you are a big star or anything like that, as you said, many big stars recorded variety shows, but after the results were broadcast, people were disappointed, they were in the show You are not as attractive as in the film and television dramas, but you are very good. People don’t think you are funny, but they like to see you. No matter how you talk or what you do, it makes people feel very comfortable. This is what I am doing The comments that the audience sees the most, they think you are real, and you are indeed a very real person."

Zhou Yun: "Hmph, Brother Liu, I finally heard the truth. The sense of variety is not particularly good, and there are not so many stalks or humor."

Liu Yuan laughed again.

Song Chi raised his hand and touched the back of Zhou Yun's head.

"It's okay, I'm the same as you, Brother Liu said so to me."

Liu Yuan: "Oops, oh, I offended both of you, director, can we continue to record this show? Why do I feel like I'm about to drive our two guests away in anger."

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, the topic of this issue has also come. The best host Liu Yuan has the biggest Waterloo since he started working as a host. For a while, he offended the only two guests who were recorded on the show."

Liu Yuan said helplessly: "In the future, whoever says that we Xiaoyun have no stalks, I am in a hurry with whom."

Zhou Yun: "You are in a hurry with yourself, what is there to be in a hurry for?"

Liu Yuan pointed to the front, "Fortunately, the shop where we have breakfast has arrived."

The store is a real store, not a temporary store built for recording programs.

It was a store that the director team chose after spending a long time investigating many lists and recommendations from locals.

The director team had greeted the boss in advance, but they did not clear the scene.

The name of this program is "Participation in Life". They don't want to record the program, but it will affect normal life.

This show, what everyone wants to show is a kind of fireworks.

When a group of them entered the store, the store was almost full of people, all of whom were locals.

The boss reserved a table for them and two camera positions for shooting, and everything else was as usual.

When the customers saw the three of them appear, their eyes widened in surprise.

They did not receive the news in advance.

The boss kept everything secret at the request of the director team.

"Wow, are you Song Chi?" A little girl with shofar braids widened her lovely round eyes and looked at Song Chi, "You are so handsome!"

Song Chi smiled and said, "Yes, I am Song Chi, and you are beautiful too, little beauty."

The little girl immediately asked: "I like you very much, can I marry you when I grow up?"

Tong Yan Wuji, everyone heard the little girl's bold and innocent voice, and burst out laughing.

Song Chi also shook his head.

Before he knew how to answer, Zhou Yun suddenly put his hand in Song Chi's and said, "No, Song Chi is already my husband. You have to find it yourself when you grow up." A boyfriend."

The little girl blinked, suddenly remembered something, and said pleasantly, "Ah, you are Zhou Yun!"

Zhou Yun was surprised, she thought the little girl didn't know her.

"Do you know me?"

"Of course I know you! You are the killer in "Four Killers"!"

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Yes, I am the killer."

The little girl looked surprised: "It's great, I can see you in the morning!"

Zhou Yun smiled, patted the little girl's head, and said, "It's great to see such a cute little friend as you in the morning."

The people around reacted one after another, it was really them.

From this posture, everyone also realized that these are a few celebrities who came here to record programs.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi came to their seats and sat down.

Liu Yuan said: "Look at what to eat, I'll order."

Zhou Yun looked at the menu hanging on the wall, and found that there were quite a few types.

"I remember that there is a big pancake in Tianjin that is delicious. I have eaten it." She said, "I can do anything else, why don't we share it? How many more?"

"Okay." Liu Yuan said, "That's exactly what I mean."

Song Chi: "I'm OK."

So, Liu Yuan went to order.

At this time, an old man at the next table asked, "Are you two celebrities?"

Zhou Yun and Song Chi turned their heads to look at the same time, and Song Chi replied, "Master, we are actors."

"Actor?" The uncle nodded, thought for a moment, and then asked, "What kind of plays have you acted in?"

There was a little boy sitting next to him, who probably was his grandson. He was embarrassed and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, they are all very famous actors. If you haven't seen them, don't ask."

I guess it's embarrassing.

Uncle: "What's the matter? You can't even ask?"

This was directed at his grandson.

Song Chi smiled and said, "Last year, there was a movie called "Inaction". Have you seen it?"

"A movie?" the uncle said, "I think I watched it on Channel [-]. I think you look a little familiar."

"What do you think? Is it all right?"

"It's okay." The uncle nodded, "I like it."

Song Chi: "As long as you like it, it's not for nothing."

"That's still not as good as "Infernal Affairs." The uncle said again.

Song Chi: "Then I will work harder in the future and make better shots."

The uncle nodded with satisfaction.

Listening to Song Chi's answer, Zhou Yun smiled. After the two of them had finished chatting, he said, "I heard that Zhiwei is writing the script for the sequel of "Inaction". Is it true?"

Song Chi: "Really, everyone likes the first part very much, and really wants to continue telling this story."

Zhou Yun was very happy and said, "I also like this story very much. It's really great to have a sequel."

"It's really great to have a sequel?" Yoo Won returned.

Zhou Yun said: "Just now Song Chi said that there will be a sequel to "Inaction."

Liu Yuan showed a surprised expression, and asked: "Wow, this is also great! If everyone knows, they will definitely look forward to it. The first film is so good."

"Well, fortunately, Teacher Zhiwei also wants to continue writing this story. If Teacher Zhiwei doesn't write the script for the sequel, we don't want to shoot it." Song Chi said, "Actually, Teacher Zhiwei said before that he is very interested in this story. There are a lot of ideas, and if given the chance, I would like to write a script, including the "Moon at Sea" we filmed before, all of which are his ideas about this spy war world."

Liu Yuan said: "When will "Sinking Moon in the Sea" be broadcast? Can you reveal it now?"

Song Chi: "The post-production has been completed. We still don't know when it will be aired. We are still waiting for the airing schedule."

Liu Yuan: "The last time you collaborated on a TV series was "Ask the Heart"?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "Almost four years have passed, time flies so fast.

Liu Yuan: "That drama was so well filmed, I watched the whole episode from beginning to end without stopping."

"I have always said that it was from that drama that I really understood a little bit about character creation."

"By the way, Xiaoyun, didn't you film another drama with Director Jiang?"

"Yes, "Chen Yin"." Zhou Yun nodded, "It will be broadcast soon, everyone, you can watch it soon."

Liu Yuan asked: "What kind of story does it tell? Can you reveal it?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said: "From the perspective of the character I played, I think this story is about how a person walks through darkness. How should I put it, well, let's put it this way, I have never acted I have been through such a role that I can’t get out of, I did a lot of psychological construction before I stepped into this role, and it took a long time to get out of this role.”

"Wow, that sounds like a complicated role."

"It's really complicated." Zhou Yun smiled, "My agent said that no matter how I play such difficult roles, why have I never played some easier ones."

"It's true, Xiaoyun, you've never acted in a light-hearted comedy."

"Maybe everyone thinks that I should suffer, so the roles I find are all very difficult." Zhou Yun smiled.

After breakfast, they boarded the car and started to go to the first stop.

The recording of the program is actually looking for traces of history in Tianjin and understanding the stories of the past.

Eat and drink all the way, chatting and listening to introductions from people everywhere.

Most of the time, just a few of them were talking, chatting, listening to history and stories.

The recording of the program lasted until 09:30 in the evening.

The next morning, there were two more places to go.

The show was recorded until noon, they blew over lunch, and the first episode was officially recorded.

"How is it? Are you tired of recording this program?" Liu Yuan said.

"It's very comfortable and relaxing, I like it very much." Zhou Yun smiled.

"If you like it, come and play more in the future when you have time." Liu Yuan said.

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Shut down.

The film crew packed up their things and prepared to go back.

The three of them made an appointment to have a meal together at noon.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun will also meet Liu Qidong, the author of "Son of Prophecy".

"Qi Dong is a young man who has worked as an assistant director for several years before. He just turned 30 this year. He was a venture capitalist for a film festival before. He sent the script he wrote and got a sponsorship, but he wanted to really The filming was not enough, and I have been worrying about it for the past six months." Liu Yuan said, "Because he is a new director and has no independent directing experience, and he refuses to sell the script to others for production, so he has been In a deadlock, I will introduce some actors to him before, to see if anyone has taken a fancy to this script and is willing to act. If there is a well-known actor to act, he can also get some investment, but unfortunately, there are almost no actors. I'm interested in the work of a new director, if I hadn't heard from Zhou Lan that you have an idea to support the new director, I wouldn't have introduced him to you."

Zhou Yun: "It's also because I have made some money in the past few years, and I don't have any other hobbies. Money is useless in my hands, so why don't I support something I like."

Liu Yuan: "You are really telling the truth."


"Didn't Brother Chi start his own company?"

"His company still has to support a group of people. Unlike me, anyway, I do it by myself. If I make a profit or a loss, it's all my own business." Zhou Yun said.

Liu Yuan nodded.

After lunch, Liu Yuan mentioned one of his program ideas.

"Brother Chi, Xiaoyun, I have another idea here. It happens that you are all here, so I'll talk to you." Liu Yuan said, "I want to make a simple dialogue show, specifically talking about one thing, such as the first Jixian will do twelve episodes, and these twelve episodes will talk about movies, and each episode will talk about a theme, such as spy wars, such as love, are you interested?"

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at Liu Yuan in surprise, "Brother Liu, why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

"More than ten years ago, dialogue programs were actually very popular. At that time, TV stations did not invest so much in a program. Our production funds were very limited, so we launched many such dialogue and interview programs, and there were also a large number of them. Viewers watch it, but now all platforms are keen to make some big live-action game shows. The latter is an observation variety show, and it is rare to be able to calm down and talk about some special things quietly, so I thought of picking up When I started this type of program, I didn't want to make it too popular, just like "Participating in Life", as long as it can be done well."

Zhou Yun and Song Chi looked at each other.

"I am very willing." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi also nodded.

Liu Yuan: "I only have one idea right now, but I think only online platforms will be willing to broadcast this kind of program, and the funding is probably not much."

"I think this is a good thing." Song Chi said, "We really don't have a program at the moment that is dedicated to talking about what is going on in movies. If we can talk about movies seriously, I think it would be great."

"I'm not going to talk about movies specifically. The current episodes are actually worth talking about." Zhou Yun said, "Moreover, there are more actors who can participate in this way. Many actors are actually very good, but they don't have many opportunities. Going to play a role with performance space in the movie, but have such an opportunity in the drama.”

Liu Yuan nodded.

"If you're interested, I'll go and think about it, because if you're not interested in doing it, it's too unprofessional for me to be a non-filmmaker, and I don't want to pretend to say some high-sounding words." Liu Yuan Laughing, "I'll get a program planned first, and I'll send it to you when I'm done."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "Brother Liu, your idea is really great, really good."

Liu Yuan: "I'm afraid that this show will end up being a show of exaggerating human relationships, then it will be meaningless."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "It may be difficult for us to tell the 50% truth, but it's good to be able to tell the [-]% truth."

"Okay, then I'll start to do it." Liu Yuan said happily.


In the afternoon, Zhou Yun met Liu Qidong.

Liu Qidong has a cropped head, a little moustache, a solid figure, and looks a little handsome.

Zhou Yun shook hands with him pleasantly.


There was some respect in Liu Qidong's attitude.

"Hi Xiaoyun."

"I read the script you wrote, and I like it very much." Zhou Yun got straight to the point and said bluntly, "The fly in the ointment is that the protagonist is a man, so I can't play it."

Liu Qidong scratched his head in embarrassment for a moment, as if he didn't know what to say.

Seeing his embarrassment, Zhou Yun quickly said, "Don't mind, I was just joking, as long as the script is good, it doesn't matter whether the protagonist is male or female."

At this moment, Liu Qidong seemed to be relieved.

Zhou Yun asked: "How much do you still need?"

Liu Qidong didn't expect Zhou Yun to ask this question as soon as he came up. He was a little dazed, and he hesitated for two seconds before he said: "I, I have a total of 312 million on hand now, but if I want to shoot according to this script, it doesn't count." In terms of actors' remuneration, it's less than half."

"Then including the remuneration of the actors, it is estimated that there will be an additional 1000 million." Zhou Yun said directly, "Unless you don't use celebrities."

Liu Qidong nodded hesitantly and said, "Almost."

"Children of Prophecy" basically has no big scenes, and does not use special effects. This kind of movie basically focuses on the actors, which is normal.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Do you have any ideas about actors?"

Liu Qidong shook his head and said, "As long as the acting isn't too bad, it's fine."

After finishing speaking, he added: "It would be even better if Liang Yuanpu could be invited to act as the last killer."

After finishing speaking, Liu Qidong said again: "This may not be possible, the character is a villain, and there is no way to pay his salary."

Liang Yuanpu acted in a movie, even if it was just a special role, if he was hired, basically he would have no money to hire other actors.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said: "Liang Yuanpu, let me ask for you. I can't guarantee whether he is willing to act, but I will try to invite him. Of course, it is best after I have talked to him. You take the initiative to talk to him, sometimes we actors decide to act in a play because we are moved by the director’s sincerity.”

Liu Qidong nodded in surprise and said, "Thank you."

"Second, I can help you make up for the part of the money you are short of, including the actors' salaries. Of course, this is considered an investment. We will get the proceeds in proportion to the final box office." Zhou Yun said.

Just as he was talking, Zhou Lan finally came.

"Sorry, the road is a bit blocked and delayed." Zhou Lan hurried over, "What did you talk about?"

Zhou Yun: "At the beginning, Qi Dong, let me introduce you. This is my agent and the person in charge of my studio, Zhou Lan. After that, she will be in charge of many specific tasks. I usually If you are filming, you may not be able to solve some problems for you in time, so you can always find her."

Liu Qidong quickly stood up, bowed slightly, and said, "Miss Zhou, hello."

"Don't call me Miss Zhou, call me Zhou Lan, Lan Lan, whatever." Zhou Lan waved his hand, "Are you an actor changing career?"

"Ah? What?" Liu Qidong was taken aback.

Zhou Lan: "Isn't it? I thought you were so handsome, I thought you had been an actor for a long time and started changing careers."

Liu Qidong blushed and said, "I've never been an actor, so I don't know how to act."

Zhou Lan: "Then with your appearance, if you go to act, you might become an instant hit. Now your type is very popular in the market."

Liu Qidong was really embarrassed, and didn't know how to answer, so he froze in place.

"Hahaha, why are you so easily shy? Oh, sit down." Zhou Lan asked Liu Qidong to sit, "Xiaoyun told me that she read a very good script, I haven't read it yet, but I believe Xiaoyun's vision , since she said yes, then it must be good."

Zhou Yun: "Then let me continue, Qi Dong, have you contacted other film companies?"

Liu Qidong said: "I have contacted, but they are interested in the script, but they don't want me to participate in the production. They just want to buy the script. I still want to make this movie myself, so I haven't agreed."

"You want to be a director yourself?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Qidong nodded, and asked, "Is that okay?"

Zhou Yun said: "Of course you can be your own director. I just want to know the basic situation with you and see what I need to do. I have read this script twice. Who do you want to be the production team? You make a list, Sister Lan will help you contact them one by one, for the actors, I have a preliminary idea, you can see if it suits you."

Liu Qidong looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

"Already have an actor's idea?" He was surprised.

He thought that today was just a preliminary communication of intentions.

In the past six months, he has been in contact with those film companies, which company is not procrastinating, there is no movement for a long time, and it takes a week to wait for a reply.

Zhou Yun's quickness surprised Liu Qidong.

"If I had time, I wouldn't be in such a hurry, but I'm going to Australia for filming soon, and I won't be back until March next year. If I don't clarify some things in person now, it will be inconvenient for us to communicate later." Zhou Yun Explained a bit, "First, the leading actor Wu Liqun, I want to give it to the male actors in our studio to play, Huang Zicheng or Lu Zhongting, both of them are okay, you go and see, who do you like more, if you two I am really dissatisfied personally, so tell me again, we will arrange other people's auditions, the final decision must be in your hands, of course, I also said it directly, because I invested, if you are not dissatisfied, please use it as much as possible One of them."

Liu Qidong nodded.

"Secondly, the pregnant woman rescued by Wu Liqun in the movie, let me play a cameo role, the young man who was almost struck by lightning, let me see if Gu Huaichun, Zhou Jianfeng and Chen Jing are available, I invite them Come on for a cameo."

Liu Qidong opened his mouth and nodded.

These three people are all young and popular young students. No matter who comes to play a cameo, it will have a very big promotional effect on this movie.

Liu Qidong never thought that he could find a popular actor as a cameo for that role.

"You want to invite Liang Yuanpu to play the last killer. I just said that I will try to invite you for you, but you also know whether he will agree or not. It's hard to say. It depends on whether you can impress him. If you If you can't impress him, I think Teacher You Jiang is actually very suitable, and he will be very surprised to play such a perverted killer."

Liu Qidong nodded.

He knew that Zhou Yun had collaborated with You Jiang in "Behind the Scenes", and the two had a very good relationship. If Zhou Yun invited You Jiang, there would definitely be no problem.

"This is a few main cast members. In addition to the actors, I have told Song Chi about the release of this film, and I plan to ask his company to do it." Zhou Yun said, "A series of things such as the release later, he will Any company will have professional people to help you, you only need to make this movie well, and you don’t have to worry about other things.”

Liu Qidong is not a rookie who just entered this industry.

He has been an assistant director for several years, and he is actually very clear about many rules and many things in this line of work.

Zhou Yun's words were both straightforward and decisive, and he made a big deal for you without any ambiguity.

Money, she will settle it in place.

People, she came to invite one by one.

For the rest, she also found someone to help him connect.

Everything went so smoothly that it seemed like a dream.

Liu Qidong couldn't help wondering, was he dreaming?

"Okay." Liu Qidong nodded, "Thank you."

Zhou Yun: "Let's add a WeChat friend. Let's have a group chat later. Strictly speaking, this is my first time as a film producer. I don't have much experience. I don't know if there is anything I didn't think of. Or I didn't think it through, no matter what, if you have any discomfort or other opinions, just tell me directly, or tell sister Lan directly, there is no problem, the process of cooperation will definitely produce a lot of contradictions and frictions , but don't hide it, our conflicts and frictions can be resolved in the next few decades, but the movies made in this state, if they are bad, they will always be bad, and there will be no reshoots and corrections. Here's the chance."

Liu Qidong nodded vigorously.

"it is good."


Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting arrived at the apartment.

Both of them happened to have no other work today and could rest.

"Shall we go out to eat at night, or order takeaway?" Lu Zhongting asked.

Huang Zicheng said: "I bought vegetables, let's make them myself."

Lu Zhongting stared in surprise: "Damn, so virtuous?"

Huang Zicheng kicked him, "If you're lazy, get out."

Lu Zhongting dodged with a smile.

"I really don't know how to cook."

"If you don't understand, you can learn."


"This is the correct answer." Huang Zicheng complained.

Lu Zhongting smiled.

"Hey, Lao Huang." He suddenly turned serious, "Did Sister Lan tell you?"

"Huh?" Huang Zicheng looked back at Lu Zhongting, "What?"

Lu Zhongting was stunned, "Didn't Sister Lan tell you? She said that there is a movie that Sister Lan and Sister Xiaoyun have taken a fancy to, and the male lead wants to choose one of us."

Huang Zicheng sighed and nodded, "You said this, you said it, but didn't Sister Lan say that the horoscope has not been written yet? I haven't talked to the director yet, but I just have this intention."


Huang Zicheng was cutting white radish, he paused for a moment, and looked back at Lu Zhongting.

"what happened?"

Lu Zhongting groaned.

"When did you talk like a mother-in-law?" Huang Zicheng complained.

Lu Zhongting groaned, as if he mustered up the courage to say it, and said: "I just want to say, no matter who we choose to play in the end, the one who is not selected, we still have to treat the other party as a brother. That's what it means."

After Lu Zhongting finished speaking, he looked at Huang Zicheng with some anxiety.

Huang Zicheng was stunned for a second, then snorted impatiently, "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

He turned around and continued cutting carrots.

"You still think about this. You are popular, I am popular, you are the protagonist, and I am the protagonist. This is a good thing. Sister Lan said that as an actor, don't always think about becoming famous overnight. What an actor does is It doesn’t matter who is popular, it’s better than neither of them.” Huang Zicheng said, “In the future, we will be able to help so many of us like Miss Xiaoyun. If you are popular, Just give me a hand, if I am popular, I will also give you a hand, that's enough."

Lu Zhongting nodded.

"It's still you who think clearly. I'm mainly... I'm always asked insinuatingly about my relationship with you outside. I'm afraid that those people's words of sowing discord will affect us." He said.

Huang Zicheng: "Let them say whatever they like. They want us to fight. You really think the goal is us, but they just want us to cause trouble for Miss Xiaoyun. The thoughts of these people, one Hei, even if I don’t want to be an actor, I won’t cause trouble for Miss Xiaoyun.”

"Yes, Miss Xiaoyun is such a good person, we must not cause her any trouble." Lu Zhongting also nodded seriously.

Huang Zicheng asked: "The people outside should not only provoke me and you, but also that boy Yu Zhiyang, is there always someone mentioning him in front of you, saying that he is the one that Miss Xiaoyun likes the most?"

Lu Zhongting nodded and hummed.

"These people just have bad intentions. They can't find Miss Xiaoyun's shortcomings, so they come to attack us." Huang Zicheng cut the white radish into slices, and then began to slice and shred, "Even if Miss Xiaoyun likes Yu Zhiyang the most So what about the kid, these people don't even think about it, without Sister Xiaoyun, we wouldn't be able to go on the road of being an actor, let alone, who wants to compare with that kid who doesn't even have hair yet."

Lu Zhongting nodded and echoed: "That's right, the kid who doesn't even grow hair."


"Zhou Yun took a fancy to a new director's script?"

When Yao Yuanfeng received the news, Zhou Yundu had already gone to Australia, several days had passed.

The secretary nodded and said, "The new director is Liu Qidong, who sent us the script before, but was rejected by the script committee, saying that the script structure was not good."

Yao Yuanfeng's eyes flashed, and he said, "Go get me a copy of the script."

The secretary nodded.

Yao Yuanfeng took the time to finish reading the script.

Read it in one go.

He immediately became angry, and called the person in charge of the script committee up with a phone call, and immediately asked, "Let me ask you, have you read the script of "Children of Prophecy"?"

The person in charge of the script committee was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Yao Yuanfeng was so angry all of a sudden.

He said: "I read it, it was written by a man named Liu Qidong, Mr. Yao, what's the matter?"

"Let me ask you, why did you reject such a script?" Yao Yuanfeng asked.

The other party looked innocent and said: "We didn't reject it, we just thought the structure of the script was too flat, so we wrote a revision opinion to Liu Qidong and asked him to revise it before sending it to us. We also think the script is not bad."

Yao Yuanfeng was furious, and said: "Then why did he bring the script to Zhou Yun? Now he has cooperated with Zhou Yun! It has nothing to do with us!"

Person in charge: "Why is this happening? I'll check right away."

After a while, the person in charge came back with an ugly face.

"Boss Yao, I'm to blame for my ineffectiveness."

"How to say?" Yao Yuanfeng asked with a dark face.

Person in charge: "It's probably because when we reject other people's scripts, we always write a paragraph like "The requirements have not yet been met, please modify." After a while, Liu Qidong asked for some specific amendments, but the clerk didn't understand, and didn't ask us, so he just brushed it off."

Yao Yuanfeng was furious after hearing this.

"Let me tell you, just because of your ineffectiveness, you missed a script that has a very high possibility of grossing 5 million yuan!" Yao Yuanfeng said, "I hired a group of you, and Zhou Yun's eyes are not as effective as Zhou Yun alone!"

The person in charge was sweating.

"Yes, it was our fault."

"It's no wonder that Zhou Yun has never understood why there is such a department as yours." Yao Yuanfeng said suddenly, "I think you are taking yourself more and more seriously, and not taking those real creators seriously. !"

When the person in charge heard this, his face changed drastically.

"Mr. Yao, we definitely don't mean that."

"I don't care if you mean it or not, I'll tell you, that clerk, just let him go, and you will deduct three months' bonus!" Yao Yuanfeng said, "Next time this kind of thing happens, you will also Get the hell out of here!"
Chapter [-], Big Change!
(End of this chapter)

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