I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 802 It's About Movies, It's About People

After Yao Yuanfeng got angry, when everyone else left his office, he glanced at the phone number of the screenwriter named Liu Qidong, and called.

"Hi, hello, are you Liu Qidong?"

The voice of the man on the other end of the phone was relatively low, and his speech was not too fast or slow, and the speed of his speech made people feel comfortable.

"I am, may I ask you?"

"I'm Yao Yuanfeng, the boss of Xindun." Yao Yuanfeng smiled, "I don't know if you know me?"

He was stunned for two seconds and said, "I know, of course I know, Mr. Yao, hello."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Qi Dong, I just read the script of "Son of Prophecy". If I had read this script earlier, I would never let the previous misunderstanding happen. I have already trained the guy in charge of reading the script for a while. Pause, I'm very sorry, you trusted us before and sent the script over, but didn't give you good feedback, so I just said, I think your script is very well written, I really can't understand how those people under me Mistakes, I think your script is not good, you are a bunch of drunks and rice bags."

Liu Qidong didn't seem to know what to say, so he was silent for a while.

"Thank you, Mr. Yao, for your compliment." He finally said this.

"Do you still have this script in your hand? Or has it been bought by someone else?" Yao Yuanfeng asked knowingly.

Liu Qidong said: "Mr. Yao, I have already negotiated with the other company."

"Did you sign the contract?" Yao Yuanfeng asked.

Liu Qidong said: "It's already been negotiated, Mr. Yao. It doesn't matter if you sign the contract or not. Thank you for your appreciation, but I have already agreed to someone else."

Yao Yuanfeng sighed, and said: "Okay, but, Qi Dong, you have to understand one thing, although everyone can make your movie, but few companies can provide you with full In terms of aspects, the whole chain of services, including the subsequent distribution, how many guaranteed films you can get, all have a very big relationship with the company.”

"Yes, I know." Liu Qidong said, "But I have already promised others."

Yao Yuanfeng: "Okay, since that's the case, let's keep in touch. If you have a new script in the future, you are welcome to send it to me at any time. I appreciate you very much and I hope to cooperate with you."

Liu Qidong said, "Okay, Mr. Yao."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Yuanfeng sighed.

He called Zhou Yun again.

"Little Yun, have you arrived in Australia? Is everything going well?"

"Everything is going well, thank you Mr. Yao for your concern." Zhou Yun said, "Why is Mr. Yao looking for me? I'm on my way to the hotel."

Yao Yuanfeng: "I heard you found a new director?"

Zhou Yun: "Mr. Yao's news is fast enough."

"There are no secrets in this circle, but Xiao Yun, why are you suddenly interested in being a film producer?"

"I don't really want to do it. It was introduced to me by Liu Yuan. His film lacks funds and no one is interested in it. Come to ask my opinion. I read the script he wrote and liked it, so I agreed. Help him make this movie." Zhou Yun said, "I have always wanted to help a group of new directors, what's the matter, Mr. Yao, are you also interested in him?"

"I've already discussed with you, so I won't take love at this time." Yao Yuanfeng said, "However, if you need my help, please tell me anytime, you will always be the top priority with me .”

Hearing what Yao Yuanfeng said, Zhou Yun just laughed in his heart and didn't take it seriously.

Yao Yuanfeng always speaks better than he sings.

"Thank you, Mr. Yao. I'm grateful for it, so I will remember it. If I need to ask Mr. Yao for help later, I will definitely call the first time."

"No problem, my phone is available for you 24 hours a day."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun shook his head and clicked his tongue.

Liu Yun heard the voice, looked back, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yun: "It's okay, I just called Yao Yuanfeng. He didn't know where he knew about my contact with Liu Qidong, so he came to inquire."

"He came to inquire...why?"

"I don't know, maybe I just heard the news and called to ask." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe he also wants to sign Liu Qidong?"

Liu Yun asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, do you want to sign Liu Qidong?"

"There is no such plan. We are a studio, and the agency work in charge of several actors is already saturated. How can we support the development of a director?" Zhou Yun said, "If it wasn't for the fact that those film companies didn't want to see Liu Qidong like this. It’s not my turn to personally invest in his new director.”

"However, you didn't just invest in him, you gave him a lot of help, those actors, and people from all walks of life." Liu Yun recently took the initiative to participate in the discussion of some affairs. Before she It's all about silence. It seems that during the recent period, she took over Zheng Xiaoju's responsibility for Zhou Yun's specific management work, which made her start to think more, "Sister Xiaoyun, it's all because of your relationship and favor. What you do for him cannot be measured by money.”

"Xiaoyun, sometimes we don't need to make comparisons, because some things are just a matter of making a phone call to me. For people like Liu Qidong who don't know those actors, they may not be able to contact them if they try their best. Venerable Master, you also know that many actors are now very tightly protected by the team, and many unknown directors want to see the actors, but they don’t even get to see them.” Zhou Yun said, “What I said is not an exaggeration at all. You know, just like Gu Huaichun, if I don't make a call for him, then Gu Huaichun's manager will directly reject him when he sees Liu Qidong's name."

"Oh, that's right." Liu Yun nodded, "I heard that Gu Huaichun has accepted another drama made by Yue Hai himself, a drama about fairy tales."

Zhou Yun: "It's not surprising that Yue Hai does this. They need Gu Huaichun to act in a big production of their own every year to make money."

Liu Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, if we invite Gu Huaichun to guest star in a new director's work, will their company agree?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm a producer, and they have to give me a little bit of support, and it's impossible to disregard Gu Huaichun's own wishes."

Zhou Yun started talking on the phone in the car.

The first is to contact Gu Huaichun.

"I have taken a fancy to a script. The script is very good. I plan to be the producer myself. There is a character in it, not the protagonist, but I would like to invite you to play it, and see if you have time." Zhou Yun said, "The shooting date is expected to be from August to October next year. Your character can be filmed in about a week. Shall I send you the script?"

Gu Huaichun asked: "A movie?"

"Yes, movie." Zhou Yun said, "How is it?"

Gu Huaichun said: "Okay, send it to me, I'll read the script first, who is the director?"

"A newcomer." Zhou Yun said, "Liu Qidong, you may not have heard of it, and you have never directed a movie independently before."

"Amazing, you have discovered a new director again." Gu Huaichun said with a smile.

"I didn't dig it, it was someone who knew I had this idea and introduced it." Zhou Yun said, "I told you a long time ago, let you look at the projects yourself, and if you see the one that suits you, just do it." Take the initiative to do it yourself, and with your current status, you can use your own strength to find a better script to shoot."

Gu Huaichun: "It's not that simple. First, my so-called status is not as high as you imagined. Second, I don't even have the right to make decisions on my own. What kind of power do I have? If I want to act in a play, I have to work hard with the company before I can continue, if I let them know that I want to be a producer, then they will be more guarded against me, afraid that I will run away."

Zhou Yun: "It will save trouble if you say some things openly and honestly. I really think so. Anyway, can they still hide you? You are very popular and have many fans. This is the best time for you to negotiate with the company. "

"Okay, okay, stop, this topic ends here, every time we have to get entangled in this topic." Gu Huaichun said, "Let's not talk about this, send me your script, I read it If there is no problem, I will take it, and I will take care of it from the company. If you are the producer of the movie, I should support it anyway."

"That's fine, I'll wait for your news. If you're not satisfied, tell me earlier, and I'll go find someone else."

"If you dare, I still have alternatives." Gu Huaichun hummed.

Zhou Yun: "You are my first choice, but if you refuse to act, I can't just rely on you to act."

Gu Huaichun laughed out loud.

"Got it."

Zhou Yun hung up the phone, sent the script to Gu Huaichun's mailbox, and then called the second person.

"Hi, Xiao Jing." The second person Zhou Yun contacted was Wang Jing.

Wang Jing asked in surprise: "Sister Xiaoyun, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I want to ask you to help me make a cameo in a movie, is that okay?" Zhou Yun said, "I've taken a fancy to a script and I'm going to do it myself, but the director is a newcomer, and the protagonist will also use a newcomer, so I need to invite some friends Come help play a role."

Upon hearing this, Wang Jing immediately said, "Okay, no problem, just let me know in advance when you need me to come over."

"Okay, thank you Xiaojing."

"However, Miss Xiaoyun, what's the story? Why does the protagonist use a newcomer?" Wang Jing asked puzzled.

"The protagonist of the story is a young boy." Zhou Yun explained.

"Sister Xiaoyun, aren't you starring?"

"If there is no suitable role, I will also play a guest role in it." Zhou Yun said.

Wang Jing: "That's it, okay, when the filming starts, I'll be here."

These two people were the ones Zhou Yun was most sure he could invite.

Not necessarily others.

Zhou Yun didn't know how many people could be invited in the end, but she had already figured it out very clearly, no matter what, no one could come to help for free, and the salary that should be given must not be less than a penny.

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