Chapter 815 Kesi (Second Change)

A look of venting anger appeared on Liu Xi's face, he fixed his eyes on Lily Crews, and said, "Isn't it just because of this that you hold a grudge against me?"

Lily Crews' face changes

After the two of them quarreled, many people gathered around.

And Liu Xi's words were like a stone thrown into the pool, and ripples immediately spread out on the surface of the pool.

Everyone's expressions and eyes on Lily Crews changed.

There may have been many people like Zhou Yun who thought that Lily Cruise didn't need to do such a thing, but now Lily Cruise has a motive.

Lily Crews noticed that everyone around her looked at her differently, and her face suddenly became ugly.

She glared at Liu Xi angrily, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Am I wrong?" Liu Xi looked at her with a sure-fire smile on his face, and said, "Isn't Cliff Stewart your ex-boyfriend?"

Lily Crews turned her head away as soon as she saw her, staggered her gaze, and hurried away.

"The film she just finished filming is the new film directed by Spielberg." Hugh Redman said.

Nakajima Ho whispered, "It turns out that Liu Xi and Lily Cruise have such a big conflict."

Zhou Yun saw that her eye sockets were still a little red, as if she had just cried.

In the end, Zhou Yun's scene was moved to the front to shoot.

One is that Cliff Stewart is pursuing Liu Xi, and the other is that Lily Crews used to be Cliff Stewart's boyfriend.

"Hear Hugh tell us, are you an actor too?" she asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I have never heard of it before."

It's a big name.

Cliff Stewart is a popular actor in Hollywood. He was nominated for an Oscar at a young age and is very popular all over the world.

Zhou Yun looked at Kesi Elliott curiously, and said, "Did you fly here from the United States?"

The shooting in the afternoon was still a very exhausting scene. Zhou Yun felt that he should have run back and forth for about five times before Tim was satisfied.

Zhou Yun and Nakashima Ho looked at each other.

Lily Crews glared at Liu Xi, and said, "Liu Xi, your bow is broken, and it has nothing to do with me. Don't get involved with Cliff Stewart, believe it or not."

In this play, there are a lot of running scenes. Tim asked the actors to improve their physical fitness.

Kes Elliott nodded and said, "Yes."

Tim Lange didn't know if he had heard about Liu Xi and Lily Cruise. Anyway, after knowing that Liu Xi's bowstring was broken, he didn't say anything, and asked people to readjust the shooting plan.

Zhou Yun looked at Liu Xi and Lily Crews in surprise, for a moment she didn't know what to say.

But Zhou Yun, who usually keeps exercising, was out of breath after the filming.

When the crew arranges the shooting, they basically arrange the scenes of Zhou Yun and Hugh Redman to be filmed at the best time slot, so the two of them generally neither come in too early nor leave too late .

Hugh Redman's girlfriend Kes Elliott is having her and Ho Nakajima to dinner this evening.

too tired.

Probably because of the presence of Kess Elliott, the atmosphere of their conversation was different from usual, and they paid more attention to every sentence before they uttered it.

Before the few of them had dinner, the atmosphere was simpler and more free.

"I'm just a newcomer, and I'm only playing a small role." Kesi Elliot waved her hand, "I can't compare with you, you are already such mature actors."

Both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

"Got it." Zhou Yun nodded, "I remember it."

In the evening, Zhou Yun changed his clothes, met with Nakajimaho in the hotel lobby, and then went to the restaurant ordered by Hugh Redman.

But she didn't say anything after all.

He said that if the actor's physical fitness is not good enough, the movement and appearance of running out will have no strength.

They meet Cos Elliott at the restaurant.

"Me too, I'm surprised," Nakajima Ho said, "but Lily Cruise is going too far."

Hugh Redman patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder, which startled Zhou Yun, and he didn't know where he came from.

Zhou Yun looked back at Lily Crews in surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot again," said Kess Elliott, "when I saw them both I wanted to say thank you."

After Zhou Yun finished filming this scene, he can call it a day.

"When Xio was attacked before, thank you two for helping him clarify the facts."

The moment Cliff Stewart's name came out of Liu Xi's mouth, there seemed to be a buzzing in the audience, and then, discussions arose, and everyone was whispering about the name.

Kess Elliott nodded and said, "Yes, I just finished filming my last film and have no other work for the time being, so I came here."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Pass Lily Crews' lounge just in time to see her coming out of it.

The four eat and chat together.

Kesi Elliott looks sweet, she smiled first when she saw them, and said, "Hi, I finally see you."

She hugged Hugh Redman's arm, leaning against Hugh Redman's body in an attachment-like posture.

Zhou Yun and Nakashima Ho greeted her.

She turned away.

This is what Hugh Redman told them before.

Liu Xi took a deep breath, tears rolling in his eyes.

Hugh Redman sat down holding Cos Elliott's hand and said to them: "Cos has always wanted to know you, and today she finally got her wish."

Because the bow was broken and needed to be rewound, Liu Xi's shooting plan had to be postponed.

She went to her own lounge to change, and was going to go back to the hotel to take a shower after changing.

Hugh Redman said, "Don't forget, let's have dinner together tonight."

"Wow." Nakajima Ho said pleasantly, "A new film directed by Spielberg? It's amazing."

Hugh Redman: "Baby, we agreed not to talk about it."

Hugh Redman probably also noticed that Liu Jianglin and Nakajima Ho were different from usual, so he took the initiative to mention what happened in the crew today.

"What happened to Liu Xi and Lily today? I heard that there was a big conflict between the two of them."

"Ah, don't you know?" Nakajima Ho's eyes widened, "I thought everyone in the crew knew about it."

Hugh Redman said: "I went to have dinner with Kesi at noon, and I came back late. After filming my scene, I didn't know what to do. I only heard other people say that they had a big quarrel."

(End of this chapter)

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